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The purpose of this research is to estimate the impact of several macroeconomic variables on non-
performing loans (NPLs) in the banking sector of the Republic of Moldova recently affected by
global crisis. Using econometric multivariate linear regression analysis, we conclude that banking
NPLs are affected nor only by distinctive features of the banking sector and the policy choices of
each bank but also by macroeconomic environment: NPLs increase when GDP, exports,
remittances decrease and when unemployment increases, however, our assumption about the
relation between NPLs and private indebtedness has not been validated. We observed a
substantial increase in the credit risk during the recent financial crisis period.
Keywords: macroeconomic factors, banking system, nonperforming loans.
JEL Classification: F41, G21, C51
NPLs ratio is one of the most relevant indicators of the financial soundness of the banking system
(IMF, 2006, p. 85), which identifies problems with asset quality in the loan portfolio. The more
deteriorated is the quality of the credit portfolio of the bank the more is that indicator. Thus lending
activity implies credit risk which should be properly managed by banks. Country practice varies in
defining nonperforming loans. Some use quantitative criteria such as the number of days overdue,
others rely on qualitative norms such as the clients’ financial status, management judgment about
future payments. The approach stated in the regulations of the Capital Accord of Basel II states that
non-performing loans as loans that are past due and unpaid for more than 90 days (usually equally
to 3 dates of payment).
Although NPLs are a phenomenon that is permanently present in the balance sheets of banks, the
recent global financial crisis caused a significant increase in non-performing loans almost within
every European country. The reason for this increase is related to the deterioration of the
borrowers’ creditworthiness as a result of an economic decline. This phenomenon demonstrated
that credit risk do not depends only on specific microeconomic factors, but also the macroeconomic
factors have an impact on it.
The recent economic crisis highlighted the importance of investigating the credit risk in relation with
the macroeconomic context. Several researchers explored the links between banking risks and
macroeconomic developments at an aggregate level, such as Salas and Saurina, Jimenez and
Saurina, Quagliariello, Jakubík, Aver, Bohachova, Bonfim, Kattai, Fainstein and Novikov, Festic et
al., Nkusu, Louzis et al., Castro, Diaconaşu et al.
According to the main findings the banking credit risk is significantly affected by the macroeconomic
environment. A deterioration in the macroeconomic environment - proxied by slower growth, higher
unemployment or falling asset prices - is associated with debt service problems, reflected into rising
NPLs (Nkusu, 2011, p. 18).
According to Castro findings the credit risk increases when GDP growth and the share and housing
price indices decrease and rises when the unemployment rate, interest rate, and credit growth
increase. Thus during a growth cycle of the economy both consumers and firms face a better
capability in loan repayment which contributes to a relatively lower level of NPLs (Castro, 2013, p.
Periods of economic growth are sometimes accompanied by strong credit growth and there may be
some tendency towards excessive risk-taking. And the imbalances created in such periods only
become apparent when economic growth slows down and the loan losses increase (Bonfim, 2009,

National Institute for Economic Research, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova
National Institute for Economic Research, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova
p. 281). Jimenez and Saurina, Bohachova explore the link between banking system and business
cycle. In good times both borrowers and lenders are overconfident about investment projects and
their ability to repay and to recoup their loans and the corresponding fees and interest rates. Banks’
overoptimism about borrowers’ future prospects, coupled with strong balance sheets and
increasing competition, brings about more liberal credit policies with lower credit standards
(Jimenez and Saurina, 2006, p. 66). As banks provide intermediary functions for the real economy,
they are exposed to business cycle conditions that determine the aggregate health of the real
economy. As economic conditions worsen during recession periods, the riskiness of intermediation
tends to rise (Bohachova, 2008, p. 1). The procyclicality of banking sector performance and high
economic activities growth is a signal of an economy overheating and therefore a slowdown in
economic activity is likely to accelerate the growth of the NPL ratio (Festic et al., 2011, p. 310).
Louzis finds that not only the real GDP growth rate, the unemployment rate and the lending rates
have a strong effect on the level of NPLs, but also some bank-specific variables such as
performance and efficiency indicators (Louzis et al., 2012, p. 1017).
The mentioned above studies explore the impact of different macroeconomic variables on NPLs
dynamics such as: GDP growth rate, exchange rate fluctuations, terms of trade, interest rate
changes, inflation, the rate of loan growth, public debt, housing price index, share price indices etc.
None of the studies considered the impact of remittances and exports on NPLs dynamics, the most
important drivers of economic growth in the Republic of Moldova. Thus, we additionally go beyond
the existing work by asking whether NPLs dynamics in the banking system depends on the
remittances and exports.
Taking into consideration that changes within macroeconomic environment translate themselves
into changes in the quality of a loan portfolio, the purpose of our study is to identify the impact of
several macroeconomic factors on NPLs specific for the economic development of the Republic of
Moldova. In this regard we use the econometric multivariate linear regression analysis. The article
reviews the existing literature on the determinants of the credit risk, describes the data and the
hypotheses to test, explains the econometric model and presents the empirical results. The main
findings are presented in the conclusion section.
Description of the problem and hypotheses to test
The general effect of the recent financial crises on Moldovan banking system was felt especially on
the banks’ asset side. Sudden increase of credit risk during this period led banks to restrict lending
and to significantly increase the allowances for loan losses. The effects of the crisis were felt
indirectly by the banks, especially through the channel of remittances and foreign trade. These
macroeconomic indicators diminished substantially as a result of economic decline in Europe,
particular in 2009. The decline of private consumption in the euro area as a result of crisis has
contributed to a sudden decrease in Moldovan exports to EU and of the volume of remittances in
2009 and 2012. The crisis events have negatively influenced creditworthiness of Moldovan
borrowers and respectively the quality of local banks’ loan portfolios.
Proceeding from the specific situation that exists on the Moldovan banking system, we have
chosen 5 independent variables which we assume to have influence on the volume and the
dynamic of banking sector’s NPLs: GDP growth rate, export growth rate, remittances growth rate,
unemployment rate and private indebtedness. There is an interdependence of macroeconomic
factors which reinforces their individual influence on bank risk, but can also make an empirical
assessment of their relative importance for bank risk difficult.
We developed the following hypotheses about the character of relationship between the
macroeconomic variables and NPLs.
We assume that a drop in the growth rate of GDP will lead to an increase of the NPLs, i.e. in the
banking credit risk. GDP growth rate is used as a broad measure of business cycle conditions.
According to the findings of Bohachova, Festic et al., Castro, etc. during a growth cycle of the
economy (GDP growth) the total incomes raise, and in consequence both consumers and firms
face a better capability in loan repayment, which contributes to a relatively lower share of NPLs to
total loans. As the expansionary period continues, however, credit is extended to lower-quality
debtors and subsequently, when the macroeconomic environment develops less favorably, non-
performing loans and loan losses increase.

The export growth rate may provide additional information regarding the impact of economic
conditions. A decline in exports should lead to a decline of firms’ revenues, and in consequence
firms face a lower capability in loan repayment, which contributes to a relatively higher share of
NPLs to total loans.
Another major source of income of households and firms in the Republic of Moldova is remittances.
A consequence of the migration of workers is a reverse flow of remittances to support dependent
relatives, repayment of loans, investment and other purposes. Moldova’s dependence on
remittances is one of the highest in the world – with 24,5 percent of GDP Moldova ranks 5th in the
world in 2012 at this aspect (World Bank, 2013, p. 3). It enhances the financial system vulnerability
to potential volatility in these inflows. Remittances increase households’ incomes and improve
financial intermediation which can improve growth prospects for the country overall. A decline of
this indicator will lead to a decline of households’ incomes, and in consequence they face a lower
capability in repayment of previous contracted loans, which contributes to a higher share of NPLs to
total loans.
The relation between unemployment rate and NPLs has a positive nature, i.e. an increase in the
unemployment rate will lead to a decline of households’ incomes, which in its turn will increase the
debt burden of households. On the other hand, a high unemployment rate means a drop in the
effective demand and as a consequence it will decrease the production. Thus, the relation between
unemployment rate and NPLs is directly proportional: an increase in the unemployment rate will
lead to an increase in the rate of nonperforming loans.
Another independent variable we consider is private indebtedness, calculated as the ratio of total
gross loans to GDP. High debt burdens make debtors more vulnerable to adverse shocks affecting
their wealth or income, which raises the chances that they would run into debt servicing problems.
Our assumption is that an increase of this indicator in Moldova’s banking system has an influence
on the vulnerability of borrowers to shocks and in its turn it will influence the future capability of
loans repayment. Therefore, we assume a positive relation between the private indebtedness and
the NPLs.
Methodology and data sources
Linear regression is an approach for modeling the relationship between a scalar dependent variable
y and one or more explanatory variables denoted X. The case of one explanatory variable is called
simple linear regression. For more than one explanatory variable, the process is called multiple
linear regression. This term should be distinguished from multivariate linear regression, where
multiple correlated dependent variables are predicted. In our case, for the regression analysis, we
used a multivariate linear regression. The formula for a multivariate regression line is (Formula 1):
yi  a0   ai xi   , (1)
i 1
where yi is the endogenous variable; ai are parameters of regression, which show the average
influence of individual fluctuation by exogenous variable xi on the y, i =1, …, n; xi are the exogenous
variables influencing fluctuation of y, i =1, …, n; ε is casual or stochastic component.
The dataset consists of a panel of macroeconomic and banking annual data spanning the period
from 2000 to 2013. Macroeconomic data used for empirical analysis of theoretical hypotheses
come from Moldovan statistical database - all available online. NPLs is modeled at the
macroeconomic level from the consolidated balance sheet of Moldova’s banking sector. Banking
data are taken from the database of the National Bank of Moldova and includes data on 14
Moldovan banks. The credit risk is measured as the ratio between the (aggregate) banks’
nonperforming loans in their balance sheets and the total gross loans. This represents the
dependent variable that will be used in our model. This variable is modeled at the aggregate level
from the consolidated balance sheet of Moldova’s banking sector.
Taking into account mentioned in the previous section macroeconomic variables, the resulting
equation is as follows (Formula 2):
NPL(yi) = a0 + a1× gdp_growth_rate+a2× export_change+a3× remittances_change+
+a4× unemployment_rate+a5× private_indebtedness (2)

where the dependent variable is NPL and independent variables are the set of the factors
influencing the i-th variable includes some macroeconomic indicators of the country.
xi are the macroeconomic indicators of the country: GDP growth rate (gdp_growth_rate); Export
change (export_change), the Remittances change (remittances_change), the Unemployment rate
(unemployment_rate), the Private indebtedness (private_indebtedness).
The resulting equation was calculated using the program Stata/SE 9.2 with the aforesaid factors.
The results of the multivariate linear regression include coefficients of the model with their standard
errors. Coefficients were calculated using the least squares approach. Statistical significance of the
calculated coefficients is on the level of 5%.
Results obtained
Estimations of the coefficients for our econometric model and their statistical significance are
presented in the Table 1. Most of the coefficients which explain the impact of factors are expected
and statistically significant.
Table 1
Estimation of the impact of macroeconomic determinants on NPLs in Republic of Moldova
(dependent variable - NPLs)
Variable name Variable interpretation Coef. Std. error
gdp_growth_rate GDP growth rate -0.6048626 0.6087085
export_change Export growth rate -0.0227912 0.1358579
remittances_change Remittances growth rate -0.0565172 0.1089813
unemployment_rate Unemployment rate 0.8907301 1.785388
private_indebtedness Private indebtedness rate -0.0471661 0.3094421
_cons Constant 10.21552 20.76098
F statistic 0.77
Prob>F 0.5952
R-squared 0.3257
Root MSE 5.3471
 assessment of all coefficients is at 5% significance level
 Sources: authors’ calculation according to the data base of National Bureau of Statistics of
Republic of Moldova and National Bank of Moldova
The empirical results provide evidence that there is an inversely proportional relationship between
GDP growth rate, export growth rate, remittances growth rate and the dependent variable - NPLs is
validated for Republic of Moldova. The recent crisis events have negatively influenced the above
mentioned macroeconomic variables which in their turn influenced NPLs.
Thus the results show that a drop in the GDP growth rate in its turn diminished the creditworthiness
of Moldovan borrowers and the quality of local banks’ loan portfolios by 60.48%.
The export growth rate also negatively influenced the NPLs. Thus the results showed an inversely
proportional relationship between export growth rate and NPLs. The analysis of estimations in the
researched period revealed that the decrease of this independent variable influenced negatively
NPLs by 2,27%.
An inversely proportional relationship was detected between remittances growth rate and NPLs.
This variable diminished the creditworthiness of Moldovan borrowers and the quality of local banks’
loan portfolios by 5,65%.
The empirical results provide evidence that there is a positive relationship between unemployment
rate and NPLs, thus our assumption is validated and is according to the economic theory. This
variable diminished the quality of local banks’ loan portfolios by 5,65%.
Only the hypothesis about the influence of private indebtedness on dependent variable - NPLs is
not validated by the model.

The model indicates that the most statistically significant influence on the evolution of NPLs has the
unemployment rate. Fig. 1 illustrates the graphical correlation between key macroeconomic
variables and non-performing loans in Moldovan banking sector.



e( NPL | X )

e( NPL | X )

e( NPL | X )



-4 -2 0 2 4 -20 -10 0 10 20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20
e( gdpgrowthrate | X ) e( exportchange | X ) e( remmittanceschange | X )
coef = -.60486262, se = .60870846, t = -.99 coef = -.02279119, se = .13585789, t = -.17 coef = -.05651721, se = .10898127, t = -.52

10 5
e( NPL | X )

e( NPL | X )



-2 -1 0 1 -10 -5 0 5 10
e( unemploymentrate | X ) e( privateindebtednesstglgdp | X )
coef = .89073013, se = 1.7853881, t = .5 coef = -.04716609, se = .30944209, t = -.15

Figure 1. Non-performing loans and key macroeconomic variables correlation

Sources: authors’ calculation according to the data base of NBS RM and NBM
The recent economic crisis highlighted the importance of investigating the credit risk in relation with
the macroeconomic context. The research hypotheses that there are several macroeconomic
factors that have an influence on NPLs ratio were verified. The empirical results provide evidence
that the inversely proportional relationship between GDP growth rate, export growth rate,
remittances growth rate and the dependent variable - NPLs is validated for Republic of Moldova.
The recent crisis events have negatively influenced the above mentioned macroeconomic variables
which in their turn influenced NPLs. Only the hypothesis about the influence of private
indebtedness on dependent variable - NPLs is not validated.
The research has policy implications results; this means that structural measures and policies are
fundamental to stabilize the economy and the banking system. That can be achieved by promoting
external competitiveness, increasing productivity, and supporting growth and employment in our
Further research could be focused on additional macroeconomic factors that could have an
influence on NPLs ratio, because the chosen factors does not explain the total variation of the
NPLs measure. Another direction of this research could be oriented on some bank-specific
variables such as performance and efficiency indicators with an impact on NPLs ratio.

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7. International Monetary Fund, Financial Soundness Indicators: Compilation Guide, March 2006, p. 85
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