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Practice Set Worksheet


Name : CHARRY T. OÑEZ Date & Time : _____________

Program : UGE1 4129 Score : _____________

Activity 5.1

Direction: Read each passage carefully and summarize with one or two sentences only.
1. Concealing your imperfections just to please others affect your mental health. Sometimes we try
to show the world we are flawless in hopes that we will be liked and accepted by everyone, but we
could not please everyone and we shouldn’t try. The beauty in us lies in our vulnerability, our
complex emotions, and our authentic imperfections. When we embrace who we are and decide to
be authentic, instead of who we think others want us to be, we open ourselves to real relationships,
real happiness, and real success.
Accepting and appreciating our shortcomings may open our eyes to the true
beauty that is inside. We must stop trying to show our worth to others and
instead embrace the fact that we are all flawed in our own unique ways.

2. Whatever happens today and every day must be considered as manuscripts of God’s message of
faithfulness to each of our lives. Let us remain faithful and grateful to HIM and stop worrying
about worldly challenges that most of the time consume our energies and positivity. God is bigger
that all the struggles we face in life. He was…is…and will always be.
God is larger than all our problems. Our Christian life will be satisfying if we
submit all to God and believe in His intentions for us.

3. It is aptitude that will bring you to the top, but it is attitude that will keep you there. It is good
attitude that serves as foundation to good manners and right conduct. Hence, to discriminate the
working class by putting them to the lowest level while elevating or regarding yourself too
esteemed is gruesome and petrifying. Having a boss does not make you a lesser person even if you
are extremely intelligent and skillful in that sense. Especially when you are working in the richest
institution of the country ---no less than the government.
Gracious and courteous conduct is the cornerstone of basic etiquette and
good manners in both social and commercial circumstances.

4. It is good attitude that will keep you humble especially if you are a nouveau riche and famous.
Humility should remind you that material wealth is nothing and you are just a speck in this entire
universe. Aptitude goes beyond spelling correctly the English words or computing quickly
difficult math problems. It is also thinking critically and speaking wisely. Similarly, good attitude
is not just possessing good behavior. It is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : CHARRY T. OÑEZ Date & Time : _____________

Program : UGE1 4129 Score : _____________
towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual choice of
action, and responses to challenges and struggles in life. At all times, look at the mirror and say to
yourself, “I am beautiful because I possess both attitude and aptitude.

To be successful in life, one's disposition and outlook play a significant part in

the actions one does and how they are received by the people around him or
her. Humans are more lovely when they have both of these qualities.

5. Nervousness affects different people in different ways. Perhaps you feel that your hands and knees
shake uncontrollably as you speak in public. The people sitting next to you may not ever experience
those symptoms of nervousness, but they may have difficulty breathing comfortably and feel that
their voices are shaky and quivery. Whatever your individual responses to stress, don’t wait until
you are delivering a public speech to discover them.

Nervousness affects a wide range of individuals in varied ways.

6. If you know that your hands shake when you are nervous, don’t hold a sheet of paper during the
speech; the shaking paper will only amplify the movement of your hands and will telegraph this
sign of nervousness to your audience. If your voice is likely to be thin and quivery as you begin
speaking, take several deep. Slow breaths before you begin to speak. If you get tense before
speaking, try some muscle relaxation techniques: tense your hands, arms, and shoulders, and then
slowly relax them. If you get flustered before speaking, make sure you arrive on time or even a
little early—never late. If looking at an audience intimidates you, talk to audience members before
beginning your talk, and when you start to speak, look for friendly faces in the audience.

Put your best foot forward when you're feeling a little jittery. Do something to
calm your anxious gremlin. There are a variety of strategies to overcome
apprehension and build confidence.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name CHARRY T. OÑEZ Date & Time : _____________

Program : UGE1 4129 Score : _____________

Activity 5.2
Read this short story below by O. Henry.

The Gift of the Magi

One dollar and eighty-seven cents . That was all she had. And the next day would be Christmas. Delia
flopped down on the shabby old couch and cried. She wanted so much to get something special for her
husband Jim, but she only had $1.87. Delia stood and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red.
She didn’t want Jim to know she’d been crying. She let her hair fall to its full length, almost to her knees,
and began to brush it. Jim loved her soft, long hair. The only thing he liked more was the gold watch that
had belonged to his father and grandfather.

Suddenly Delia had an idea. She piled her hair on top of her head, put on her old brown jacket and hat,
and fluttered out the door and down the steps of the street. She stopped at a door that read: Madame Sofron
Hair Goods. Delia ran in and asked, “Will you buy my hair?”
“Take off your hat and let me see,” said Madame Sofron. She looked at Delia’s shiny hair and said, “I can
give you 20 dollars.:

For two hours, Delia went from store to store, looking for a special gift for Jim. At last she found it…a
simple gold watch chain. It would replace the old leather strap he now used on his beloved watch!

When Delia got home, she fixed her head in short close-lying curls. She looked in the mirror, satisfied
with the new look. She had dinner ready by 7 o’clock , but Jim had not come home. Delia began to worry;
he was never late. At last she heard him come up the steps. The door opened and in walked Jim. “You’ve
cut off your hair!” he said sadly when he saw Delia.

“I sold it,” said Delia. “But I’m still me, aren’t I?”
“Of course,” Jim said softly as he took a package from his coat pocket. “But if you’ll unwrap this package,
you’ll see why I’m sad.”
Delia’s fingers tore the string and the paper. Inside she found a set of combs she’d once admired in a shop
window. They were beautiful, with jeweled rims that would have looked magnificent in her handsome,
long hair.
“Oh, Jim, how lovely,” she cried. “I shall wear them when my hair grows. It grows fast.”
But see, she added happily. “I have a gift for you!”
Delia held out the watch chain in her open palm. “I hunted all over town to find it. Give me your watch. I
want to see how it looks on it!”
Instead, Jim sat on the couch and began to laugh. “Oh, Delia,” he said.
”I sold my watch to get the money to buy your combs!”
Delia sat beside him and together they laughed. They were happy, yet sad to know that each had given up
a prized possession for the love of the other. It was a special Christmas that year, a day filled with love.

You now answer the questions that follow by encircling the letter of the correct answer.

1. A summary is a retelling of a story that,

a. Is always shorter than the original text
b. Must be at least two paragraphs long
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : ________________________ Date & Time : _____________

Program : _______________________ Score : _____________
c. Has no ending
d. Gives new information that was not in the story
2. Which is the best one- sentence summary for paragraph one?
a. Delia is sad because Jim sold his watch
b. Delia is sad because she doesn’t have much money to buy a gift for Jim.
c. Delia is sad because her mother can’t come to visit.
d. Delia is sad because she has no new coat to wear.
3. Which would NOT be important to include in a summary of the story?
a. Delia has beautiful long hair.
b. Jim has a gold watch that belonged to his father and grandfather.
c. Delia and Jim lived in an apartment.
d. Delia wanted something special for Jim
4. Which is the main idea of the story?

a. Delia changes her hairstyle.

b. Jim and Delia plan a special Christmas dinner.
c. Jim and Delia sacrificed to get each other a special gift.
d. Delia has old clothing to wear.

5. Write a summary of the story in just few sentences.

A young, poor person She is Della Dillingham. It was Young's mission to find the
best Christmas present for her husband, Jim. By selling her hair in order to
purchase Jim a chain for his heritage watch and show him how much she cares,
Della may express her love for him in the most meaningful way possible! The
narrative concludes, however, in true O. Henry form, with a twist: Jim has sold his
watch in order to purchase a pair of combs for Della's gorgeous hair. Henry, on
the other hand, suggests that the couple's lives are improved by their unselfish
love for one another, rather than criticizing them for their seeming pointlessness.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : CHARRY T. OÑEZ Date & Time : _____________

Program : UGE1 4129 Score : _____________

Activity 5.3.1

Trying summary technique with nursery rhymes. These children rhymes taught to us are just for
mouth delivery and for entertainment, but they actually carry with them serious or interesting
message that relate to life. I learned all these in Children’s Literature. Check on some of them below.

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall.

All the King’s horses

And all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty
Together again.

Message: An egg fell and was irreparably broke.

Direction: From the message cited, think of a life’s scenario, experience, problem or observation
that you can relate in just 10-15 sentences.

It's important to have a family in order to live in a group. The idea of a family is that
they always stay together, no matter what. This isn't always the case in real life.
Families are going to have disagreements, fights, and even break up. People get
estranged all the time, but the most common reason is when their parents cheat on
each other. If you have a good marriage, it doesn't mean you won't cheat on your
spouse. This causes problems, which affects everyone in the family, especially the
kids. When things got bad, they split up and divorced, so they couldn't bring back the
happy marriage they had in the past. Even so, the consequences can be very bad
and take a long time to get over and work through. Having sex with someone else
can cause feelings of betrayal, hurt, and lack of trust that last for a long time. The
trust of the other half would be hard to get back and would take a long time to
build back up. Those who are left behind will always think about this.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : CHARRY T. ONEZ Date & Time : _____________

Program : UGE1 4129 Score : _____________

Activity 5.3.2

The itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Up came the sun and
Dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again.

Message: A mere “spider” fell but got up again.

Direction: Do as you were directed in nursery A. You may include words in the rhyme that would
symbolize human experiences.

We all stumble and fall from time to time in life. We're all human, and we're prone to
making errors Our journey took an unexpected turn. This is inevitable. We are unable
to stop this. Get up and brush yourself off and keep going. We have to keep our
heads up and get back up after the fall. In life, there is no going back. Since yesterday
is gone, make the most of today. Take the time to reflect on and learn from your
errors. Every day is a fresh chance to learn, develop, and become the greatest version
of ourselves.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : CHARRY T. ONEZ Date & Time : _____________

Program : UGE1 4129 Score : _____________

Activity 5.3.3

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got and home did trot,

As fast as he could caper,
And went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper.

Message: A boy fell, hurt his head, and cured the wound by himself.

Direction: Again, do as you were directed in rhymes A and B, but this time focus your write- up on
your experiences within the school campus.

As a student, I am paralyzed with fear whenever I get a subpar mark on an

assessment. When I get a terrible grade, it helps me recognize that it doesn't
determine my future or who I am as a human being. Disappointment may help me deal
with failure and move on. Instead of becoming upset about it, I'll approach it in a
constructive and good manner. Yes, certain courses are challenging and might be
difficult to get. However, you may be proud of your marks if you put in your best
effort and make full use of the tools at your disposal. Numbers don't always correctly
reflect knowledge. However, your work may always serve as a source of pride. As
long as you continue to strive for excellence and realize that you are more than just a
number, you may still gain a wealth of information and success.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : CHARRY T. ONEZ Date & Time : _____________

Program : UGE1 4129 Score : _____________

In all your writing activities, please be guided by the rubric below.

Features 4- Expert 3- Accomplished 2- Capable 1- Beginner

Quality of Piece was written Piece was written Piece had little Piece had no
Writing in an in an interesting style; gave some style, gave no new
extraordinary style, somewhat new information and
style, very informative, and information but very poorly
informative, and organized. poorly organized. organized.
well organized.

Grammar, Essentially no Few spelling, A number of So many spelling,

Usage, and spelling, punctuation, or spelling, punctuation, or
Mechanics punctuation, or minor punctuation, or grammatical
grammatical grammatical grammatical errors that
errors errors errors interfere

Direction: In one minute, read the 150-word essay with proper enunciation of words. Twenty points
shall be earned for completing the task; otherwise, you will only get 10 points.

Sustainable development emerged as a concept in the early sixties when the ruthless
industrialization in the developed countries started showing visible signs of natural degradation and
problems of pollution and ill health. Sustainable development became a wholesome word after the
Brundtland Commission Report of 1987. It has three fundamental principles of inter-generational equity
and justice, intra-generational equity and justice, and that of the respect for the carrying capacity of land.
Since the definition given by the report fails to define the processes underlying the complexities and
contradictions within which international decisions are taken, the industrialized and the less- industrialized
countries have defined the term to suit their own requirements. However, there is a basic value inherent in
this concept which everyone agrees to and that is respect for human needs only in relation to the
environmental capability to support the largest number of people to the longest possible time frame.
Practice Set Worksheet

Name : ________________________ Date & Time : _____________

Program : _______________________ Score : _____________

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