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Mapping Cognitive Science Against Learning Approaches

Analysis of a Learning Activity
IST 520
This rubric may be used to compare to learning approaches such as your Capstone project
or to the evaluation of something as complex as a learning theory. If what the cognitive
scientists are saying is valid, then we as teachers and designers and theorists should be
informed by the findings of cognitive science. This rubric is worked from the brain-based
motivation considerations and from Gredler, Schumann/Scherer and the material on how
the neurons and glia operate. Apply this rubric to a learning activity, provide talking points
related to learning theories and strategies applied, and prepare a summary slide and
virtual tour of your efforts.

● Include your assessment as to Schumann/Scherer Planes of Stimulus Appraisal

(relevance, self and social status, novelty, pleasantness, and coping) are
addressed/not addressed.
● Include your assessment as to the appropriate application of learning theories to
include enhancements you think may be necessary
● Provide a short statement on learning strategies applied in the course
● Include your assessment concerning achievement of course goals and objectives
● A direct tour of the site on Zoom is encouraged.

Y = Yes
Element of Motivation N= No Comments
NA = Not
? = Cannot
Material is relevant to the needs Y The materials are relevant to
and goals of the learner the students’ needs to use in
the capstone project and
apply what they have learned
in their real-life. The
students need to learn about
the learning theory and
instructional theory.
Material and/or Y The material is interesting
presentation/stimulus is novel, is and uses internet resources
something new and interesting to to optimize the attainment of
the learner learning acquired.
Presentation approach is Y The IST 520 course focuses on
intrinsically creating pleasant and thought-
pleasant/interesting/stimulating provoking presentations to
/ thought provoking enhance cognitive learners
rather than increase the
cognitive load of the learner.
Wording, visuals, audio, language Y The given instructions are
is manageable and useable to the clear, the language
receiving group or individual understanding, and the clarity
of the audio so that no
additional load is added to the
brain and enhance involvement
with learning.

In terms of theory, does the Y Each lesson concept is

theory provide/consider the connected to the other lesson
above? concept applying the
constructivist learning
theory and Cognitivist
learning theory.

Opportunities are provided to Y IST 520 assists us to develop
develop proficiency in the an outline for the design and
application of the skill, implement learning activities
knowledge, ability or concept into our capstone project and
work requirements such as
5p Rubric.

Practice opportunities Y The instructor in this class

appropriate to the objective(s) provides practice activities in
are provided order to develop a certain level
of knowledge and enhance the
cognitive strategies of the
Learners must write in a
discussion forum, as well as,
write a critical analysis
Practice activities, to include Y The instructor is giving
repetition and spiraling, are feedback in a timely manner at
designed to develop automaticity certain points of learning
in responses and execution if instructions to reinforce
appropriate learning. Further, the learner
can review the instructions
material/activities several
times to remedy any
misunderstanding or
The practice is relevant to the Y The instructor is providing
needs and goals of the learner an instrumental practice to
the learners’ needs.

The learner can see that Y The instructor is providing

skill/competency acquisition is suitable constructive and
taking place effective feedback, the
learners are capable of
improving their learning and
accomplish the task
correctly. As a result, they
can see the gain of that
specific skill or competency
that occurred.
Practice requirements are within Y The instructor provides
or slightly above learner’s practice often within or
competency level slightly above learn’s the
competency level. As my
experience in this class, some
topics are slightly above my
competency level.
The learner can perform practice Y Learners can perform practice
requirements. requirements when they have a
fully cognitive understanding
of the content presented. If not
the students have the
opportunity to ask the
instructor for clarification.
The practice is designed to lead to Y The desired outcomes will be
the desired outcome. apparent in the capstone
project and applying what
learners learned in the
Practice, while not necessarily Y Determine by learner’s
pleasant, generates a feeling of grade.
Does the learning approach Y The course approach
provide for practice? provides for practice to
ensure that learning occurs

Production and Posting

What is produced is informed and Y The IST 520 focuses on
scaffolded by practice—may even products such as writing
be concurrent with practice, i.e., assignments, capstone
repetitive practice may not be project, and teamwork
part of the learning task such as assignments.
writing a paper, but the writing is
both practice and production at
the same time.
Opportunity is provided to apply Y The students learned about
the skill, knowledge/ability or the learning theory and
concept being learned instructional theory thus,
they can implement what
they learned in their
Capstone project.
Production reinforces practice Y Production and practice are
activities required to assess our
Whatever is produced by the Y The purpose of discussion
learner is posted or provided to forums is to allow students
the group for peer view and to post their finished
learning products for colleagues to
view and give feedback on.
Does the approach require Y This shows on the discussion
production or evidence of skill, forum.
knowledge, ability or concept

There is opportunity for Y This course features
synchronous or asynchronous synchronous opportunities
review of posted products that allow the students to
receive immediate feedback
from the teacher and fellow
students. Also, students can
review their production
anytime. The instructor uses
a Virtual office to provide
feedback and give
orientation on the next topic.
Teacher and peer feedback Y This is a good example of the
promotes a Community of online community of practice
Practice/Wisdom/Knowledge that gives the teacher and the
students the opportunity to
share knowledge and discuss
the topic.
Teacher and cohort are able to Y The instructor is able to see
see who is contributing and how which students are actively
they are contributing to contributing to the
knowledge sharing discussion forums.
Variation in task readiness and Y Students have had different
ability to contribute is dealt with levels of experience which
by group effort to meet goals will help them to be managed
and organized when they are
assigned a team project.
Virtual opportunities to meet and Y A virtual meeting is a crucial
collaborate are provided for and opportunity because the
if face to face meetings are not instructor will go more into
feasible and the instruction is depth with current topics.
online or blended
Does the learning approach Y The students are given team
provide for collaboration? projects and work they
complete by collaborating
with each other.

Talking Points

1. Provide an example(s) of Behaviorist elements in the learning activity or that could

enhance it if included.

● Behaviorist elements are assessed through the achievement of goals indicated by the
correct response to stimuli in the discussion forum and presentation.

● Negative consequences of failure to score B or higher in the course are clearly stated in
the syllabus.

2. Provide an example(s) of Cognitivist elements in the learning activity or that could

enhance it if included.
● The instructor uses the cognitivist learning theory principle by encouraging us to recall
existing knowledge and connect with the information needs, then, the learning occurs in a
meaningful way.
● By providing assignments such as Critical analysis learners become encouraged to use a
high order of thinking activities.
● Repetition of using the 5P analysis rubric triggers myelination and enhances learning.

3. Provide an example (s) of Constructivist elements in the learning activity or that could
enhance it if included.
● The instructor uses a discussion forum to create a discussion open-ended question
to promote an individual learner's reflection and express his or her experience and
encourage his or her to respond to one or more other students.
● Social learning is encouraged through forums, video conferences, and group

4. Provide an example of Connectivist elements in the learning activity or that could

enhance it if included.

● In this course, the instructor provides resources such as youtube videos, audio files,
and text.

5. Provide an example of Collaborativist (Community of Practice/Wisdom/Inquiry)

elements in the learning activity or that could enhance it if included.

● A group project is the evidence of the collaborative theory through the google doc.
● Through discussion forums, students are able to share information, learning, and
build knowledge together.

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