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KOLEI UNIVERSITITUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN FACULTY OF ACCOUNTANCY, FINANCE AND BUSINESS, ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020 JANUARY/FEBRUARY EXAMINATION psx AGEMENT FRIDAY, 31 JANUARY 2020 ‘TIME: 2.30 PM 4.30PM 2 HOURS) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (HONOURS) IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP [BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (HONOURS) IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS [BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (HONOURS) IN LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONOURS) Tastrution o Candidates: “This paper is vided into TWO (2) setions SECTION A: Answer ONE (1) compulsry case study question. (40 marks) SECTION B: Answer ALL THREE (3) questions (Comats) This question paper consists of 4 quesons on 3 printed pages 2 ‘BADS2043 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. SECTION A 40 mati Answer ONE (1) compulsory case study question. Question 1 ‘Robotics Startup Geek Is Leading China's Push into Smart Logistics to Support F-commerce, “Manufacturing, Four.yet-old startup Geok* Technology has become arising star in China's automation revolution afer the Beijing based company became the county's lading supplier of logistics robots forthe e- ‘ommerce and manufacturing sete, Geek, whose major customers inci Altus Group Holding, ‘ourer company SF Express and stat-owned carmaker FAW Group, has deployed more than 7,00 robots aswell a completed moe than 200 smart logistics projects aro four contness, according to Zheng Yong, the star's founder and chef execute. Esublished in 2015, Geek offers four different artifical nllgence powered robots fer picking, moving, sorting, end forklift systoms wed ina new generation of lost zro-laourinautomsted warehouses. Is production logstice management setup which replaces the wadtonal conveyor belt system in ‘manufacturing power ll apace ofthe facility from inventory tothe production lire wil achieve @ exible and more efficient tory The robots automatically complete final testing and finished product inspection, afer which they directly proceed othe finished produe re o be packaged and prepared fe shipment. “The largest logstiss robots player in the industry remains Amazon Robotics, which as more than 200,000 sich sytoms deployed. This company, formerly known as Kiva Systems, i subsidiary of United States (U.S) e-commerce giant, Since Kiva was sequred ty Amazon in 2012, the frm has focused is technology for us ints parent company's warehouse. ‘Zheng sui Gosk's smart logics systems ae applicable to wide ange of indastics, with sing ‘doption in e-commerce. Gaakt clot Alibaba i he parent company ofthe South Chiba Morning Post. "Workers on average spend 60% 10 70% oftheir Ue walking inthe warchouset ind goods on ‘nde he st, nding tate worker ean sometimes walk the equivalent of 20 klomates day in ich non-atomated fail. Source: Adapted rom Robotes startup Gee i eaing Chin's pus into smart logis to support fccommerse, Manufictring, viewed on 5 October 2019, Required: (®) Based onthe case above, examine the advantage of using Geek+ Technology in warchouses. (Goma) (©) Propose FOUR (4) ober festues that could improve the ure of Geek smart logistics ‘yen in warchowses, Support your anrwer with relevent examples ‘QO mari) (Tota: 40 mais] "This question paper consists oF 4 questions on3 prised pages 045, IAIN MANAG parks ‘Answer ALL THREE (8) gestions Question 2 (Analyse the roqurements of transportation service leveltoa.caiercompany. (4 marks) (©) Discuss FOUR (4) supplier performance mets to evaluate @supplir in the manufictrng indus. ‘iSmarks) (Totals 20 marks} Question3 ()—Bramine the usage of supply base appreach inthe land transport indus. Supper your snawer ith relevant examples, (nats) (©) Discus the basi isaes when trang with foreign fms within an ltemtional group, (§ mars) (Total: 20 mars) Quest (@)_Bramine the usage ofa data warchouse in manufacturing industry. Support our answer with relevent examples, ‘CO marks) (©) Appraise FIVE (6) ruiements of Bavroamental Management System (EMS) used by a smanufieurer ‘dmarks) (Totts20 marks) its question paper consis oF questions on pied pages

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