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The discpline which can act as the performance index or reference for our
control system. The professional code of ethics is a guideline for attitudes,
behavior and actions in carrying out tasks and in daily life. Professional code
of ethics is actually not a new thing. It has long been attempted to regulate the
moral conduct of a particular group in society by means of written rules which
are expected to be adhered to by the whole group. The code of ethics will not
be effective if it is simply dropped from above, namely government agencies
or other agencies because it will not be inspired by the ideals and values that
live within the profession itself. The professional code of ethics is a
continuation of the more general norms that have been discussed and
formulated in professional ethics. This code of ethics further clarifies,
reinforces and details the norms into a more perfect form even though these
norms are already implicit in professional ethics. Thus the professional code of
ethics is a system of norms or rules that are written clearly and firmly and in
detail about what is good and not good, what is right and what is wrong and
what actions a professional can and should not do. The professional code of
ethics is a benchmark for the actions of members of a professional group. Every
professional code of ethics is always written in an orderly, neat, complete,
flawless manner, in good language, so that it attracts attention and pleases the
reader. All that is depicted is good behavior. Values about right and wrong held
by a group or society. In other words, ethics is a system of values and moral
norms that become a guide for a person or a group in regulating their behavior.
The professional code of ethics is the result of self-regulation of the profession
concerned, and this is the embodiment of essential moral values, which are not
imposed from outside. The professional code of ethics is only effective if it is
inspired by the ideals and values that live within the profession itself. "Value"
means the condition or quality of an object or an activity that makes its
existence, possession, or pursuit of it into something what individuals in society
want. Values are not always subjective. Because it still refers to the social
context that shapes the individual and which ultimately in turn influenced by
it. This aspect of value makes ethics a theories of interpersonal relationships
and distinguish them from intellectual values or purely aesthetic. Ethical values
can logically be realized in their relationship between humans.
2. Our country in Indonesia, even though it has a variety of cultures, ethnicities,
and religions, but highly upholds the ethics of mutual respect and tolerance
among others. Ethics are rules, norms, or procedures that are commonly used
as guidelines or principles for an individual in carrying out actions and
behavior. The word ethics is identical with the word moral, because morality
concerns human morals. For example, someone's actions are said to violate
moral values, it can also be interpreted that the act violates the ethical values
and norms that apply in society. Ethics in the sense of a collection of moral
principles or values. An example is the code of ethics of a profession. Ethics in
the sense of moral values and norms that become a guide for a person or a
group in regulating their behavior. For example, Indian ethics, Buddhist ethics,
and Protestant ethics. Code of professional ethics is a branch of philosophy that
talks about values and moral norms that determine human behavior in life.
3. Ethics is a branch of science that contains systems and guidelines for values
related to the conception of right and wrong that applies and is internalized by
groups in a community. With the conception of science as a relative study, it is
possible that the values in ethics will change, develop and may have different
values for good and bad in different communities. Ethics has another meaning:
the science of good or bad. Ethics here equally means moral philosophy.
Viewed from the side of science, ethics is the same as moral philosophy. Ethics
is the science that deals with morality or investigates moral behavior. In
addition, ethics also pays attention to and considers human behavior in making
moral decisions and also directs or connects the use of individual reason with
legal objectivity to determine the right or wrong of behavior towards others.
The definition of ethics is related to morality. Ethics is according to experts,
good or bad behavior that relies on human reason with objectivity to determine
right or wrong. Ethics can regulate human behavior to other humans.
4. The code of ethics is the moral principles inherent in a profession and arranged
systematically. This means, without a code of ethics that is deliberately
structured systematically, even then a profession can still run because the moral
principles are actually already attached to the profession mentioned.
Nevertheless, the code of ethics becomes necessary because the number of
persons with the profession itself is already so large, besides that the demands
of society are also increasingly complex. The professional code of ethics is a
norm that is set and accepted by professional groups, which directs or gives
instructions to its members how they should act and at the same time guarantees
the moral quality of the profession in the eyes of the community. instruct
members as appropriate. Generally provide instructions to its members to
practice in the profession. However, it can be stated that the general principles
formulated in a profession will vary from one another. Professional code of
ethics is needed as a means of social control, to prevent interference from other
parties, to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. Another function is the
criteria for professional principles that have been outlined, so that it can be
known with certainty the professional obligations of old, new, or prospective
members of a professional group to prevent possible conflicts of interest
between members of a professional group, or between members of a
professional group and the public. In carrying out law enforcement duties, law
enforcers are obliged to obey the norms that are important in law enforcement,
namely humanity, justice, propriety, honesty. In addition to the above, law
enforcers also implement the code of ethics as they should. Supervision is
carried out, if there is a violation, sanctions must be imposed. Because the code
of ethics is part of positive law, the norms of law enforcement also apply to the
enforcement of the code of ethics. However, in practice sometimes it does not
go well and even causes problems where the code of ethics is not used as a
guide for the implementation of the legal profession. In its application also
sometimes experience obstacles or obstacles. This kind of thing requires legal
means to solve it. The existence of the law is very necessary to be respected
and the principles of the law are upheld. The principles or principles in the law
function as the protection of the public interest. The hope of obeying the law
in practice should go well. The benchmark of this principle can be seen to what
extent justice seekers get legal protection if problems arise in the
implementation of the law and the code of ethics. In the settlement, they often
do not apply the principles or principles regulated in the professional code of
ethics. Thus, law enforcement in the process of solving problems related to
violations of the code of ethics of the legal profession in Indonesia at this time
and future expectations can be realized. Or in other words, the purpose of
making a code of ethics can be realized, namely creating justice for the

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