Bank Treasury - Nuances For Statutory Audit

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Bank Treasury – Nuances for Statutory Audit

It is imperative that an auditor obtains a complete overview of the treasury operations
of a bank before statutory audit. After conducting a risk assessment of the treasury
processes, the audit programme needs to be designed in a manner that it dovetails
into not just the control assessments of the treasury process but there is an assurance
that the figures appearing in the financial statements as well as the disclosures are
true and reflect fairly the affairs of the bank treasury. This article provides an over-
view of Bank Treasury in context of statutory audit.

s AS17 – Segment Reporting became ap- In addition to the above a bank can
plicable to banks, Reserve Bank of India execute certain transactions on behalf of its
(RBI) prescribed the segments as “Trea- constituents. These are also handled by the
sury Operations” and “Banking Operations”. Fi- treasury operations.
nancial Statements of Banks were then required It is imperative that an auditor obtains a
to disclose the data separately. Suddenly, the complete overview of the treasury operations.
focus came upon the profits of the Treasury Op- The following needs to be focused upon while
erations and their contribution to the overall conducting a risk assessment of the treasury
profitability of a bank. Amongst auditors too processes: -
the focus shifted to learning of these operations
as markets kept on evolving and newer treasury A. The bank’s overall management structure
products developed. This was also necessary as B. The bank’s treasury structure
computer systems developed and enterprise-
wide solutions were implemented in the trea- C. The deal execution process
suries with an interface into the main banking D. The deal settlement process
E. The deal monitoring process
Essentially, the treasury operations can be
F. The flow of information and data to and
broadly divided into: -
from the treasury
l Fixed Income: It includes management of
G. The accounting and valuation systems and
investments in the domestic market in the
local currency and/or investment in the
foreign securities in the foreign currency. H. The computer system that helps in all the
above processes and the reliance that an
l Foreign Exchange: It involves manage-
auditor can place on the effective and
ment of foreign exchange assets, liabilities
efficient working of the same
and reserves.
Each of the above processes and systems
l Derivatives: These are undertaken to
coagulate to create the treasury operations of
hedge against various risks arising from
a bank. And each of them has its own role to
various facets of assets and liabilities such
play in the overall control systems of a bank
as interest rate risks, foreign exchange rate
risks, credit risks, etc.
A. Bank’s Overall Management Structure
– CA. Ashutosh Pednekar
(The author is a member of the The Board of Directors of a bank has the over-
Institute. He can be reached at all responsibility of guiding the treasury opera-
tions. The Board specifies its thinking through

1412 The Chartered Accountant March 2007


the Investment Policy. This policy lays down the and processes followed by them while execut-
guiding principles of the treasury activity. RBI ing a deal and care taken by them in adhering to
requires that this policy be reviewed at least the overall framework of the investment policy.
once every year. This is on the premise that the
banking business as also the business of its con- D. Deal Settlement Process
stituents is dynamic and ever changing. Hence, The back office is responsible for settling the
there is a need to review this policy on an an- deal executed by the front office. Once a deal is
nual basis. All the internal procedures and sys- executed by the dealers, the back office of both
tems flow from this policy. An Investment Com- the counterparties confirms the transactions to
mittee of the senior management, including each other. On the settlement day the transaction
one or more whole time directors, is constituted is settled by exchange of funds or securities. In
to ensure that the investment policy is properly India the domestic fixed income segment is
implemented. An auditor needs to understand executed on various trading platforms, some are
the intentions of the management by perusing anonymous such as the NDS-OM, NEAT, BOLT;
and reviewing the investment policy. some are non-anonymous and includes deals
done telephonically (with or without brokers),
B. Bank’s Treasury Structure through the auctions of RBI etc. There are
International best practices have divided the different roles for the back office to play in each
treasury into three sections – the front office, of these trading platforms/mechanisms. The
the middle office (also the mid-office) and the auditor is required to understand the manner
back office. These three offices complement in which the back office executes its role in
each other in conduct of the treasury operations the bank; the control systems that they have
within the framework laid down by the bank implemented and the manner in which issues
management in the investment policy as well or disputes are resolved with counterparties.
as the control expectations of the management
and the regulator. The audit process should E. Deal Monitoring Process
review the treasury structure and be satisfied The mid-office can be considered to be the
that inherent controls exist in the treasury conscience keeper of the treasury. The mid-
structure such that there is no overlap of roles office is responsible for ensuring adherence to
and responsibilities as also the intentions of the various tolerance limits specified by the bank
the best practices of segregation of duties are management. These limits include NOP, AGL,
in place and working effectively. The auditor VaR, stop loss limits, currency limits, broker limits,
should discuss these matters with the head company/group/industry exposure limits etc.
of the treasury. These discussions should Normally, the mid-office is responsible for proper
document the treasurer’s own understanding of valuation of the entire portfolio. Performance
the structure and his expectations of the control monitoring of the treasury is also done by the
systems. mid-office. Concepts such as VaR (Value at Risk)
are used for this purpose. Considering its role, the
C. Deal Execution Process mid-office does not report to the treasurer but
The front office is responsible for the deal ex- to the chief of risk management. As our banks
ecution. There are different dealers for different move towards the regime of implementation of
desks of a treasury. There would be dealers for the recommendations of the Basel Committee,
each of the three components of the treasury— the mid-office will need to play a greater role
fixed income, forex and derivatives. And within in treasury operations. As the risk monitoring
each component there can be dealers for each torchbearers, this function needs to be closely
type of activity. The auditor could discuss with understood by the auditor. The more effective
these dealers and understand the mechanism the role of the mid-office the greater the reliance

March 2007 The Chartered Accountant 1413


an auditor can place on the internal checks and on Audit of Banks. The back-office is responsible
controls of the bank. The auditor should discuss for developing proper accounting procedures
with the mid-office their concerns of the bank’s and ensuring adherence to the applicable ac-
treasury operations and the strategies adopted counting standards as well as prescriptions of RBI.
by them to ensure that controls function within Similarly the valuation methodologies adopted
the risk tolerance levels. by the mid-office should be in complete sync
with the regulatory requirements and account-
F. Flow of Information from and to the ing principles. The classification and categorisa-
Treasury tion of investments should harmonise with the
All these functions can collapse unless there applicable requirements including income rec-
is a robust mechanism of flow of information ognition and asset classification and provisioning
within the bank. A bank’s investment committee norms. The auditor needs to evaluate whether all
needs data of its assets and liabilities and these are diligently followed in compiling the fi-
the maturity pattern too. This asset-liability nancial statements of the bank.
management is the first cornerstone while
determining the directions that the bank wants H. Computer Systems
a treasury to undertake. It is essential that the In applying all these various roles,
information is available to the front office in a responsibilities and requirements, the banks
clear, lucid and unambiguous manner so that depend on computer systems which may
the deals executed by them are in harmony range from stand-alone systems to multifarious
with the overall long and short-term business applications to core treasury systems. An auditor
objectives of the bank. Likewise, the information needs to get a complete overview of various
flow from the treasury is critical to ensure that computer systems. In today’s environment it is
banking operations move in an unhindered extremely difficult (or almost impossible) for a
manner. The auditor should acquaint himself treasury to function without a system support.
with this flow of information and the inherent From the complex calculations required for
checks and controls that the bank would have understanding a derivative transaction to simple
designed in it. This aid significantly in the risk interest accruals; from VaR computations to
assessment of the treasury operations and identification of non-performing investments;
audit procedures can be designed suitably. The from portfolio valuation to deal capturing and
MIS that is generated by the treasury needs to settlement—all these processes are computer-
be understood by the auditor to comprehend based system. The auditor has to be satisfied
the treasury’s performance and be satisfied that controls are adequately deployed such that
that there is an overall managerial performance the computer systems are performing as desired
review of the same within the bank. and the outputs generated are free from material
error. The auditor should also focus on the
G. Accounting and Valuation Systems and various interfaces from and to the application
Procedures systems. These interfaces are linkages into
As mentioned above, the accounting func- another application system. If the performance
tions of a treasury are handled by the back office is not satisfactory then the integrity of the data
and the function of valuation is handled by the available for audit becomes suspect. The critical
mid-office. The auditor should gain a complete interface between the treasury software and
understanding of these functions. Apart from the core accounting software is to be tested for
applying the Auditing and Assurance Standards efficient performance. If necessary, an auditor
(AASs) the auditor needs to use the techniques could take the help of a duly-qualified systems
and procedures mentioned in the Guidance Note auditor in this process.

1414 The Chartered Accountant March 2007


Statutory audit objectives require an auditor form audit report (LFAR) is another vital
to formulate an opinion on the truth and source of information. The LFAR question-
fairness of the financial statements. The above naire is designed in a manner that vital per-
understanding will enable an auditor to achieve formance parameters of treasury operations
the same. Apart from the above the following are commented upon by the auditor.
sources of information will help in these l Internal Reports: The auditor needs to
objectives: peruse various internal management
l Concurrent Audit Reports: Treasury reports. These provide an insight into the
operations are required to be audited treasury activities and performance. Some
concurrently. RBI has specified the areas that of these include the minutes of the meetings
need to be covered in the concurrent audit as well as the agenda papers of not just the
process. There are a number of assertions Board of Directors but also the Investment
that a concurrent auditor is required to Committee and the ALCO (Asset-Liability
make and also there is a responsibility of Management Committee) and the MIS
reporting the exceptions. The bank has to reports that are placed before them from
place its compliance with the concurrent time to time.
audit reports to the Audit Committee and The statutory auditor in his attest function
significant and persistent observations must remember to be continuously updated of
have to be discussed by them. the developments in the treasury arena. Prior to
l Internal Audit Reports: Banks are also commencing an audit, he should be aware of at
required to conduct an internal audit of the least the following:
treasury. As in the case of concurrent audit a. RBI Master Circular on Investments
the requirements of internal audit are well
laid down by RBI. The Audit Committee b. RBI Master Circular on Risk Management
is required to oversee the efficacy of this c. RBI’s Income Recognition and Asset
function. Classification Norms
l System Audit Reports: Due to the signifi- d. Accounting guidelines given by RBI
cant dependence on computer systems,
it is necessary for a bank to demonstrate e. Disclosure guidelines of RBI
good IT governance practices. One way of f. Applicable accounting standards of the
achieving it is through the conduct of regu- ICAI
lar system audits covering the entire gamut
g. New developments in the treasury market
of IT infrastructure, policies, procedures and
space, e.g. the recent permission to deal
practices. RBI has also mentioned about the
in “when issued” securities or conditions
need and frequency of system audit in its In-
under which “short sale” is permitted
ternal Control Guidelines for Dealing Room
Operations. h. An overall understanding of the various
derivative products available, the manner in
l RBI Inspection Report: These along with
which they are dealt with and the valuation
their compliance provide an insight into
aspects thereof including the mathematical
the manner in which the regulator has
principles applied
perceived the operations of the treasury. The
assurances given by the bank in closing out i. Newer settlement mechanisms such as the
an inspection issue needs to be reviewed RTGS, CCIL procedures etc
for implementation. j. Exposure drafts of the RBI on various
l LFAR: The previous reporting period’s long products e.g. the Draft Comprehensive

March 2007 The Chartered Accountant 1415


Guidelines on Derivatives mechanism.

k. Exposure drafts of the ICAI on the accounting ii. Having selected a sample, the auditor needs
treatment of financial instruments to verify the deal. Basic deal verification can
This literature keeps the auditor abreast of inter-alia be on the following lines
not only the latest developments but also the l Deal Ticket with internal supportings
path that the regulator and professional bodies and authorisations, term sheets, third
are intending to follow. If the auditor is well party evidence like Reuters’ Conversa-
aware of the above then the entire audit exercise tion, Term Sheets, Counterparty Con-
becomes seamless and the auditee develops a firmations, CCIL Confirmations, if appli-
healthy respect for the entire audit process. cable
Audit Programming and Procedures l Deal Register – applicable to manual as
well as systematised Treasuries
In framing the audit programme an auditor
will need to take into consideration his findings l Reconciliations of RBI A/cs, Nostro A/cs,
of the adequacy of controls within the above SGL and DP A/cs
processes. Based on the above-narrated process/ iii. Once this substantive testing is complete
flow of the treasury activities, the statutory audit the auditor needs to verify the closing
can be as under: statements. These include the valuation
i. Selection of sample of transactions to statements as on the date of the financial
be verified. In India RBI prescriptions on statements. The following table indicates
concurrent audit require a 100% verification the areas to be covered in the valuation
of transactions by the concurrent auditors. process:

Type of Sub-category Evidence of valuation rate

FI GOI Securities (CG, State, etc) FIMMDA declared rates
Non-SLR Bonds and Securities FIMMDA declared rates
Equities Exchange Price available on the Last day of the year
Debentures FIMMDA declared rates
Repos FIMMDA declared rates as well as there is RBI Guideline for
REPO securities valuation
Fx Open Positions FEDAI declared rates for each currency and maturity. If not
available, then the rates available on any Trading Platform,
like Reuters’, Bloomberg
Nostro Positions FEDAI – Spot rates of each currency
Derivatives Options Black Scholes’ Method
Swaps Discounted cash flows using the applicable Interest Curves
(ROI can be taken from FIMMDA / NSE / Reuters’ site based
on the nature and currency of the product)
Forward Rate Agreements Same as above

iv. The above valuations need to be matched

Hence, the selection of sample can be with the general ledger balances. This will
influenced by the quality of the concurrent make evident the completeness of the
audit function including the compliance

1416 The Chartered Accountant March 2007


valuation process vis-a-vis the financial outside India

books of account. l Net Value of Investmentsin India and outside
v. Many banks treat the treasury as a separate India
specialised branch subject to audit. Hence l Movement of provisions held towards
the treasury is required to prepare its own depreciation on investments giving the
balance sheet and profit and loss account opening balance, provisions made during
all the related schedules in the format the year, write-off/write-back of excess
prescribed by the Third Schedule to the provisions during the year and the closing
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 viz. Form A balance.
and B.
l The issuer composition of Non-SLR
vi. The following disclosures are required to Investment portfolio as given in the table
be made by a Bank in so far as its treasury on the next page.
operations are concerned. The auditor has to
verify the accuracy of the same and ensure l Movement of non-performing Non-SLR
that the data disclosed is in sync with the investments and the provision held for the
financial ledgers. The disclosures include: same at the year-end.
l Accounting policies w.r.t Investments l In respect of Derivatives the notional
recognition, classification and valuation. principal of agreements, losses which
would be incurred if counterparties
l Accounting policies w.r.t Foreign Exchange failed to fulfil their obligations under the
translations. agreements, collateral required by the bank
l Charge for the year in respect of deprecia- upon entering into these transactions,
tion in value of investments. concentration of credit risk arising from
l Maturity pattern of investments (as part of the transactions and the fair value of the
the ALM disclosures). derivative book. This disclosure is required
to be given separately for various types of
l Exposure to capital markets covering derivatives such as Currency swaps, FRAs,
inter-alia the Investments made in equity IRS etc.
shares, Investments in bonds/convertible
l In case of Exchange Traded Derivatives
debentures and Investments in units of
equity oriented mutual funds. instrument-wise the Notional principal
amount of exchange traded interest rate
l Details of repo and reverse repo deals derivatives undertaken during the year,
during the year in the following format:
Minimum Maximum Daily Average As on
outstanding outstanding outstanding March 31,
during the year during the year during the year 2007
Securities sold under Repo
Securities purchased under
reverse Repo

l Value of Investments giving break-up Notional principal amount of exchange

between Gross Value of Investments in India traded interest rate derivatives outstanding
and outside India as on 31st March 2007, Notional principal
amount of exchange traded interest rate
l Provisions for Depreciation in India and derivatives outstanding and not “highly

March 2007 The Chartered Accountant 1417


Issuer Amount Extent of Extent of ‘below Extent of Extent of

Private investment grade’ unrated ‘un-listed’
placement securities securities
Private Corporates
Joint Ventures
Less: Provisions held towards

effective”, Mark-to-market value of exchange are generally done in the following pattern:
traded interest rate derivatives outstanding Please refer the guidelines contained in RBI
and not “highly effective”. circular DBOD No. BO.BC.72/21.04.018/2004-
l A bank is also required to give a write-up 05 dt. 3.3.2005 for the disclosures on
on the risk exposures in derivatives. The derivatives.
write-up has to mention the qualitative vii. As part of the statutory audit process
aspect wherein the bank’s policy, intention, the auditor needs to be aware of the
alignment with the risk management methodology adopted by a bank to compile
policies and procedures needs to be the above information. The data may flow
brought out. The quantitative disclosures

Particulars Currency Interest Rate

Derivatives Derivatives (INR)
Derivatives (Notional Principal Amount)
a) For Hedging
b) For Trading
Mark to Market Positions
a) Asset (+)
b) Liability (-)
Credit Exposure
Likely impact of one percentage change in interest rate (100*PV01)
a) On Hedging Derivatives
b) On Trading Derivatives
Maximum and Minimum of 100*PV01 observed during the year Max. Min. Max. Min.
a) On Hedging
b) On Trading

1418 The Chartered Accountant March 2007


from single or disparate software solutions.

There would be spreadsheet workarounds
adopted by a bank to calculate some of the FORM IV (See Rule 8)
figures to be disclosed. The auditor should
ensure that always this data matches

completely with the financial books of 1. Place of publication : New Delhi
account. He could also as part of mid-year
audit procedure review the procedure 2. Periodicity of : Monthly
its publication
adopted by the bank. This would give a
comfort when the year-end data is being 3. Printer’s Name : Vijay Kapur
tabulated. Nationality : Indian
Address : Journal Section,
All in all the audit programme needs to be Institute of Chartered
designed in a manner that it dovetails into not Accountants of India,
Indraprastha Marg.
just the control assessments of the treasury Post Box 7100,
process but there is an assurance that the New Delhi – 110002
figures appearing in the financial statements as
4. Publisher’s Name : Vijay Kapur
well as the disclosures are true and reflect fairly Nationality : Indian
the affairs of the bank treasury. Address : Journal Section,
Institute of Chartered
Treasury Dynamism – some examples Accountants of India,
Indraprastha Marg.
As mentioned above treasury operations are Post Box 7100,
New Delhi – 110002
dynamic. The marketplace is ever evolving
and newer techniques keep emerging. The 5. Editor’s Name : Sunil H. Talati
auditor has to be proactive in this entire Nationality : Indian
Address : Journal Section,
process. Institute of Chartered
One such example is in the method of Accountants of India,
Indraprastha Marg.
amortisation of the securities classified as Post Box 7100,
Held to Maturity (HTM). New Delhi - 110002

l The norms require that these securities 6. Names and addresses of Council of the Institute
have to be carried at acquisition cost with individuals who own the of Chartered Accountants
newspaper and partners of India, constituted
the premium paid being amortised over the or shareholders holding under the Chartered
residual period to maturity. Conventionally more than one per cent Accountants Act, 1949
banks used to amortise this on a straight-line of the total capital : (Act XXXVIII of 1949).
There is no share capital.
basis. For example, if a security maturing in
the year 2020 is purchased in the year 2006-
07 for Rs.114, then the premium of Rs.14
I, Vijay Kapur, hereby declare that the particulars given
would be amortised equally every year over
above are true to the best of my knowledge and be-
the next 14 years i.e. Re.1 every year. lief.
l Some banks felt that by adopting straight-
line method of amortisation, the yield on
the security amortised did not reflect the
correct yield at which the security was sd/-
Date: Vijay Kapur
purchased thereby distorting the yield
February 12, 2007 Signature of Publisher.
on the HTM portfolio when compared
periodically. These banks have changed

March 2007 The Chartered Accountant 1419


from the straight line to what is called the and no premium is paid. It is imperative for
“constant yield method”. the auditor to be satisfied that the sum
l In this method the yield of the security/ of the parts recognised in the software
portfolio remains constant even after systems should be equal to the whole of the
amortisation at every stage. The typical structured product.
effect is of a lower amortisation in the initial l In so far as the valuation of these structures
stages, which gets stepped up gradually. is concerned for want of system support
This is also called as a “pull to par” effect. In for advanced valuation techniques banks
this method this Rs.14 will be amortised in seek rates from counterparties. The
the proportion of the yield that is available auditor should understand the structure’s
on the balance sheet date by the bank. composition and then the valuation
Since the bank has intention of holding this methodology as narrated above for Swaps
security up to maturity (and that’s the reason (Interest as well as Currency), Options, FRA
for classifying it as HTM) the overall yield to are to be applied. One must also remember
that currently, banks are not allowed to run
a position for any structured products and
The auditor should ensure that so deals are entered on back-to-back basis.
always this data matches com- Hence for valuation purposes each of these
pletely with the financial books of deals are not valued per-se but the “Knock
account. He could also as part of Off” effect is considered i.e. the impact if
mid-year audit procedure review both the legs are knocked off on the balance
the procedure adopted by the
sheet date is determined and recognised in
the financial statements.
l The auditor would need to learn to
the bank up to 2020 is known. The premium comprehend and interpret the term-
of Rs.14 is compared with this yield and the sheet of these products as well as the
amortisation amount determined every mathematics involved in bifurcating these
year. deals for recognition in books of account as
also for period-end valuations. All this can
Another example would be of the audit
be achieved by doing a research on various
of Structured Derivative Products. The
developments in derivatives. A mid-year
following indicates the various nuances
audit of these transactions would enable
involved in their recognition and
the auditor to discuss and deliberate these
measurement principles: -
issues with the treasury officials. This would
l RBI requires that these structures which are make the year-end audit a far smoother and
generally at zero cost should not result into precise exercise.
an exposure to the counterparty/corporate
The above are just two examples of the
and no premium should be paid to them.
fascinating world of treasury with its ever-
Software solutions are still evolving to
changing facets. There can be and are many
capture these products. Hence banks are
required to break up these products and more such issues that require the auditor
recognise them as parts of a whole. In the and the auditee to do an in-depth analysis
deal verification process the auditor has of the situation and the recognition and
to develop his knowledge skills to assure measurement principles. It’s a challenge for
himself that these structures are indeed at all of us to hone our skill sets and achieve
zero cost, without resulting into an exposure the audit objectives. r

1420 The Chartered Accountant March 2007

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