Assignment 1 Group 6 2

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Group 6
(Vo Thi Diem Huyen, Bui Ngoc Uyen Nhy, Le Quoc Tuan, Mai Ly Nhat Quynh)
Advertising is a very small part of marketing because marketing is extremely large.
It includes market research, communication planning, customer care, public
relation. But, advertising is an activity that's been viewed by the top firms. Ads are
interpreted as communication, marketing, helping to bring products, services, or
brands closer to potential customers.
For enterprises, advertising is an indispensable marketing tool, which helps
businesses achieve their communication goals. For consumers, especially young
people, advertising helps them save time and effort, they will easily find
information about the product they need and compare between brands or businesses
before making decisions.
In the 4.0 periods, advertising is gradually moving from tradition to digital
technology, or simply businesses that will focus on advertising their products on
media and social media, which is the second world' s' world'. So they have to invest
in the effort and ideas in advertising to attract young people. In this study, the
advertising moves will be examined, analyzed, and conducted by the university of
FPT university from the pc16405.
The 4.0 waves of technology have been spreading widely around the world, and that
is not a small impact on life and economics. Next to the challenges we face, this 4. 0
revolution opens up a new era of advertising. Maybe the world in this era is flat.
Because customers are more powerful and more selective, require businesses to
know how to analyze, evaluate and change their advertising activities so that they
match the' tastes' of customers. According to the report of the American Academy
of child and adolescent in 2018, there are several teenagers aged between 13 and 17
years of age using the social network, 75% youth with at least one social network
profile, and 51% of many of them. Moreover, according to the report, the average
teenager spends 9 hours a day not including the time for homework to be online.
Therefore, social and media networks are the subjects that are the first to promote
their products or services. And how they often do things that attract young people to
their advertising activities, not simply give information about the product in a dry
We conducted a 10-question survey about advertising with 19 young people aged
18 to 21. Based on that survey, we can evaluate which advertising techniques are
popular with young people and most used by businesses. Therefore, we can see
which advertising techniques should or should not be applied to the marketing
strategies of businesses, in order to promote the development of advertising
activities in today's society.
After surveying with people aged 18-21 years old (of which 57.9% are 18 years old,
31.7% are 19 years old, 5.3% are 20 years old and 5.3% are people aged 21), we
have noticed that 89.5% of young people watch internet advertisements and 10.5%
usually watch TV programs. From there we can confirm, social networking is the
place where advertisers will target to find their customers. Also based on the survey,
the percentage of people aged 18-21 who are attracted or likely to be attracted by a
celebrity in advertising accounts for more than 80% and more than 90% of people
have (possibly) inspired interesting with the songs in the advertisement. More than
70% of people have / may have enjoyed promotions. However, the percentage of
people interested in advertising trends seems to be less, just over 60%. Also,
according to the survey, most young people feel that advertising affects more or less
their perception of the product or service they want to buy. Usually, they will see an
advertisement to evaluate a product based on 3 criteria: quality, price, and review. It
seems that most businesses and advertisers are aware of this and have incorporated
these factors into their ads, which in turn leads to more and more young people
prefer to watch ads. Here are the specific survey results:
Question 1: Where do you usually see the advertisements?

Question 2: What are the sources of advertisements that make you believe?
Question 3: Is celebrity endorsement necessary for advertisements attract you?

Question 4: Do you like some trendy things in the advertisements?

Question 5: Did a good song in a commercial get satisfaction from you?

Question 6: Are you interested in the deals on the products?

Question 7: Have you ever bought a product after you watch advertisements?

Question 8: Is the way product promotion of advertisers affecting to your mind? 

Question 9: Which factors are most important to you when buying a product? 
Question 10: What are the major influences on the pricing decision? 


The development of social networks leads to a strong development of advertising
tricks through social networks, with young people being the prey of advertisers.
This study evaluates advertising tactics commonly used by businesses today and
how effective it is to attract young people. Some tricks advertisers often use in
commerce are to compose good music for promotional clips, choose celebrities,
influencers as advertisers and agents, and donate. Promotional gifts or limited
discounts on your products, and insert young people's favorite trends into your ads.
Besides, most of today's advertising tricks are done in the form of clips or short
films, and posted on social networks such as FB, YouTube, ... or shown on TV
programs. Knowing such tricks helps businesses a lot in bringing their products and
services closer to their customers. In short, the research on advertising tricks is
extremely necessary and directly affects the revenue of the business.

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