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1.IQ VS. EQ, for you which is important?

At one point in time, IQ was viewed as the primary determinant of success. People
with high IQs were assumed to be destined for a life of accomplishment and
achievement, and researchers debated whether intelligence was the product of
genes or the environment.

However, some critics began to realize that high intelligence was no guarantee for
success in life. It was also perhaps too narrow a concept to fully encompass the
wide range of human abilities and knowledge. IQ is still recognized as an
important element of success, particularly when it comes to academic achievement.
People with high IQs typically to do well in school, often earn more money, and
tend to be healthier in general.

But today experts recognize that IQ is not the only determinant of life success.
Instead, it is part of a complex array of influences—one that includes emotional
intelligence. Many companies now mandate emotional intelligence training and
use EQ tests as part of the hiring process.

For example, one insurance company discovered that EQ could play a vital role in
sales success. Sales agents who ranked lower on emotional intelligence abilities
such as empathy, initiative, and self-confidence were found to sell policies with an
average premium of P2,765,523. Agents who ranked highly on measures of EQ
sold policies worth an average of P5, 838,326.

Emotional abilities can also influence the choices that consumers make when
confronted with buying decisions. Nobel-prize winning psychologist Daniel
Kahneman found that people would rather deal with a person that they trust and
like rather than someone they do not, even if that means paying more for an
inferior product.
2. How academic break help you to breathe all your activity work? For you,what
are the benefits of this academic break?(Ikweto mo lang).

As a consequence, we decide to work harder and for longer amounts of time than
usual. Anxiety and stress may start to build-up, and without warning, we may find
ourselves in a state of restlessness.

For all these reasons, it’s very important to take conscious decisions to rest. Rest
can take different forms, such as exercise, staying in to watch a film or sleeping for
a few hours. Choose what works best for you.

Benefits of this Academic Break:

1. Improves the memory

It has been shown that short, repeated sessions of learning with breaks increase
your concentration and facilitate the memorization of new contents. The Podomoro
technique can be an excellent way to study during productive intervals and rest
during breaks.
2. Serves as energy boosts
It is very common to feel drained of energy when we focus all our attention on one
task. Resting can be useful to allow your body to recover. Power naps of 10-20
minutes can be a great way to feel revitalised and keep rocking the day!
3. Reduces stress
Constant worry can lead to chronic stress, and students have been reported to be
more likely to suffer higher levels of stress, which can have a physical and mental
impact. Therefore, taking breaks can relieve and reduce levels of stress.
4. Improves your health
Rest and sleep have been shown to have a positive impact on your immune system.
It also reduces inflammation and decreases the risk of heart disease. Therefore,
take advantage of the weekends when you may have more time to exercise and
recover some sleep.
5. Boosts your performance and creativity
Sometimes, new creative approaches to problems may arise when doing different
activities. So, the next time you’re stuck, try to take a break, rest and do something
different. Hopefully, when you're back to your work, you will have come up with
some new ideas.

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