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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University

and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

MODULE Assessors’ Programs Module Series



RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

Module 3: Understanding the Standards-Based Career Progression

How to Use This Module 2

The Standards-based Career Progression 3
The Modified Teachers’ Preparation Pay Schedule (M-TPPS) 4
The Position Classification and the PPST Career Stages 4
Moving Within and Across Career Stages 5
Promotional Assessment Criteria 7
Basis for Classification of Positions 8
Summary 12
Test Your Knowledge 12
Reflect On 12
References 13

Figure 1 Promotional Assessment Criteria 8

Table 1 The Position Classification and PPST Career Stages 4

Table 2 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Beginning Career Stage 6
Table 3 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Proficient Career Stage 6
Table 4 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Highly Proficient Career Stage 6
Table 5 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Distinguished Career Stage 6
Table 6 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Beginning Career Stage (Department
of Education and Department of Budget and Management, 20XX) 8
Table 7 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Proficient Career Stage (Department
of Education and Department of Budget and Management, 20XX) 9
Table 8 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Highly Proficient Career Stage
(Department of Education and Department of Budget and Management, 20XX) 10
Table 9 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Distinguished Career Stage
(Department of Education and Department of Budget and Management, 20XX) 10

How to Use This Module

This module is part of a series designed to enable you to understand the Standards-based
Career Progression. Modules in this series are:
● Module 1: Understanding the Assessors’ Programs
● Module 2: Engaging with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
● Module 3: Understanding the Standards-based Career Progression

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

● Module 4: Understanding the Standards-based Assessors’ Tools

The modules will encourage you to constantly reflect and focus on the improvement of your
practice. This module may also be used as a guide for discussion with your colleagues, self-reflection,
and self-inquiry by reading discussions on the topic and answering short formative and summative
assessments. Assessments in the modules are the following:

Reflect On
Test Your Knowledge

This module, ‘Understanding the Standards-based Career Progression’, enables you to gain a
deeper understanding on how the Assessors’ Programs is linked with the Career Progression for
Teachers based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). This includes learning
and understanding the expanded career line of teachers including the new teaching positions; its link
to the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS); the promotional assessment
criteria; the promotion processes and procedures; and the PPST indicators set for the teacher
After working through this module, you will find useful insights into why conducting
assessment of teachers and school leaders can help ensure quality education and why engaging you
with the Standards-based Career Progression for Teachers is necessary.

The Standards-based Career Progression

Anchored on Executive (EO) No. Xxx and the Department of Education (DepEd)-Department
of Budget and Management (DBM) Joint Memorandum Circular No. XX, s. 202X entitled Modified
Position Classification and Compensation Scheme and System of Career Progression for Teachers and
School Heads in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, DepEd issued DepEd Order No. XXX on the
Guidelines on the Implementation of Career Progression System of Teachers which links teacher
promotion to the PPST. This reflects the DepEd’s commitment to supporting the professional growth
of teachers anchored on the PPST’s competency standards towards achieving teacher quality. The
Standards-based Career Progression for Teachers attaches premium to the attainment of the
minimum qualifications required by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and improved teaching
practice as measured by the achievement of standards defined in the PPST, which you have learned
on Module 2.
In Chapter 6 of the Manual on Position Classification and Compensation issued through DBM
Circular Letter No. 2007-6, DBM states that the nature of all teaching positions is primarily classroom
teaching. Therefore, “[t]here is no distinction between the duties of one teaching position and those
of other teaching positions,” and “teaching positions are classified based on the personal
qualifications of the incumbents thereof rather than based on the preponderant duties and
responsibilities and qualification requirements of the positions.”
It is along these lines that the position classification and compensation of teachers deviate
from the existing parameters which set work assignments as determinant for classification and pay
levels of positions. The DBM stated that in the case of teachers, progression to a higher position
does not necessarily entail an increase in duties and responsibilities; rather, a recognition of
teacher’s initiatives for professional growth which is vital in a dynamic educational system. With the

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

adoption of the PPST, the demonstration of teaching competencies has become the measure of
professional growth rather than the increase in the academic preparation level.
Geared towards competency-based Human Resource (HR) systems, the DepEd issued DepEd
Order No. 42, s. 2017, adopting and implementing the PPST which sets clearly defined competency
standards for teachers. It articulates what constitutes teacher quality in the K to 12 Reform through
well-defined career stages, domains, strands, and indicators that provide measures of professional
learning, competent practice, and effective engagement. The PPST provides for an alternative
measure for professional growth as a basis of classification of teaching positions. Progression to a
higher position level is now based on the achievement of proficiency levels based on the
competency standards set in the PPST.

Test Your Knowledge

Describe the Standards-based Career Progression for Teachers.

The Expanded Career Progression System for Public School Teachers

With the additional teaching ranks, the expanded system of career progression for public
school teachers is now composed of Teacher I to Teacher VII and Master Teacher I to Master
Teacher V. The teaching positions of Teacher I, Teacher II, Teacher III, Teacher IV, Teacher V, Teacher
VI, and Teacher VII form the base of the career system.

Upon achieving the teaching proficiency level equivalent to PPST Career Stage III (Highly
Proficient) at Master Teacher I, a teacher may choose to pursue a career in classroom teaching or a
career in school administration. A teacher pursuing a career in the Classroom Teaching Career Line
shall continue upwards to Master Teacher II, Master Teacher III, Master Teacher IV, Master Teacher
V. A teacher opting a career as School Principal shall continue upwards in the School Administration
Career Line consisting of School Principal I, School Principal II, School Principal III, and School
Principal IV. A teacher may switch from one career line to another only when the individual
possesses all the necessary qualifications and expected competencies for the other career line.

The new career progression system for public school teachers is illustrated below. The
corresponding salaries shall be determined and adjusted periodically in accordance with issuances as
may be provided by law.

Table 1 The Career Progression System of Teachers in Schools

Position SG
Teacher I 11
Teacher II 12

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Teacher III 13
Teacher IV 14
Teacher V 15
Teacher VI 16
Teacher VII 17
Master Teacher I 18
Master Teacher II School Principal I 19
Master Teacher III School Principal II 20
Master Teacher IV School Principal III 21
Master Teacher V School Principal IV 22

The Classroom Teaching Career Line and the PPST Career Stages

Based on the newly-approved career progression system for teachers, the DBM has modified
the Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS) in the classroom teaching career line as
aligned with the direction of DepEd to link the teaching positions with specific career stages of the
PPST (Table 2). The classification of teaching positions and its corresponding Modified Teachers’
Preparation Pay Schedule (M-TPPS) are based on the attainment of the minimum qualifications
standards (QS) required by the CSC and demonstration of teaching competence anchored on the
PPST as measured through the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) and
competency assessment as determined by DepEd. The position may only be classified to a higher
level upon reaching the desired PPST career stage. Progression in the career path of teachers may be
within career stages or across career stages.

Table 2 The Teachers CPCS and PPST Career Stages

Position Salary Grade PPST Career Stage

Teacher I 11
Teacher II 12 Career Stage I: Beginning
Teacher III 13
Teacher IV 14
Teacher V 15
Career Stage II: Proficient
Teacher VI 16
Teacher VII 17
Master Teacher I 18
Career Stage III: Highly Proficient
Master Teacher II 19
Master Teacher III 20
Master Teacher IV 21 Career Stage IV: Distinguished
Master Teacher V 22

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

The new system of progression or promotion along the classroom teaching career line allows
teachers to remain in the classroom while advancing in the level of position and compensation. The
system provides for the linkage of the teaching positions and the specific career stages of the PPST.
Note: The teachers’ progression in the school administration career line shall likewise be
linked to the attainment of the CSC-approved QS and demonstration of the expected competencies
defined in the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH), subject to applicable
measures and criteria to be defined by DepEd.

Reflect On
What do you think of the revised DepEd position classification of teachers?

Moving Within and Across Career Stages

Teacher promotion along the classroom teaching career line is done through
Reclassification. Based on DBM Manual on Position Classification and Compensation, reclassification
is a “form of staffing modification or position classification action which may be applied only when
there is a warranted substantial change in the regular duties and responsibilities of the incumbent of
the position, as determined by the DBM. For teachers, reclassification may also be applied when
there are changes in the qualifications of incumbents of positions covered by the Teachers
Preparation Pay Schedule and the Compensation and Position Classification Plan for Faculty
Moving within and across career stages requires a three (3)-step procedure: (i) meeting the
minimum qualifications in terms of Education, Training, Experience, and Eligibility as defined in the
CSC-approved QS; (ii) attainment of the required PPST proficiency level in the actual performance as
measured though the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS); and (iii)
demonstration of the desired competencies in select PPST indicators. The position may only be
classified to a higher level upon reaching the desired PPST career stage wherein progression in the
career path of teachers maybe within or across career stages. (REQUIREMENTS)

The Qualification Standards

The minimum qualifications for teacher promotion are defined in the CSC-approved QS for
each position, which are now linked with the PPST career stages.

Table 3 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Beginning Career Stage (Department of Education and
Department of Budget and Management, 20XX)

PPST Career Reclassification Qualification Standards

Stage Position Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

8 hours of training in
Bachelor’s Degree in any of or an aggregate
of the following: RA 1080
Education or any 1 year teaching
Curriculum, Pedagogy, (Elementary)
Teacher II SG-12 Bachelor’s Degree with experience on a
Subject Specialization RA 1080
at least 18 Professional full-time basis
within the last 5 years (Secondary)
Units in Education

Career Stage I:
8 hours of training in
Bachelor’s Degree in any of or an aggregate
of the following: RA 1080
Education or any 2 years teaching
Curriculum, Pedagogy, (Elementary)
Teacher III SG-13 Bachelor’s Degree with experience on a
Subject Specialization RA 1080
at least 18 Professional full-time basis
within the last 5 years (Secondary)
Units in Education

Table 4 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Proficient Career Stage (Department of Education and
Department of Budget and Management, 20XX)

PPST Career Reclassification Qualification Standards

Stage Position Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility
Career Stage II: Teacher IV SG-14 Bachelor’s Degree in 3 years teaching RA 1080
Proficient Education or any 16 hours of training in experience on a (Elementary)
Bachelor’s Degree with any of or an aggregate full-time basis RA 1080
at least 18 Professional of the following: (Secondary)
Units in Education Curriculum, Pedagogy,
Subject Specialization
within the last 5 years;


Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST
Proficient level
development courses

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
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24 hours of training in
any of or an aggregate
of the following:
Curriculum, Pedagogy,
Subject Specialization
within the last 5 years;
Bachelor’s Degree in
RA 1080
Education or any 3 years teaching
Or (Elementary)
Teacher V SG-15 Bachelor’s Degree with experience on a
RA 1080
at least 18 Professional full-time basis
Units in Education Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST
Proficient level
development courses

24 hours of training in
any of or an aggregate
of the following:
Curriculum, Pedagogy,
Subject Specialization,
Bachelor’s Degree in Supervision within the RA 1080
Education or any last 5 years; 4 years teaching
Teacher VI SG-16 Bachelor’s Degree with experience on a
RA 1080
at least 18 Professional full-time basis
Or (Secondary)
Units in Education

Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST
Proficient level
development courses
32 hours of training in
any of or an aggregate
of the following:
Curriculum, Pedagogy,
Subject Specialization,
Bachelor’s Degree in Supervision within the RA 1080
Education or any last 5 years; 4 years teaching
Teacher VII SG-17 Bachelor’s Degree with experience on a
RA 1080
at least 18 Professional full-time basis
Or (Secondary)
Units in Education

Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST
Proficient level
development courses

Table 5 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Highly Proficient Career Stage (Department of
Education and Department of Budget and Management, 20XX)

PPST Career Reclassification Qualification Standards

Stage Position Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility
Career Stage III: Master SG-18 Master’s Degree in 24 hours of training in 5 years teaching RA 1080
Highly Teacher I Education, or any of or an aggregate experience on a (Elementary)
Proficient Educational of the following: full-time basis RA 1080
Leadership, or Curriculum, Pedagogy, (Secondary)
Educational Subject Specialization,
Management, or and
relevant learning area 8 hours of training in

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
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Supervision within the
last 5 years;


Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST Highly
Proficient level
development courses
24 hours of training in
any of or an aggregate
of the following:
Curriculum, Pedagogy,
Subject Specialization,
Master’s Degree in 8 hours of training in 1 year relevant
Education, or Instructional experience in
RA 1080
Educational Supervision within the instructional
Master (Elementary)
SG-19 Leadership, or last 5 years; supervision and
Teacher II RA 1080
Educational technical
Management, or assistance to
relevant learning area teachers

Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST Highly
Proficient level
development courses

Table 6 Basis and Pre-requisites for Classification of Positions for the Distinguished Career Stage (Department of Education
and Department of Budget and Management, 20XX)

PPST Career Reclassification Qualification Standards

Stage Position Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility
Career Stage IV: Master SG-20 24 hours of training in
Distinguished Teacher III any of or an aggregate
of the following:
Curriculum, Pedagogy,
Subject Specialization,
Master’s Degree in 16 hours of training in 2 years relevant
Education, or Instructional experience in
RA 1080
Educational Supervision within the instructional
Leadership, or last 5 years; supervision and
RA 1080
Educational technical
Management, or assistance to
relevant learning area teachers

Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST Highly
Proficient level
development courses
Master SG-21 Master’s Degree in 24 hours of training in 3 years relevant RA 1080
Teacher IV Education, or any of or an aggregate experience in (Elementary)
Educational of the following: instructional RA 1080
Leadership, or Curriculum, Pedagogy, supervision and (Secondary)
Educational Subject Specialization, technical
Management, or and assistance to

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8 hours of training in
Supervision within the
last 5 years;

relevant learning area teachers

Completion of NEAP
requisite PPST Highly
Proficient level
development courses
Master SG-22 40 hours of training in
Teacher V any of or an aggregate
of the following:
Master’s Degree in Curriculum, Pedagogy, 4 years relevant
Education, or Subject Specialization, experience in
RA 1080
Educational Technical Assistance to instructional
Leadership, or Teachers, Instructional supervision and
RA 1080
Educational Supervision; or technical
Management, or completion of NEAP assistance to
relevant learning area requisite PPST teachers
Distinguished level
development courses

The Performance Requirements

Upon meeting the QS, teachers seeking promotion are required to submit an overall RPMS
rating of at least Very Satisfactory in the last rating period consistent with the CSC requirements. In
addition, certain performance requirements are set for each position. It entails the achievement of
the required PPST proficiency levels for each PPST indicator discussed in Module 2, ‘Engaging with
the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST),’ which covers from beginning to
distinguished level. The promotion process requires the results of a teacher’s standards-based
performance assessment.
The DepEd’s RPMS provides for the mechanisms, criteria, and processes for performance
target setting, monitoring, evaluation, and development planning. The alignment of the RPMS with
the PPST has led to the development of the RPMS assessment tools and associated tools. These tools
assess teacher performance in different aspects of their practice against the 37 indicators of PPST. A
teacher may get a Poor, Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, Very Satisfactory, or Outstanding rating for
each PPST indicator.
At the Beginning career stage (Table 3), teacher-applicants can be hired to a Teacher I
position. To be promoted to Teacher II, teacher-applicants are required to earn 10 Proficient
indicators with a minimum rating of Very Satisfactory in their RPMS in the last three (3) rating
periods. For a Teacher I or II to be promoted to Teacher III, they are required to earn 20 Proficient
indicators with a minimum rating of Very Satisfactory in their RPMS in the last three (3) rating

Table 3 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Beginning Career Stage

Teacher I Hiring
Teacher II 10 Proficient Indicators at least Very Satisfactory

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Teacher III 20 Proficient Indicators at least Very Satisfactory

To move to the Proficient career stage (Table 4), the attainment of the 37 Proficient
indicators with a rating of at least Very Satisfactory in their RPMS is required to be promoted to
Teacher IV. The Teacher V position requires seven (7) Proficient classroom observable indicators
(COIs) at Outstanding and three (3) Proficient non-classroom observable indicators (NCOIs) with a
rating of at least Very Satisfactory. For Teacher VI positions, applicants are required to earn 12
Proficient COIs at Outstanding and eight (8) Proficient NCOIs with at least Very Satisfactory rating in
their RPMS. For the promotion to Teacher VII, attaining eighteen (18) Proficient COIs at Outstanding
and 16 Proficient NCOIs with a rating of at least Very Satisfactory in their RPMS is required.

Table 4 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Proficient Career Stage

Teacher IV 37 Proficient Indicators at Very Satisfactory

Teacher V 7 Proficient COIs at Outstanding and 3 Proficient NCOIs at Very Satisfactory
Teacher VI 12 Proficient COIs at Outstanding and 8 Proficient NCOIs at Very Satisfactory
Teacher VII 18 Proficient COIs at Outstanding and 16 Proficient NCOIs at Very Satisfactory

To move to a Highly Proficient career stage (Table 5), attaining 21 Proficient COIs at
Outstanding and 16 Proficient NCOIs with at least Very Satisfactory rating in their RPMS are required
for the promotion. The Master Teacher II position requires seven (7) Highly Proficient COIs at
Outstanding and three (3) Highly Proficient NCOIs with at least Very Satisfactory rating in their RPMS
as a requirement for promotion. Note the henceforth use of the term “Highly Proficient Indicators”
for the Performance Indicators for Highly Proficient Teachers as listed in Table 4 in Module 2.

Table 4 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Highly Proficient Career Stage

Master Teacher I 21 Proficient COIs at Outstanding and 16 Proficient NCOIs at Very Satisfactory
Master Teacher II 7 Highly Proficient COIs at Outstanding and 3 Highly Proficient NCOIs at Very

To move to a Distinguished career stage (Table 6), 17 Highly Proficient COIs at Outstanding
and 20 Highly Proficient NCOIs with at least Very Satisfactory rating in their RPMS are needed for
promotion. Master Teacher IV requires seven (7) Distinguished COIs at Outstanding and three (3)
Distinguished NCOIs with at least Very Satisfactory rating in their RPMS. Finally, Master Teacher V
requires 12 Distinguished COIs at Outstanding and 8 Distinguished NCOIs with a rating of at least
Very Satisfactory in their RPMS. Note the henceforth use of the term “Distinguished Indicators” for
the Performance Indicators for Distinguished Teachers as listed in Table 5 in Module 2.

Table 6 Performance Requirement for Promotion in the Distinguished Career Stage

Master Teacher III 21 Highly Proficient COIs at Outstanding and all NCOIs at minimum Very
Master Teacher 7 Distinguished COIs at Outstanding and all NCOIs at minimum Very
IV Satisfactory
Master Teacher V 12 Distinguished COIs at Outstanding and all NCOIs at minimum Very

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The initial evaluation of both the QS and performance requirements is done by the Human
Resource Management Officer (HRMO) and/or the designated sub-committee/s in the Schools
Division Office (SDO). The results of the initial evaluation, whether Qualified or Disqualified, are
posted in conspicuous places in the SDO. Qualified applicants are advised to proceed to the final
step, which is the assessment by the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board
(HRMPSB) which are assisted by the sub-committee/s composed of trained assessors of teaching

Reflect On
How do you think teachers will fare in the promotion process given the qualification standards
and performance requirements for each position?

Promotional Assessment Criteria

Before the new Standards-based Career Progression, teachers were promoted either by
natural vacancy where the teacher waits for a vacancy due to resignation, retirement, death, or
separation from service; or reclassification which is based on credentialism. With reclassification,
teachers no longer compete with each other but only need to outperform their previous
performance to be promoted. This also avoids some practices where teachers transfer to central
schools to get promoted. Teachers now perform at their own pace based on their achievement of
teaching standards whereas the whole reclassification process is aligned to the progression to higher
teaching positions with the achievement of the PPST indicators.
Teacher promotion is based on the assessment criteria illustrated in Figure 1.

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

Figure 1 Promotional Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria are divided into two (2) major parts: (i) Education, Training and
Experience (30%) and (ii) Evaluative Assessments (70%). Education, Training, and Experience, each of
which are allotted 10%, are qualifications that exceed the minimum qualification requirements
defined in the CSC-approved QS. The Evaluative Assessments focus on the demonstration of the
teaching competencies, which are measured through Performance (30%) and select Classroom
Observable Indicators (COIs) (25%) and Non-Classroom Observable Indicators (NCOIs) (15%) of PPST.
Education qualifications are computed by the units and/or degree that exceed the minimum
Education QS. In the case of Junior and Senior High School Teachers, Education should be those that
are relevant to learning area being taught. Training qualifications, on the other hand, are
computed based on the number of hours exceeding the minimum Training QS that are acquired in
the last five (5) years. Only those learning and development (L&D) or training programs in curriculum
and instruction and/or relevant learning area, such as but not limited to the professional
development programs and courses that are accredited by the National Educators Academy of the
Philippines (NEAP) can be credited for purposes of promotion. Experience qualifications are
computed by the number of months or years in full-time classroom teaching, exceeding the
minimum Experience QS.
Performance is based on the overall performance rating reflected in the teachers’ Individual
Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF). Teachers’ demonstration of select COIs is
measured and rated using the Classroom Observation Tool; while the NCOIs are showcased and
rated through Portfolio Assessment.

The Human Resource Merit and Promotion Selection Board (HRMPSB) determines qualified
people to be promoted based on the data of the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational
Development (BHROD) on Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) cross-
referenced with the NEAP data. Necessary information regarding application is communicated to
concerned teachers through their school heads. The HRMPSB then finalizes the list of qualified
applicants based on the evaluative assessment.

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

Reflect On
How do the PPST-based promotional assessment criteria appeal to:
(i) pre-service teachers to enter DepEd at Teacher I and

(ii) in-service teachers who have not been promoted within 10 years?

Aligning the PPST with the Standards-based Career Progression for Teacher will provide for an
alternative measure for professional growth as the basis for classification of teaching
The classification of teaching positions shall be based on the teaching competence anchored
on the PPST as measured through the RPMS and competency assessment as determined by
DepEd which sets the progression in the career path of teachers within career stages (soft
barrier) or across career stages (hard barrier).
Moving within and across career stages requires teachers to attain the indicators set by the PPST.
The pre-requisites of the reclassification process are based on the attainment of the minimum
qualifications set by the CSC, and the demonstration of improved teaching practice based on
the standards under the PPST as measured through the existing performance appraisal system
and competency assessment as determined by DepEd.

Test Your Knowledge

Assessors’ Programs Module 3| 14

RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

Compare and contrast the old promotion system with the Standards-based career

Reflect On

A question that you might like to explore either by yourself, with a colleague, or as part of a

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the Standards-based Career Progression for Teachers,
how could you involve yourself in the continual improvement of teachers within your school, district
or division?


Department of Budget and Management. (2004). Chapter 6: Position classification and

compensation scheme for teaching positions in elementary and secondary schools. Manual on
position classification and compensation.
Department of Education. (2017). The national adoption and implementation of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers (DepEd Order No. 42, S. 2017).
Department of Education. (2015). Guidelines on the establishment and implementation of the
Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education
(DepEd Order No. 2, S. 2015).
Department of Education & Department of Budget and Management. (20XX). Revised position
classification and compensation scheme for teaching and school administration positions in

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RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University
and the University of New England Australia, supported by the Australian Government

public elementary and secondary schools (Joint Memorandum Circular No. XX, s. 20XX) [Draft
and unpublished].

Assessors’ Programs Module 3| 16

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