Assignment On Business Communiction

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Submitted by:
Naresh Kumar Adhikari
Register No 21MC205035
1st Sem, MBA
SRM University, Gangtok

1. Define Communication Planning.

2. What do you understand by analysis of communication?
3. What are the steps involved in the process?

1. Define Communication Planning.

Communication planning represents the dedication of an organization to transparent and ongoing
relationships with stakeholders. It defines the ways and means of communication, targeted audiences, and
attitudes or behaviours outreach should impact.

2. What do you understand by analysis of communication?

Communication pervades all aspects of a human life whether it’s personal or professional. It is the way
through which one can have healthy and positive interactions and can build and maintain the favourable
relationships. The ability to communicate and make your message understood is vital in today’s era. No matter
howmuch the technology has become complex and advance with the passage of time,moving from the use of
postcard to emailing or video conferencing, the core principles of communication continue to apply. Research
over the years has established that the communication is the most important ingredient for the success of business.
Effective communication skill is ranked highest among all the skills required to achieve success in business. A
businessperson plays a part in the process of the communication in different ways , such as while making
customer aware about their products, getting employees clear about their jobs, roles and responsibilities,
informing the employees about the mission, vision and strategies of the business, motivating the employees or
collecting information about the business and environment. In brief we can say that communication covers all the
spheres of business whether it is purchase, production, marketing, finance or human resource management. It
serves as a means for communication and bonding with one another in a continuous form of encoding & decoding,

To ensure effective communication it is necessary to understand the types of communication.

Communication is considered as the life blood of the organisation. Through communication every kind of details
whether internal to or external to organisation, is transmitted between the different parties of the organisation.
Communication is the medium through which the details of the mission, vision, goals, objectives, operations,
strategies etc. are explained to the employees of the organisation. Through communication only the organisation
comes to acquire the information about the opportunities offered by the markets and threats to the organisation,
the needs and wants of the customers, the expectations and demands of the society and rules and regulations
detailed out by the government. So Communication is the most demanding skill in the today’s era. For
communication to be effective, all the steps in the process of communication should be properly managed. So we
can say that the communication is necessary for the efficient, smooth and successful working of the organisation.
3. What are the steps involved in the process?
Step involves in the communication process :

Step 1: Identify the goals

It is essential to establish specific goals for an internal communications program. It’s important to then link
these goals closely to business objectives to reflect best practices, the company’s vision, and its mission
Step 2: Know the audience
Central to any successful communication program is delivering the right message to the right person at the
right time with the right tools.
By better knowing your staff members, you can plan your strategy more effectively. And it may include more
than employees. Corporate communication may involve those in another vital role such as stakeholders and
even government agencies.
Sharing information digitally is often subject to legal constraints, particularly across borders. Consider
logistical issues related to time differences or possible challenges posed by regional infrastructure.

Step 3: Create a strategy

To achieve the desired outcome, you will need to define a clear strategy, based on your goals and the
audience. This lets you build detailed and measurable actions in a number of different ways.
In addition to active listening, a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) will help
clarify potential areas of concern. These might cover staffing skills, budget constraints, and timing demands.

Step 4: Confirm the understanding

When the strategy has been established and agreed on, the tactics for execution can be discussed. The
delivery team will add the actions, dates, and names of those responsible for each item to create a clear and
measurable plan.

Step 5: Review, reassess and refine

Measurable deliveries with clear due dates make it easy to monitor progress. But things change. By
anticipating bottlenecks, delays can be avoided. Delivery team members should be encouraged to provide
input and feedback as they implement the program.

Who’s listening?
A crucial part of any employee engagement system is the way information is disseminated. Most companies
employ Multiple channel. Mobile devices are gaining acceptance for messaging in the workplace. But other
devices may be preferred, particularly if the work requires using large screens, as in design. The target
audience and the type of message will determine the best channel (and communication tools) to use.
Newsletters, product updates, and lengthy documents may be better suited to laptops or tablets. Whereas
SMS and short messages are ideal for smartphones.

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