IDD Development-Plus Worksheet: Assignments Document To Assist You

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IDD Development-Plus Worksheet

Filling out this worksheet should help you to organize your thinking about the development,
implementation, and evaluation of your individual ID topic.
As you fill in this worksheet, you will be putting together your best ideas (plans) for the
1. Development. Creating materials from your instructional design planning (your 06 IDD
Design Worksheet)
2. Implementation. Figuring out the logistics and any necessary support for your program’s
instructors or administrators.
3. Evaluation. Evaluating how well the program matches your requirements and goals for
Note: For each section of this worksheet, be sure to refer to the 00 Support for Individual
Assignments document to assist you.
Note: Except for the first table, I’m expecting to see sentences and paragraphs.
Note: As usual, be sure to turn in your worksheet in MS Word.

Brief Introductory Info

Provide information in this table to give the briefest idea about your topic. This will likely be the
same as in your IDD Design Worksheet. If so, just duplicate that information here.
Your Name May Matti

Your IDD Topic Instructional training module using Explorance Blue as

a questionnaire tool
Organization (Where the learning Language Proficiency Assessment Directorate at
solution will be implemented) Department of Defense (LPAD) division.
Learners (Target Audience—it’s Faculty in the Language Proficiency Assessment
possible that you’ll have both a Directorate at Department of Defense (LPAD) division
primary audience and a secondary who need to develop surveys and offer expertise to other
departments in the organization, and those who are
working on research.

Note: I’ve set up the paragraphs after the worksheet prompts to be in normal APA Style (1/2-
inch indent for the first line and double-spaced lines). This will make it easier for you to cut and
paste paragraphs into a final IDD document (if required by another professor) or your Capstone
Proposal, which will be in APA Style. This also makes it easier for your professor to read your
document, so please do not alter the paragraph settings. (Be kind to your professor.)

Change Notes
Have you made any changes to your original thinking that I should be aware of when reading
this paper? For example, if you’ve changed your audience, topic, or design in significant ways,
please provide a short summary of those changes here.
I have not made any changes to the audience, topic, or design. I am still working on the

original topic that I already started.

Development Plan
At this point, your plan will be largely hypothetical. Still, it’s useful to think through what you
will create and what the timeline could be for creating your deliverables.
If you are working on your Capstone Project, it’s useful to consider that the module itself is
usually due approximately mid-November.
The proposed training depends upon needs assessment collected from direct observations

at work, unstructured interviews with the learners who are supposed to use Explorance Blue to

create surveys and generate result reports. Developing this module will require more knowledge

which I am expecting to gain during the coming terms both theoretical and technical in addition

to advisory support.

Project Deliverables & Schedule

For the remaining tasks to develop, implement, and evaluate your program, list here the
deliverables and a schedule (you can use a list or table with a short introduction of a sentence or
The deliverables of the proposed training include the following:

1. A short survey questionnaire (utilize scale response) to collect data from the target

audience. This was conducted on October 2021

2. Creating an instructional package will be developed during spring 2022 and continue

through fall 2022. This package includes,


I. a guide sheet or a manual for learners to provide instruction and guidance to

complete the instructional training module. This will be completed by the end of

January 2022.

II. a consolidated summary of the existing training materials of the Explorance Blue

to meet the instructional strategy and performance objectives. This will be

completed by the end of January 2022.

III. a pre-instructional assessment to identify the learners’ knowledge level before

they participate in the learning experience. This will be completed by the end of

March 2022.

IV. module one of the instructional training. This will be completed by the end of

April 2022.

V. a post-instructional assessment to measure learners’ performance improvement.

This will be completed by the end of April 2022.

3. Developing and conducting a formative evaluation. This will be completed by mid of

June 2022.

4. Revising and finalizing module one (how to develop different types of questionnaires

using the Explorance Blue survey tool) according to learners’ formative evaluation. This

will be completed by the end of July 2022.

5. Developing module two (how to generate a report of the collected data using the

Explorance Blue survey tool). This will be completed by mid of October 2022.

Potential Challenges & Contingency Planning

List issues you think may be likely that might make it difficult to meet your project schedule.
Suggest a contingency plan to overcome those issues.
The designer is looking into using Captivate delivery platform for instruction where there

is a capability of designing the project activities, developing instructional materials, and

assessment quizzes. Anyhow, at this stage, the designer has no knowledge about the capabilities

and functionalities of the Captivate platform. The designer is intending to invest 20 hours to

explore the features of this platform. In addition, the designer is planning to take the interactive

multimedia for instruction course offered by MIST program at CSUMB during spring 2022.

Implementation Plan
For the purposes of this assignment, consider especially the role of the teacher/trainer/
instructor/facilitator and/or the role of an administrator (for self-study modules, where
The designer is planning to implement the final module as computer-based training using

Adobe Captivate as a platform to deliver the instructional training. A guide sheet containing

instruction will be designed for learners to navigate throughout the instructional module. Also,

the learners will be provided with a consolidated summary of the existing training materials from

Explorance Blue manual. The instructional package will be available for the learners as a

printout or as a soft copy in a share folder.

Once the instructional module is ready to launch, the designer will notify the supervisor

and an email will be sent to the participants with details on how to access the module. Learners

will be asked to complete the training module during a frame time of one month from launching

the module and will have the opportunity to engage in the instructional training on their own

time and as their work schedule permits.


Instructors and/or Administrators

Provide information here about the people you’ll need to teach, supervise, or support the delivery
of your learning solution.
The designer will be responsible for delivering and supporting the training module.

Other Implementation Requirements

You may need to, for example, reserve a classroom, procure equipment, or market your learning
solution so that people will attend. You may also want to coordinate and/or garner the support of
managers, administrators, teachers, or parents to make implementation possible. Provide a short
summary here of the implementation requirements for your program.
After conducting needs assessment, the designer decided that the solution is to implement

asynchronous self-paced training module. The instructional training is already supported by the

designer’s supervisor’s approval. The learners can access the learning module through a link to

the LPAD faculty share folder using their government-issued computers or iPads.

Evaluation Plan
Describe how you will do both formative and summative evaluation for your your learning
The designer will conduct the formative evaluation using module one to evaluate the

effectiveness of instructional training. Following the feedback, revision and adjustment of the

prototype will be made to ensure that the instructional training is sound, clear, and vivid before

completing the whole learning module. Summative evaluation will be followed and include the

different Kirkpatrick levels of evaluation.

Formative Evaluation
Include here how you will do, for example, subject-matter expert reviews, developmental testing,
and, if applicable, user testing. (This is about testing your learning solution to make sure that it,
for example, has all the right components, is not confusing, doesn’t lose the learners partway
through. This section is not about doing a formative evaluation of your students. That’s a whole
different thing.)

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed instructional solution, the designer

is planning to hold a formative evaluation for module one to get valuable feedback while the

construction of the training module is taking place.

The formative evaluation will be conducted using module one as a prototype. The

designer will request for three volunteers to try out the prototype, and the designer will conduct a

development test by observing any instructional steps that require adjustment. In addition, the

designer will conduct a usability questionnaire to collect the feedback from the participants to

ensure that the content is right and suitable for the job of the learners, the functionality of the

activities is feasible, the instruction in each section is easy and clear to follow and navigate.

Also, looking at the training feedback will give an idea to the designer about the compliance of

the learners, that is whether the training material has been implemented as designed or not.

Summative Evaluation
Describe your plan for capturing Level 1 information (how your learners react to the learning
solution). and a short statement about how you will determine Level 2 (whether the learners have
mastered the objectives). (You do not need to repeat any test items here.) Let us know if you plan
to conduct Levels 3 through 5, and be sure to say why or why not.
The learners will answer a Kirkpatrick Level 1 (reaction) evaluation questionnaire. This

evaluation will give the opportunity to have feedback on certain areas that require revision in the

future as the length of the time allocated for the training, the quality of the training material,

whether the training gave confidence for the learner in using the tool. Level 2 (learning)

evaluation will include differentiation between and generating qualitative and quantitative

questionnaires, and the result reports. In Level 3 (application) evaluation, the learners will apply

the information they gained from the training in their job. This evaluation can be recognized by

the quality of their outcome and by the feedback from their direct supervisors.

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