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Rumpole of the Bailey

Confession of Guilt
Getting into the culture of the nation.
Prepare a fact sheet

1. Who is Rumpole? A barrister
2. What is his practice? Criminal law
3. Where is it located? Central Criminal Court bailey
4. What level of practice is Rumpole at? high
5. Name 2 issues raised by Rumpole’s wife.

1. What does Rumpole mean when he said ‘it blunts the sensitivity’? - Drug charge FC
2. What are the facts of Rumpole’s current case? Attempted murder, confession,
3. What is the history of the hanging in the UK? It was not longer in use at that time

1. Who is Mr. Winter? Solicitor to Rumpole (can convey the law in court and also give
instructions to the client and to barrister.
2. What is the relationship like between Rumpole & winters, Rumpole & the Inspector –
rumpole and winters is much closer as they have a working relationship. compared to
the inspector as his has a working relationship.
3. What is the difference in approach by Winters and Rumpole? That winters believed the
kid was innocent and Rumpole does not based on the evidence and confession made
was made by the kid himself.
4. What did Rumpole say about inflaming the sentence?
5. What was the impact of the last sentence of that scene to Rumpole, and why? In
disbelief. As the kid’s mother put him in care when he was 4 and put him in the
magistrate court. Also he has a child of his own.

1. Who is Ginger? The real culprit that stabbed the victim
2. Does Gladstone understand the charges? yes
3. How does a plea work? - when should you use it? A deal between the defendant and the
prosecutor and when the defendant is definitely guilty.
4. Assess Gladstone’s demeanor. – don’t care attitude
1. What does Rumpole’s comment about what he thinks about the case mean? That
anything can happen (his opinion in court will never matter)
2. Why did Rumpole asses who the prosecution officer was? Because he thinks he is a
weak prosecution officer.
3. Discuss the manner of negotiation that Rumpole used. trying to strike a deal that would
benefit the Rumpoles client.
4. Is it possible to adopt his method in all circumstances? Yes and no as it would be a
possible method for trying to buy something but not when striking a business deal.

1. Describe the character of Gladstone – a person that is not cared and knowing the way in
2. What is the impact of a lawyer’s advice on a client? It can change the view of the client.
3. What I believe isn’t of the slightest importance - discuss instructions and impartiality -that
facts and truth are more important than anything else,
4. What changed between the first meeting and this one? - Why does Rumpole now say,
‘we have to fight’? he believed the boy was innocent after telling him that he did not stab
the victim.

1. What do you know about the jury? That
2. How does Rumpole assess the jurors? Saying that they are almost the same
3. How does Rumpole describe judges - and this particular judge? That judges used to
scare him and all are the same but with this judge has no emotions and queen victoria
with a bad period

1. Would you adopt the same attitude towards the judge? If this particular judge has no
2. What style was he adopting for this cross? Trying to put the inspector in a tough spot
3. Why was he doing it?

1. What are two sides to the argument between Rumpole and Nic? Rumpole believes that
the kid is not guilty until proven and Nic thinks he is guilty.
2. Discuss the concept of innocent until proven guilty and its applicability. That nothing
3. What is the actual basis of resentment of Nic towards Rumpole.
4. What is the impact of Rumpole’s job on his relationship with his wife? That his wife is not
happy with him.
5. What kind of sacrifices do you anticipate making in this profession? Social activities and
family time.

1. Do clients understand the legal process? Not entirely
2. What is the implication of Gladstone not knowing how to read? That the inspector rigged
the confession and now Rumpole can attack him

1. What is the impact of the inspector changing his version of the story? – credibility has
been reduced.
2. What is the importance of scrutinizing every word?
3. What is this instinct Rumpole talks about?

1. Does a lawyer’s conscience get tested?
2. Why does Rumpole’s wife blindly defend him? Because she loves him
3. What is the impact of being a lawyer have on Rumpole? Thaat he could not spend more
time with his family
4. Should there be more to life than the profession? yes

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