Additive Manufacturing

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Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

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Introduction to the design rules for Metal Big Area Additive Manufacturing T
a,⁎ b b b b b
Clayton Greer , Andrzej Nycz , Mark Noakes , Brad Richardson , Brian Post , Thomas Kurfess ,
Lonnie Loveb
Georgia Institute of Technology, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, 801 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States
Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2370 Cherahala Blvd NTRC-2, Knoxville, TN 37932, United States


Keywords: Wire feed metal additive manufacturing offers advantages, such as large build volumes and high build rates, over
Design for Additive Manufacturing powder bed and blown powder techniques, but it has its own disadvantages, i.e., lower feature resolution and
Metal Big Area Additive Manufacturing bead morphology control issues. A new wire feed metal additive manufacturing process called Metal Big Area
Arc Weld Deposition Additive Manufacturing (mBAAM) uses a Gas Metal Arc Weld system on an articulated robot arm to increase
Topology Optimization
build volume and deposition rate in comparison to powder bed techniques. The high deposition rate implies a
low-resolution process; therefore, parts designed for mBAAM must incorporate the use of machining to achieve
certain features. This paper presents an introduction to how design rules, such as overhang constraint, large weld
bead thickness, and support structure, for mBAAM interact in the context of an excavator arm case study, which
was designed using topology optimization.

1. Introduction mBAAM differs from other wire feed processes such as laser and
electron beam power sources by eliminating the need for a fully evac-
Metal additive manufacturing, commonly referred to as metal 3D uated or inert environment since the torch provides local shield gas to
printing, is developing into a common technique for manufacturing low the build. The arc welding torch and power supply are also simpler to
run, high value, and complex components. The majority of metal ad- maintain and substantially less expensive than lasers or electron beams.
ditive manufacturing technology employs small build volume powder Conversely, laser and electron beam power sources offer more control
fusion systems where the advantage is high feature resolution. In con- over heat input, which is used to prevent over-melting.
trast, wire feed additive manufacturing (AM) increases the deposition The design methodology for high deposition rate processes such as
rate and build volume at the cost of lower feature resolution. This inverse mBAAM are different from Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) processes such as
relationship, assuming equal welding speeds, is a natural consequence of Selective Laser Melting and Electron Beam Melting. PBF processes melt
using larger weld beads (the deposited material) to reduce the number of and fuse successive layers of powdered metals or metal alloys to generate
layers needed to fabricate a component. Wire feed processes are thus three dimensional objects. The layered manufacturing technique uses
suited for rapidly fabricating large, structural components. tightly focused directed energy and thin layers to produce complex geo-
metries that could not be made using machining, forging, or casting. This
1.1. mBAAM reduces the total number of components and fasteners for an application,
which is attractive for reliability and maintainability in industry.
A gas metal arc welding (GMAW)-based metal additive manu-
facturing technique called Metal Big Area Additive Manufacturing 1.2. Excavator case study
(mBAAM) has been developed to extend the usability of metal additive
manufacturing for industry by reducing operating and consumable costs The design flowchart for mBAAM is incorporated into a case study
as compared to other large build volume systems [1]. mBAAM uses a to design and build an excavator arm using mBAAM. The goal is to
GMAW torch mounted to a servo-controlled, articulated robot arm. recreate the functionality, not necessarily the geometry, of the ex-
Research and development in wire feed metal deposition is as old as cavator arm. Thus, topology optimization, a finite element analysis-
powder bed fusion techniques, but industry has not accepted wire feed based structural optimization tool, is used to re-imagine how a struc-
techniques due to process control issues such as bead morphology [2]. tural component used for digging could be made using mBAAM. The

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Greer).
Received 13 November 2018; Received in revised form 17 February 2019; Accepted 25 February 2019
Available online 25 February 2019
2214-8604/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
C. Greer, et al. Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

design rules are applied to the structurally optimized arm in order to

build a functional arm using mBAAM and post-machining – with no
other tooling needed.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the process
physics and design rules for mBAAM. Section 3 introduces the case
study featuring the design optimization and fabrication of a full-scale
5.5-ton excavator arm. Section 4 presents the results of printing the
excavator, and finally, Section 5 presents the relevant conclusions.

2. Background

mBAAM design rules are dictated by the process physics. The major
design considerations, which are explored in Section 2.2, are the
overhang constraint, large bead thicknesses, lack of easily removable
Fig. 1. Material overhang associated with building on an angle θ.
support structures, and print direction. The physical processes gov-
erning the reasons for these design rules are now explained.
prevent overhanging geometry from bending under its own weight so
2.1. Overhangs that subsequent layers fail to make contact and bond to the previously
deposited layer. A schematic of layered material on an overhang is
The overhang constraint is a result of two factors. The first factor is shown in Fig. 1. As the overhang angle θ increases, each layer has more
torch orientation. While welding can be performed in many different unsupported material undergoing bending due to its own weight.
orientations, automatically planning the torch orientation in a AM support structures are intended to be low strength and easily
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) package is difficult [3]. Com- removable while reducing the bending of a layer due to its own weight.
plicated robotic toolpaths are common in high production environ- These supports are either thin lattices of the same material being de-
ments in the welding industry, but programming the process is time posited, or they are a different material that is either weaker or dis-
consuming and complex. The development time is justified by the solvable in a solution after printing is complete. Hand tools and simple
amount of use the toolpath routine sees. Conversely, complex, low-run power tools can remove supports used in many AM processes, but
jobs such as welding ship panels are typically done using manual mBAAM deposited the same size and composition weld bead at the time
welding. Initiatives such as the Computer Aided Robotics – for Welding of building the excavator arm. The overhang constraint in mBAAM is
(CAR-W) project are seeking to increase the development speed of dependent on the requirements of striking an electrical arc between the
toolpath planning for ship building and other applications [4]. Simi- electrode and workpiece as well as the potential for the molten steel in
larly, additive manufacturing hinges its success on custom designs on- the melt pool to flow over the sides of a wall. This overhang constraint
demand, so a robust, automatic path planning technique is a must for can be extended when changing the torch orientation, as filler wire
the future of arc weld deposition techniques, as well as all wire feed deposition is common in vertical positions in manual welding, but au-
techniques. For mBAAM, the orientation of the torch to the workpiece is tomatic tool orientation determination during toolpath generation is
currently fixed to simplify the programming. not currently integrated with mBAAM.
The second factor for the overhang constraint is the tendency of the
molten weld pool to overflow a thin wall when the substrate tem- 2.2. Bead morphology
perature is too high. The viscosity of molten metals and alloys is low at
the temperatures encountered in welding. If the substrate temperature Bead thickness is another design consideration for mBAAM. Weld
is too high, the weld metal can flow over the side of the thin, molten bead morphology is a function of the wire feed rate, arc current, wire
wall [5]. Filler wire selections play a role in the potential for overflow, offset, preheat and interpass temperatures, and torch speed [6,7]. The
as well. For example, increasing silicon content in a steel wire increases design of a replacement component has to account for the likely dis-
the fluidity of the weld pool, making it easier for the weld pool to crepancy between the original component’s designed wall thickness and
overflow when the substrate is hot. Depositing on a steep angle (due to the wall thicknesses possible with mBAAM.
fixed torch orientation) increases the potential for weld pool overflow. Controlling the bead morphology is a process control issue that must
Tests performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have shown that 15° be addressed in mBAAM. Weld bead geometry prediction has been
is a safe overhang angle that can be used without changing the torch extensively explored [8–10], but AM requires extension of these
orientation. Steeper overhang angles are possible but were not reliable models. As volume is added in the deposition process, the thermal in-
for the print time durations needed for the excavator arm. The de- ertia increases. This changes the thermal gradients and cooling rates,
posited metal can sag or run over the sides of the wall at steeper which in turn affect residual stress and microstructure [11]. Adebayo
overhang angles. Thus, the 15° overhang constraint was enforced for et al. [12] showed that for wire and arc AM, the bead height and width
the excavator work. without process control varies as more layers are added. As such, the
The need for machining to remove the support structures in mBAAM orientation of the part for printing an irregular shape is important to the
is a consequence of using wire feed arc welding to deposit metallic final mechanical properties, in addition to the previously mentioned
materials. The width of these two overlapped beads is nominally effect on geometry.
12 mm, and any support structures needed to circumvent the 15° The print direction of a part is decided by considering all of these
overhang must be 12 mm thick steel walls, as well. Thus, any un- physical factors. Avoiding sacrificial structure usage saves time, mate-
necessary support structures require machining for effective removal. rial, and costs associated with removing the supports. Additionally, the
The capabilities of machining, such as tool accessibility, must be con- thermal conditions change with print direction. The resulting larger
sidered when incorporating support structures. It should be noted that thermal gradients from a cooler substrate induce thermal stresses that
the width of the walls, when considering the orientation of the arm may exceed the yield strength of the material, imparting a residual
during printing, affected the walls, not the height, of the excavator arm. stress in the part upon cooling. Selecting a print direction to use smaller
The height of the arm was more important for maintaining the func- cross sections results in lower thermal gradients since the interpass
tionality. temperatures are higher due to the less time required to complete a
Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) techniques also use support structures to layer, which reduces residual stresses and warping. Some metal alloys

C. Greer, et al. Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

are prone to cracking or other defects if the preheat and interpass 3. Excavator case study
temperatures are incorrect. The important parameters for determining
preheat and interpass temperatures are: alloy compositions of the A long-term goal for mBAAM is to produce large structural com-
substrate and filler wire, heat input, electrode type, and thermal mass ponents for use in regular service. The design and processing rules are
[13,14]. This information can be used in conjunction with thermal now applied to a case study on the excavator arm depicted in Fig. 4. The
modeling to choose the print direction that will keep the interpass excavator arm is a weldment consisting of four plates and two flanges
temperatures in the acceptable range. connecting the arm to the hydraulic cylinder on the boom. The process
incorporates all the above design rules into an insightful demonstration.
The feasibility of printing the arm depends on the selected print
2.3. Design for mBAAM direction. The arm could not be printed on its side, as the mostly rec-
tangular shape could not be supported. The excavator arm was printed
The resolution of mBAAM is similar to a near-net shape casting, so with the flange on the ground, as shown in Fig. 5. The chosen direction
machining is required to meet precise dimension requirements. will also have more uniform interpass temperatures (due to the smaller
Additionally, the overhang limit of 15° and low-resolution beads do not cross-sectional area), but this is a bonus, given that the only way to
permit infinitely complex geometry available through deposition alone. fabricate hollow box geometry is to orient the part vertically. The
mBAAM thus incorporates both design for machining and design for smaller cross-section yields less cooling between layers, reducing the
additive manufacturing. Designing a part for mBAAM consists of de- thermal stresses induced on the part.
termining which orientation of the part will keep the most features Fig. 5 demonstrates some examples of features that fall under the
while minimizing the use post-process machining. classifications from Table 1. The pin holes, marked with red, were
omitted from the printed geometry due to the overhangs. They were
machined in post-processing, and OEM bearing sleeves were welded in.
2.3.1. Feature classifications The outside curve, in blue, violates the overhang constraint, so it was
Designing for a manufacturing process requires the identification of overbuilt and then machined to specification. The inside plate, in green,
features. Features can be defined as geometrical areas that share exceeds the overhang constraint but cannot be machined due to the
properties distinct from the rest of the object, such as the faces of a cube flanges limiting tool access. The plate was thus elongated so that no
or a counterbore on a bolt hole. Features are the limiting factors in post-processing was needed.
whether the geometry of a given design can be fabricated or not. All machining is done in post-processing, so tool access is limited.
Features in mBAAM have a different focus than, for example, ma- Post-processing for mBAAM refers to the steps required after printing to
chining or casting. Whereas common features in machining include make the part serviceable. This includes machining, painting, and in-
pockets, grooves, and face patterning, mBAAM features are overhangs stallation of the pins to permit final assembly. Ideally, post-processing
and cutouts. machining should be minimized, since it requires a separate CNC ma-
All manufacturing processes have limitations, so designing a com- chining center, time, and expense. Therefore, redesigning the printed
ponent for a certain manufacturing process is an iterative process, and component is a critical step.
mBAAM is no different. This paper introduces a flowchart for printing a
part with given geometry. The part is made up of features, and the size
and orientation of these features determine how the part is printed. 3.1. Generating printable geometry
Depending on the orientation, a feature can be classified differently, so
one could think of a feature as a function of orientation. Table 1 shows The introductory design rules for mBAAM drive the printable geo-
how features are translated into being printed as-is, modified, or metry in certain directions.
omitted. This section explains each of these categories in the context of The wall thickness of the excavator arm is increased from the
simplified examples. nominal 8 mm thick plate for printing with mBAAM. The flanges are
A flowchart incorporating these process considerations in designing elongated to adhere to the overhang constraint, and the “box” structure
a part is shown in Fig. 2. The flowchart assumes that an initial geometry adopts rounded corners to reduce bending stress, as seen in some pre-
has been proposed that will satisfy the functional requirements, and the liminary geometry in Fig. 6. Using rounded corners is a feature that the
most important features will be analyzed first in order to maintain the stock arm does not have, and further shows the usefulness of mBAAM.
functionality. This geometry is then analyzed, feature by feature, to Project requirements stipulated experimenting with part count reduc-
determine the printing orientation that allows for keeping the most tion, so internal hydraulic lines were proposed for the optimization and
features, avoiding overbuilding, and minimizing the amount of needed provided extra stiffness for the model. Internal hydraulic lines could
post-processing. The outer surface is typically retained, with inner eliminate the need for flexible hoses and reduce maintenance require-
geometry being modified as needed. ments for operators. The internal hydraulic lines were modified for the
A hole perpendicular to the build plane made using mBAAM must final, printed design, but the optimization results were kept as-is.
follow the maximum overhang constraint. The overhang constraint is
currently 15°, so the hole geometry can appear as a teardrop shape, as 3.2. Topology optimization
in Fig. 3. The edges of the cutout can be flat like a triangle. The ex-
cavator case study shown later uses the teardrop shape. Topology optimization is garnering attention in the additive man-
Some features need to be omitted from the printed component be- ufacturing community due to the design freedom associated with AM
cause the tolerances and surface finishes are too tight to be reasonably techniques. Since the excavator arm was printed using a layered ap-
fabricated using weld deposition, much like near net shape casting. proach, topology optimization was used to determine if an

Table 1
Printability of features in mBAAM.
As-is Omit Support Structures Overhang

Printing can proceed with no If the feature size is too small for mBAAM, the feature is A feature is overbuilt if the size is too The print direction or part geometry
adjustments or post-processing omitted, implying overbuilt geometry. The feature is small or the orientation requires a is adjusted to conform to the
implemented in post-processing. support structure. overhang constraint.

C. Greer, et al. Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

Fig. 2. Flowchart for analyzing a feature of a part.

unconventional design unable to be fabricated using traditional man-

ufacturing techniques, such as welding or casting, could save weight
while retaining structural integrity. Topology optimization is useful for
design concept generation because the optimal distribution of material
is not always intuitive or feasible for fabrication.
The final printable geometry used the design rules shown above. It
is slightly heavier than a traditionally manufactured excavator arm due
to the increased wall thicknesses. One way the weight of the printed
arm was reduced was to use topology optimization to place cutouts in
optimal places to retain the strength of the arm. However, topology
optimization has typically been leveraged by high fidelity AM techni-
ques, as seen in [16]. The as-is results from topology optimization are
unprintable, but topology optimization has a place in large scale tech-
niques for concept generation.
Topology optimization works by minimizing an objective function,
such as compliance, subject to a volume constraint. The algorithm used
in this paper is based on Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization
(SIMP), which lends itself to the finite element method. However, the
method is dependent on mesh fidelity. SIMP uses a penalized, propor-
tional stiffness model such as:

E (x ) = (x ) p E 0 , >1
(x )d V; 0 (x ) 1, x (1)

to correlate between density and strength [17]. In this model, which is

simplified for this example, E is the elastic modulus of the element, ρ is
the density of the element, p is the penalization factor, and E0 is the
original modulus. The domain Ω is the design space made eligible for
optimization, and x is an individual element. The total volume of the
optimization domain must be equal to or less than the volume con-
straint V.
The algorithm determines the optimal material layout by iteratively
changing the density of each element in a finite element model ac-
cording to its strain state. If the element is not highly stressed, the
density is decreased to indicate the element isn’t necessary for struc-
tural strength; if the element is highly stressed, its density is increased
up to the initial density. A filtering scheme removes elements with low
densities, resulting in a structure that has removed unnecessary mate-
rial. Comprehensive reviews of topology optimization can be found in
the references [18–21].
Fig. 3. Cutout geometry required for mBAAM. The excavator arm problem is set up to minimize the structure’s
compliance, or the inverse of stiffness, subject to a volume constraint.

C. Greer, et al. Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

Fig. 4. Schematic of excavator components. Adapted from [15].

The loading scenario to determine how much of the arm is un-

necessary for structural integrity is critical. If an important load case,
such as, e.g., torsion is left out, the algorithm will produce geometry
with no resistance to torsion loading. Two load cases from an industry
partner are used in the optimization routine to consider both in-plane
hydraulic and torsion loading that are characteristic to digging, as
shown in Fig. 7.
A general elastic-only model of steel is used for the finite element
analysis with a density of 7850 kg/m3, an elastic modulus of 210 GPa,
and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.3. The results from the two individual load
cases are averaged to result in a structure that aims to satisfy both cases.
Baseline results showing the von Mises stress distribution for the in-
plane hydraulic cylinder and torsion loading cases on the original arm
geometry are shown in Fig. 8.
These baseline results provide guidance for interpreting how a
structural optimization algorithm might proceed. The lower stress areas
are the first to be penalized by the optimization algorithm. As explained
above, low stress areas are not necessary for the structural integrity of
the arm, so the penalization algorithm will reduce the density of the
elements until they are below the high-pass filter, which makes the
elements behave as if they are voids. This continues iteratively until
either the change in element densities are lower than a specified per-
cent change or the operator sets a maximum number of cycles.
Fig. 5. Examples of overhang constraint. The center line of the excavator arm and the flanges are the least
stressed portions of the arm, so portions of the centerline could be re-
moved reasonably safely under the torsion load. The sections with high
stress are around the pinned connections and the flange support.

Fig. 6. (Top): Modified arm geometry. (Bottom): Cutaway showing internal

hydraulic lines.

This allows the designer to start with walls that have the thickness of
two mBAAM beads and then set the volume constraint to that of a stock
excavator arm. This is very different from the traditional approach of
giving the optimization a starting geometry of a solid block in the shape
of an excavator arm. The results retain the overall kinematics of the
excavator arm while showing where to place cutouts in the thicker, Fig. 7. (Left): In-plane hydraulic cylinder loads. (Right): Torsion load coming
printed walls. out of the page. Picture from [1].

C. Greer, et al. Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

Fig. 8. Stress analysis of in-plane hydraulic load (top) and side and torsion load (bottom).

Inspection of a stock excavator arm shows that there is manual weld

buildup to provide extra material at these hot spots. The finite element
analysis results, which do not have any weld buildups in the simple
computer model, reflect the importance of these sections.
The topology optimization results for the printable arm geometry
are shown in Fig. 9. Many features violate the design rules for overhang
constraints. The suggested cutouts must be in the teardrop shape, given
Fig. 10. As-printed arm geometry.
the print direction; thus, not all of the cutouts can be implemented.
However, design concepts of the final excavator arm geometry are ex-
tended from these results, so the top of the box structure and the inside
of the flanges are removed to reduce the weight of the structure.
The flowchart for modifying geometry of parts deposited using
mBAAM results in the as-printed geometry as in Fig. 10. The outer
flange curves and mating surfaces can be implemented via machining in
post-processing. The mating surfaces will have welded-in OEM bearing
sleeves and pins to attach the boom and bucket. Finally, the hydraulic
Fig. 11. Final arm geometry.
lines will be moved to the outside of the walls to demonstrate the
possibility of eliminating hoses and tubing for future hydraulic power
applications. but they were not used for this project. Similar printed hydraulic lines
The final arm geometry underwent post-processing after it was have been tested at Oak Ridge National Laboratory at pressures up to
printed; this geometry is shown in Fig. 11. This geometry shows the 5000 psi.
modified, integrated hydraulic lines and welded-in bearing sleeves. It The finished arm was then checked for structural integrity. The
should be noted that while the internal hydraulic lines are functional, same load cases were used, and the results are shown in Fig. 12. These
results are similar enough to the stock excavator arm that the excavator
arm is expected to withstand real-world use. The nominal stresses of
both the new and old arms, referencing Fig. 8, are between
100–200 MPa for the in-plane hydraulic load case and 150 MPa or less
for both arm designs for the torsion load case.

4. Results

The excavator arm that follows the established design rules for both
Fig. 9. Topology optimization results for excavator arm. deposition and machining was printed using a modified Wolf Robotics

C. Greer, et al. Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

Fig. 12. Optimized arm geometry structural integrity check.

welding cell that uses a Lincoln Electric R500 power source with a
Lincoln Electric Surface Tension Transfer mode to reduce the heat input
to the work. Steel welding wire was used for the feed stock, and a
7.62 cm thick steel table was bolted to the facility floor with a 2.54 cm
thick build plate bolted to the table. The printing of the arm was per-
formed continuously until the arm was finished to keep the part in a
steady state.
The original excavator arm was around 2.1 m tall and weighs ap- Fig. 14. Installed arm.
proximately 133 kg. This large volume lent itself to mBAAM and the
goal of producing structural components. The reduction in required The demonstration machine incorporates several different AM
tooling demonstrates the applicability of mBAAM to rapidly fabricate technologies to show how construction equipment industry can
custom components. The printed arm is shown in Fig. 13. leverage AM. However, the other AM parts are outside the scope of this
The finite element results of the final arm geometry (seen earlier in paper. The printed arm is shown in Fig. 14 after all the post-processing
Fig. 12) showed stress concentrations at the points of the holes, so is finished.
machining was further used to mill slots where the 15° overhangs
bridge. The move from a sharp point to a radius reduces the stress 5. Conclusions
concentration intensity. A demonstration machine with the printed arm
has been assembled to prove the component can be used in the field mBAAM has been shown to produce a full-scale, structural compo-
(Fig. 14). nent while requiring minimal tooling. The design rules developed in
this paper show the dependence on both metal deposition and removal,
which is underdeveloped in academic literature. The design rules in this
paper begin with the 15° overhang limit, quantized bead thicknesses,
lack of easily removable support structures, and print direction. The
flowchart was necessary to incorporate the part orientation for printing,
required part functionality, and deposition physics.
The excavator case study found that topology optimization needs
further development to become an effective tool for mBAAM, since the
results are too complex to fabricate. Until at least some of the design
and process considerations are integrated into topology optimization as
additional optimization constraints, topology optimization can only
show unnecessary material in very general terms. This still offers the
design engineer information on the boundaries of what is required to be
structurally sound when designing for mBAAM.
mBAAM is thus an effective tool for rapidly producing near net
Fig. 13. Printed arm. shape components that can enter service as replacement parts without

C. Greer, et al. Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 159–166

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