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Pre-service English Teachers in Teaching Online English

Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic


Ardi Pangestu


English Study Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Jambi University

Pre-service English Teachers in Teaching Online English

Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic


Ardi Pangestu


English Study Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Jambi University



TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study..........................................................................................1
1.2 Research questions..................................................................................................3
1.3 Purposes of the research..........................................................................................3
1.4 Limitation of the research........................................................................................3
1.5 Significances of the Research...................................................................................3
1.6 Definition of key terms.............................................................................................4
CHAPTER II.........................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE......................................................................................5
2.1 Online Learning........................................................................................................5
2.2 Online Learning Implementation..............................................................................5
2.3 Advantages of online learning..................................................................................7
2.4 Disadvantages of online learning.............................................................................8
2.5 Online learning platform..........................................................................................9
2.6 Previous study........................................................................................................10
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................................13
RESEARCH METHODS.......................................................................................................13
3.1 Research Design.....................................................................................................13
3.2 Research Site and Access.......................................................................................14
3.3 Participants............................................................................................................14
.3.4 Data Collection Techniques...................................................................................14
3.4.1 Interview.........................................................................................................14
3.5 Instrument of data collection.................................................................................15
3.5.1 Interview Protocol...........................................................................................16

3.6 Trustworthiness.....................................................................................................17
3.7 Data Analysis Technique.........................................................................................18
1. Organizing and preparing data for analysis..........................................................18
2. Reading through all data......................................................................................19
3. Coding..................................................................................................................19
4. Interrelating Themes and description..................................................................19
5. Interpretation.......................................................................................................20
BAB IV..............................................................................................................................21
FINDING AND DISCUSSION...............................................................................................21
4.1 Finding and Discussion...........................................................................................21
4.1.1 Pre-service teacher in teaching online English Learning..................................21
4.1.2 Problems and solutions in teaching online English learning during the Covid-19
BAB V...............................................................................................................................35
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION......................................................................................35
5.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................................35
5.2 Suggestions............................................................................................................37
Appendix 1.......................................................................................................................44
Letter of Permission.........................................................................................................44
Appendix 2.......................................................................................................................48
Interview Protocol............................................................................................................48
Appendix 3.......................................................................................................................53
Picture and Graphic..........................................................................................................53




1.1 Background of the study

Covid-19 pandemic is a virus that spreads massively and dangerous for

human health. Because of the danger of covid-19, there are many things that we

must obey to avoid and protect our health from this outbreak, one of which is to

do social distancing by staying at home. The educational field is one of those

fields affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, in which conventional learning cannot

be done because of health concerns. Worrying about school communities' health,

Mendikbud makes a solution to prevent it by implementing learning from home,

which is online learning as a result, the situation challenges schools in Indonesia

and forces teachers and students to use online instead of conventional learning.

Previous learning activities used traditional learning methods, but due

to the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning method changed to online learning. This

problem requires students and teachers not to interact and carry out face-to-face

learning, known as Physical distancing or social distancing.

The effect of physical distancing, a learning activity usually carried out in

classrooms, cannot be done. However, implementing online learning as a learning

method can overcome this problem because online learning provides benefits for

implementing virtual learning, which does not need to be done in the classroom.

According to Dhawan (2020), online learning can be a cure for the learning

system in the Covid-19 pandemic due to its accessibility and affordability. Online

learning offers easy accessibility and affordability for teachers to conduct virtual

classes, one of the online learning advantages.

According to Adnan (2020), online learning provides safety classroom in

guarding students' and teachers' health during the Covid-19 pandemic; on the

other hand, online learning is not effective as traditional learning. Moreover,

besides having easy accessibility and affordability advantages, online learning

also has disadvantages such as internet issues, low motivation, improper devices,

boring, etc. Because of that, teachers need to be aware of the online learning

disadvantages. Knowing the weaknesses in online learning, teachers need to take

the proper steps to successfully carry out successful online learning.

Before doing online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, English pre-

service teachers were provided with some courses that learn about the usage of

technologies, microteaching in a conventional class. However, those courses do

not teach about how to carry out and control the class online. In which the

problem will affect the teacher's ability to teach a lesson in the online class.

Thus, the researcher thinks it is necessary to discuss pre-service English

teachers in teaching online English learning during the covid-19 pandemic,

looking for English pre-service teacher problems and how pre-service English

teachers overcome the learning problem.

1.2 Research questions
1. .What do Pre-service English teachers do in teaching online English

learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

2. What are Pre-service English teachers’ problems and solutions in teaching

English for EFL classes during online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic?

1.3 Purposes of the research

This study aims to see what pre-service teachers do in teaching online

English learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, including how pre-service

teachers see and overcome online learning obstacles.

1.4 Limitation of the research

This research was carried out at one of the universities in the Jambi area.

The researcher made a limitation by selecting participants based on pre-service

teachers who already have experience teaching online learning during the Covid-

19 pandemic.

1.5 Significances of the Research

By implementing this study, the researcher wishes that this study's finding

can be a source of knowledge for teachers, pre-service teachers regarding online

learning implementation during the covid-19 pandemic. The researcher also hopes

this research can be a source of information for other researchers interested in the

same field.

1.6 Definition of key terms

To avoid misunderstanding of the key terms used in this study, the key

terms are defined as follows:

Pre-service teacher

According to Arum (2019), pre-service teachers refer to an individual who

engages in teaching practice in the school or field of study.

Online Learning

According to Dahwan (2020), online learning is the learning situation,

including synchronous and asynchronous use devices such as handphones,

computers, and laptops are connected to the internet.



2.1 Online Learning

According to Zhafira (2020), online learning is used in every educational

institution to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus and maintain the safety of

students and teachers. According to Dahwan (2020), online learning is the

learning situation, including synchronous and asynchronous devices such as

handphones, computers, and laptops connected to the internet. Based on Basilaia

(2020), online learning refers to a learning environment that needs to use the

internet, video, audio, and software to make an online class. According to Rahayu

(2020), online learning is a learning situation where students and teachers teach

and learn from the home and use technology to conduct a virtual class.

Based on the experts' definition, it can be concluded that online learning is

a learning environment using technology to interact and collaborate between

students and teachers flexibly in a virtual world. Moreover, online learning in the

Covid-19 pandemic focuses on providing safety classes for teachers and learners.

2.2 Online Learning Implementation

Implementing online learning cannot be separated from an internet

connection and a platform that supports the implementation process. Besides,

other things need to be a concern for the implementation of online learning.

According to Riyana (N.D), the implementation of online implementation is the

same as conventional learning structured and systematic, whose activities include

preparing syllabus, learning materials, media, and learning resources.

Implementation of learning is the action of the steps that are arranged in the lesson

plan. According to Cintiasih (2020), the teacher makes a simpler lesson plan in

online learning, namely a one-sheet lesson plan under government

recommendations. According to Pratama (2020), in implementing online learning

during a pandemic, the time and material taught are less and simpler.

Online learning has various types, which types must suit the needs and

abilities of students. According to Steve (2020), there are some methods in

implementing online learning, namely Asynchronous and Synchronous. The

discussions of the two methods in the following discussion below.

According to Steve (2020), Asynchronous is a type of online learning that

proposes online learning does not need to do in real-time learning. Asynchronous,

students are facilitated with material, task, and time to finish the task. This type

does not have class meeting time where asynchronous is suitable for a busy and

crowded learning environment, making students create their schedule by

themselves. According to Yulia (2020), Asynchronous refers to a virtual class

with a delay time between teacher stimulus and the student’s response. It can also

be concluded that asynchronous learning is a learning situation with pause time

that requires technology as a medium for accessing material or resources provided

by the teacher.

Synchronous is a type of online learning that enable teacher and students

to communicate online at the same time. According to Rasmitadila (2020),

Synchronous is a learning shape that provides direct interaction between student

and teacher simultaneously using online forms like online chat and online video

meetings. Based on Yulia (2020), Synchronous refers to the learning process uses

technology to interact between students and teacher in real-time.

From the definitions expressed by experts, it can be inferred that

synchronous learning is a learning method using devices connected to the internet

to link students with learning resources such as teachers and materials where

synchronous learning requires them to communicate in real-time. On the other

hand, they communicate directly without delay time.

2.3 Advantages of online learning

Online learning in teaching material and teaching methods also has

advantages and disadvantages in implementing online learning. The research

result can be adopted as a source of knowledge to improve the quality of online

learning. According to Yulia (2020), online learning has the benefit of preventing

the spread of Covid-19. Based on Priyanka (2020), online learning has some

advantages: efficiency, accessibility of time and place, affordability, and various

learning styles. According to Mukhtar (2020), online learning has advantages

during the Covid-19 pandemic: flexibility and effectiveness in conducting online

classes and students' easy access to the material. According to Backzek (2020),

Online learning also used to minimize the effect of lockdown

2.4 Disadvantages of online learning
Despite the advantages, online learning also has weaknesses when applied

in the education field. Various studies also explain that online learning poses

disadvantages. According to Valentina (2004), there are some disadvantages in

online learning such as online learning makes students boring, lack of interaction,

online learning does not give much time to explain and suggest, it less effective

than conventional learning, online learning gives more chances to do bad

activities such as cheating, plagiarism, the ease of copy-paste from other's work.

Based on Dhawan (2020), there are disadvantages in implementing online

learning are; technical issues like unstable internet connection and error in the

application, learner’s capability to use technology, difficulty to manage time, a

distraction from the environment, lack of attention from the students to toward


Based on Fatoni (2020), online learning has disadvantages such as

unstable internet connection, content is not explained clearly, less concentration,

and inadequate content from teachers. Based on Nartiningrum (2020), blackout

and unstable internet connections are the problems in online learning. Knowing

the disadvantages of online learning allow teachers to know what solutions are

needed to implement online learning in the educational field. Besides, knowing

the disadvantages of online learning can reduce the problems that occur in online


2.5 Online learning platform
The platforms for carrying out online learning can be of various kinds.

These platforms are commonly used in conducting online English learning.

According to Fahmi (2020), platforms frequently used in teaching online are:

Platform Type of platform Categorization

WhatsApp Synchronous Instant Messaging, VoIP
, Asynchronous

Zoom Synchronous Video Conferencing

Google Meet Synchronous Video Conferencing
Microsoft Synchronous Video Conferencing
Google Asynchronous LMS
Edmodo Asynchronous LMS
Moodle Asynchronous LMS
Youtube Synchronous , Asynchronous Streaming Video, Video on
Google Form Asynchronous Cloud Form
Google Drive Asynchronous Cloud Storage
Quizizz Asynchronous Gamification Task
Gmail Asynchronous Email

Figure 1. Fahmi (2020)

Zoom is a video communication platform capable of providing meetings,

webinars, and content sharing. According to Guzacheva (2020), Zoom allows

English teachers to examine and explore the four English skills through

communication. Google Classroom is a learning medium created by Google, used

to distribute materials and tasks virtually.

WhatsApp is a communication application that has various features to

support communication between people. According to Utami (2020), steps

teaching English on WhatsApp are teacher share a link or material to WhatsApp

group, give the student time to understand the material, and finally checking

students’ understanding through online discussion using WhatsApp group

2.6 Previous study

The researcher saw several previous studies related to this research.

Several previous studies were used to enrich the information. On the other hand, a

previous study gives input in conducting this research.

According to Allo (2020), the research title was online learning good amid

the Covid-19 Pandemic. Allo discussed EFL learners' perception of online

learning amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and problems in online learning. The

method Allo used was the qualitative method. The research’s subject was the

learners of the English study program of UKI Toraja. The instrument was a semi-

structured interview using WhatsApp.

Furthermore, the data source was taken from interviewing the participant’s

opinions towards online learning. After that, he categorized the data and analyzed

them in descriptive explanation. At the end of the research result, the researcher

reveals that the learners have a positive attitude toward online learning and give

lectures on the learner’s conditions, especially financial ability, internet issues,

and choosing practical applications in implementing online learning.

Based on Rasmitadila (2020), the title was The Perceptions of Primary

School Teachers of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A

Case Study in Indonesia. This research discussed primary teachers' perceptions of

online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic period and analyzed teachers'

experiences, including four main themes: instructional strategies, challenges,

support, and teachers' motivation. This study used a qualitative research design.

Data were then collected through surveys and semi-structured interviews. The

researcher used Google form to collect the data for surveys, and interviews were

collected using WhatsApp.

She interpreted the data in a descriptive explanation. The research results

represent elementary school teachers who teach in online learning. They asked to

create an online learning situation that matches students' needs and backgrounds.

Besides, this research represents that creating successful online learning needs to

combine some strategies, including flexibility of national curriculum,

collaboration, and technological readiness.

Lestinawati (2020), discussed online learning with the title Strategies and

Problems Faced by Indonesian Teachers in Conducting ELearning System During

COVID-19 Outbreak. This research focuses on describing applied strategies and

problems faced by the teacher in an online class. This research used three

strategies in conducting online learning: online chat, video conference, and

combining both methods in conducting an online class. This research was used

descriptive qualitative approach participants of this research fifty-five students of

junior high school and senior high school.

In finding the data, she used two instruments: online questionnaires and

interviews by utilizing Google form as a medium to get the data. This research

showed that the most used platform in conducting online learning was WhatsApp.

She used WhatsApp because it is a free application that takes less quota internet.

The other result also shows the problems in online learning. They are school

facilities supporting online classes, and the teacher feels it is challenging to

explain materials, good smartphones, and good internet connection.

Based on the previous study mentioned, each of the studies done in 2020

indicated that online learning in the educational field massively began. The result

of the previous study can be information for the researcher because the researcher

also conducts this research in 2020, which is still the same as the previous study.

The results of the previous study from the other research were almost the same. In

each of the studies mentioned above, online learning problems have different

difficulty capacities due to the difference in the place and subject of the study.

Moreover, the difference between the previous studies to my research lies in the

subject, where the subjects of this study are pre-service English teachers with no

much experience.



This chapter deals with the research method, which provides research design,

research site, data collection, trustworthiness, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The approach that is used in this research is the qualitative approach.

Qualitative research is a study focus on human thinking and humanities problems.

Then, one of the characteristics of qualitative research is natural data. Qualitative

research allows the researcher to take the data into objects directly in the actual

situation without any intervention. According to Creswell (2009), qualitative

study is an inquiry process in understanding a social or human problem in the

natural setting described by words. According to Creswell (2009), qualitative

research to collect the data in a natural setting uses an instrument such as

interviews, observation, and documents. Meanwhile, this research used one

interview as a data collection to collect the data.

Then, to deliver the findings and the results of this research used

descriptive design. According to Nassaji (2015), descriptive research intends to

represent the phenomenon. According to Nassaji (2015), one basis of descriptive

research involves actual data. In addition, the researcher used descriptive research

because it is matched with the intention of this research to get the data naturally.

Then the description of the data is explained in the form of words.

3.2 Research Site and Access
The research site of this study was in one of the universities in Jambi that

had a teaching practice program to teach online classes. The researcher made a

letter of permission to the university's academic staff to get access to conducting

this research. But, this research was conducted online because the covid-19

pandemic did not allow the researcher to go directly to the field. Then, in

collecting the data, the researcher used WhatsApp to interact with the participants.

3.3 Participants
Before this research was done, the researcher decided six pre-service

English teacher students be participants in this research. However, after

conducting interviews with all participants, the researcher took three pre-service

teachers to participate in this research. The criteria for selecting participants were

based on the availability of participants and pre-service teachers who have

experience teaching online learning during the covid-19 pandemic.

.3.4 Data Collection Techniques

According to Creswell (2009), there are four instruments to collect the

data in qualitative research such as interview, observation, document, and audio-

visual material. Meanwhile, this study only used interview instruments to collect

the data from the participants.

3.4.1 Interview
According to Lambert (2008), an interview collects information and data

about the participant’s feelings or experiences toward the phenomenon. According

to Anozie (2020), interviews are divided into four types such as structured

interview, unstructured interview, semi-structured interview, and focus group.

Meanwhile, this research used semi-structured interviews. According to Michael

(2009), the focus in using semi-structural techniques is to ask an experience from

the participants, not just to answer a collection of questions asked. In Addition,

semi-structured interviews enable the researcher to add or discard the question list

during the interview process to look for a more-depth explanation from


Based on the explanation above, the researcher conducted semi-structured

interviews to get information from a participant regarding what pre-service

teachers do in teaching online English learning and the problem and solutions

faced in teaching online learning. Firstly, before conducting the interview section,

the researcher asked participants to participate in an interview. Then, the

participant offered two interview methods, namely via WhatsApp or face-to-face

interview. After that, the researcher did an interview scheduled with the

participants according to their free time. Along the interview process, the

researcher focused on asking the participants based on the researcher’s interview

questions made by the researcher. However, the researcher also added and

discarded the question depending on participants’ ideas.

3.5 Instrument of data collection????

The research instrument is helpful to collect data. To make this research

run well, the accuracy of instrument selection is one of the essential things for

conducting research. Then, this study used one way to collect the data, namely,

interview. In conducting the interview process, the researcher made an interview


3.5.1 Interview Protocol

Along the interview process, the researcher was helped by interview

protocol to make it easier for the researcher to carry out the interview process.

Then, interview guidelines are used as guidance for the researcher to interview the

participants. Meanwhile, the researcher also used supporting items such as audio-

recording from handphones to help the researcher record the participants' ideas

and information. Furthermore, in the interview protocol, there were twenty-one

questions prepared for the participants. Then participants needed to answer the

questions list during the interview process. The questions were related to how pre-

service teachers teach online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and pre-

service teachers’ problems and solutions in teaching online learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic. The list of themes and amount of questions was stated below

No Theme Total of questions

1. Understanding of Online Learning 1-4 (RQ1)

2. Pre-service Teacher Preparation 5-7 (RQ1)

3. Online learning platform 8-9 (RQ1)

4. Implementing online learning 10-14 (RQ1)

a. Synchronous

b. Asynchronous

5. Reflection 15-17(RQ1)

6. Problem faced by pre-service teacher 18-20 (RQ2)

7. Solution 21 (RQ2)

3.6 Trustworthiness
According to Elo (2014), trustworthiness aims to support the truth in data

search. Based on Mecarisce (2020), valid data has conformity between the data

reported and the data in the field. Besides, Trustworthiness aimed to prove and

test the data obtained from the field whether the data obtained was valid or data

manipulation. In trustworthiness, there are four kinds of validation testing

techniques in content analysis. According to Mecarisce (2020), the techniques are

tests of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability. In this

study, researchers used a data validation technique, which member checking.

Member check is the process of checking research data on research

participants. According to Marisce (2020), the purpose of doing a member check

is to check the information provided by participants to get conformity. The

purpose of the member check is to check the data obtained by the participants’

research to report the data as desired by the participants. The first step in

conducting member checking was to provide the participants’ interview

transcripts. Then, the researcher gave the participant the freedom to make changes

if a sentence was not under their desire. The participants could also add

information if there is data that has not been submitted during the interview.

3.7 Data Analysis Technique
In analyzing the data, the researcher used the Creswell technique to

analyze the data from the participants. According to Creswell (2009), the steps are

as follow in the picture below:

Figure 2. Creswell (2009)

1. Organizing and preparing data for analysis

According to Creswell (2007), organizing and preparing data involved

transcribing interview audio recordings and other sources. In this research, the

first stage that the researcher did was compiling and preparing the data. After that,

the second step was organizing the data, which in this case, the researcher

transcribed the interview recording. Thus, the researcher did validation data

through member checks. In this case, the researcher gave the data to the

participants to check the correctness of the data result before conducting further

steps. Member checking allowed the participants to decrease or add data until

there was a deal between the participants and the researcher.

2. Reading through all data
According to Creswell (2007), reading all data is an activity to read all the

data obtained to understand the information. At this stage, the researcher read all

the data obtained from the interviews and member checks repeatedly until the

researcher understands the data.

3. Coding
According to Creswell (2007), coding is a process of labeling data in which

data labeling can be done by hand and computer. In this phase, the researcher was

helped by Nvivo software to conduct the coding data process. Therefore, below

are the steps have been done by the researcher along conducted the coding data

process through Nvivo:

1. The first step was to read all the data and highlight the data or transcribed

interviews based on the themes that have been decided.

2. The second step was to import the interview transcribe to the Nvivo


3. The third step was making code in the Nvivo software based on the


4. The fourth step was to put the participants’ answers in the transcribe into

the theme

5. The fifth step was to create graphics and percentages based on the result

4. Interrelating Themes and description

According to Creswell (2007), Themes are wide chunks of information that

consist of some codes to conduct a general idea. According to Creswell (2009),

Description helps present accurate information about participants, places, and

phenomena. In this research, the researcher described the themes and the marks

used as discussions in this research. Then, the next step was comparing the results

of the study found with theories from other researchers.

5. Interpretation
According to Creswell (2009), the interpretation phase is a phase to

understand the data. In this step, the researcher interpreted all existing data to

understand and answer research questions. Then, after getting the answers to the

research questions. The final data explained in descriptive form.



4.1 Findings and Discussion

4.1.1 Pre-service teacher in teaching online English Learning

In this research question, the researcher was concerned about teaching

online learning during the covid-19 pandemic and how pre-service teachers

implement online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Teaching in online English learning during Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought changes to the education system,

which affected the switching of conventional learning to online learning. The

switching was a recommendation from the education minister, written in letter

Number 4 of 2020, about implementing education in the Covid-19 emergency

period. The implementation of education refers to online learning. Online learning

is not done face-to-face and uses devices like handphones or computers connected

to the internet to link teachers and students in the online learning process.

Participant 1 expressed an opinion about the meaning of online learning, as

explained by the quote below:

“Jadi pembelajaran online adalah pembelajaran online yang dilakukan

dengan menggunakan alat bantu dengan menggunakan media
pembelajaran seperti aplikasi yang dapat membantu siswa dan guru
menjadi terhubung, terhubung satu sama lain sehingga terjadi interaksi di
antara mereka.”

(“So online learning was an online learning carried out using tools using
learning media such as applications that can help students and teachers
become connected, connected to each other so that there is an interaction
between them”)

Then one of the points in the letter’s Minister of Education and Culture is

to emphasize the spread of the coronavirus and maintain the safety of teachers and

students from the spread of the virus so that online learning needs to be done. The

functions of implementing online learning were also a discussion that the

researchers discussed with the interviewees. The function of online learning not

only to carrying out the learning and teaching process during the pandemic.

Online learning also serves as a way for teacher’s support toward the

government's decision to suppress the spread of the coronavirus. As explained by

participant 1 below:

“penggunaanya itukan tujuannya untuk menenkan corona ya… jadi kalo

ditanya tentang fungsi sih menurut saya ya untuk mensupport ee
keputusan pemerintah”

(“..The intention of online learning was to suppress the corona… So if

you were asked about the function, I thought it was to support the
government's decision”)

Then, the discussion about the difference between conventional learning

and online learning is also a discussion to find out the pre-service teacher's

understanding of online learning. Changes in learning activities are conventional

learning to online learning result in significant changes in the education system.

These changes include duration of learning, interaction, and teaching media.

Quotes explain the following from all participants:

P1: ”dalam situasi pandemi, proses belajar kita tidak terlalu lama… tidak
sebanyak saat kita mengajar di pembelajaran konvensional”

P1: (“in a pandemic situation, our learning process was not too long…not
as much time as when we were teaching in conventional learning”)
P2: ”Secara konvensional, kita bisa mengetahui bagaimana kondisi siswa,
memperhatikan atau tidak. Sedangkan pembelajaran online kita tidak bisa
mengetahui kondisi siswa dan pemahaman siswa.”

P2: (” in the conventional, we could know what condition the student was
in, pay attention or not. While online learning we cannot know the
condition of the student and student’s understanding.”)

P3: ” Pada pembelajaran konvensional menggunakan buku dan

whiteboard, kemudian untuk pembelajaran online menggunakan google
meeting atau zoom”

P3: (“In the conventional learning used book and whiteboard, then for
online learning use Google meeting or zoom”)

In general, before pre-service teachers carry out the teaching training

process, they have been provided with courses related to conventional learning

and teaching processes. However, in the current COVID-19 pandemic, they were

required to adapt and be creative in carrying out teaching training activities

following the current state of education. However, based on the results of a study

by the researcher, participants explained that in the English education study

program, a pre-service teacher had supplied subjects for them to teach using

technology media long before the COVID-19 pandemic occurs.

There were two courses that help them to carry out online learning. The

first was the TELL course. According to participant 1, TELL courses were quite

helpful for pre-service teachers to teach during online learning. The following is

an explanation from participant 1:

“Ada itu mata kuliahnya seperti teknologi informasi TELL, itukan

matakuliahnya disediakan dari prodi itu cukup membantu sih karena basically
itu juga kita gunakan pada saat kita mengajar kan”

(“There was course such as TELL information technology... it was quite

helpful because we also use it when we teach”)
The next course that helps pre-service teachers to conduct online learning

is ICT. According to participant 3, ICT courses play a role for pre-service to

understand the use of platforms that can be used to teach in online learning. As

stated by participant 3:

“Ya, ICT… membantu, jadi saya bisa memahami platform yang bisa kita
gunakan untuk mengajar secara online.”

(“Yes, ICT… it was helpful, so I could understand the platforms that we can
use to teach online.”)

The two things above were preparations from the campus, especially the

English language study program at Jambi University, which pre-service teachers

use to conduct learning. Aside from that, the pre-service teacher also prepares

several things before implementing the online learning process. The preparations

made by pre-service teachers are preparing lesson plans, learning materials,

making PowerPoint, informing the learning schedule to students, and finally,

making attendance.

The first preparation is to prepare a lesson plan. According to participant

1, their preparation before teaching was to make a lesson plan based on the

direction of the supervising teacher. As explained by participant 1 in the below:

“Ya, kami disuruh menyiapkan rencana pelajaran. RPP kami buat sendiri,
tapi kami masih diberi contoh RPP dari guru pembimbing.”

(“Well, we were told to prepare a lesson plan. We made the lesson plan
ourselves, but we were still given an example of a lesson plan from
supervising teacher.”)

The next preparation made by the pre-service teacher is preparing teaching

materials. Learning materials created for teaching are packaged into PPT format.

As delivered by participant 2 regarding that:

"I prepare the material to teach, and it can be in the form of a ppt."

The next preparation made by the pre-service teacher is informing the

students' learning schedule. Before informing the pre-service learning schedule,

the teacher creates a Google meeting link and student attendance, and then the

link wass shared to the WhatsApp group 10 minutes before the lesson will start.

The following explanation from participant 2 regarding it:

‘menyiapkan link zoom atau link google meet baru saya menyiapkan
absensi dan kordinasi di grup whatsapp kalau misalnya jam pembelajaran
akan dimulai dalam 10 menit.

("Set up a new Google meet link. After that, I prepared attendance and
coordination in the WhatsApp group such as learning hours would start
in 10 minutes.")

The next discussion that becomes a concern in this research is the online

learning platform. Pre-service teachers used several platforms to conduct online

learning. However, before teaching, the pre-service teacher determined the criteria

of the platform to be used. According to participant 2, the criteria were easy to

access, there was no time limit, and it did not burden students. As delivered by

participant 2 regarding that matter:

"…tidak ada batasan waktu dan.. juga lebih mudah dijangkau… Saya
memiliki kriteria tertentu yang dapat diakses oleh semua siswa dan tidak
membebani siswa."

("…there was no time limit and…easier to reach… I had certain criteria that
can be accessed by all students and do not burden students.")

Then, after deciding the platform criteria, the pre-service teacher used a

platform that matches the criteria described above. The platform used by the pre-

service teacher is divided into three platforms, namely Google Meeting, Google

Classroom, and WhatsApp. The following is an explanation from participants 2

and 3 regarding this matter:

P2:”Google classroom juga lebih mudah untuk diakses

P2: (” Google classroom was also easier to access)

P2:”…kalo whatsapp semua siswa punya whatsapp jadi saya punya kriteria
tertentu yang bisa diakses semua siswa…”

P2 (”…for WhatsApp, all students had WhatsApp so I had certain criteria

that can be accessed by all students)

P3:” kami lebih sering menggunakan Google Meet karena waktunya tidak

P3: (” we used Google Meet mainly because the time was not limited”)

Furthermore, each platform used by the pre-service teacher has a different

function. Functions that are utilized from the platform such as to teach, contact

students, and collect assignments. The following is what participants 1, 2, and 3


P1:" kalo menginfromasikan pembelajaran kami menggunakan whatsapp”

P1: (“in informing students we used WhatsApp.”

P2: “kalo untuk kumpulin tugas bisa di WhatsApp dan satu lagi google

P2: (“to gathered the assignments we used WhatsApp and another is Google

P3: “kalau untuk mengajar kami pakek Google meet”

P3: (“to taught student we used Google meet”)

26 The way pre-service teachers implement online learning
The next discussion is online learning implementation. In this discussion,

discuss how the pre-service teacher implemented online learning to do the

teaching. The first thing to implement learning is to know the duration of the

teaching time. For the duration of teaching time, the pre-service teacher was given

20 minutes. The following is an explanation from participant 1 regarding this


“kita cuman dikasih waktu itu tu, basically kalo cuman untuk
menerapkannya cuman 20 menit”

(“We gave time at the moment, basically to implement only 20 minutes” )

In addition, when implementing online learning, supervising teachers

always join online classes. The task of the supervising teacher is to supervise the

pre-service teachers when implementing the online learning process. As delivered

by participant 1:

“Guru masuk ke google meeting dan memantau proses pembelajaran.”

(“Teacher joined our Google meeting class, and monitoring the learning

Then, the first steps taken by the pre-service teacher when carrying out

online learning are checking students’ attendance and greeting students. The

opening activity takes about 3 minutes. The following is an explanation from

participant 1 regarding this:

“Di awal itu kami nyapa student dan memeriksa absen siswa”

“In the opening, we did greeting and checking student’s attendance.”

The next step is to explain the material. What the pre-service teacher

does is provide and explain the material to be taught. Pre-service teachers were

assisted with teaching media such as PPT to deliver the learning materials. The

following are quotes from participant1 and 2 regarding the following:

P1: Nah setelah selesai absen, kami langsung ngajar siswa

P1: “when checking student’s attendance done, then we taught the student.”

P2: “Saya meggunakan video dan ppt untuk mengajar”

P2: “I used video and PowerPoint to explain the material.”

Then the last step is closing. In the closing pre-service activity, the

teacher made a question and answer session. On this occasion, the teacher gave

questions such as quizzes to students. And students are also allowed to ask

questions about the material being taught. As delivered by participant 1:

“Kalo closing sih kami cuman nanya , students sejauh ini apa yang mau
ditanyakan, juga offer question to students, seperti ngasih pertanyan
pertanyaan quiz”

" In the closing, we asked the student, what students have so far wanted to
ask, also offered questions to students, like giving the quiz."

For the methods used during the teaching process, the pre-service teacher

uses two methods. These methods are synchronous and asynchronous. As

conveyed by participant 1 regarding that:

“dua-duanya kita pakek sih synchronous dan asynchronous”

(“We used both of them synchronous and asynchronous”)

The method that the researcher discusses first is synchronous. The

researcher uses Rasmitadila's theory to discuss the synchronous learning method.

According to Rasmitadila (2020), synchronous is a learning shape that provides

direct interaction between student and teacher simultaneously using online forms

like online chat and online video meetings. The synchronous discussion is also the

subject of interviews conducted for each participant. This opinion is related to

what was stated by participant 1 that the definition and model of synchronous

learning is a learning method using a platform that allows direct interaction. And

also the platform used for the implementation of the synchronous method is

Google Meeting. As stated by participant 1 bellows:

“kalo synchronous kita kan pakek google metting yang mana interaksnya
secara langsung”

("…synchronous, we used Google meeting, where the interaction was


Then, pre-service teachers used the synchronous method frequently to

carry out the online learning process. This reason is that the supervising teacher

directs them to participate more directly. After all, the synchronous method

provides more experience for pre-service teachers. The following is a quote from

pre-service teachers regarding this matter below:

P1: “Kita lebih diarahkan untuk menggunakan synchronous method”

P1: (“We are more directed to use the synchronous method”)

a P3:”…Lebih banyak pengalaman mengajar di synchronous method”

P3: (”… more teaching experience in the synchronous”)

The next method is asynchronous. According to Steve (2020),

Asynchronous is a type of online learning that proposes online learning does not

need to do in real-time learning. Asynchronous, students are facilitated with

material, task, and time to finish the task. Following this theory, the asynchronous

learning method, according to participant 1 was also used to provide students with

information on learning schedules, materials, and assignments. As delivered by

participant 1 bellows:

“Kalo asynchronous ya kita juga ada pakek wa, cara nginfokan siswa tentang
jadwal atau ngeshare materi yang udah diajarin”

(“If it's asynchronous, we utilized Whatsapp we informed students about the

schedule or share the material that has been taught”)

In addition, the asynchronous learning method is not often used by pre-

service teachers. For asynchronous learning method that takes more control of

teaching is a supervising teacher. The teacher uses it to assign assignments and

collect assignments. As stated by participants 1 and 2 regarding that:

P1: “Guru pamong lebih banyak wewenangnya di asynchronous, guru

pamong yang handle di sana seperti bagikan tugas pada siswa

P1: “supervised teacher had more authority in the asynchronous, supervised

teacher handling in there such as giving the assignment to student”

P2: “Guru pendamping lebih kearah asynchronous untuk mengumpulkan


P2 “supervise teacher focused on asynchronous to collect tasks.”

The next discussion that becomes the researcher's concern is about

reflection. Reflection was carried out after the learning process was done. In the

pre-service reflection activity, the teacher discusses and corrects their learning

process with their friends and supervisor. However, for a more intensive

reflection, it is done with their supervising teacher. As stated by participant 1:

“Melakukan refleksinya dengan teman secara pribadi sih, contohnya, kami

diskusi tentang proses pembelajaran, kek pas kita buat mistake, tadi kita ada
kurangnya engga. Nah untuk hal tersebut dikoreksi dengan teman 1 tim”

“Did the reflection with friends personally, for example, we discussed the
learning process, when we made a mistake, we had a lack or not. Well, for
that matter, it was corrected with a teammate.”

"Untuk seluruh proses pembelajaran yang merefleksikan, menilai,

mengevaluasi, itu adalah guru pembimbing ... terus juga ibuknya nanyain

kita kendalanya dimana, terus ibunya ngasih tau bagusnya gini dan
nyemangatin kami melalui masukan-masukan”

"For the whole learning process that reflects, assesses, evaluates, it was
supervised teacher’s task... then the supervised teacher asked is there any
problem, give solution such as this one would be good and encourage us
through inputs.

4.1.2 Problems and solutions in teaching online English learning

during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Then the second research question is about the problems that arise and

how the pre-service teacher overcomes these problems. Firstly, the problems

faced by pre-service teachers while implementing online learning during the

Covid-19 pandemic. Based on finding in this research, the researcher found that

each participant has different problems.

The first problem is the internet connection. This problem occurs because

some students are difficult to connect to online discussion rooms due to unstable

internet connections. This causes the learning process to become disrupted

because the pre-service teacher should be waiting for the students to enter the

online classroom. In addition, the unstable internet problem resulted in some

students not responding to the teacher, students being late to enter the google

meeting, students unable to participate in the implementation of online learning at

the Google meet, and students leave the class when the learning process runs. As

stated by participant 2 and 3 regarding it:

P2: saya mengalami kendala dijaringan karna siswa itu kadang misalkan,
saya sudah kirim link siswa itu ngga bisa masuk dan juga misalnya udah
masuk saya Tanya tapi tidak merespond karena kata dia jaringan bermasalah
dan juga kadang siswa keluar pas lagi saya jelasin materi

P2: problems on the network student, for example, I have sent a link to
student and they could not enter the room then, I asked but didn't get

respond because he said the network had a problem and also student got out
of the room when I explain the material
P3: “Yang pertama jaringan siswa terkadang tidak berjalan dengan baik,
terkadang mahasiswa terlambat mengikuti google meet”
P3“The first is that the student network sometimes not run well, sometimes
the students getting late for joining the google meet.”

Then, the solution offered by the pre-service teacher to overcome

problems such as student's internet connection, students who cannot take lessons,

or students who are not responsive when carrying out learning is by giving the

material to students in the WA group. As stated by participants 3 and 2 below:

P2: “nah jadikan banyak siswa yang partisipasinya tidak aktif dan kita tidak
bisa mengecek pemahaman siswa saya biasanya membagikan bahan ajaran
berupa ppt selama masa pembelajaran online diakhir pembelajaran agar
siswa bisa belajar mandiri dirumah.”

P2: “lot of students whose participation was not active and we could not
check students' understanding I was usually share teaching materials in the
form of ppt after the lesson done so that students could study independently
at home.”

P3: untuk yang jaringan ilang timbul itu tadi kami biasanya ngasih materi
ulang yang ga ikutan di Google meet tadi supaya bisa belajar lagi digrup
WhatsApp tadi.

P3:" for the unstable network, we used to give re-materials to student didn't
participate in the Google Meet, so that they could learn again in the
WhatsApp group."

The second problem faced by pre-service teachers is that the class

conditions are not conducive. Class conditions that are not conducive also occur
in online learning. As explained by participant 3 regarding the following:

“Saya punya pengalaman mengajar dikelas yang tidak kondusif, kek

siswanya ngomongin hal diluar materi gitu”

“I had experience teaching in not conducive class, students did chit-chat out
of lesson context

To overcomes not conducive classroom. Participant 1 and 3 coordinates

the class by asking the students to calm down first by appointing them to

participate in the learning process. Another solution was to ask for help from the

supervised teacher. As delivered by participants 1 and 3:

P1: “kalo kondisinya nggak kondusif atau nggak menghargai ya, saya minta
tolong guru tuk langsung turun tangan untuk mengkondusifkan siswanya.”

P1: (“If the situation is not conducive or not respectful, I ask the teacher to
intervene immediately to make the students conducive.”)

P2: “ketika kelas tidak kondusif, saya minta mereka untuk tenang dulu, terus
ngatasinnya dengan cara menunjuk mereka untuk berpartsipasi di proses

P2: (“when the class was not conducive, I asked them to calm down, then to
solve that by appointing them to participate in the learning process)

The third is students who are not active when doing online learning. The

problem lies in the difficulty of pre-service teachers to encourage their students to

participate in learning. As explained by participant 1 below:

“Ada siswa yang aktif dan tidak aktif, untuk yang tidak aktif ini kita engga
tau kenapa mungkin bantu orang tua, ketiduran atau emang siswanya ini
males. Kesulitannya itu encourage siswa yang ga aktif.”

(“There were students who active and inactive, for those who are not active,
we don't know why maybe they help their parents, and they fall asleep or
these students are lazy. The difficulty is in encouraging students who are not

As for participant 3's way to overcome this problem, the method used was

the question and answer method to students, which is helpful for increasing

student enthusiasm. As delivered by participant 1:

“ saya gunain metode Tanya jawab untuk ningkatin minat siswanya”

“I used question and answering method to encourage student’s


Based on the researcher's explanation, each participant faced three

problems while implementing online learning. Those problems are the internet

condition, non-conducive classroom, and the students’ motivation become

decrease. To overcome those problems, each participant used the solution based

on the problem faced. Those solutions send the material that has been learned to

WhatsApp group, asking students to be calm down, asking help to the supervised

teacher to make students conducive, and delivering questions for the students to

increase their motivations.



5.1 Conclusion
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a change in the way of

teaching in the education system. The change is the transition from conventional

learning to online learning. Online learning is the implementation of non-face-to-

face learning that requires devices and internet connections to connect teachers

and students to carry out learning through a learning platform. Then, online

learning is used to continue the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the implementation of online learning is one of the supports for school

residents regarding the decision of the minister of education about suppressing the

spread of the coronavirus and maintaining the safety of students and teachers.

Then, there are differences between conventional learning and online learning.

These differences are in the interaction, duration of teaching time, and teaching


Based on the findings of this research, several things need to prepare to

conduct online learning are Making lesson plans, making learning materials,

preparing teaching media, creating online class links, informing students' learning

schedules. Then, the researcher discussed the preparations that need to be made

for face-to-face teaching or conventional learning. Compared to conventional

learning, online learning has several differences in the preparation of technology

media and teaching places.

Then based on the results of the discussion, there were several platforms

used to carry out online learning, namely Google meeting, Google classroom, and

Whatsapp. As explained in the previous discussion, these platforms were used

because each platform matched the pre-service teachers' criteria, such as there is

no time limit, does not burden students, and is easy to access when used. In

addition, each of these platforms has a different function when it comes to

implementing online learning. As for the Google meeting, it was used to deliver

material and interact with students directly. The WhatsApp platform has two

functions, namely informing students about the learning schedule and the media

for collecting assignments. The last platform was Google Classroom, which has

one function similar to WhatsApp to collect assignments.

Furthermore, it is necessary to know the time for implementing online

learning, which is 20 minutes long. Then, implementation activities such as

greeting students, checking attendance, explaining teaching materials assisted by

using ppt and videos, and giving questions and answers in the closing. Besides,

when implementing online learning, the supervising teacher supervised the pre-

service teacher during the teaching section. Then, based on the information

obtained from the participants. The place where they carried out online teaching

used two learning methods, were asynchronous and synchronous. However, the

method that pre-service teachers used more often was synchronous. And the use

of the asynchronous method was more handled by their supervisor.

After the learning process was done, the pre-service teachers carried out

reflection activities. The activities included discussing with teammates about the

learning process. Besides that, the supervised teacher also helped them to carry

out reflection activities. The forms of assistance provided by the supervising

teacher included providing input and suggestions, assessing and evaluating the

entire learning process that the pre-service teacher has carried out.

The discussion that was discussed in this study about pre-service teachers'

problems toward online learning and how they overcome these problems. The

problems that arose were the instability of students' internet connections, students

who were not active while studying, late students, and students who did not take

lessons in class. Then, these were solutions from the pre-service teacher to

overcome the problems such as by re-giving the material in the WhatsApp group,

and appointing students to participate, asking help to supervised teacher, and

doing the question and answer method with their students

Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that the two research

questions in this research have been answered.

5.2 Suggestions
Based on the results of the discussion and conclusion that the researcher

on the previous page has explained. Researchers suggest the following things:

1. For Pre-service teacher

With conditions that are constantly changing, such as the pandemic
situation we are currently facing. The researcher suggests that pre-
service teachers keep learning to hone themselves to keep up with the
flow of dynamic and unpredictable conditions. The next suggestion is
to do more discussions with teachers who have a lot of experience.
Pre-service teachers can gain good ideas, insights, or strategies to
conduct online learning.

2. For other researchers

The researcher suggests for other researchers who have the desire to
research online learning. To conduct research using quantitative

methods with a larger scale of participants, where quantitative research
results with a larger scale of participants make it possible to get a more
general and clear picture and results of the online learning
phenomenon. Because in this research only 3 participants were
participating, it can not give general results.


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Appendix 1

Letter of Permission

Participant 1

Participant 2

Participant 3

Appendix 2

Interview Protocol

In conducting an interview, the researcher asks about the participant’s

availability via WhatsApp. After that, the researcher offers two kinds of ways to

carry out the interview. The first way is to use virtual communication service

providers such as Zoom and WhatsApp. The second way is making a schedule to

make a face-to-face meeting. Each of interviewing sections takes approximately

20-45 minutes.

I have read the attached information letter which explains the research about Pre-service
teachers in teaching online English Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic

(Please tick the following boxes to indicate you have read and understood the attached
information letter)

☐ I understand that the letter is asking me to participate in this research.

☐ I understand that all the information gathered will be kept strictly confidential and that
my name and any identifiable information will not be included in any reports.

☐ I understand that the data generation event will be audio-recorded.

☐ I understand that participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw my consent

from the study.

☐ I understand that this research will be published in form of an undergraduate thesis

and other academic publications such as journal articles and conference presentations.

(Please tick one of the following boxes to indicate whether or not you agree to take part):

☐ I AGREE to take part in this research

☐ I DO NOT AGREE to take part in this research


Participant's signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________

1. Apakah SMP Negeri 11 tempat anda melaksanakan PLP mengikuti aturan

pemerintah untuk melakukan proses belajar secara online?

Did SMP Negeri 11 follow government regulations for conducting online


2. Menurut anda apakah definisi online learning itu?

In your opinion, what is the definition of online learning?

3. Menurut anda adakah perbedaaan cara pengajaran di pembelajaran

konvensional dan pembelajaran online?

Do you think there are differences in the way of teaching in conventional

learning and online learning?

4. Apa fungsi pembelajaran online di masa pandemic covid-19?

What is the function of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?

5. Apakah anda pernah mengajar kelas bahasa inggris secara online


Have you taught an online English class?

6. Adakah matakuliah yang membekali anda untuk melaksanakan pengajaran


Are there any courses that guide you to carry out online teaching?

7. Apa saja persiapan yang anda lakukan sebelum mengajar di kelas online?

What preparations do you do before teaching online classes?

8. Platform apa yang anda gunakan untuk mengajar secara online?

What platforms do you use to teach online English classes?

9. Sebelum anda memutuskan platform apa yang akan digunakan ketika

mengajar di kelas online, apakah anda memiliki kriteria tertentu untuk

pemilihan platform yang akan digunakan?

Before you decide what platform to use when teaching online classes, do

you have certain criteria for choosing which platform to use?

10. Selama proses kegiatan pengajaran online, adakah guru pendamping/

teman yang membantu anda untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran

secara online?

During the process of online teaching activities, is there a companion

teacher/friend who helps you to carry out online learning activities?

11. Pada tahapan implementasi online learning, kegiatan mengajar seperti

apakah yang anda lakukan?

At the online learning implementation stage, what kind of teaching

activities do you do?

12. Apakah anda menggunakan alat bantu atau media pembelajaran selama

proses implementasi online learning?

Do you use learning tools or media during the online learning

implementation process?

13. Selama proses pembelajaran di masa online learning, apakah anda

menggunakan metode synchronous atau asynchronous?

During the learning process in the online learning period, did you use the

synchronous or asynchronous method?

14. Mengapa anda menggunakan metode tersebut?

Why did you use this method?

15. Apakah anda melakukan refleksi setelah melaksanakan pembelajaran?

refleksi mandiri / refleksi bersama teman/ refleksi bersama guru?

Do you carry out reflection after implementing online learning? Reflection

/ independent/ reflection with friends / reflection with the teacher?

16. Apakah anda telah merasa puas dengan kualitas anda sebagai guru untuk

mengajar di kelas online?

Are you satisfied with your quality as a teacher in teaching online classes?

17. Kemampuan apa yang perlu anda tingkatkan untuk mengajar di masa

pembelajaran online?

What skills do you need to improve to teach in the online learning period?

18. Sebagai seorang guru yang masih belum memiliki banyak pengalaman,

permasalahan apa yang anda hadapi sebagai seorang guru selama proses

pembelajaran online?

As a teacher who still doesn’t have much experience, what problems do

you face as a teacher during the online learning process?

19. Selama pengajaran bahasa inggris secara online, skill bahasa inggris apa

yang sulit untuk diaplikasikan secara online? mengapa

What English skills are difficult for English skills during online English

teaching and not difficult to apply in an online English class during online

English teaching?

20. Apa kesulitan yang dialami peserta didik selama proses pembelajaran


What difficulties do students face during the online learning process?

21. Bagaimana anda mengatasi permasalahan yang muncul selama

pembelajaran online?

How do you solve problems that arise during online learning?

Appendix 3

Picture and Graphic

Platform Type of platform Categorization
WhatsApp Synchronous Instant Messaging, VoIP
, Asynchronous

Zoom Synchronous Video Conferencing

Google Synchronous Video Conferencing
Microsoft Synchronous Video Conferencing
Google Asynchronous LMS
Edmodo Asynchronous LMS
Moodle Asynchronous LMS
Youtube Synchronous , Asynchronous Streaming Video, Video on
Google Asynchronous Cloud Form
Google Asynchronous Cloud Storage
Quizizz Asynchronous Gamification Task
Gmail Asynchronous Email
Figure 1. Fahmi (2020)

Figure 2. Creswell (2009)


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