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KOLES UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN FACULTY OF ACCOUNTANCY, FINANCE AND BUSINESS. ACADEMIC YEAR 201872019, JANUARY/FEBRUARY EXAMINATION ‘AGEMENT WEDNESDAY, 30 JANUARY 2019 ‘TIME: 9.00 AM 11.00 AM (2 HOURS) [BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (HONOURS) IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS [BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (HONOURS) IN LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Instrctons to Candidates: ‘This papers dvds ino TWO @) seston: SECTION A: Answer ONE (l)compuloy case sudyquston, (mars) SECTION B: Answer ALL THREE (3) quis (60m) This queso paper consis of questions v3 pied pags a ‘BBDS2043 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ‘SECTION A do marisy Answer ONE () compulsory ese sty question ‘Ovex ‘Traching Delivery Tracks Logistics Werkdwide Express (LWE) Malaysia (M) Sedivian (Sn. Berhad (Bhd) was esublised in 2010 with oficcs in Hong Kong and China. LWE Sdn. Bad. isa technology-based company that ‘provides end‘ovend and cross-border e-commerce supply chain management services to brand ‘Owners. In 2017, LWE Sdn. Bhd, obtained its local corer license in Malaysia by delivering fleets ‘with desta tonshipment hubs in each of the major towns and cites wih (let. “it woud be good for us to know how they're moving, end whether they are traveling within certain boundaries to devs our goods and move ok shipments fst enough” chief operating office of LWE, Sdn Bhd, ssid LWE Sdn Bhd. alo wanted to understand its drivers on planning to maintain 30 effective cost per mileage vn the anastis, Flet. Howver, LWE. Sdn. Bh eed some resistance {rom the divers daring the nial stages when iFlet was fist used in the company. ‘Fleet is an intligent global positioning systems (GPS) tracking and feet management seve provided by Digi Telecommuniatons Sdn. Bhd. Flectbalped LWE Sdo. Bhd to study delivery ‘outs, driver's diving performance, and behavioural patterns Fleet algo erable users to lear the track driver's ving habits that inclaes where the deers es and stop time. These festures are very efi i helpe ne understand and interact withthe driver beter while sharing pood habits o other divers, Aliematvey, (Fleet fet management solution the fst step to minimise ack driver ‘riving enor from happening to improve cost management Source: Adapted and modified from Tracking delivery cs, viewed on 28 October 2018, -hups/ we testar com my ousinesssmebiz72018/10/2/racking deliver tucks. Required: (@) Based on the case above rtealy analyse the implementation of iFlet tacking system in Logistics Worldwide Express Malaysia Sdn Bh. (asmarks) (6) Examine the importance of let tracking system provided by Digi Telesommuniestons Sdn hal (lamas) (©) Suggest TWO @2)rypes of other module that could be added to tho Flee wackng system of LLWE (M)Sén. Bhi. Support your answec with elevantexarples. (Omar) [Teta 40 mars] ‘This question paper consists of 4 questions oa 3 pnd pases 3 [bs2043 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ‘SECTION BéGOmaris) -Anowor ALL THREE (8) questions, Question 2 () Discus the process of face-to-face negotiation between manufetures and supplies Comets) (©) Analyse the Jusc-a-Time (17) approach in managing supply chain inventory of «public warehouse (GO marks) (va: 20 mats) Question 3 (Appraise the easons fr determining logses measurement ofland transport. (8 marks) (©) Discus he importance of performance messurement during anew supplier selection, (2mars) [Teva 20 marks) Question 4 (Differentiate berween strategie sourcing ais and operational activities in purchasing. (ismarks) ©) Appaise TWO (2) basic components of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) wed by a oes smanuctrer. Gmaris) [Teal 20 marks} "Tis question papor consis of8 questions on printed pases

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