Compare and Contrast Living in The City and Living in The Country

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Nowadays, most people prefer to live in the city rather than in the countryside.

It is a trend that is
becoming more and more popular in many countries around the world. While it is possible for humans
to lead happy lives anywhere, there are still many differences between city life and rural life, especially
in terms of the cost of living, the environment and employment opportunities.// It is clear that the cost
of living in the city is much higher than that of living in the country in terms of the price of the house,
the cost of medical care and education. Owning a house or an apartment costs city dwellers a fortune
that is worth many years of work. However, in rural areas, people can easily have a house, even a very
large one, which costs them only a third of the price they have to pay for the same area in town. In
addition, in the city, they have many service modern , resulting in a higher price to pay for these better
services. When it comes to the environment, city life and country life also have little in common. With
the rapid development of technology, more vehicles are produced and more factories are operated in
the city.// As a result, the urban environment is increasingly polluted with different types of exhaust
gases and industrial wastes from these developments. Conversely, rural populations benefit from a
better and cleaner environment than their urban counterparts. Cooler air, a cleaner source of water are
the most striking proofs of a healthy rural environment. Another difference between living in the city
and living in the countryside is the employment opportunity for their residences. There are more
businesses and factories than in the big cities, offering a greater variety of jobs and higher salary.
However, in the country, the main career remains agriculture.They have fewer choices in deciding their
jobs.// In conclusion, although living in the city is increasingly a preferred choice these days, many
people still prefer to live in the countryside. No matter what people choose, it is clear that the two
places to live have many differences in terms of cost of living, environment and employment

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