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Utara, Norjanah L.

Globalization: Technological Era a Great Leap or Downfall

For the past years, a lot has been talking about globalization. Creating its terms and ideas
talks approximately headings for the end instead of simply being objective and fair-minded
portrayals of how things are. As per the Documentary about globalization that was produced by
Systems Innovation in the year 2019 via YouTube. Discussed the history and origin of
globalization and how time changes and creates innovations to make people's lives easier. With
this information, we can see the big leap off of the inventions that link one nation to another, from
information, technology, opportunities, relationship, livelihood, and goods. As he went on about
describing how massive the world changes, the author took an issue about how technology will
rule the world.

The author mainly focuses technologically on the contribution of globalization. This given
future has been depicted in terms of financial and mechanical determinism: it is an image of a
financially developed worldwide society in which everyone benefits. We cannot deny the fact that
we have already co-existed with the internet and technology in our lifestyle. It is evident before,
but during this global pandemic it was highlighted and we saw the importance and convenience it

The rise of the new era may be of great advantages however this statement could be biased,
if you are looking at one side of the state there is solid support to the presumption that globalization
poses a danger to Third world countries and guarantees dominance of Anglo-Saxon culture over
the others. To support this argument according to (Giddens, 1999; Papastephanou, 2005;
SahlberGlobalizationy, 2001) "Cultural aspect is nonetheless disputable. Globalisation is
frequently referred to as Westernisation and Americanisation", and (Papastephanou, 2005,
p.541). " defined as the dominance of single culture, namely Anglo-Saxon, over other cultures the
world over and there is a lack of analogous influence of non-western cultures on the western ones'“
If the new era where technologies will emerge and lead, 3rd world country will remain poor and
can't keep up.

Yet, we can't argue that adapting to change is a must to survive. But we must not forget we control
on how things do and not the other way around, technologies are there to aid not to replace us.
These things will make us think and reflect on various ideologies, and emerge on new epochs. As
people tend to make a way to provide solutions to a problem that eventually will lead to our

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