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TEST 6 ETS 2020

She's holding on to a ________.
He's ________ some ________.
She's ____________to tie her shoe.
He's painting a ________.
The entryway is ___________
He's working on a ________.
The stairs are being ________.
He's moving a ________.

2. 5.

She's pushing a ____________. The ________ has been closed.

She's removing her ________. Some photos are ________ on a desk.

She's ________ some bags on a ________. A travel bag has been set on a ________.

She's looking at some ________. A light is ________ from the ________.

3. 6.

The woman is ________ some food. A man is walking along a ________.

The woman is ___________a table. An outdoor area is ________ with people.

The man is talking to a server. A man is removing his ________ and hat.

The man is __________some ________. A walkway is lined with ________.

Part 2
7. Why were you _______for work (C) On Fifth Avenue.
9. Which _____ice cream would you
(A) It's on my desk. like?
(B) Because I got ________traffic. (A) Yes, in a bowl.
(C) ________.this afternoon. (B) I'll take ________, please.
(C) The ________over there.
8. Where's your
10. Who's going to _________Pablo
(A) Not very often. from the airport?
(B) Twenty ________. (A) A _____will pick him up at twelve.
(B) They're my ________airline. 16. Do you want me to
___________for you?
(C) At the ____________.
(A) I can't say that I ________.
11. Where's the ____________?
(B) A higher ticket ________.
(A) I always listen to that
___________. (C) Yes, I'd ________that.
(B) An informative ________________ 17. Does your bus stop by the
(C) Right next to the ________.
(A) Oh, I'm going by car.
12. When will the cleaning products be (B) A new ________company.
(C) Did you go on Tuesday or
(A) By truck. Thursday?
(B) In two days.
18. There's a _______on this stove,
(C) A ____________plant.
(A) No, I sell _______________.
13. We haven't received the
__________ yet, have we? (B) He's an ________cook.
(A) Sure, I'll _____________ (C) Yes, it's twenty-five percent ____.
(B) No, not yet.
19. Could you show me where the
(C) A ___________.
___________department is?
(A) The _____starts at eight P.M.
14. How did you enjoy your stay?
(B) Replace the ________.
(A) I had a great time.
(C) Sure,
(B) About seven ________.
(C) He _____it at work.
20. What's this _______made of?
(A) In Spain, I believe.
15. Who won the Employee of the
Month ________? (B) Let me check the ________.
(A) My dinner was ________, thanks. (C) It also ____________.
(B) Just a few _______after three
o'clock. 21. Will the ___________workshop
end before six P.M?
(C) It still hasn't been ________.
(A) No, the late ________.
(B) The __________online. 27. These business cards are ________.
(C) I only read ________. (A) Offices open at nine A.M.
(B) Yes, the design is ________.
22. Which ________do you like better,
(C) No, the ________are the same.
the ________one or the red one?
(A) It's an ___________.
28. How long does it take to become a
(B) The yellow one is a good size. ________?
(C) I should ________________soon. (A) It ________last week.
23. The ____________in front of the (B) A price estimate for metal pipes.
___________been closed.
(C) Are you interested in ________for
(A) There're more _______in the back. that job?
(B) Here's an extra ________. 29. Don't we have an extra table in the
(C) No, just open the ________.
(A) We're using it for the
24. These ______look nice, don't they?
(B) Yes, you can close it.
(A) I think you should try this pair
_____. (C) Maria just ________more paper
(B) The ___________near my house.
30. Where should I go when I visit
(C) Yes, it was nice to ________her.
New York?
(A) Every month.
25. Let's leave early for our lunch with
the ________. (B) To the _______ Gardens.
(A) I still have a lot to do. (C) Twenty dollars
(B) A different __________
31. Has someone ________a room for
(C) No, I haven't met him .
today's _____________?
(A) I really ________the book.
26. When will you sell your ________?
(B) Did you turn off the ________?
(A) There's a sale at the ________.
(C) The ________is tomorrow.
(B) Yes, we liked it.
(C) We don't have __________agent
W-Am. Hello. 32I _______________ for a rental truck and I'm here to __________.
M-Cn Certainly. Thanks for choosing Canton Rentals. Before you can take the
vehicle, you'll just have to _________a few more things for your ___________on this
W-Am OK, great. Hmm, 33I see here you need my ______________, but I'm afraid
I didn't _________
M-Cn That's not a problem. 34I’ll ___________in our _________right now. First,
could you tell me your __________?

M-Au Excuse me, Ying? 35Amy's office door is closed, and she asked me to
__________ ________for some new _________________by the end of the day. I
have the form here. Can I leave it with you?
W-Br I can _________she gets it. 36She's _______________a phone call with a
client, and I'm not sure ___________she'll be.
M-Au That'd be great-thanks! 37I have to go now to

M-Cn Thank you for calling Margo Publications. How may I help?
W-Am Hi, 38I currently ___________Business Reporters' Weekly-and I’d like to
_____ it. I saw that you're currently offering 50 percent off an __________________?
M-Cn Oh, 39I'm very sorry... but that _________only applies to new subscriptions.
You could order a different magazine and _____________. Would you like to do that?
W-Am Hmm ... uh, you know, I already get too many magazines. So I'll just renew at
the __________________.
M-Cn OK. 40I can still mail you a list of all of our _________. If you
_____________, you can ____________________to one of those.

W-Br Hi, Joon and Raj. 41I received your __________________a problem with one
of the machines on the __________________. What's happening?
M-Au Well, 42the ____________________is running very slowly. Raj reported the
problem to a ___________.
M-Cn Right, I did. The technician noticed that not all the nozzles are working. 42So
the cleaning cycle is __________________to complete.
W-Br That is a problem. 43Let’s __________________when we can _________the
line for the repair.

M-Cn Ms. Yamada, 44I've __________________from the employee survey. The
results show most staff aren't happy with the new open-office design.
W-Br 44That’s surprising. I've read that letting staff work in an
of in individual cubicles promotes ___________and creativity.
M-Cn Well, 45the ______________show that the ____________is noise. Employees
say they're ___________by people having work conversations in open spaces.
W-Br 46Maybe we should __________________reminding people about our policy
to use meeting rooms for ___________________.
M-Cn Good idea-I'll do that right away.

W-Am Mr. Allawi, this is Rose Costa. 47I'm calling about your order of ________
strawberries from our farm. ___________, we can only provide twenty pounds
for your restaurant this week.
M-Cn Oh, that's too bad. I really ________more than that We're ________a large
event on Saturday, and I'm serving strawberry tarts for ________
W-Am I understand. Unfortunately, we just don't have that many ________this week.
But 48blueberries are coming into ________. Could you use those instead?
M-Cn Well, the request came directly from the ________
W-Am I'll tell you what then ... 49Let me make a few ___________to the farms
around here and see if I can get you some more.
M-Cn That would be great I can __________if necessary
M-Au How was last night's employee ________________, Mina?
W-Br It was nice. 50I ____________for selling the most products this year.
M-Au Congratulations! But I'm not ________you always have impressive
_____________. What was the prize?
W-Br Tickets to the __________tennis tournament on Sunday.
M-Au That's wonderful!
W-Br I know. But 51I’m __________________this weekend, so I won't be able to
M-Au Too bad. What are you going to do with the ________?
W-Br 52I was thinking that I would give them away. Would you be

W-Br 53Here’s your room key. It's 417. Just to the right after you ________the
elevator. I hope you ________________in Centerville.
M-Au Thanks. 54I'm in town for a __________, but I have a little free time. This is
my first visit here.
W-Br In that case, I'd ___________visiting the Centerville Art Museum. It's
__________its collection of twentieth- century _________.
M-Au Good idea-I really enjoy ________________.
W-Br 55I suggest buying your ticket on line-that way you'll get a fifteen-percent
M-Au That's good to know. Thank you.

M-Cn Polina-great news! 56Remember the Web site we created for the Lee Dental
Office? They were so __________with our work that they referred US to several
________ ________.
W-Am That is great news. Our business has been going really well lately. We finished
five Web site ________last month alone.
M-Cn You know, 57since our business is growing faster than we ________, we
should find an __________who can handle our __________.
W-Am Hmm. 58I’ve heard the Olson Accounting Firm's good. I'll _____________
_______with them. Are you free on Thursday?
M-Cn In the afternoon, yes

M-Au Hi, Carrie, 59my name's James Fitch, the ________________at Regal
Advertising. This is my __________Sanjay Patel.
M-Cn Nice to meet you, Carrie. 60Please tell US a little bit about your work
W-Am Well, I've worked extensively in ___________. Here's my portfolio.
M-Au Wow, your portfolio is _________. What would you describe as your
W-Am 61some of my best work has been on large billboards in cities around the
M-Cn You were __________at your last job, why leave?
W-Am The work was exciting, but it was only ___________work. I've heard that
Regal offers ________________. 61That shows me that Regal really values their
employees. I __________that.

W-Am Hi, Jose. It's Lea. 62Are you at the airport yet? I'm still about fifteen
minutes away. The ________is terrible. I'm worried that I'll _______________-and
the next one's not until tomorrow.
M-Cn Don't worry. I just got here and saw that 63our flight's been ________an hour.
I'm sure you'll make it.
W-Am Oh, that's a ________. But, 64can you call the conference ________? We
should let them know that we'll be late for the conference __________tonight.

W-Br Alex, look at this __________. 65I'm expecting a shipment of our winter
________ today, so we'll need to make some more room in here
M-Au Sure, 66I can do it after I put these _________away. Actually, these three
boxes of sweaters are almost empty. What if I just put them together in one box...
so that we can make ________for the delivery?
W-Br Good suggestion. And when you're done with that, 67please get the
________display table and ________it to the front of the store.

W-Am OK. I _________your business plan and I think you're off to a great start.
You have an interesting ________for your new restaurant. I ________like how
much thought you put into the customers you expect to ________there.
M-Au Yeah. 69that's something I learned from my last business venture. I tried to
_________to everyone, which I now know was a ________. This time I have a
much __________of who I want to attract.
W-Am Perfect. Now ... since you're hoping to use this plan to _________a loan, 70I
suggest revisiting your projected ________. In particular, you should
________more of the _________to staffing. About 35 percent is ________in the
restaurant industry.

M-Au The next item on the ________is an update on our advertising contracts. 71We
were _________on starting work on the video game console __________, but 72the
client called and said that the game console won't be ready ________. So it looks
like we won't be able to start on the ________________as originally planned.
They won't be running the ads until next year. Since this will ________our schedule
for the coming months, 73here's a ________________. Take a moment and check
the dates for any _________conflicts with your new ___________.

M-Cn Hello, this is Conrad. I rent _________306. 74I'm calling to
________________the people in the ________next to me. For a while now, they've
been parking in my ________________. 75Yesterday I tried talking to them, but
they were uncooperative. I sometimes come home late at night, and I need to know
my space is available. This problem has to be ________, and I'd like to discuss this
__________. So 76I’ll come to your office after I finish work tomorrow.Thank you.

W-Br Good morning, everyone! As always, 77there are a lot of shipments to
_________ and __________today, so I’ll try not to ________too much of your
time. Before you head out onto the __________floor, I'd like to introduce you to our
new system for addressing employee _________and suggestions. 78We really
__________from our employees, but we've had some ________collecting it. We
know, in the past, not everyone felt comfortable _________themselves by
speaking ________to management. Now, there's a box in the _______room. And
every Friday afternoon, I’ll write up a summary of the _________left in that
box for the management team to ________.

W-Am Hello, and 80thank you for calling the office of Pineville Legal Associates.
Our office is currently closed. 81We are ________________from June twelfth to
June nineteenth. We apologize for any possible __________this closure may cause.
If you require ________assistance, please send an e-mail to our office
administrator, Jordan Smith, at He will redirect your
________to the most _________lawyer on our team. Have a nice day.

W-Br And now for our local business news. 83On Thursday, Broadchurch Fashions
announced that its ________store will move from Cummings Street to a larger
________on River Street. The relocation has become necessary because of the store's
increasing ________since 84Sharon Rockford took over as president. Under Ms.
Rockford's ________________, 85Broadchurch Fashions, which is __________its
simple designs and __________for men, will be _________a similar line of
women's clothing next spring. And the new, larger store will have _______of space
for the expanded ________ !
M-Au Hello, everyone. 86I just wanted to ________you all on the printers that
have just been ________in our department. I know many of you hoped we would
be getting new computers, but that won't happen until next year. Now- 87the new
printers have an ________________of security. They should be simple to use,
though. Before you get your printouts, all you'll have to do is type in your ________at
the machine. 88If you have a problem, we do have __________, but they're generally
very busy. Let me know if you haven't been able to ________them after two business
M-Cn 89Our next ________item is about the surveys we mailed to everyone who
purchased a ________from our dealership last year. As you'll recall, 90we designed
the surveys to find out how ________our customers were with the service they
received from US. The surveys were sent out a month ago, and I'm happy to report
that 60 percent of them have already been __________and returned to us! Now, this is
an _________high number 91I’m sure this is because we promised to wash their car
for free if they ______ __ a completed _________. So let's keep this _________in
mind next time we need to collect customer ________.

W-Am Alright. Now that you've learned how to provide a cost ________for ________
installation, 92Let's discuss how best to __________with potential customers. When
speaking about solar energy, remember this-most people have a
________understanding of the topic. In _________, 93they want to know how solar
energy is harnessed by the solar panels we want to install. You'll find a
________in your folders; you'll find it useful when explaining the ________to
customers. 94Just keep in mind that you have a sales quota of fifteen units per
month- that's your ________.
W-Br This is lnsook Park calling. 95I'm one of the organizers for the ________
conference. I just sent you an updated __________of the exhibit space. As before,
we've provided you with a display case .. so 96your newest mobile phones will be on
display right in the center. We've also __________you requested. 97We've added an
area in the back __________by a partition for meeting _________with clients. We
hope this works for you and wish you a _________event!

M-Au Hi, everyone. 98I'm Bo Chen, membership ________ here at City Arts
Museum. 99We really _________staff from all of our departments putting in the
time next week to assist with our membership drive. Over half of our museum's
__________comes from membership fees, so next week's big push is ________to our
work. For the most part, you'll be ________people as they come in the door and
asking them if they'd like to ________a membership. If they do, they'll fill out this
form. As you can see, we have four ________ categories. For anyone who did this
________last year, 100note that this year the fee for an __________membership has

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