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Name : Tri Fajar Maulana

Nim : 20018100
Course : Advanced Listening

Part 1 : Vocabulary
Campus Services

1. Label the building with the words in the box

1. Library
2. Medical Care
3. Sport centre
4. Halls of residence

2. Match the building with the definitions below.

1. This is where you go to get fit Sports Centre
2. You go here when you are sick and need to get a prescription Medical Centre
3. This is where you will find all kinds of reference materials,including
journals,films,computers and all the information you need for you studies Library
4. This is where students live on campus Halls of residence
5. You go here when you want to listen to music Concert

3. Choose the correct spelling to complete the sentences

1. The lecturer told his students to read Through the article quickly
2. There was a long ago queue of people waiting at the medical centre to see the doctor
3. The university has a number of Restaurants
4. A lot of people enjoy meeting vistors from Foreign countries
5. To get to the library , take the first road on the left and keep walking Until you get to the
end of the road
6. The tutor’s office is on the Twelfth
4. In each group circle the preposition or phrase that does NOT belong to the group.

1. On top of , into , over , above.

2. Next to , far away, nearby , close to
3. Outside , inside , within , into
4. behind , opposite , infront, facing
5. Beside , next to , between, at the side of

5. Read the description of a university campus and label the buildings on the plan

1.E. Theatre
2.D. Shop
3.C. Student union
4.B. Night club
5.A. Sports centre

1. Complete the sentences with the correct ending from the box

1. Take the lift up to the twelfth floor and the tutor’s office is the third on The right
2. To get to the bank , cross the road at the library and turn left at The corner
3. Go down the footpath to the main road and the station’s right Opposite
4. Turn left at the top of the stairs , go along to the end of the corridor and you’ll see the
seminar room Straight ahead of you
5. Take the second road on the right , then , first left and you’ll find the physics building next
to the Medical centre
6. Go along the main path as far as the canteen , then follow it round to the left until you get
To the lake
Track 38
1. The sports centre is on the other side of the wood
2. The lecture theatre in the law school is on the first floor
3. To reach the business school, you take the footpath round the lake
4. The theatre is across the green
5. The nearest bus stop is opposite the student union building
6. The bank is next to the shop

Track 39
1. Which floor is the library coffe shop on? On the ground floor
2. What does sandra like to do there ? Meet her friends
3. Where is the silent zone? On the fourth floor
4. Where does tom live? Tom live in a hall of residence on campus
5. How many people live in sandra’s house? Four people
6. What does Tom often do near Sandra’s house? Play football on the pitch next to the
sports centre

Track 40
1. D. College dining room
2. A. Fast food hall
3. B. Snack bar

Track 41
1. A. PC Zone
2. B. Library cafe
3. C. Cookbooks
4. E. Silent zone
Track 42

5. First look up the title in the online catalogue

6. The class mark is one or two letters and a number
7. The plan shows you where to look for the books

Track 43

8. What do you need to scan first? ID card first

9. What does the scanner do when you scan a book? Makes a sound
10. What does the system do at the end? Prints a ticket

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