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Learner’s Activity Sheet

Assessment Checklist

Quarter 1 – Week 1

The Origin and Structure of Earth




Parent or Guardian


Date of Retrieval 11

School: Pagayawan National Highschool Grade Level: Grade 11

Teacher: Fatima Shahannie Laguindab Learning Area: Earth Science
Teaching Date: Quarter: 1 . Week: 1

I. OBJECTIVES a. List and describe the factors that makes earth

b. Describe the historical development of the
theories that explain the origin of the universe.
b. Compare the different hypothesis explaining
the origin of the solar system
c. Identify and describe the unique
characteristic of Earth necessary to support life.

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of

the formation of the universe and the solar
B. Performance The learners should be able to describe and
Standard identify the factors that support life.
C. MELC Describe the characteristics of Earth that are
necessary to support life. S11ES-lb-b-3
II. SUBJECT MATTER: The Origin and Structure of the Earth
a. References BOOK : Olivar II, Jose Tolentino, et al. Exploring
Life Throgh Science Series: Earth Science.
Phoenix Pubishing House, Inc. 927 Quezon
Avenue, Quezon City. ISBN 978-971-06-3894-9
b. Materials Learner’s Activity Sheets, Study Guides
c. Integration Appreciate the importance of the processes and
events that made life possible.

ACTIVITY Activity 1. Habitable Earth
(DO) List down 5 important biological factors that you need
in order to live.From the list , select top 3 most
important factors for you.Explain your answer.
ANALYSIS Activity 2. Uniqueness of Earth
(THINK) Read the document carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

1. What do you think are the characteristics of

the planet Earth make it different from all the
other planets?
2. What are the factors that make the planet
earth habitable?
3. What are the characteristics of planet Earth
that makes its habitable?
ABSTRACTION Activity 3. Theories of Origin of the Universe
(LEARN) and Solar System
In an effort to make sense of the universe,
humans use religion, traditions, philosophy, and
science to describe its origin nd structure. There re
stories nd beliefs pssed on from one generation to
another and there are hypothesis and theories that
are continuously tested and challenged through the
scientific method.

Modern Theories on the Origin of the Universe

a. Big Bang Thoery
b. Oscillating Universe
c. Steady State Theory
d. Inflationary Universe
e. Multiverse

Origin of the Solar System

a. Encounter Hypothesis
b. Nebular Hyothesis
c. Protoplanet Hypothesis

Factors that make planet earth habitable:

a. Temperature
b. Water
c. Rigt atmospheric Conditions
d. Energy
e. Right Distance from the Sun
f. Strong magnetic field
g. Nutrients
h. Greenhouse Gases
i. It is proptected by the plate tectonics from the
vary hot temperature of the core.

Guide Questions:
1. What do you think is the most accepted
theory of the origin the universe?
2. What do you think is the most accepted
theory/ hypothesis on the origin of the
solar system?

APPLICATION Activity 4. TRIP into Space

(APPLY) Supposed you are an austronaut and you have a trip
into space riding through a spaceship, and you are
instructed to create a list of items you would need to
bring with you to survive on this extended trip.

What supplies would be necessary for life to continue

on this trip? Think beyond what humans would
need, and consider the needs of other forms of life
that humans might bring along.

Activity 5. Observe and Learn

Look at your surrounding, list atleast 5 living things
that show life and state what factors that support its


From the concepts you have learned in this module,
how are you going to access the Earth’s condition to
support life? Expain your answer.
1. Temperature
2. Water
3. Atmosphere
4. Energy
5. Nutrients
What I learned?
What is the most significant lesson you have
learned from this topic?
What I earned?
How relevant is the lesson you have learned now
a days? Please mark your choice with a check on
space provided.
________ very relevant
________ slightly relevant
________ not relevant
Dear Learner,

Good day!
Welcome to our ____________ subject. In this activity, you will be introduced to different
programs to derive information effectively and make this information meaningful. Please
read, understand, and follow carefully the instructions provided for you. If you encounter
any difficulty in answering the tasks in this activity sheet, do not hesitate to ask for
support from your parents or anyone you think can help you do the activities. You can
ask via SMS or call , messenger
or e-mail at . Always bear in mind that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Most importantly, be free and creative in doing the activities. I hope you will experience
meaningful learning and gain a deep understanding of the relevant competencies amidst
the COVID-19pandemic. Say to yourself with confidence, “I CAN DO IT!” Stay safe! Stay
learning! God bless!

Your Teacher


The Origin and Structure of Earth

Everything that happened since the beginning of time is essential to the

existence of life on Earth. The expansion nd cooling of the universe, the creatin of
heavier elements from supernovas, or the smallest and seemingly inconsequential
processes on earth are significant to the existence of life. Some important
requirements that are necessary in supporting life on Earth include
the presence of liquid water, available heat source,and the
existence of an atmosphere.

Habitable Earth

A. List down 5 important biological factors that you need in order to live.
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. ___________________________
B. From the list , select top 3 most important factors for you.Explain your answer.

Uniqueness of Earth

Read the document carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Some characteristicsof Earth that allow it to sustain life is the oxygen rich
atmosphere and liquid water that is located on the surface of the earth. Both
oxygen and water are the keys, to life as we know it. Oxygen is used by animals
during aerobic respiration.oxygen is essential for animals to adhere to their basic
needs. Surface water is also a basic need for all living things. Water keeps all living
tings hydrated as well to help control the climate which affect each organism’s
Earth is surrounded by a thick atmosphere that contains nitrogen, oxygen
and other trace gases. This atmosphere provides the air that we breath. It also
helps to regulate the temperature so that we do not experience extreme hot or cold.
Earth’s atmosphere also contains a layer of ozone, a molecule consisting of three
oxygen atoms which provides protection from harmful solar radiation. Finally, three
quarters of Earth’s surface is covered by water a necessary ingredients for life.
Earth is the only planet in the solar system that contains liquid water.
1. What do you think are the characteristics of the planet Earth make it
different from all the other planets?
2. What are the factors that make the planet earth habitable?
3. What are the characteristics of planet Earth that makes its habitable?

Theories of the Origin Universe and


EXPLAINATION…………………………………………. Di pa tapos
1. What do you think is the most accepted theory of the origin the
2. What do you think is the most accepted theory/ hypothesis on the
origin of the solar system?

TRIP to Space

Supposed you are an austronaut and you have a trip into space
riding through a spaceship, and you are instructed to create a list
of items you would need to bring with you to survive on this
extended trip.
What supplies would be necessary for life to continue on this trip? Think beyond
what humans would need, and consider the needs of other forms of life that
humans might bring along.

Observe and Learn

Look at your surrounding, list atleast 5 living things that

show life and state what factors that support its life.

What I did?
From the concepts you have learned in this module, how are you going to access
the Earth’s condition to support life? Expain your answer.

1. Temperature ______________________________________________________
2. Water ____________________________________________________________
3. Atmosphere ________________________________________________________
4. Energy _______________________________________________________
5. Nutrients _____________________________________________________
What I learned?
What is the most significant lesson you have learned from this topic?


What I earned?
How relevant is the lesson you have learned now a days? Please mark your choice
with a check on space provided.

________ very relevant

________ slightly relevant
________ not relevant


(To be accomplished by a parent or guardian)

The Origin and Structure of Earth

Check ( ) the appropriate observation that corresponds to your child's
performance in accomplishing the activities.

Bases for Evaluation OBSERVATIO





Activity 1
The learner was able to list the
factors that make earth habitable
Activity 2
The learner was able to identify
the characteristics of planet
earth makeit different from all
the other planets.

The learner was able to

enumerate the characteristics of
plnet Earth that make its
Activity 3
The learner was able to describe
and analyze the historical
development of the theories that
explain the origin of the universe.

Compare the different hypothesis

explaining the origin of the solar

Activity 4

Activity 5
The learner was able to
enumerate atleast 5 living things
and state the factors that
support its life.
Self Assessment
The learner was abe to answer
the self-Assessment.
Activity 7

Activity 8
Activity 9

Activity 10

Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian

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