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04 Is electric the latest trend in the history of aviation?


08 Safran: proven expertise in aircraft energy systems
10 Safran enhances each link in the energy chain
Transforming relationships
with customers and partners
14 Energizing innovation at Safran


Safran: powering the next chapter of aviation history
20 Electric propulsion architectures and applications


What’s on the horizon for more
and all-electric aircraft?
28 Applications within our reach
30 A number of hurdles ahead for commercial airplanes

2 3



How the aviation industry impact. Secondly, to integrate the replace conventional hydraulic
develops in the 21st century will deep changes in technology already and pneumatic systems by their
undoubtedly be very different underway. These technologies electric counterparts, which
from what we experienced in the will pave the way for new aircraft are more compact, reliable and
20th. It will certainly keep growing, designs and business models, flexible. When considering a
since mobility requirements will capable of providing innovative transition to electric propulsion,
continue to increase, meaning solutions to meet people’s however, we have to project
greater demand for air transport, expectations for greater mobility, ourselves several decades ahead
especially in the emerging resolve congestion in urban to imagine the major technology
economies of Asia, Latin America centers and satisfy the need for breakthroughs needed to make
and Africa. transportation in regions lacking large all-electric commercial
road and rail networks. airplanes feasible. But today we
But the factors driving this
are already seeing the emergence
growth are changing, for several Both of these long-term trends
of a market and technologies
main reasons. First, because favor the increasing electrification
within our reach, based on electric
we have to meet the challenge of new generations of airplanes.
and hybrid propulsion systems
of sustainability and make the For non-propulsive functions,
and a new class of light urban or
growth in air traffic acceptable we’re extending the efforts that
suburban aircraft, even planes
by decreasing its environmental began in recent decades, as we
capable of flying regional routes.
Safran is more than ever a
key player in this ineluctable
trend, because of its expertise
Europe’s THE OBJECTIVES FOR 2050 in the associated disciplines,
in relation to a 2000 baseline,
ambitious goals are as follows: unswerving commitment and
constantly increasing investments

in research and innovation.
One of the main channels to
meet the objectives defined
in the European Commission’s
Flig htp ath 20 5 0 visio n is reduction
Clean Sky, a public-private in CO2 emissions
research program launched in
2008 and extended in 2014.
Safran is naturally a major
partner in this program, designed
reduction in NOx
to foster the development
(oxides of nitrogen)
o f c l e a n , i n n ov a t i ve a n d emissions
competitive technologies that

could significantly reduce the
environmental impact of air
in aircraft noise

4 5

The right energy, when
and where it’s needed
Aircraft electrification is not of course an end in itself.
Like all technologies, electrical systems have both
advantages and disadvantages. What we gain in
Electrification tends to in-flight entertainment (IFE). flexibility and reliability may quickly be lost in weight, for
instance, not to mention that the overall environmental
Safran has built up confirmed
blur the borders between leadership in aircraft electrical budget of electrification is not necessarily more
different types of aircraft systems, including distribution advantageous on airplanes. For all of these reasons,
any replacement of hydraulic or pneumatic systems by
hubs, power management units,
systems and equipment. generators, actuators, wiring and their electrical counterparts has to be carefully studied
It is therefore all the more more. Because of this extensive in light of its impact on the aircraft’s performance and
cost-effectiveness throughout its life.
critical for a supplier to span expertise, Safran masters not
only the specific challenges for
the widest range of onboard each system, but also their overall
Safran is not trying to electrify all aircraft functions at
any price, but rather to address real-world issues. For
energy systems – and today integration within the aircraft, for
instance, how much energy does each system require
both civil and military platforms,
only Safran can offer this as well as space vehicles.
at any given moment? And what is the best way to
generate and transmit this energy? Over and above
comprehensive expertise. all these considerations, Safran is firmly convinced
Safran is now capitalizing on of one thing: the largest part of energy efficiency
As an international leader in
aircraft propulsion and equipment, its unrivaled holistic vision to improvements in next-generation aircraft will come
Safran is in prime position to build foundations for the future from the energy management system… and that’s
address the challenges of aircraft of aircraft energy systems. It a special area of expertise at Safran! In particular,
electrification. The comple­ identifies, develops and tests a balance must be sought between propulsive and
mentary areas of expertise state-of-the-art technologies, non-propulsive energy.
offered by Safran companies while also developing advanced
systems integration solutions. For the moment, energy for the aircraft’s non-
means that the Group is involved
The Group can supply all or propulsive systems is tapped from its engines.
in all aircraft energy systems,
part of these systems to aircraft Tomorrow, based on the smart electrification of
from power generation by jet
manufacturers to make sure systems and the development of hybrid electric
engines and auxiliary power
architectures, for example, we will be able to increase
units (APU), to many different their platforms combine higher
propulsion system performance, while also generating
aircraft systems and equipment, performance and reliability with
enough electricity to meet increasing energy needs
from avionics and brakes to greater energy efficiency.
in other areas, vital for passenger safety and comfort.
Independent energy sources include batteries, fuel
cells and turbogenerators.
Over 100 years in the making…
The electrification of aircraft reaches back to… the 19th century!
As early as 1883, the Tissandier brothers in France were flying the
first balloon powered by an electric motor – but it wasn’t powerful
enough to make headway against the wind. The next entrants were
Hungarian engineers, who developed the PKZ-1 helicopter in 1916,
featuring an electric motor that developed 140 watts of power at
6,000 rpm. It did have a drawback, however… The PKZ-1 got its
electricity from a cable connected to a generator on the ground…
The world would have to wait until 1973 for a glider to be transformed
into an electric airplane carrying its own energy source.

8 9
7 8



1 3
42 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Today Today Today Today Today Today Today Today Today
This is the main source of Power transmission systems These generators convert Some actuation functions These units control the World leader in aircraft Safran offers complete Safran supplies systems All aircraft are fitted with
energy on aircraft, both for tap mechanical energy from a small fraction of the on today’s aircraft are electrical equipment wiring, Safran designs electricity transmission that generate electricity batteries used to start
propulsion and to power their engines to drive accessories mechanical energy from handled by electric motors, on aircraft, including electrical wiring and management for non-propulsive their engines. Safran is
hydraulic, pneumatic and such as fuel pumps, lubrication the main engines or APU which could even totally or generators, motors interconnect systems, solutions, from generators functions, known as involved here as well,
electrically-driven systems. systems and starters, along into electricity to power partially replace conventional and much more. comprising harnesses, to loads via distribution auxiliary power units since we integrate the
Safran is a world leader in with generators. Safran is the all electrical systems on hydraulics and pneumatics on cabinets, racks, etc., hubs, including all (APU). battery in the aircraft’s
commercial airplane engines world leader in the market for the airplane. Safran offers flight controls, brakes, thrust Innovation challenge for all types of aircraft components (switches, electrical system. At
and No. 1 worldwide for mainline commercial jets electric generators for all reversers, etc. Power management is and systems, including circuit breakers, etc.) and Innovation challenge the same time, we are
helicopter engines. (over 100 seats), with types of civil and military taking on an increasingly operations in harsh control electronics. Emerging more and all- developing our own
transmissions for all types aircraft, including mainline, Innovation challenge important role with the environments. electric architectures are battery pack technology
Innovation challenge of aircraft. regional and business jets, Safran offers different electrification of aircraft, Innovation challenge changing the traditional by combining the best
While latest-generation as well as helicopters. families of compact yet to distribute this energy Innovation challenge Because of the high role of the APU, making available chemicals
engines such as the Innovation challenge powerful electric motors and ensure a stable and With more and more power required by it less and less “auxiliary”! and cell structures with
LEAP (developed by CFM From materials and processes Innovation challenge with integrated control protected power supply. functions going electric, non-propulsive electrical Safran is therefore advanced thermal,
International1) take off in to system design, Safran To meet the needs of more electronics, tailored for various aircraft need denser functions and emerging developing the eAPU to mechanical and electrical
the market, Safran is already keeps upgrading its systems and all-electric aircraft, applications such and more complex propulsion needs address the requirements management devices.
working on concepts and and equipment to enhance Safran is developing the most as landing gear actuation. wiring systems. Safran especially propulsion, the of new more electric
technologies capable integration with engines. extensive and advanced range Other motors are purpose- is developing these aim is to develop smart aircraft, and is already Innovation challenge
of delivering significant of “smart” generators on the designed to drive propellers systems with its advanced distribution systems, looking further ahead Tomorrow’s batteries
improvements in performance market, with fully integrated on aircraft with all-electric or modeling system, and is capable of managing an with fuel cells that could will have to rise to the
for tomorrow’s aircraft – like control electronics. hybrid propulsion systems. also working on systems increasing number of supplement or even challenge of electric
the Open Rotor and Ultra High capable of handling loads, and supporting replace APUs. propulsion. Safran is
Bypass Ratio (UHBR) engines, the high voltages needed high voltages without naturally focused on
or hybrid electric distributed for electric propulsion. overheating, short significantly increasing
propulsion systems for certain circuits or arcing. battery power density
applications. and endurance, while
keeping weight as low
as possible.

10 1
CFM International is a 50-50 joint company between Safran Aircraft Engines and GE. 2
Here, an electric motor actuates the thrust reverser and is connected to a power management unit. 11


With the emergence of more Tomorrow’s aircraft will electrify

more functions and use new
A systems integrator like Safran
will continue to offer aircraft
and all-electric aircraft, the propulsion layouts, which means manufacturers their choice of
very design of the aircraft that products from different technology building blocks.
companies will be more But more than ever these basic
is changing. This in turn interdependent than ever. For units will have to be designed
encourages companies instance, power management as part of a coherent whole,

to team up more closely and will have to be increasingly ensuring that they fit together Open innovation, a performance driver
shared, since a single unit may seamlessly, deliver the requisite More and all-electric aircraft are also at the heart of
earlier in the process. be called on in turn for engine performance, and can be Safran’s open innovation policy. For instance, Safran
starting, landing gear, slat and certified and used safely as part is a contributor to IRT Saint-Exupéry, a public-private
flap actuators, compressors of the whole aircraft. technology research center which is working on more-
for cabin pressurization, wing This is a major shift in industry electric aircraft as one of its three main areas of research.
deicing, thrust reversers, etc. culture, one that is reflected at Safran also signed a technological collaboration
This type of evolutionary change Safran. Over the last few years agreement with Alstom in 2017, under which the two
is also transforming traditional Safran has multiplied gateways partners pool their skills and expertise in electric
industry relationships. Up to between its different professions, propulsion, in conjunction with academic institutions
now, each equipment supplier
tended to develop innovations
entities and companies in terms
of R&D1. Experts from all horizons 30 strategic partnerships and innovative small businesses. Another example of
industry partnerships is Safran’s agreement with auto
in response to specifications
from the aircraft manufacturer.
– propulsion, electrical generation
and distribution, electronics and
in all areas of R&T, with: parts giant Valeo, enabling Safran to further expand its
study of industrial facilities adapted to the production of
Today, we have to start thinking avionics, etc. – are teaming up on • I ndustry: electric motors. According to some studies, production
“co-innovation”. In these new joint projects. Valeo, Alstom, etc. rates for these motors would have to increase ten-fold
architectures, the best overall • Universities and research versus the current delivery rate of jet engines.
system is not necessarily the organizations: ONERA,
sum of optimized subassemblies. CEA, CNRS, Georgia Tech,
Safran Corporate Ventures, the Group’s
Aircraft and equipment-makers IRT Saint-Exupery, etc.
corporate venture capital arm, is also
will have to work together much • Innovative small
contributing to this innovative aircraft
more closely from the outset to businesses and startups:
electrification strategy. It has taken equity
develop the highest performance Turbotech, OXIS, Prodways,
stakes in the U.K. company OXIS Energy, a
overall solutions. SafetyLine, Kalray, Cailabs,
leader in lithium-sulfur cells for batteries
Diota, etc.
offering high energy density, and in
Turbotech, a French startup founded by
four former Safran employees, which is
developing a range of innovative turboprop
engines and electric turbogenerators for
general aviation.

 esearch & Development, which includes Research & Technology (R&T), technology developments for specific programs
and innovation in general.

12 13

Safran invests a significant and all of its companies to explore, in 2018
with the support of Safran Tech,
part of its revenue in R&D, the Group’s R&T center, the most
using a state-of-the-art
organization and processes
promising paths in both electric
propulsion and non-propulsive 40,000+
electric technologies. PATENTS
to prepare the next major in our portfolio
Research and innovation in these
breakthroughs in aerospace. areas applies agile methods in a
Hybrid electric propulsion is one “test & iterate” approach. These
of the four main Group-wide R&T methods are designed to approve
thrusts at Safran, along with digital proofs of concept much faster than
technologies, autonomous systems conventional methods for innovation
a n d a d ditive m a n uf a c turin g .
in aeronautics. For instance, by using
Its development is set out in a
this approach, Safran teams needed
roadmap coordinated by Safran’s
Innovation department to pool
our R&T expertise with partners
just 18 months to design a complete
distributed hybrid electric propulsion
system – successfully tested in June
from industry and academia. The of R&T allocated
overriding aim is to enable Safran 2018 by Safran Helicopter Engines. to environmental

16% An exceptional facility

OF SAFRAN Safran’s plant in Niort, west-central France,
features one of the world’s most outstanding
EMPLOYEES test facilities for electrical systems.
are involved in R&D
Stretching over some 26,000 square
meters (280,800 sq ft), this ultra-modern
installation is used to test and certify
electrical systems and equipment for
today’s leading aircraft (A350, 787, etc.),
while also giving Safran’s R&T teams an
unrivaled resource to test out their future
more and all electric solutions.

14 15

The near-term objective is to test
and refine these technologies so
that we’re ready in the longer term
to deliver dependable, versatile,
high-performance solutions for
any type of commercial aircraft.

While the increasing demonstrator. This technology

allows the pilot to shut down one
electrification of of the two engines during the
non-propulsive functions cruise phases. Then, whenever

has driven the evolution of necessary — when landing, for

example, or if the pilot needs
Why the shift to electric
airplanes and helicopters to gain airspeed or perform an propulsion?
emergency maneuver — the
over the last few decades, the engine is restarted at full power Hybrid or all-electric propulsion offers
electrification of propulsion by an electric motor. significant benefits:

systems promises a revolution: Full hybridization will involve

1. Enhanced performance
developing more powerful systems
a radically new way to combining combustion engines and
Huge technological progress has been made
with latest-generation combustion engines, and
design aircraft, including electric generators that will directly further advances are possible by optimizing
provide lift and forward thrust for
aerodynamics and even the aircraft, as well as power its
architectures, materials and coatings to boost
performance. Hybrid layouts are another way
operating modes. non-propulsive functions. to reduce weight, fuel burn and environmental
The innovation and research The final destination will be impact, especially by avoiding the need to
projects being conducted in all-electric propulsion, where design the main combustion engine to meet
electric propulsion herald a conventional combustion engines maximum power requirements, for example at
fundamental shift in the aerospace will be completely superseded by takeoff.
landscape in the decades ahead, a purely electric power source.
including much greater diversity A growing number of projects 2. More reliable operation
in what flying machines will look exploring the many possibilities More-electric architectures are more robust
like and how they’ll be used. and require less maintenance. Smart electronic
are being conducted around the
This diversity will be largely management makes them potentially more
world, led by established industry
determined by the extent to which compatible with new digital technologies,
players and startups alike. Amid
electricity is the primary source of allowing data to be collected and analyzed for
the profusion of announcements

propulsive power. greater automation, optimized flight and better
and claims, Safran is pursuing
failure prediction and management.
Some aircraft will use micro a pragmatic approach to
hybridization: a combination of innovation. The company is hybrid or electric
propulsion aircraft 3. New markets
current combustion engines with developing and offering new By increasing the number of electric motors,
small, smart electric motors, needs-responsive solutions, from PROJECTS certain architectures such as multi-rotor VTOLs
like the start-stop systems now electrification of conventional worldwide
are inherently much safer and could open up a
common in automobiles. A similar aircraft to propulsion systems host of new uses in urban and suburban areas,
system has been developed by for new platform concepts, such as well as bringing this kind of flying to many
Safran for the Airbus Helicopters as multi-rotors vertical takeoff more people, thanks to manually-assisted or
Racer high-speed rotary-wing and landing aircraft (VTOL). fully-automated operation.

18 19
Air taxis

The age-old dream of the “flying car” is now within air taxis in and around our congested cities, or air
reach! Multi-rotor VTOLs able about to carry four ambulance/medevac platforms, taking advantage of
passengers could become a reality in the next few their speed, reliability and quieter operation. For the
years, with numerous projects already in progress same reasons, the defense community is also taking
worldwide. Safran is involved in some initiatives an interest for logistics or special missions.

that are already at an advanced stage, like the Bell
Nexus. While it’s hard to imagine these aircraft Potential architecture:
ARCHITECTURES becoming as popular as automobiles, they could
serve as a viable alternative in certain areas — like
distributed hybrid-electric propulsion
AND APPLICATIONS In this diagram, the amount of power needed for
propulsion is optimally adjusted at each flight phase
between the turbogenerator (turbine coupled to
an electric generator) and a battery or other power
Safran is developing electric source.
In the case of air taxis carrying one or two passengers
propulsion technologies for over shorter distances, propulsion could be all-
numerous platform types - electric (see the architecture on page 22)

some of which herald a whole

new approach to civil aviation.
Using the same technological
building blocks, the company
is positioned to address wide-
ranging needs and markets. 3

2 5

1 Turbogenerator 4 Electric motors

Gas turbine driving an electric Powered by the turbogenerator,
generator batteries or a combination of
2 Batteries 5 e-Propellers
Main or auxiliary power source,
-E  ach powered by an electric

depending on the flight phase
- Provide lift, forward thrust and

to 100,000 3 Energy management

-C  ontrols power ratio between
flight control

AIRCRAFT IN SERVICE the turbogenerator and

WITHIN 20 YEARS - “Smart” distribution of
The market for new air mobility electricity from the various
estimated by Safran power sources to the propulsive
and non-propulsive systems
- Ensures the electric network is
stable and protected

20 21

2 3

1 Batteries 6
Primary energy source

2 Power management
Distributes electricity to the various 1 Turbofan
systems Main engine for flight phases when a lot of
power is needed
3 Electric motors
Powered by batteries Commuter aircraft 2 Generator
Safran is also interested in another application: Converts part of the engine’s mechanical
4 e-Propellers small commuter aircraft in the 10-passenger class. power into electricity
-E  ach powered by an electric Hybrid propulsion architectures could make these
- Provide lift, forward thrust and
planes a competitive proposition for regular routes 3 Batteries
of a few hundred miles in certain parts of the world. Main or auxiliary power source, depending
flight control
The United States, for example, has more airports on the flight phase
than any other country, yet an estimated 80% of
them are underused or unused due to the difficulty
of operating conventional airplanes profitably over
4 Energy management
short distances, and especially the overly restrictive - Controls power ratio between the turbogenerator and
noise regulations at these local airfields. While all- batteries
- “Smart” distribution of electricity from the various power
electric propulsion is unrealistic in the near term, a
sources to the propulsive and non-propulsive systems
variety of hybrid designs is entirely conceivable.
Cargo Drones with autopilot or remote-controlled solutions, more - Ensures the electric network is stable and protected
readily accepted in the parcel transport market. With
Electric VTOLs could be used for short-distance current technologies, an all-electric architecture Potential architecture:
parcel delivery. Current prototypes are already
5 Electric motors
carrying payloads of several dozen kilograms.
wouldn’t be capable of carrying cargo over long series/parallel partial hybrid propulsion Powered by the turbogenerator, batteries
distances. However, the concept could be used with
They could help delivery companies solve the Architectures combining conventional turbofan or a combination of both
a hybrid architecture, giving it substantially greater
logistics problem of the “last 10 miles”, which is power and range. propulsion with electric propulsion (smart motors
particularly inefficient due to growing congestion and e-propellers). These electric propulsors assist 6 e-Propellers
and increasingly restrictive CO2 and particle
emissions standards in our cities. These uses are
Potential architecture: all-electric propulsion the turbofan and provide extra power when needed,
or replace it completely during the cruise phase, for
- Each powered by an electric motor
- Provide lift, forward thrust (for some phases) and
especially promising since they could be coupled Propulsion solely by battery power. example, under battery power. flight control

22 23

Technology barrier: still uncertain, but will depend
on battery energy density and management
of high-voltage systems (over 1,000 V)

< 1000 V > 1000 V

10 MW

1 MW
The actual timetable for
the entry into service of electric Electrical
aircraft depends on multiple
factors. Safran is planning
ahead for these long-term step 500 kW
changes in the market, starting
with shorter-range and more
limited solutions, while awaiting
technologies that are mature
enough to store and deliver 100 kW
the electrical power needed
for propulsion.

2022 2025 2025+ 2030+ 2040 - 2050 energy

Electric taxiing Cargo drone Twin-turbine, VTOL, 10-seat Single-aisle 40-seat regional Distributed propulsion on commercial
micro-hybrid passenger commuter aircraft with aircraft airplane with 100+ seats
helicopter or cargo electrically-assisted
26 turbofan 27
Electric taxiing on track for
Safran has generated real industry
fuel savings offered
by electric taxiing buzz by offering the first electric
taxiing solution, with an electric
motor in the landing gear, powered
PPLICATIONS by the APU, so that pilots no longer
have to use their jet engines for
WITHIN OUR REACH taxiing. This innovative solution is
now being developed with Airbus
for the A320neo/ceo. The target

date for entry into service is 2022.
According to a study carried out
While all-electric aircraft Safran is a pioneer in the trend
towards “more electric” aircraft, and
with airlines, this system makes a
potential reduction lot of sense at busy airports with
remain a tantalizing but distant one of the most innovative players in carbon emissions long taxiing times, as well as for
in the industry. It already supplies during taxiing
prospect, “more electric” a wide range of electric systems
carriers that operate a number of
daily shuttle flights. With this new
aircraft are increasingly a to replace conventional pneumatic technology, they can reduce not
and hydraulic systems, including only their operating costs, but also
reality. This progress is in deicing, flight control actuators, their environmental footprint.
part due to the systems and thrust reversers and brakes. The
aim is of course to electrify aircraft
equipment developed by systems, which in turn simplifies the
PODS: power just where you
Safran to make upcoming overall energy system, facilitates need it
maintenance and enhances control. One of the main research thrusts
aircraft even more reliable and Safran will continue to devise at Safran is how to change the role
innovative solutions for these
economical, while improving strategic technologies and support
of auxiliary power units (APU) to
optimize aircraft’s energy system
their performance. a smooth transition to even more- and engine performance. Looking
electric airplanes and helicopters. at propulsive and non-propulsive
power management as a whole,
APUs could take on a growing role
by handling more functions during
the different flight phases. Safran
has already taken a first step in this
direction with the eAPU. Today, the
company is working on an even
Increasingly electric aircraft more advanced concept, namely
PODS (power on demand system),
Airbus Airbus Boeing Next
a smart secondary generator that
A320 A380 787 Generation will be activated automatically
when it’s more advantageous for
the aircraft to tap power from the
Pneumatic Pneumatic
Environmental APU instead of the jet engines.
control system

Avionics Electric Electric

Electric Electric
Cabin systems


Flight controls Partly

Hydraulic Partly electric
Landing gear,
thrust reversers

Total aircraft power < 200 kW 600 kW 1 000 kW > 1 000 kW

28 29



The electrification of aircraft Warning: high voltage! Regulatory challenges

propulsion would seem to be In addition to this weighty issue, Over and above these technology
an inevitable trend. However, an electrical system for this type of obstacles, there are also a number
aircraft would be in the high-voltage of unknowns in terms of aviation
given the current state-of-the- category, sending over 1,000 volts regulations. No current legislation
art, all-electric propulsion of through the wires. This is routine on governs possible urban VTOL
trains. But when you’re talking about
a large commercial airplane is a plane flying at 35,000 feet, any operations, for instance, and the
whole certification process will have
impossible in either the short or difficulties are exacerbated because to be revamped to cover future
you have to include protective distributed propulsion layouts.
medium term. devices (insulation, heat dissipation,
The main reason is that the power etc.), all of which add more weight.
Not to mention that the physics
Social challenges
equation just doesn’t compute! If
we want to generate the dozens underlying high voltages is not the There’s a final roadblock to electric
of megawatts needed to power same up in the troposphere as on aircraft: will they be accepted
a large airplane for flights of at the ground. Managing high-voltage by society in general? From the
least several hours, we will have to systems in the sky is a brand-new geopolitical standpoint, these
improve current battery technology discipline, and research is only just technologies use rare earths
at least 10-fold. Even with energy getting underway. (especially for batteries), which
density five times greater than raises ethical issues, as well
what current electric vehicles
can offer, a long-distance flight
(3,000 nautical miles) would
require 170 metric tons of batteries
(374,000 lb), compared with Fuels to generate electricity as sustainability issues for supply electric VTOL aircraft would be a Technological progress,
the 80 metric tons (176,000 lb) chains. From the environmental welcome alternative to congestion
It’s a far from non-negligeable question, especially when you
maximum takeoff weight (MTOW)
consider the different primary energy sources. For instance, standpoint, the energy budget in big cities, but in others perhaps meeting challenge after
of an Airbus A320 or Boeing 737
class jetliner.
Safran’s R&T arm started looking into fuel cells several years ago is undoubtedly better than they would only extend noise and challenge, balancing risks
as an alternative to storing energy in batteries. Fuel cells could be current designs, but perhaps not visual pollution vertically.
used in low-power propulsion systems, of course, but beyond a everywhere and at all times: we and opportunities…
certain threshold they would run into the same weight problems can well imagine regions where A new world is indeed dawning
as for batteries. Given the heady objectives for reducing the
environmental impact of aviation, Safran is working on alternatives
for the aviation industry and all
to jet fuel, which is still by far the most energetic power source. its stakeholders, and Safran is
Safran is naturally studying both biofuels and “e-fuels”, synthetic
fuels with lower greenhouse gas emissions (hydrogen produced
of course at the forefront.
by electrolysis or synthetic methane).

30 31
Pages 4-5 : © Adrien  Daste / Safran - Pages 8-13-14-18 : © Cyril Abad/CAPA Pictures / Safran - Pages 10-11-20-21-22-23-26-27 : © Dima Godunov, Pages 28-29 : PepperBox / Safran - Pages 30-31 : Philippe Stroppa / Safran.
About Safran
Safran is an international high-technology group, operating
in the aircraft propulsion and equipment, space and
defense markets. Safran has a global presence, with more
than 92,000 employees and sales of 21 billion euros in
2018. Working alone or in partnership, Safran holds world
or European leadership positions in its core markets.
Safran undertakes Research & Development programs
to meet fast-changing market requirements, with total
R&D expenditures of around 1.5 billion euros in 2018.

Editorial design and writing : La Machine à Ecrire – Graphic design and production : Free-Lance’s l’Agence
Safran is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange,
and is part of the CAC 40 and Euro Stoxx 50 indices.

For further information:

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