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Written Examination

Analysis in several variables 2, MATB23

Tuesday Aug 17th 2021

Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Mathematics, Faculty of Science

You are allowed to use the course literature, and your own notes. You are also allowed to
typeset your solutions in LATEX. We ask you to not use any other aids apart from pen and
paper. Collaboration is not allowed.
Each problem will award up to 5 points. To receive a passing grade on this exam, you
need to earn a total of at least 15 points. In addition, you also need to pass a short oral
examination. To receive a pass with distinction, you also need to do well on an extended
oral examination.

1. Let D ⊆ R2 be the triangle with corners (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), and S ⊆ R3 be the
surface given by z = x + y 2 , (x, y) ∈ D. Compute the surface area of S.

2. Let S ⊆ R3 be given by x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1, and consider the continuous function given

f (x, y, z) = x2 + y 3 − z 2 , (x, y, z) ∈ S.

a) In one sentence, argue that f attains a minimum and a maximum value.

b) Determine these values.

3. Consider two planar vector fields given by

(x, y) (−y, x)
u(x, y) = p , v(x, y) = .
x2 + y 2 x2 + y 2

Furthermore, let C1 and C2 be semicircles of radius one, going from (1, 0) to (−1, 0),
C1 through the upper half plane (y > 0) and C2 through the lower half plane (y < 0).
a) Compute the integrals
u · dr, v · dr, u · dr, v · dr.
C1 C1 C2 C2

b) Determine whether u is conservative.

c) Determine whether v is conservative.

4. Consider the equation

ey+sin x + log(x + cos y) = 1. (∗)

a) Prove that for (x, y) near the origin, (∗) defines a regular curve.
b) For this curve, compute a tangent line at (0, 0).

Please, turn over!

5. Consider the regular surface S ⊂ R3 given by x2 +y 4 +z 6 = π, equipped with outward
unit normal N̂. Compute the surface integral
(x, y, z)
2 2 2 3/2
· N̂ dS.
S (x + y + z )

6. Let f : [0, 1] → R be a continuous function, and

Z 1
F (x, y) = f (t) dt for x ∈ R, y > 0.
0 (x − t)2 + y 2

Show that F is harmonic, i.e. ∂x2 F + ∂y2 F = 0.

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