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Evidence 4: A script for a movie

    Develop a narration in order to reproduce English sentences or

    simple statements to express ideas or concepts










Carlos - Hello, very good day, my name is Calos Enrique Restrepo Parra and she is
Eilen Melissa Badillo Pabón, we are your tour guides in today's activities, we will be
your companions during the tour of the two natural places and two cultural places.
We begin by thanking God to protect us, now please tell us about yourself.

Martha – Hi, good day, my name is Martha Oania, I am from the beautiful city of Florida,
and I am 30 years old, I am an Auxiliary Nurse and I hope to have a great time with you,
thank you.

Nicolle - Good morning, my name is Nicolle Atkin and I am from The Angels, I am 27
years old and I am a Dentist.

Carlos- Well, very kind for introducing yourself to us. Please get ready to go out, let's
check the belongings and review the safety regulations especially due to the pandemic
such as the use of a mask, and the disinfection of hands with alcohol or liquid soap.

Martha - I would like to know what is the departure and arrival time? And what is the first
place we are going to go?

Carlos - We leave at 7 in the morning and the first natural place that we are going to
go is to the Reserva Natural La Avispa and ecotourism where we will hike using all
the security elements, this reserve is located 40 minutes from the town center.

Nicolle - What security elements are we going to use?

Carlos - In this tour we will use the following equipment: headlamp, multipurpose
knife, whistle, canteen, camera, backpack and helmets.

Nicolle - I like this place because it has a lot of vegetation to connect us with nature.

Martha - If it is very nice, I already want to know the path.

Carlos - This trail has an easy and suitable route for anyone, where we can appreciate
the vegetation, some animals and while we walk we will tell you about the history of
the reserve and we will explain about the most important species, you can have direct
contact with nature in a very special way, we can also appreciate the great
Martha- Very nice the trail is a short route, but it is a great experience, I have never felt so
much connection with nature. It is spectacular. Also very contextualized in the sense of
water conservation.

Carlos- you can photograph everything you like as evidence of your sight in this
beautiful place, and at the end of the tour we exchange this photographic material.
Please hoping that the tour is very satisfactory, we proceed to take the snack that we
offer in the proposal which consisted of Arazá juice.

Martha- Of course I have known that Arazá is one of the new exotic fruits, I take the
opportunity to taste it.

Nicolle - Super delicious.

Carlos- The driver awaits us in the parking lot to move us to the Amazonian Paradise,
since this is the second natural place that we will visit today, there they wait for us
with a delicious lunch of sancocho de gallina and then we will do agrotourism visiting
the crops that we have on the farm , such as sugarcane, banana, yucca and some citrus
fruits. To end this visit we will go swimming in the Quebrada las Doradas.

Nicolle - Where is the Amazonian paradise located?

Carlos- In the Las Doradas village, Caraño district just 40 minutes from the town

Nicolle - The place has a beautiful name that describes what my eyes see.

Carlos - Each one must carry out their backpack for the change of clothes and
everything necessary for later if we move to the city of Florencia to continue with the
programming of the visit to tourist places of cultural interest.

Nicolle - I think it's perfect, the truth so far everything has seemed like a spectacular day.

Carlos- Please go to the parking lot where the bus driver is waiting for us.

Martha. - How long does it take us to get to Florencia?

Carlos. - In approximately 30 minutes we will be at the Caquetá Museum.

Nicolle - I had no idea that there was a museum in Florencia, what is the museum called?

Carlos. - We are in the Curiplaya building and this is the Caquetá Museum, here we
can see collections, compilations and many old objects, some bought and others
donated by Caqueteñas families, they are exhibited in three rooms: Indigenas,
Colonos, Memoria historica and the Documentation Center from Caquetá.

Nicolle - Can we take photographic records?

Carlos- Yes, of course here is the camera and with it we can take the photos you want.

Martha– It is a very interesting place and its atmosphere is pleasant.

Carlos- Very well, now we move to the second museum.

Martha- What do you call this museum?

Carlos. - Caquetá Museum and it is the ideal place to learn about the history and
culture of the city of Florencia.

Nicolle - What is interesting about the museum?

Carlos. - In its facilities there are three rooms, the first is the indigenous room, the
second is the colonists room and the third is the historical memory room. In each
room there is a detailed collection of objects that were part of the colonization of the
department and also some pre-Columbian pieces belonging to the indigenous people
who inhabited our region.

Nicolle - Oh, that topic interests me. Can you please give me an example of the objects that
we are going to see of the indigenous people?

Carlos. - In the indigenous room we will see typical costumes that they use for their
rituals, crowns, canes, spears, necklaces, musical instruments, tools that they used to
fish, masks and many photographs.

Martha. - I want to continue knowing everything about this culture.

Nicolle - The truth is that today thanks to this place I was able to know many things that I
did not know existed, it was a wonderful and unforgettable day.

Carlos - Now to finish with today's activities, we will take you to see the main
monuments that we have in Florencia.

Martha - How long will this last tour last?

Nicole - I hope it doesn't take too long, I'm tired and I don't want to walk anymore.
Carlos - Relax, this last tour we will do in a special transport vehicle so that you have
greater comfort, we will only get out of the car so that the photos can be taken.

Martha - What are the monuments called?

Carlos - The first monument is “Monumento a la vida”, the second is “Monumento

Diosa del Chaira”, the third is “Monumento de La Paz”, the fourth is “Monumento
los Colonos” and the fifth is “Monumento El Poira.

Nicolle - I am curious about the Poira monument. Who was that character?

Carlos - He was a well-known character in Florencia because despite his age he lived
in a street condition and walked long distances, he always had a sack, sometimes he
walked without shoes and threw stones at people who shouted bad words at him.
When he died they decided to make the monument in homage to his life and history.

Martha - why is her name Poira?

Carlos - No, his name is not that, his real name is Pablo Antonio Jimenez, even some
affectionate people called him Pablito.

Nicolle - From what they tell me, I can imagine how brave the man was.

Martha - with the visit to this monument we finish the tour?

Carlos - Yes, with this we completed the 4 natural and cultural tourist places that we
had scheduled to visit.

Martha - Ah good Carlos and Melissa, Thank you for all your time.

Carlos. - With pleasure, it is always a pleasure to serve tourists in the best way.

Nicolle - Thank you Carlos and Melissa for making us have such an incredible and learning

Martha. - Excellent tour, I would like my family to also do it at some point, I hope I can do
it with them.

Carlos - With great pleasure, it was very pleasant for us to meet you, don´t forget this
beautiful region, Caquetá has many other wonderful places to visit, we will be very
attentive when you want to return or recommend us to your friends and family.
Thank you very much for choosing us, we appreciate that please give us the rating on
the page of our tourism agency.
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