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Winston C.

Emmanuel Servants of the Holy Trinity (ESHT)
3rd Year Philosophy
Science, Technology, and Society
Bro. Samy Torrefranca

Activity 3: Indigenous Science

1. Identify one Indigenous Knowledge, which your native community still practiced.
2. Explain the connection of your chosen practice to science and technology.

The Obo Manobo tribe in our hometown is the most precious treasure in
Kidapawan City. Kidapawan city is well-known to be the city of fruits and highland springs.
All products and natural tourist spots are being represented by the tribe. The native
community has various kinds of indigenous knowledge that is still being practiced today
however, there were some factors that changed their daily lifestyle. One common factor
is the emergence of religion. Historically, Obo Manobo tribe believes upon various
invisible spirits meddling in the lives of mankind, which they called “great spirit.” This
"great spirit" is seen as the figure of the creator. When Christianity was introduced in the
land, the different Manobo clans were divided and the religious practices were slightly
changed however, these new activities have frequently been integrated into the Manobo
system of beliefs, instead of giving up traditions and becoming a separate religion. I have
my personal experience regarding with this matter because my sister and other relatives
became one of them. My sister was a Catholic and when she got married to a Manobo
man, they went to a Baptist church every Sabbath day. Even though Manobos are used
to animism before, they did not abandon it but integrated their culture to be used as an
inspiration in worshipping the creator. It is usually initiated by an elder and often make
animal sacrifices to thank the great spirit. Their culture was well-preserved by the local
government by means of regular educational programs. Every founding anniversary, the
highlight of the event is always the Obo Manobo tribe. For example, it has been the annual
tradition of the town to have street dancing, fruit display, float parade, and native displays
which showcase the Manobo tribe. Despite of the pandemic crisis, science and
technology became the medium of Kidapawan City Tourism Office to easily spread the
treasure of the city. They used social media platforms to update the local citizens while
still celebrating the said event. Some of the tribal events on August 16 to 18, 2021 were
Somaya Pokiyab (Tribal Ritual of Thanksgiving), City Fruit Industry Situationer, Fruit Fest
Photo Contest, Bountiful Kidapawan Virtual Presentation, and Flash from the Past.
According to Hon. Joseph A. Evangelista, city mayor, “Nothing can stop us to celebrate
Timpupo Festival for this is how we thank God and celebrate the bountiful harvest of the

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