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Practical Research Examination Reviewer By

Jay Andrei Quitco

1. How does verification of data happen? = Check and recheck the data to ensure the initial
conclusions are realistic, supportable, and valid.

2. What are research data? = All of the choices

3. A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Identities: Three Cases of London's Inner-City Children

= Ethnographic Research

4. Which organizational principle is used to connect the research topic to different

backgrounds (i.e. political, methodological, geographical, literary)? = Sector

5. What is bibliography? = A complete list of all works related to the study including the ones
that are not directly contained in the report

6. The entire research project is an exercise in = All of the choices

7. Which of the following is the correct order in writing the research paper? = Introduction,
method, results, discussion and references

8. What is the best research design? = For beginning researchers, a qualitative research is advisable
because the natural setting is accessible.

9. What is the purpose of the qualitative data analysis? = To accomplish a clear description of the
phenomenon under study

10. What type of source are documentary films? = Static

11. Which statement is correct in writing research conclusion? = All of the choices

12. The researcher collected data using questionnaires, structured observation and
interviews. What is the research design applied? = Ethnographic

13. Which of the following citation used the APA format? = Canonigo, C.S. (1999). English
Grammar & Composition Part 1. Manila: CKC Publication

14. What influences the choice of the research design? = All of the choices

15. __________ contains a small number of people (usually eight to twelve) and is convened to
address topics introduced by a group moderator? = Focus group discussion

16. Data gathering techniques are part of = The methodological framework

17. Which of the following do you need to consider in designing a research? = Focus on your
research questions.

18. Student awareness in global warming = Action Research

19. Which qualitative research design seeks action to improve practice and study the effects
of the action that was taken? = Action research

20. A surveyor placed a cable across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass
over it at different times of the day in order to select a site for a new 7-Eleven store. What
type of data collection did he use? = Observation

21. The research project is = A scientific endeavor

22. Which of the following belongs to related literature? = textbook

23. A study is based on 1000 people interviewed face-to-face in shopping areas. What
qualitative data collection was used? = Interview

24. What is the optimal number of participants for a focus group discussion? = 8-12 members

25. Which of the following research questions should NOT be answered using action
research methods? = Is parent attitude toward school uniforms related to their socioeconomic

26. According to historical accounts, face-to-face methods have been used since the early
years of civilization to collect population figures. Why were these records kept? = All of the

27. What is the final stage of analyzing data? = Presenting the data in tabular form

28. Children of wealthy parents in the education system = Grounded Theory

29. What is literature in research? = All of the choices

30. A researcher would like to display the geographic map of his research population. What
mode for displaying qualitative data should he use? = Graphics

31. A personal journey with grounded theory methodology = Grounded Theory

32. Which of the following is the correct notion about observation? = A key data gathering
method in social sciences.
33. It is also known as the research plan. = Research Design

34. What research design is used when a theory is developed from data generated by a
series of observations or interviews principally involving an inductive approach? =

35. What research design is used when a theory is developed from data generated by a
series of observations or interviews principally involving an inductive approach? = Grounded

36. What research method allows researchers to obtain a detailed description of social
settings or event in order to situate people’s behavior within their own socio-cultural
context? = Observation

37. What data collection procedure is used when analyzing and communicating the social
life through photos? = Visual data

38. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of related literature and studies? =
Reviewed materials must be many

39. Which of the following should be considered in questioning data validity and reliability?
= All of the choices

40. Living with the patients with Schizophrenia and their families = Phenomenological

41. Thea is interested to study the young people with dementia – chronic disorder caused
by brain disease or injury. What research design is appropriate for her research inquiry? =
Phenomenological research

42. When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important? =
The layout of the site
43. A teacher conducts an action research study of the problem-solving methods used by
students in her ninth-grade Algebra I classes. Which of the following can she assume on the
basis of her study? = Results apply only to Algebra I students in ninth grade.

44. What are the ways to verify conclusions for qualitative research? = Memoing, verification
and credibility

45. How does key word in context (KWIC) work for novice researchers? = Researchers identify
key words and then systematically search the corpus of text to find all instances of the word or

46. What is a research design? = all of the choices

47. What kind of questions must be used in conducting interviews? = Mapping questions

48. Lived experiences of adult caregiving daughter and their elderly mothers =
Phenomenological Research

49. Threats to credibility in qualitative research exist when _____________. = The data that fail to
fit the explanation or interpretation are not addressed

50. Which of the following is an example of falsification in research? = Manipulated data from
the findings

51. Which connector is used to signify conditional relationships? = Rather than

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