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KOLES UNIVERSITITUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN FACULTY OF ACCOUNTANCY, FINANCE AND BUSINESS ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2000, SEPTEMBER EXAMINATION | BBDS2043 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ‘TUESDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER 2019 ‘TIME: 2.0 PM —400 PM @ HOURS) BACIIEILOR OF BUSINESS (HONOURS) IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS BACHELOR CFBUSINES (-ONCURS)IN LOGISTICS ANDSUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. Instructions to Candidates “This paper vids inta TWO 2) ston SECTION A: Answer ONE (1) compiory cse study uetion, (40 mars) SECTION 8: Answer ALL THREE @) questions. (mais) “Ths question pape const oF 4 questions on @ printed pages, 2 |BBDS2049 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SECTION A (40 maris) ‘Answer ONE (1) compulsory case study question Question 1 ‘Keeping Track of The Food Journey “The aieuly in hoeping wack of products ina complex food chain is highlighted repeatedly in several notable cass A ental sue in the spread ofthe coi outbreak in 2018 was the tacabiity of the Ietuce which had been contminated through irrigation systems. Finding the root of the ‘roblem was challenging because much ofthe conaminsted Finished lotuce product contained romaine roured from muikiple sources. Adtionally, mos ecards collected during the iavestaton were andwriten, This poses a serous challenge for tnceabily effets; businesses are urged to explore modem sppraches to sanderdised resord-keeping andthe se of labels on product packaging to improve traceability, Alarmigly, 90% of al global food companies are smal medium enterprises (SME), and ‘most do not follow interational standards, The vas majority use paper-based forms trun ther ual syste Elements ofall ood audits cove fod safety, food standards and brand iterty, these bases should tbe openly shed, while standards relating to indlvidsl bran ater, suchas produce requirements an remain competitive mater. Thi would mean we canal test the risks iren in ay Tood system, ‘Thee is curently no uniform regulatory sytem inthe fod industry. For instance, the Bish Retail Consortium (BRC) standards are the dovninant scheme inthe UK, while other schemes include Safe ‘Quality Food (SQF) and the Intemational Featured Standard (IFS). These schemes are being benchmarked by the indusr’s self appointed Glabal Food Safer laitiaive (GSI) ~ an umbrella body backed By seven major interational retailers, including Tesco. While OFSI is building ‘momentim, many food asureace seheres auch a the Iatraational Organisation for Standardisation (ASO) romain outde ofthe reolstory boy Independent third-party ait an help elimina the ned for individual eustomer audits, reducing the audit burden and allowing organisations to refocus on monitoring and continuous systems improvements ‘The third pany audits ofthe fae wil be more user-endly and freasic For instance, Goglestyle ‘audit glass’ ‘suiittote, and drones which can observe farming and food quality operations ‘emotely, will be used. Potentially the most game-changing technology in this area is bloskehan Bicekehain allows moliple stakeholders to seewely share access to the same information, through & isriboted ledger asing independent computes lo record and share transaction in thei eleewonic ledges Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) will wansferm the way datas handled and how companies share acd safety and. quality information inthe very nesr future. This technology has the power spd potential 1 revolonse food safety and qual ~ provided that datas clean and validate. Even with tachnology taking quality cont to new levels relationships will remain key to managing tnd rmitaning @ soccesful supply chain, A close Working roationship and ust, i cel © fang exceptional quality performance within any supply chain. Nortring longterm supplier ‘eltonships is fundamental fo business success. “This quoton paper onsiss oF 4 quetons on & pend pags 3 | BBDS203 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ‘Question 1 (Continued) Source: Adapted and modified ftom Supply Chain Digital, 2018, Keeping rack ofthe food journey, ‘Viewed on [June 2019 Required: (0) Discuss the challenges ficed by manufacturers inthe global fod supply chun, Provide relevant examples to supper your answer. ‘20marks) (©) Analyse the approaches that can be implemented to improve the elebal food supply chain, ‘Support your answer wit levan exarpls from the case ‘20 marks) (ota: 40 marks} This question paper consists O74 questions on 4 ped pages 4 | BBDS2M3 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SECTION B (60 maris) ‘Answer ALL THREE (3) questions. weston? (®) Compare and contrast the supply cans paves used in the pst to the modem supply chain arerships that exist toda. (Co marks) (©) Analyse the advantages of implementing Early Supplie Involvement (ESI) sirsexy fom predic design to pret development proves inthe fashion indy. (dU marks) [Fetal 20 mar) ‘Suction 3 @) entity the hierarchical components of material planing and explain how they affect the ‘overll manofscuring recess, (12 marks) (©) Examine the elements of eustomer service ina car manufacturing fir, Support your answer ‘with relevant examples (Barks) (Toa: 20 mars) Question & Citaly evaluate the element of Jst-n-Time (IT) production that canbe implemented by a ist moving consumer goods (FMCG) company to reluce the amount of iventary and wasage ‘hroughout he supply chain. Provide relevant examples to suppor Your answer. [Total 20 marks] This question paper consists O74 questions on 4 printed pages

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