Unit 2: Talents: Talents or Super Human Powers?

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D Linguas Group Upper-Intermediate: Class 11

Unit 2: Talents
Talents or Super Human Powers?
Taken from First Result Revised Student’s Book.
Photocopy Attached. (pages 2 and 3)

Video: Kids with Superhuman Powers in China

1. Do you believe in superhuman powers? Why/ Why not?

2. Watch a video about a few kids in China who people claim have powers or abilities beyond
most of us. Take down notes about their abilities.

3. Watch the video again and answer the following questions.

a) How old is Yang Jinlong?

b) What does Yang want to do in the future?

c) What was Little Zhuang Zhuang able to do when he was only ten months old?

d) What is one of the possible explanations about Zhuang’s ability?

e) What does Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP, mean?

f) What did Nong Yousui's teacher claim about his eyes? What about the reporter who tried the

Student’s Book page 21.

Language Development: Expressing Ability

Taken from First Expert 2015 Student’s Book
Photocopy Attached. (pages 4 and 5)

HOMEWORK: Student’s Book pages 22 and 23.

Reading: Gapped Text
1. Look at the photos. What unusual abilities do you think these people have? Discuss your ideas
in pairs.
2. Read the text below quickly and check your ideas from .
What other special abilities are mentioned?
Reading and Activities taken from First Result Revised Student’s Book Unit 3
First Expert 2015 Student’s Book

Language Development
Expressing Ability

1. Read the information above and choose the correct answers. Both options may be
correct in some sentences.
1. I can / manage to play the piano quite well.
2. Last week I was able to / could get away for a few days.
3. I could / have been able to ride a bike from a very early age.
4. When I was at school, I couldn't / wasn't able to draw very well.
5. ln the Last month I have managed to / knew how to get some outdoor exercise every
6. Once the exams are over, l will be able to / can spend more time on my favourite
7. I could / managed to beat my father at chess eventually but it wasn't easy.
8. I was very pleased when I finally managed to find /succeeded in finding a salsa class.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. If Paul doesn't get some help, he _________________________________________ (able to/finish) that

2. How do you _________________________________________ (manage/stay) so slim?
3. After five years Nico has _________________________________________ (succeed/pass) his driving
4. l'm afraid I _________________________________________ (can/come) to the party on Saturday night.
5. After making three big mistakes, Tara realised she ______________________________________
(could/win) the match.
6. We _________________________________________ (know/play) chess. Can you teach us?
7. Sergio _________________________________________ (able/stay) ahead at the end, so he lost the
8. I _________________________________________ (could/swim) until I was 12, but then I learnt very
3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets and can, could, be able to, succeed
or manage in the correct form. There may be more than one possibility.

4. Can, could or be able to? Correct the sentences below. One of the sentences is correct.

Ex. 4: Complete First Student’s Book

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