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Second Quarter/ Week 4 / Day 1

OBJECTIVE: Evaluates the reliability and validity of audio information and media and its/their sources
using selection criteria.
Analyzes the effectiveness of a sample audio information.


Reliability and Validity of Audio Information and Media
In choosing audio-based media, one needs to consider the availability of the audio materials, clarity of the
sounds produced, appropriateness to the lesson, and etc.
In selecting audio-based media we should consider:
Audience – the person who is interested to listen to the audio media
What the audience need to know – the topic to which the audience will be interested
The medium that will be used for the audio media – the platform to be used
Preparation of the media – the process of audio media production
To check the reliability and validity of audio information media, the following should be considered:

Component Guide Question

Target Who are the possible audience of this Audio Information Media?
Sender/Author Who is the author of this Audio Information Media?
What are the techniques used for combining the different elements of
sound design?
Key Content What are the dialogues or taglines that you will use to relate the
What are the facts/figures that you will include in the Audio Information

Purpose What is the intention of the Audio Information Media?

Form / Style What are the dialogues that you need to emphasize in the Audio
Information Media?

Medium / Is this the best platform to use? Why?


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Evaluate the music infographic below by answering the guide questions:
Component Guide Question Your Answer
Target Who are the
Audience possible audience
of this Audio

Sender/Author Who is the author

of this Audio

What are the

techniques used for
Key Content combining the
different elements
of sound design?

What are the

dialogues or
taglines that you
will use to relate
the information?

What are the

facts/figures that
you will include in
the Audio
Purpose What is the
intention of the
Audio Information

Form / Style What are the

dialogues that you
need to emphasize
in the Audio

Medium / Is this the best

Format platform to use?

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Second Quarter/ Week 4 / Day 2

 OBJECTIVE: Produces and evaluates a creative audio-based presentation using design principle
and elements by creating a 2 minutes audio-based presentation about a personal advocacy
applying the dimensions of audio information and media.



Producing and Evaluating A Creative Audio-Based Presentation

 Audio Production techniques educate students in the fundamental concepts and skills of multi-
track analog and digital audio recording.
 It then adds extensive education in advanced digital audio technology—including advanced, in-
depth training in ProTools—and applies this knowledge and skill to the creation of recorded audio
products through the recording, mixing, editing and manipulation of sonic elements.
 The general procedure for creating an Audio-based presentation are:
a) Planning - choosing a topic
b) Pre-recording - choosing your equipment and software for recording
c) Creating your audio-based presentation - audio recording and converting to MP3
d) Uploading your audio-based presentation - choosing where to upload through RSS Feed
 In selecting audio-based presentation you should consider:
a) Audience
b) What the audience need to know
c) The medium that will be used for the audio media
d) Preparation of the media
 Consider also the characteristics of sound:
a) Frequency - Understanding frequency is extremely important in creating a sonic masterpiece.
A major part of recording, mixing, and mastering involves assembling, shaping, and refining
different frequency ranges (pitches) into a consonant (pleasurable) arrangement.
b) Amplitude - amplitude is simply volume. How loud, or soft, is your sound?
c) Timbre - Timbre is why two different instruments can be playing the same exact note, at the
same exact volume, and yet they still sound different.
d) Envelope - is also referred to as an “ADSR Envelope” or just “ADSR.
e) Velocity - the speed at which sound travels.
f) Wavelength - the distance between successive crests of a sound wave
g) Phase - audio waveforms are cyclical; that is, they proceed through regular cycles or
repetitions. Phase is defined as how far along its cycle a given waveform is. The measurement
of phase is given in degrees, with 360 degrees being one complete cycle.

To evaluate a creative audio-based presentation using design principle and elements

Criteria Description 5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is accurate and all
required information is
presented in a logical order
Presentation of Information Presentation flows well and
logically. Presentation reflects
extensive use of tools in a
creative way.

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Use of Audio Design Use of audio design elements
Elements are appropriate. Layout is
pleasing to the eye.
Use of Audio Design Use of audio design
Principles principles are used
Mechanics No grammar errors. Text is in
authors’ own words

 Elements and principles of sound design:

1. Elements of Sound Design – the objects or things that we must work with:
a. Dialogue - speech, conversation, voice-over.
b. Sound Effects - any sound other than music or dialogue.
c. Music - vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to
produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
d. Silence - absence of audio or sound.
2. Principles of Sound Design – the techniques for combining the different elements or
a. Mixing - the combination, balance and control of multiple sound elements.
b. Pace - Time control. Editing. Order of events: linear, non-linear, or multi-linear.
c. Transitions - How you get from one segment or element to another.
- Segue - one element stops, the next begins ("cut" in film).
- Cross-fade - one element fades out, the next fades in, and they overlap on the
- V Fade – first elements fades to inaudible before the second elements begins.
- Waterfall – as first elements fades out, the second element begin at full
volume. Better for voice transition than for effect.
d. Stereo Imaging - Using left and right channel for depth. This refers to the aspect
of sound recording.
3. Types of Audio File Formats:
a) MP3 (MPEG -1 or MPEG-2) is a common format for consumer audio, as well as a
standard of audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on most digital
audio players.
b) M4A/AAC (MPEG 4 Audio/Advanced Audio Coding) is an audio coding standard
for lossy digital audio compression.
c) Wave form Audio File Format (WAVE or WAV) is a Microsoft or IBM audio file
structure that stores audio files from the computer
d) WMA (Windows Media Audio) is a file extension that has audio format and audio code
used in Windows Media Player


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Evaluate the presented podcast using the design principle and elements.

For die-hard wrestling fans, this podcast

is for you! The Wrestling-Wrestling
Podcast debuted in April 2014 after the
monumental WrestleMania XXX
ultimately pushed good friends Stan Sy
and Ro Moran to create a show to talk
about it.

“We wanted to raise awareness about

wrestling as a community and as a
culture here in the Philippines. Plus, it
was a great way of bringing people
together. We’re tired of people feeling
ashamed about their fandom. There’s
nothing wrong with being a wrestling
fan. We’re out and proud about it!” he

Check out the podcast on Spotify.

Evaluation of Audio-Based Presentation
Criteria Description 5 4 3 2 1
Content Content is accurate and all required information
is presented in a logical order
Use of Audio Presentation flows well and logically.
Design Elements Presentation reflects extensive use of tools in a
creative way.
Use of Audio Use of audio design elements are appropriate.
Design Elements Layout is pleasing to the eye.


Complete the table below by describing how to evaluate an Audio-media presentation using the
design principle and elements

Criteria Description
Presentation of Information
Use of Audio Design Elements
Use of Audio Design Principles


Second Quarter/ Week 4 / Day 3

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OBJECTIVE: Describes the different dimensions of motion information and media


Dimensions of Motion Information and Media
 Motion Information and Media can be a collection of graphics, footage, videos. It is
combined with audio, text and/or interactive content to create multimedia.
 Motion media in essence is visual media that gives the appearance of movement.
 Motion media can be produced formally and informally. Informally produced motion
media are created by individuals often for personal use. Formally produced motion media are
created by professionals who follow industry standards in creating, editing and producing
motion media.
 The widely accepted formats, dimension, types and sources of motion-media and these
are decided/selected by creators and users of motion media and information:
 Animations - animated GIF (Graphic Interchange Format), Flash, Shockwave, Dynamic
 Video formats/Video Codecs - motion media use large resources. Codecs compresses and
decompresses video files. Examples are H.26N series, Quicktime, DivX, MPG, MP4, 3GP
 3GP – (Third Generation Partnership) video container format was developed with the
intention to save on disk space, bandwidth and data usage.
 MPG is a file extension for an MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 codec. It was designed for
coding progressive video at bit rates of about 1.5 million bits per second.
 MP4 is a file format created by moving picture expert group MPEG as a multimedia
container format designed to store audiovisual data.
 Limitations of motion media and information:
 Compared to other forms of visual media the viewer cannot always interrupt
the presentation.
 It is often times costlier than other forms of visual media.
 Other data may be presented best using still images. Examples are graphs, diagrams,
 It is subject to misinterpretation

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 It is important to have speed, direction, and turning that should be parallel to the law of
motion which includes paths, impact on objects and feedback of the surrounding
 Timing influences recall details that much information is taken from fast movements
while slow movements illustrate a lasting recall.
 Transitions are employed to swap in between scenes. It is advisable to use neutral colors
in the beginning or towards the end when transitioning.


Put the following words/phrase in their correct motion media dimension type in the box.

MPEG-1 HTLM Flash Shockwave Dynamic

HTML 1.5M per second Third Generation Partnership


 Based on the words given, describe the different types and dimensions of Audio Media:
 3GP
Your answer:
Your answer:
 MP4
Your answer:
Your answer:
 Discuss the limitation of motion media and information.
Your answer:

Page 14 of 20
PRACTICE EXERCISE I: Describe the infographic below
using the chart.


Component Guide Question Your Answer

Target Who are the
Audience possible viewers
of the video?
What are their
age group? Are
there sensitivities
that must be
Sender/Author Who is the
owner/creator of
the video?
What is his
reputation and
known advocacy?
What is the main
message of the
motion media?

What are the

Key Content actions/events
(key scenes) that
helped develop
this message?
Purpose What is the
purpose of the
Form / Style How was the
Medium / Is this the best
Format platform to use?
How would you
classify this

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Second Quarter/ Week 4 / Day 4

OBJECTIVE: Analyzes how motion information and media is/are formally and informally
produced, organized and disseminated


Analyzing Motion Information and Media
 Motion media can be produced formally and informally. Informally produced motion media are
created by individuals often for personal use. Formally produced motion media are created by
professionals who follow industry standards in creating, editing and producing motion media.
 Formal production of animations involves the following steps:
 writing the story - writers and directors create the story board.
 Script is written and dialogue is recorded
 Animators sketch major scenes; in between fill in the gaps
 Background music and background details are added
 Drawings are rendered
 Videos are produced in the same manner except that instead of drawing the scenes they are acted
out and shot. Once the scenes have been shot, all clips are edited and put together in a final
 A video can be distinguished whether it is a copy from another that is sliced -up then connected
to another video through its smoothness or transition of the storyline.
 Another method of detecting a phony video is through the lighting that will have an
objective correlative with the shadows and the source of light will gauge the movement of
the shadow.
 Scale and size consistency should also be looked upon.
 The following components should be considered:
a) Target audience - who are the possible viewers of the video? What are their age group? Are there
sensitivities that must be considered?
b) Author - Who is the owner/creator of the video? What is his agenda, reputation and known
c) Purpose - What is the intention of the video? What emotions are drawn out by the video?
d) Key content - What is the main message of the motion media? What are the actions/events (key
scenes) that helped develop this message?
e) Form/Style - How was the information presented? Did it make use of appropriate design
elements and principles? What is the tone of the video? How was this conveyed?
f) Medium/Format - is this the best platform to use? Why? How would you classify this video?

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Describe when to use the different formats in motion media




 The widely accepted formats, types and sources of motion-media and how these are
decided/selected by creators and users of motion media and information
a) Format:
Animations - animated gifs (Graphic Interchange Format), Flash,
Shockwave, Dynamic HTML • Video formats/Video Codecs - motion media
use large resources. Codecs compresses and decompresses video files.
Examples are H.26N series, QuickTime, DivX, MPG, MP4 •
b) According to purpose:
education, entertainment, advertising • According to source: personal, social
media, media companies
c) According to audience:
private or public; directed or general

Page 17 of 20
Analyze the presented
infographic. Accomplish the table FRAMEWORK
with the most appropriate answer.
Component Guide Question Your Answer
Target Who are the
Audience possible viewers
of the video?
What are their
age group? Are
sensitivities that
must be
Sender/Author Who is the
owner/creator of
the video?
What is his
reputation and
What is the main
message of the
motion media?

What are the

Key Content actions/events
(key scenes)
that helped
develop this
Purpose What is the
purpose of the
Form / Style How was the
Medium / Is this the best
Format platform to use?
How would you
classify this

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Module Code: Pasay-EN12-MIL-Q1-W4-04

 Motion media can be produced formally and informally. Informally produced
motion media are created by individuals often for personal use. Formally produced
motion media are created by professionals who follow industry standards in
creating, editing and producing motion media.
 Formal production of animations involves the following steps:
 writing the story - writers and directors create the story board.
 Script is written and dialogue is recorded
 Animators sketch major scenes; inbetweeners fill in the gaps
 Background music and background details are added
 Drawings are rendered
 The following components should be considered:
a) Target audience
b) Author
c) Purpose
d) Key content
e) Form/Style
 The widely accepted formats, types and sources of motion-media and how these are
decided/selected by creators and users of motion media and information
a) Format:
Animations - animated gifs(Graphic Interchange Format), Flash, Shockwave,
Dynamic HTML • Video formats/Video Codecs - motion media use large
resources. Codecs compresses and decompresses video files.
Examples are H.26N series, Quicktime, DivX, MPG, MP4 •
b) According to purpose:
education, entertainment, advertising • According to source: personal, social
media, media companies
c) According to audience:
private or public; directed or general

Complete the table below by describing the components in analyzing a motion media

Components Description
Target audience
Key content

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