Although - As Soon As - Because - Before - So That - While

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I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1. A. Famous B. Village C. Workshop D. Bamboo

2. A. Business B. Experience C. Grandparent D. Chocolate

3. A. Generation B. Communicate C. Historical D. Environment

4. A. Embroider B. Department C. Handicraft D. Opinion

5. A. Transfer B. Publish C. Accept D. Remind

II. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences.
1. There are a lot of silk_____ such as scarves, ties and dresses in our shop. (PRODUCE)
2. Bat Trang is one of the most famous _____ craft villages in Ha Noi. (TRADITION)
3. We should read this leaflet to see what _____ are organized during the festival.(ACT)
4. They showed me a marble sculpture which was ____________ made by hand. (SKILL)
5. Last week we had a ______trip to an ancient village on the outskirts of Ha Noi. (MEMORY)
6. Obviously, our handicrafts are in _____ with those of other villages.(COMPETE)
7. Do you know that ______ have to follow 15 stages to make a conical hat?(ART)
8. My grandfather has devoted himself to many _______ events in our community. (CULTURE)
9. You should spend at least one week to visit the tourist______ in this city.(ATTRACT)
10. We are impressed by a wide ______ of lacquerwares in the showroom.(VARY)
III. Complete the sentences with suitable subordinators from the box.
although - as soon as - because - before - so that - while
1. The children are very excited ______ they’re going to visit a craft village this weekend.
2. We will tell Alice about the trip ______ we meet her.
3 ______ . it rained a lot, they enjoyed their holiday.
4.I bought a new pair of glasses _____ I can see better.
5. ______ I go out tonight, I will have to finish this essay.
6. Phong burnt his hand ____________ he was cooking dinner.
7. Laura always gets up early every morning _____ she’s not late for her work.
8. Mr. Harrison seems to have a lot of money _____ he lives in a luxurious house.
9. ____ I was waiting for the bus, I saw some foreign tourists.
10. They didn’t win the game _____ they played very well.
IV. Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box.
close down; come back; deal with; get up; keep up with;
live on; look through; pass down; set off; turn down;
1. My sister is an early bird. She ______ at 7 o’clock every day of the week.
2. We’ll ______for Tay Ho village at 9 o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock.
3. When I was a student, I______ small allowances from my parents.
4. The government must now _______ the preservation of traditional craft villages.
5. The banks have _______ a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.
6. Many foreign tourists decided to _______ to Viet Nam for another holiday.
7. They offered her a trip to Europe but she _______ it ______ .
8. He has ______ the report and found nothing interesting.
9. Phong walks too fast and it’s really hard to ______him.
10. These traditional stories have been ______ from parents to children over many generations.
V. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Hi! My name is Peter. I will tell you about my hometown. My town is not very big, but it is beautiful. The streets
of the town are straight and long. You can see many cars, trams and buses there. There are a lot of bus stops and
car parks in my town. We don’t have the underground and trolleybuses.
There is a nice big square in the centre of my town. On one side of the square you can see the hotel “Victoria”
and there is the museum on the other side. It has a big collection of old things. People from all over the world go
to our town to see it.
There are many parks in my town. People like to come to the parks; they play, read books or sit on the benches
and talk. My favourite park is the central park. It is near the square. I often go there with my friends. Also I go to
the shops or cafes with them, watch films in cinemas or ballets in our theatre.
There is a big library behind my school. I usually go there to take books for reading. I like to read about planes
and history. I will be a pilot in the future.
1. How are the streets in Peter’s hometown?
2. What is there in the centre of his town?
3. Who does Peter often go with to the central park?
4. Where is the big library?
5. What does Peter like to read?
VI. Use the conjunctions at the end of each group to connect the sentences.
1. My brother likes action films. He likes romantic comedies, (and)
2. Vinh usually stays up late to watch soccer matches. He knows it isn’t good for his health, (although)
3. I’m not interested in soap operas. They are often long and boring, (because)
4. Lan went to bed before the game show ended. She was tired and sleepy, (so)

5. David loves wild animals. He never watches nature programs, (but)


VII. Read the passage and fill in each blank with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

brought however shaping materials works

imported blow performing fear representing

Marble Mountains is a group of five smaller mountains (1)__________Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. It is
also a travel itinerary linking Da Nang City to the ancient town of Hoi An and Hue City. As the name suggests
the Marble Mountains used to be a place providing input (2)__________ for craftsmen in the village, but the
local government banned marble exploitation (3)__________ that the five mountains could disappear.

Most of the marble for the village now comes from northern provinces such as Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa and Thai
Nguyen. As a further step to diversify products, the marble fine arts village has (4)__________ marble from

As far as I know, the man who (5)__________marble craftsmanship to the region came from Thanh Hoa, and
most craftsmen in the village had handed down the craft from generation to generation. There are some 3,000
handicraft workers in Non Nuoc village. (6)__________, there are only 70 skillful craftsmen who can
(7)__________ souls into marble sculptures after other workers have finished (8)__________ the Products.

In the shops along the highway, you can see different marble products in all shapes and sizes, from contemporary
(9)__________ to religious sculptures. And of course you will have a chance to see craftsmen
(10)__________their art and turning soulless marble into sophisticated sculpture products.


I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B

II. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences.


2. Traditional

3. Activities

4. Skillfully

5. Memorable

6. Competition

7. Artisans

8. Cultural

9. Attractions

10. Variety

III. Complete the sentences with suitable subordinators from the box.


2. As soon as

3. Although

4. So that

5. Before

6. While

7. So that

8. Because

9. While

10. Although
IV. Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box.

1.Gets up

2. Set off

3. Lived on

4. Deal with

5. Closed down

6. Come back

7. Turned – down

8. Looked through

9. Keep up with

10. Passed down

V. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

1.(They are) straight and long.

2. (There is) a nice big square.

3. (He often goes with) his friends

4. (It’s) behind Peter’s school.

5. (He likes to read about) planes and history.

VI. Use the conjunctions at the end of each group to connect the sentences.

1. My brother likes action films and romantic comedies.

2. Vinh usually stays up late to watch soccer matches although he knows it isn’t good for
his health.

3. I’m not interested in soap operas because they are often long and boring.

4. Lan was tired and sleepy, so she went to bed before the game show ended.

5. David loves wild animals but he never watches nature programmes.

VII. Read the passage and fill in each blank with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

1. representing 2. materials 3. fear 4. imported 5. brought

6. However 7. blow 8. shaping 9. works 10. performing

VIII. Alex is writing an email to Mai to introduce some of the places of interest in his home town,
Newquay. Use the words/ phrases given to complete his email.

Dear Mai, It’s great to know that you are coming to Newquay. It’s a small town on the Atlantic
coast in the south of England. There are lots of interesting places and activities here. The first thing I suggest is
surfing at Fistral Beach. It is one of the best places to surf in the UK. There are some good surf schools where
you can learn how to surf. I go surfing with my friends every weekend here. If you like water sports, you can go
kayaking, water-skiing or coasteering. Coasteering is different because it is rock climbing, jumping into the sea
and swimming in the same activity. It sounds dangerous, but don’t worry as always go with a special instructor.
If you like animals you can also visit the Blue Reef Aquarium and see many different fish and even sharks. You
can also go horse riding on the beach or visit Newquay Zoo. There are lots of other attractions too like mini golf
and bowling. When you come to my town, I hope I’ll be able to show you some of these places.

 get over /gɛt/ /ˈəʊvə/ (ph.v): vượt qua
 fabulous /ˈfæbjələs/ (adj): tuyệt vời, tuyệt diệu
 reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ (adj): đáng tin cậy
 metropolitan /ˌmetrəˈpɒlɪtən/ (adj): (thuộc về) đô thị, thủ phủ
 multicultural /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəl/ (adj): đa văn hóa
 variety /vəˈraɪəti/ (n): sự phong phu, đa dạng
 grow up /ɡrəʊ ʌp/ (ph.v) : lớn lên, trưởng thành
 packed /pækt/ (adj): chật ních người
 urban /ˈɜːbən/ (adj): (thuộc) đô thị, thành thị
 Oceania /ˌəʊsiˈɑːniə/ (n): châu Đại Dương
 medium-sized /ˈmiːdiəm saɪzd/ (adj): cỡ vừa, cỡ trung
 forbidden /fəˈbɪdn/ (adj): bị cấm
 easy-going /ˌiːzi ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ (adj): thoải mái, dễ tính
 downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ (adj): (thuộc) trung tâm thành phố, khu thương mại
 skyscraper /ˈskaɪskreɪpə(r)/ (n): nhà cao chọc trời
 stuck /stʌk/ (adj): mắc ket, không di chuyển đươc
 wander /ˈwɒndə(r)/ (v): đi lang thang
 affordable /əˈfɔːdəbl/ (adj): (giá cả) phải chăng
 conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ (v): thực hiện
 determine /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ (v): xác định
 factor /ˈfæktə(r)/ (n): yếu tố
 conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ (n): xung đột
 indicator /ˈɪndɪkeɪtə(r)/ (n): chỉ số
 recreational /ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl/ (adj): giải trí
 asset /ˈæset/ (n): tài sản
 urban sprawl /ˈɜrbən/ /sprɔl/ (n.p): sự đô thị hóa
 index /ˈɪndeks/ (n): chỉ số
 metro /ˈmetrəʊ/ (n): tàu điện ngầm
 dweller /ˈdwelə(r)/ (n): cư dân
 negative /ˈneɡətɪv/ (adj): tiêu cực
 drawback /ˈdrɔːbæk/ (n): điểm yếu, điểm bất lợi
 for the time being /fə(r) ðə taɪm ˈbiːɪŋ/ (phrase): hiện thời, trong lúc này

 I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1. A. Conduct B. Ancient C. Drawback D. Feature
2. A. Determine B. Pagoda C. Fabulous D. Convenient
3. A. Intelligence B. Facility C. Development D. Education
4. A. Metropolitan B. University C. Organisation D. Multicultural
5. A. Fascinate B. Expensive C. Restaurant D. Difference
II. Complete each of the following sentences with comparatives or superlatives. Add
‘the’ where necessary.
1. I think this is (noisy) _______ part of the city.
2. This place was (dangerous)________ than we thought.
3. Could you show me the way to (near) __________ bus stop?
4. The trip to Ho Chi Minh City was (interesting) _________ for us.
5. This is (good) _________ food I’ve ever eaten in this country.
6. David’s new haircut is (trendy) _______ than the previous one.
7. The building looks much (nice)_______ in green than the previous white.
8.I had to drive my car along (narrow) ______ road in the region.
9. Quan’s house is (far) ______from the city centre than my house.
10. In my opinion, living in the city is (hard) _______ than living in the country.
III. Complete each of the following sentences with a phrasal verb from the box.
Change the form of the verbs if necessary.
apply for - cheer up - dress up - find out - get over
go on - pull down - set up - take off - turn back
1. We’ve_______ a really good restaurant near the central station.
2. You don’t need to _______ to go to the mall – jeans and a T-shirt are fine.
3. Professor Colin Evers ______ a job at a famous university in Sydney.
4. We really can’t_______ living like this – we’ll have to find a bigger house.
5. Mary was very unhappy last week, but she has ________now
6. You need to ________your shoes before going inside the house.
7. They _____the old cinema to build a new shopping mall.
8. A committee has been________ to organize social events for the students.
9. It took me a few days to ________ my flu.
10. The mountain climbers had to ________ because they were exhausted.
IV. Fill in the correct particles to complete the following sentences.
1. I’ve thought it _______and have made up my mind; I’m going to take the job in New
2. Can you put your name, telephone number and email address ______ in the
book, please?
3. Mark was born in the East End, but he grew _______ in the West End.
4. Phong turned the TV _______ and went to bed because it was quite late.
5. The guide showed us________the historic parts of the city.
6. David is very friendly. He gets _______ most of my friends.
7. I don’t know why they turned________ our invitation to the party.
8. Nam didn’t know the correct spelling so he had to look it _______in the dictionary.
9. We are all looking_____ ______ seeing our grandparents again.
10. Our hotel was amazing and it lived _____ _____all our expectations.
V. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank.
Hello! My name is Herman. I live in a big city in Germany and it’s quite exciting! There
are lots of things to do. My parents bought a flat near a park where I can ride my bike or
(1) ______ skateboarding. My brother is older than me so I also go to the cinema with
him. The city library is a great place too. I usually meet my friends there and we do our
school (2) _________ or study together.
Of course living in a big city is not easy. City life can be fast, tiring and stressful. The
streets are always (3) _______ and noisy. Because of the cars the air is polluted
sometimes. People are so busy that they (4) _________ have time for their neighbours or
friends. But I can’t see myself moving to the (5) ______. I just love living in the city too
1. A. Play B. Do C. Go D. Sail
2. A. Projects B. Workshops C. Playgrounds D. Competitions
3. A. Bored B. Surprised C. Exhausted D. Crowded
4. A. Usually B. Rarely C. Often D. Always
5. A. University B. Building C. Mountain D. Countryside
VI. Read the following passage and write T (True) or F (False) for each statement.
London is the biggest city in Britain. More than 7 million people live and work there. It is
one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business and for tourism.
London consists of three parts: The City of London, the East End and the West End. In the
City of London there are many banks, offices and Stock Exchange.
In the West End we can see many historical places, parks, shops and theatres. It is the
world of rich people and money. The East End is the district where working people live
and work. The Port of London is also there. You can have a very good time in this city.
You can visit different cinemas, theatres and museums. The “Odeon” is one of the most
famous cinemas of the country. The most famous museums are: The British Museum and
the Tate Gallery. There are many shops in London. Oxford street is London’s main
shopping centre. People from all over the world buy clothes, shoes, toys and souvenirs
there. The street is more than a mile long. The best known departments are Selfridges and
John Lewis. The largest park in London is Hyde Park with its Speaker’s Corner. Sit on the
green grass and try England’s favourite food – fish and chips.
______ 1. There are lots of theatres, parks and historical places in the City of London.
______ 2. The Port of London is in the East End of London.
______ 3. Working people live and work in the West End of London.
______ 4. The “Odeon” is a famous museum in London.
______ 5. People go to Oxford street to buy clothes and souvenirs.
VII. Use the words given and other words to complete the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given. (Use 2 – 5
words in total).
0. Our city has five big shopping malls, are
There are five big shopping malls in our city.
1. The Central Tower is the tallest building in this city, is
No building in this city ________________________ the Central Tower.
2. I’ll consider it carefully and give you an answer next week, over
I’ll _____________________________ and give you an answer next week.
3. We have never stayed at a worse hotel than this, the
This ________________________ we’ve ever stayed at.
4. Please continue doing your work and don’t let anything interrupt you. go
Please ________________________ and don’t let anything interrupt you.
5. I think Da Nang is not so exciting as Ho Chi Minh City, more
I think Ho Chi Minh City __________________________ Da Nang.

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B
II. Complete each of the following sentences with comparatives or superlatives. Add
‘the’ where necessary.
1. I think this is (noisy) ___the noisiest____ part of the city.
2. This place was (dangerous)____more dangerous____ than we thought.
3. Could you show me the way to (near) ____the nearest______ bus stop?
4. The trip to Ho Chi Minh City was (interesting) _____the most interesting____ for us.
5. This is (good) ____the best_____ food I’ve ever eaten in this country.
6. David’s new haircut is (trendy) ___trendier____ than the previous one.
7. The building looks much (nice)____nicer___ in green than the previous white.
8.I had to drive my car along (narrow) __the narrowest/ most narrow____ road in the
9. Quan’s house is (far) ___farther/ further___from the city centre than my house.
10. In my opinion, living in the city is (hard) ___harder____ than living in the country.
III. Complete each of the following sentences with a phrasal verb from the box.
Change the form of the verbs if necessary.
1. We’ve____found out___ a really good restaurant near the central station.
2. You don’t need to ___dress up____ to go to the mall – jeans and a T-shirt are fine.
3. Professor Colin Evers ___applied up___ a job at a famous university in Sydney.
4. We really can’t___go on____ living like this – we’ll have to find a bigger house.
5. Mary was very unhappy last week, but she has ___cheered up_____now
6. You need to _____take off___your shoes before going inside the house.
7. They __piulled down___the old cinema to build a new shopping mall.
8. A committee has been___set up_____ to organize social events for the students.
9. It took me a few days to ____get over____ my flu.
10. The mountain climbers had to ___turn back_____ because they were exhausted.

IV. 11. over (n): qua

22. down (n): xuống
33. up (n): lên
44. off (n): tắt
55. round/around (n): vòng/quanh
66. on with (n): trên với
77. down (n): xuống
88. up (n): lên
99. forward to (v): chuyển tiếp đến
→ look (ed/ing) forward + to V
1010. up/to (n): lên/đến
1.Is taller than(Is as tall as)
2.Think it over
3.Is the worst hotel
4.Go on with your work
5.Is more exciting than
6.→As interesting as this one
7.→The noisiest student in the school
8.→Read a less interesting book than this one
9.→City in Viet Nam more ’ livable ' than Vung Tau City
10.→changed since the 1990s


(Áp lực và căng thẳng tuổi thiếu niên)
adolescence /ˌædəˈlesns/ (n) : giai đoạn vị thành niên
adulthood /ˈædʌlthʊd/ (n) : giai đoạn trưởng thành
calm /kɑːm/ (adj) : bình tĩnh
cognitive skill /ˈkɒɡnətɪv skɪl/ : kĩ năng tư duy
concentrate /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ (v) : tập trung
confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ (adj) : tự tin
delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ (adj) : vui sướng
depressed /dɪˈprest/ (adj): tuyệt vọng
embarrassed /ɪmˈbærəst/ (adj): xấu hổ
emergency /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ (n) : tình huống khẩn cấp
frustrated /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/ (adj) : bực bội (vì không giải quyết được việc gì)
helpline /ˈhelplaɪn/ (n) : đường dây nóng trợ giup
house-keeping skill /haʊs-ˈkiːpɪŋ skɪl/ : kĩ năng làm việc nhà
independence /ˌɪndɪˈpendəns/ (n) : sự độc lập, tự lập
informed decision /ɪnˈfɔːmd dɪˈsɪʒn/ (n) : quyết định có cân nhắc
left out /left aʊt/ (adj) : cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi, bị cô lập
life skill /laɪf skɪl/ : kĩ năng sống
relaxed /rɪˈlækst/ (adj) : thoải mái, thư giãn
resolve conflict /rɪˈzɒlv ˈkɒnflɪkt/ (v) : giải quyết xung đột
risk taking /rɪsk teɪkɪŋ/ (n) : liều lĩnh
self-aware /ˌself əˈweə(r)/ (adj) : tự nhận thức, ngộ ra
self-disciplined /self-ˈdɪsəplɪnd/ (adj) : tự rèn luyện
stressed /strest/ (adj) : căng thẳng, mệt mỏi
tense /tens/ (adj) : căng thẳng
worried /ˈwʌrid/ (adj) : lo lắng
I. Câu tường thuật tiếng Anh là gì?
1. Câu trực tiếp:
– Xuất phát trực tiếp từ người nói
– Xuất phát từ người nghe truyền đạt lại chính xác những ý, từ ngữ mà người nói đã nói để tăng phần kịch tích
cho câu chuyện hoặc để nhấn mạnh những từ ngữ vui hoặc lạ mà người nói đã dùng.
– Lời nói trực tiếp thường nằm trong dấu ngoặc kép (dấu trích dẫn)
Ví dụ:
Marry says: “I feel angry and empty in the stomach.“
(Marry nói: “Tôi cảm thấy khó chịu và trống rỗng ở trong bụng.”)
Allen tells John: Marry said “I feel angry and empty in the stomach“.
(Allen nói với John: “Marry nói là ‘Tôi cảm thấy khó chịu và trống rỗng ở trong bụng.’’)
→ Câu nói I feel angry and empty in the stomach là lời nói trực tiếp được nói xuất phát từ Marry và được trích
dẫn nguyên câu từ Allen với động từ và chủ ngữ không thay đổi.
2. Câu tường thuật gián tiếp:
– Câu tường thuật tiếng Anh (reported speech) là lời tường thuật lại ý của người nói khi người tường thuật chỉ
muốn tường thuật lại thông tin, nội dung trong lời nói của người nói thay vì là từ ngữ.
– Câu tường thuật trong tiếng anh thường được sử dụng trong báo chí, báo cáo, văn bản hay lời nói tường thuật
lại một đoạn hội thoại.
Ví dụ: Nam says: ‘I feel tired’ → Nam said that he felt tired.
(Nam nói rằng cậu ấy cảm thấy mệt mỏi)
→ Câu Nam said that he is tired là câu tường thuật gián tiếp vì khi tường thuật lại, ta đã đổi chủ ngữ
từ I thành he và động từ feel thành felt.
II. Cấu trúc câu tường thuật gián tiếp trong tiếng Anh
Khi muốn thay đổi 1 câu trần thuật trực tiếp sang 1 câu trần thuật gián tiếp, chúng ta dùng động từ ‘say/tell’ để
giới thiệu. Đồng thời cần áp dụng các quy tắc sau:
1. Thay đổi thì của động từ
 Nếu động từ ở thì hiện tại đơn (say/ tell) thì động từ trong câu gián tiếp giữ nguyên thì trong câu trực tiếp.
Ví dụ:“I always drink coffee in the morning”, she says.
→ She says that she always drinks coffee in the morning.
Nếu động từ giới thiệu ở thì quá khứ (said/ told) thì động từ trong câu gián tiếp cần thay đổi như sau:
Thì trong lời nói trực tiếp Thì trong lời nói gián tiếp
Hiện tại đơn →Quá khứ đơn
“I like sciences.” He said (that) he liked sciences.
Hiện tại tiếp diễn
→ Quá khứ tiếp diễn
“I am staying for a few
She said (that) she was staying for a few days.
Hiện tại hoàn thành → Quá khứ hoàn thành
“Nick has left.” She told me (that) Nick had left.
Quá khứ đơn → Quá khứ hoàn thành
“Nick left this morning.” She told me (that) Nick had left that morning.
Quá khứ tiếp diễn → Quá khứ tiếp diễn/ Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
“I was doing my She said (that) she was doing her homework/ she had been doing her
homework.” homework
Will → Would
“Man will travel to Mars.” He said (that) man would travel to Mars.
Can → Would
“We can swim.” They told us (that) they could swim.
May → Would
“We may live on the moon.” He said (that) We might live on the moon.
2. Đổi ngôi của đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ và đại từ sỡ hữu.
Trong lời nói trực tiếp Trong lời nói gián tiếp
i → he/ she
we → they
you → i/ he/ she
my → his/ her
our → their
your → my/ his/ her
mine → his/ hers
ours → theirs
3. Thay đổi các trạng từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn
Trạng từ trong câu trực tiếp Trạng từ trong câu gián tiếp
now →then
today → that day
here → there
this week → that week
tomorrow → the following day/ the next day
yesterday → the day before/ the previous day
last month →the month before/ the previous month
tonight →that night
ago → before
next week → the following week/ the week after
these → those
Ví dụ:
He said to me, “I and you will go with her father next week.”
He told me (that) he and I would go with her father the following week.
III. Cấu trúc Câu hỏi gián tiếp - Reported questions
a. Các quy tắc khi chuyển câu hỏi trực tiếp sang câu hỏi gián tiếp
- Động từ tường thuật được sử dụng trong Câu hỏi Gián tiếp thường là: asked, required, wondered, wanted to
- Áp dụng quy tắc đổi Đại từ nhân xưng, tính từ sở hữu, đại từ sở hữu giống câu Trần thuật Gián tiếp.
- Áp dụng quy tắc đổi Thì của động từ giống câu Trần thuật Gián tiếp.
– Áp dụng quy tắc đổi các Trạng từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn giống câu Trần thuật Gián tiếp.
- Câu hỏi chuyển sang câu gián tiếp phải được chuyển về dạng KHẲNG ĐỊNH và lược bỏ dấu hỏi chấm.
b. Các dạng câu hỏi gián tiếp
Dạng Cấu trúc
S + asked/wondered/wanted to know + O +Wh-
+ S + V….
Ví dụ:
Câu hỏi Wh-Questions (câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng các từ để hỏi
He said to me, “Why did you go with her father
như: What, where, when, why, how…)
last week?”
→ He asked me why I had gone with her father
the week before.
S + asked/wondered/wanted to know + O +
if/whether + S + V….
Ví dụ:
Câu hỏi Yes/No Questions: Dùng “if hoặc whether”để bắt
He said to me, “Will you go with her father next
đầu câu hỏi Yes/No gián tiếp.
→ He asked me if/whether I would go with her
father the following week.


I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern

1. A. Medicine B. Graduate C. Confident D. Encourage

2. A. Expect B. Depress C. Manage D. Assure

3. A. Cognitive B. Abandon C. Emotion D. Important

4. A. Disappointed B. Preparation C. Adolescence D. Communicate

5. A. Pressure B. Convince C. Friendship D. Guidance

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.

angry                  bored                 confident              confused              delighted

disappointed     embarrassed      frustrated             tired                     worried

1. I feel so______ . I don’t have anything to do.

2. Jane is_______ because she doesn’t know if she got an F or an A in her test.

3.I feel so_______ because I’ve worked all night.

4. The headmaster was very _______ with Tom because of his bad behaviour at school.

5. Peter was __________ when he heard his song on the radio.

6. Mum is_______ because my sister hasn’t come home yet.

7. Phong is _________ that he will pass the examination.

8. Nick felt __________ when he was treated in front of some girls.

9. The students felt __________ because they couldn’t go camping.

10. Bob looks depressed and_______. He’s constantly sighing and complaining.

III. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences.

1. I think Tom and Mary have known each other since their_____. (CHILD)

2. My brother feels _______ when he’s playing the guitar. (RELAX)

3. Lan was upset because her parents _______ her. (UNDERSTAND)

4. I often suffer from______ during the wintertime. (DEPRESS)

5. Everything was _______ to me when I visited Gold Coast for the first time.(EXCITE)

6. When you grow up, you’ll feel you want more _______ and responsibility. (DEPEND)

7. We all ________ with you when we heard that you failed  the driving test again. (SYMPATHY)

8. Nga’s dream is to be a ________ , but her parents want her to be a medical doctor.(MUSIC)

9. Between 11 and 13 years of age, the adolescent’s brain  experiences rapid________ of nerve cells.

10. I feel really tired after spending a ________ night studying for the exam. (SLEEP)

IV. Rewrite the following sentences using questions words + to-infinitives.

1. We don’t know where we should put the sofa.


2. The rules didn’t specify who I should speak to in case of an emergency.


3. Mai wondered how she could ride the scooter.


4. Let us decide when we should start the project.


5. Could you tell me where I can find a good hotel?


6. We must find out what we are to do next.


7. A good dictionary tells you how you should pronounce the words.


8. We are not sure who we will meet at the entrance.


9.I can’t remember when I have to turn off the oven.


10. Do you know what you should look for?


V. Turn the following statements into reported speech.

1. “Who do you talk to when you have problems?” Mary asked me.


2. “I’ll help my mum cook dinner tonight”, said Hoa.


3. “Tell your teacher what happened,” Jack advised me.


4. “My best friend hasn’t called me for one week”, said Nam.


5. “Are you at the sports centre now?” Lucia’s mother asked her.


6. “What time did you come home last night, Mark?” said Tom.


7. “Don’t go to the park when it gets dark,” said Mrs. Brown.


8. “We spoke to your parents yesterday,” said Mr. Quang to Trung.


9. “Can I meet you at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon?” Minh asked Phuong.


10. “I’m staying with my aunt and uncle in the suburbs”, said Nga.

VI. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage.

Teenagers today live in a very competitive world. It is (1) ______ important than ever to succeed at
school if you hope to (2) _______ a chance in the job market afterwards. It’s no wonder that many
young people worry (3) _______ letting down their parents, their peers and themselves. To try to please
everyone, they take on too (4) ________ tasks until it becomes harder and harder to balance homework
assignments, parties, sports activities and friends. The result is that young people (5) ________ from

There are different ways of dealing with stress. Everyone knows that caffeine, in the (6) ________ of
coffee or soft drinks, keeps you awake and alert. But caffeine is a drug which (7) _________ become
addictive. In the end, like other drugs, caffeine only leads to more stress. There are better (8) ________
to deal with stress: physical exercise is a good release for stress, (9) _____ it increases certain chemicals
in the brain which calm you down. You have to get enough sleep to (10)______ stress and to stay
healthy and full of energy.

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question.
                          What Is It Like Being a Teenager in Britain?


British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave school at sixteen
(grade 11). This is also the age when most students take their first important exams, the GCSE (General
Certificate of Secondary Education). Most teens take between 5-10 subjects, which means a lot of
studying. They are spending more time on homework than teenagers ever before. Forget watching TV,
teenagers in Britain now spend 2-3 hours on homework after school.

School uniform

Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school uniform. Although
school uniform has its advantages, when they are 15 or 16 most teenagers are tired of wearing it. When
there is more than one school in a town, school uniforms can highlight differences between schools. In
London there are many cases of bullying and fighting between pupils from different schools.

Clothes and looks

In Britain, some teens judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. 40% of British teenagers
believe it’s important to wear designer labels. If you want to follow the crowd, you need to wear trendy
labels. Teenage feet in Britain wear fashionable trainers and the more expensive, the better.

1. Most students in Britain take the GCSE when ____________.

A. They are 11 years old

B. They are 16 years old

C. They finish grade 10

D. They begin grade 11

2. What is the first thing you’ll notice when you visit almost any school in Britain?

A. The school logo

B. The school gate

C. The school playground

D. The school uniform

3. What do most teenagers in Britain prefer to wear?

A. Trendy labels
B. Expensive uniforms

C. Fashionable hats

D. Economical trainers

4. The word ‘highlight’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________ .

A. Confuse

B. Remark

C. Emphasise

D. Decrease

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Students in Britain can take 8 subjects at the GCSE.

B. Most British teenagers spend 2-3 hours watching TV after school.

C. Most 16-year-old students in Britain don’t like school uniforms.

D. Many British teenagers judge their friends by their shirts or trainers.

VIII. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.


0. There isn’t two chairs in the living room.

A                B             C                D

Answer: 0. A (aren’t/ are not)

1. We have no idea who talking to when we have problems.

A                    B                C                         D

2. Nick asked Phong whether he had gone to Mai’s birthday party last night.

A                  B                              C                           D

3. Lan is very depressing because her closest friend is moving to another city.

A                                    B                             C              D

4. Their daughter said that she doesn’t want to take exams into economics universities.

A                B                    C                     D
5.I don’t know what to do as these instructions are extremely confused.

A                          B                                          C                             D

IX. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the
given word.


0. There are five rooms in our house. HAS

Our house has five rooms.

1. “What do you think about teenagers who dye their hair?” (THOUGHT)


2. It was quite surprising for us that he passed the exam. (SURPRISED)


3. “If I were you, I would tell her the truth”, said Phong to Khoa.( ADVISED)


4. We don’t know how we should solve the problems. (TO)


5. “Have I ever met him before?” Laura said to herself. (WONDERED)



1. D              2.C                 3. A                      4.D               5.B


1. Bored

2. Confused

3. Tired

4. Angry
5. Delighted

6. Worried

7. Confident

8. Embarrassed

9. Disappointed

10. Frustrated


1. Childhood

2. Relaxed

3. Misunderstood

4. Depression

5. Exciting

6. Independence

7. Sympathise

8. Musician

9. Growth

10. Sleepless


1. We don’t know where to put the sofa.

2. The rules didn’t specify who to speak to in case of an emergency.

3. Mai wondered how to ride the scooter.

4. Let us decide when to start the project.

5. Could you tell me where to find a good hotel?

6. We must find out what to do next.

7. A good dictionary tells you how to pronounce the words.

8. We are not sure who to meet at the entrance.

9.I can’t remember when to turn off the oven.

10. Do you know what to look for?


1. Mary asked me who I talked to when I had problems.

2. Hoa said that she would help her mum cook dinner that night.

3. Jack advised me to tell my teacher what had happened.

4. Nam said that his best friend hadn’t called him for one week.

5. Lucia’s mother asked her if / whether she was at the sports centre then.

6. Tom asked Mark what time he had come home the night before / the previous night.

7. Mrs. Brown told me not to go to the park when it got dark.

8. Mr. Quang said to Trung that they had spoken to his parents the day before / the previous day.

9.Minh asked Phuong if / whether he/she could meet him/her at 4.30 the next/ following afternoon.

10. Nga said that she was staying with her aunt and uncle in the

+++++ suburbs.


1. More            6. form

2. Have             7. can

3. About            8. ways

4. Many             9. because

5. Suffer            10. avoid


1. B            2. D             3. A                 4. C


1. B (to talk)

2. D (the night before / the previous night)

3. A (depressed)

4. B (didn’t)

5. D (confusing)


1.They asked me what I thought about teenagers who dyed their hair.

2.We were quite surprised that he passed the exam.

3.Phong advised Khoa to tell her the truth.

4.We don’t know how to solve the problems.

5.Laura wondered whether / if she had met him before.

Revision on unit 1-2-3

I. Choose the word which has different sound in the underlined part

1. a. reminded b. turned c. wandered d. resolved

2. a. craftsman b. design c. conducts d. tense

3. a. hopes b. looks c. roofs d. washes

4. a. embarrass b. determine c. metro d. relax

5. a. advice b. decision c. delighted d. variety

6. a. weave b. threat c. bread d. deaf

7. a. adulthood b. frustrated c. drumhead d. education

8. a. calm b. craft c. urban d. cast

9. a. remind b. disappointed c. forbidden d. conflict

10. a. generation b. endangered c. accept d. memorable

Key: 1A, 2B, 3,D, 4C, 5B, 6A, 7D, 8C, 9A, 10B

II. Choose the word which has different stress pattern

1. a. picture b. decision c. lovely d. worried

2. a. guidance b. pressure c. delighted d. confident

3. a. communicate b. appointed c. preparation d. affordable

4. a. atraction b. bamboo c. technique d. handicraft

5. a. sculpture b. embroider c. preserve d. opinion

6. a. accept b. transfer c. publish d. remind

7. a. famous b. fabulous c. village d. reliable

8. a. department b. historical c. technique d. pottery

9. a. confident b. determine c. convenient d. pagoda

10. a. fascinate b. different c. expensive d. restaurant

KEY: 1B, 2C, 3C, 4D, 5A, 6B, 7D, 8D, 9A, 10C

III. Choose the correct answer

1. His neighbour sometimes wondered......................he did for a living.

a. why b. when c. where d. what

2. Could you tell please tell me ......................?

a. It is how far to the nearest bus stop. b. how far is it to the nearest bus stop

c. how far to the nearest bus stop is it d. how far it is to the nearest bus stop

3. Mary wondered..................Tom and Peter would be at the party.

a. that b. whether c. if d. b and c

4. The Van Phuc silk producers have expended their silk garment goods ..................they can satisfy the varied
demand for their silk.

a. so that b. in order to c. despite d. because

5. They postponed their trip to Bat Trang village ...............the weather was bad.

a. so that b. although c. because d. in order to

6. Bat Trang is one of the most famous ..............craft village of Ha Noi.

a. tradition b. traditional c. traditionally d. traditionality

7. ....................a large number of the country's craft villages are suffered from a shortage of human resources and
differenties in building brand recognition, many international organizations have had projects to help them.

a. Because b. Although c. However d. So that

8. Now, at the age of over 80, the artisan is leaving the craft to his descendants with the desire to ...............this
ancient craft.

a. change b. consider c. preserve d. reserve

9. The traditional craft has ...................from generation to generation.

a. been passed down b. been passed by c. passed down d. passed

10. Villagers are kinder and more friendly and warm- hearted than city...............
a. dwellers b. foreigners c. beginners d. movers

11. It is considered that life in a city is wonderful and ...............

a. funny b. boring c. enjoyable d. helpful

12. No city in America has ..................monuments and museums into one area as Washington, DC.\

a. as much b. such many c. a few d. as many

13. He asked me" ..................?"

a. How long you have studied English b. How long had you studied English

c. How long have you studied English d. How long you had studied English

14. I am not sure .............I can solve this problem.

a. how b. what c. who d. by whom

15. She asked me ................the seat...........or not.

a. if -had occupied b. whether- was occupied c. if - has been occupied d. whether- occupied

16. My parents asked me to find out gave you so much trouble.

a. what b. which c. why d. where

17. Tom told us that sometimes he had difficulty ..........his feelings.

a. expressing b. communicating c. sending d. talking

18. My teacher told me that I...............attend the math course for the higher level programme that I ..........for.

a. can't apply b. couldn't -apply c. can't -applied d. couldn't - had applied

19. I asked him ..................but he said nothing.

a. what the matter was b. what was the matter c. the matter was what d. what's the matter was

20. My closest friend is not very ...........and she likes having a small friend group but I like talking with alot of
people and hang out.

a. society b. sociable c. social d. socialist

21. Mi asked what information she ..............that assignment.

a. needs to be done b. needed doing c. need to do d. needed to do

22. James .....him up when the bus reached the square.

a. told me wake b. asked me to wake c. said me to wake d. requested me wakin

23. Mary asked me make that cake.

a. what b. when c. how d. where

24. Peter said to me, " what should I buy for her on her birth day?"

a. Peter said to me what he sould buy for her on her birthday.

b. Peter asked to me what to buy for her on her birthday.

c. Peter asked me what to buy for her on herbithday.

d. Peter asked me what should he buy for her on her birthday.

25. Susan needs someone to show her how to ..............her anxiety and depression.

a. empathise b. try c. succeeed d. manage

IV. Use correct form of verbs to complete the following sentences

1. She ........................(be) a bit tense lately.

2. He said that he .......................(not, go) to school the previous day.

3. Sometimes I wish my parents ......................(can) put themselves in my shoes.

4. Lan needs ................(take) a break.

5. I .......................(call) her if she ................(want) to go and see film with me tomorrow.

6. I am not sure where .....................(go) on summer holiday.

7. My hometown city ....................(change) a lot recently.

8. He ......................(get) a very high score in his last test.

9. We .................(impress) by a wide variety of marble sculpture.

10. Although she was tired, she .......................(finish) knitting the scarf for her dad.

11. They started ...................(learn) English 5 years ago.

12. Yesterday, when we ...................(have) dinner, the light ..............(go) out.

13. We can live on .....................(sell) silk scarves as souvenirs.

14. Conical hat making in the village.........................(pass) down from generation to genaration.

15. These baskets ........................(make) by crossing strips of bamboo across, over, and under each other.

key: 1. has been 2. hadnt gone 3. could 4. to take 5. will call- wants 6. to go 7. has changed 8. got 9.
were impressed 10. finished 11. to learn/ learning 12. were having- went 13. selling 14. has been
passed 15. were made.

V. Match the verbs in column A with words / phrases in column B

A. B

1. reduce a. a home business

2. pull down b. high expectation

3. empathise c. a handicraft

4. make d. worried and frustrated

5. set up e. employment

6. feel f. an old building

7. have g. pollution

8. provide h. with someone

VI. Fill each gap with a word from the box

attractions giant excited interest

fascinating tallest symbol affordable

The London Eye, also known as the Millenium Wheel, is a ...............(1) observation Wheel in London. The entire
structure is 135 metres tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres. When erected in 1999 it was the
world's ................(2) observation wheel. It is now one of the most popular ................(3) in the world. It is
considered to be a ..................(4) of London. People make special journeys to see the...............(5) giant wheel.
15000 people can ride the wheel everyday. They feel..............(6) to climb above the city and look back down on
it. Not just rich people, but everybody can do this. It is public and .............(7) , and it has become a place
of .............(8) in London.

VII. Complete each sentence with the correct form of a phrase verb from the rist.

look up deal with turn down set up get over put up with give up keep up with

1. The two countries agreed to ..............full diplomatic relations.

2. When you're tired and under stress, it 's important to look after yourself and find ways to

3. Six people applied for the job, but four of them were .............

4. Why don't you ...............this word in the dictionary?

5. Mike had to ................gymnastics because of his injury.

6. I'm going crazy! I can't much confusion.

7. I think she ..............the quarrel with her close friend.

8. It's difficult to ...........changes in technology.

VIII. Rewite these sentences in reported speech, using question words before to-infinitives.

1. " What should I wear to the fancy dress party?" Trang asked.

2. " Should I help Chau with the money my mum gave me? she wondered

3. " Where can we get those traditional handicrafts?" Nick wondered.

4. " Who can I turn to for help with my homework now?" Phuc said.

5. " When should I break the sad new to him?" Hoa asked.
6. " Should I phone him now?" the girl wondered.

7. " Should I agree to have a date with him?" the joung girl wondered.

8. " How much money should we invest into this conical hat making company?" a businessman asked his friends.

9. " How can we go to Bat Trang? the students asked their teacher.

10. " Should we take a taxi or walk to the museum? they wondered.

IX Complete these sentences with suitable propositions.

1. When did your parents set ............this workshop?

2. Artisans made these things.............their hands.

3. If you go to Hoi An .........the 15th of each lunar month, you can enjoy the lights of many beautiful lanterns.

4. We are impressed ...........the beauty of caves of Trang An.

5. This craft village lies ............the river bank.

6. The villagers are trying to learn English in order that they can communicate ...........foreign customers.

7. They had to close .........the museum because it's no longer a place of interest.

8. Conical hat making in the village has been passed...........from generation to generation.

Key: 1. up 2. with 3. on 4. by 5 on 6. with 7. down 8. down

X. Change these sentences in reported speech.

1. " Don't repeat this mistake" the instructor warned the sportman.


2. " Leave your address with the secretary" the assistant said to me.


3. " Phone me for an answer tomorrow" the manager said to the client.


4. " Don't be so silly"Mr John said to his wife.


5. Tom said to the girl" When did you lhave this picture taken?"


6. " Shall we go somewhere for a cup of coffee after class?" Tom said.


7. John said to Mary " Why don't you wear your hair a little longer?"

8. Ann asked her brother" What are you planning to do tomorrow?"


9. She asked her boyfriend" Is it true that your father fought in the last war?"


10. He said" I don't understand why she has refused to join us on the trip"


XI. Complete the following sentences with correct form of given words.

1. Visiting making Dong Ho painting village is my ...................experience. ( memory)

2. The weather was terrrible , so we had a very (please)

3. All the are my aunts, uncles , and cousins. (artisan)

4. It's the reason tourists often choose couvenirs. (craft)

5. These lanterns are ..........made with hands. (skill)

6. Dong Ho village is an interesting and for tourists to visit. (enjoy)

7. Sydney is a Metropolitan and, so we have a great variety of things and food s from different
countries. (culture)

8. At weekend the city centre is always ...............with people. (crowd)

9. There is far too much ..................nowaday in city areas. (pollute)

10. We spent alot of time wandering around and looking at the ............temples here. (history)

11. My room is small but ................ (comfort)

12. London is one of the .................cities in the world. (large)

13. What is the best Singapore? (attract)

14. In winter it is important for farmers to provide food and ...........for their animals. (warm)

15. I don't want to bother you by causing you any unnecessary............... (convenience)

16. No one knew what had happened to the film star. Her sudden..................remains a mystery. (appear)

17. The banks in this city are very effecient and give a speedy.................. (serve)

18. Don't make mistakes in your next................. (write)

19. I have little .............of going broad this year. (expect)

20. Below Sa Pa are .............rice terraces in the endless valley. (picture)

key: 1. memorable 2. unpleasant 3. artisans 4. handicrafts 5. skillfully 6. enjoyable 7. multicultural 8.

9. pollution 10. historic 11. comfortable 12. largest 13. attraction 14. warmth 15. inconveniences 16.
appearance 17. service 18. writing 19. expectation 20. pictresque


(Cuộc sống trong quá khứ)
act out /ækt aʊt/ (v) : đóng vai, diễn
arctic /ˈɑːktɪk/ (adj) : (thuộc về) Bắc cực
bare-footed /beə(r)-fʊtɪd/ (adj) : chân đất
behave /bɪˈheɪv/ (v) (+oneself): ngoan, biết cư xử
dogsled /ˈdɒɡsled/ (n) : xe chó kéo
domed /dəʊmd/ (adj) : hình vòm
downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ (adv) : vào trung tâm thành phố
eat out /iːt aʊt/ (v) : ăn ngoài
entertain /ˌentəˈteɪn/ (v) : giải trí
event /ɪˈvent/ (n): sự kiện
face to face /feɪs tʊ feɪs/ (adv) : trực diện, mặt đối mặt
facility /fəˈsɪləti/ (n) : phương tiện, thiết bị
igloo /ˈɪɡluː/ (n) : lều tuyết
illiterate /ɪˈlɪtərət/ (adj): thất học
loudspeaker /ˌlaʊdˈspiːkə(r)/ (n) : loa
occasion /əˈkeɪʒn/ (n) : dịp
pass on /pɑːs ɒn/ (ph.v) : truyền lại, kể lại
post /pəʊst/ (v) : đăng tải
snack /snæk/ (n) : đồ ăn vặt
street vendor /striːt ˈvendə(r)/ (n) : người bán hàng rong
strict /strɪkt/ (adj) : nghiêm khắc
treat /triːt/ (v) : cư xử

I. Cấu trúc used to trong tiếng Anh
Used to + V(inf): Đã từng, từng
Chỉ một thói quen, một hành động thường xuyên xảy ra trong quá khứ vì bây giờ không còn nữa.
Ví dụ:
- I used to drink an alcohol bottle a day but I stopped two years ago.
Trước đây tôi từng uống 1 chai ruowuk 1 ngày nhưng từ 2 năm trở lại đây tôi không uống rượu nữa.
- I used to drive to work but now I take the bus.
Trước đây tôi thường lái xe đi làm nhưng hiện nay tôi đi làm bằng xe buýt.
II. Cấu trúc Be used to trong tiếng Anh
Tobe + used to + Ving/ N: trở nên quen với ...
I’m used to living on my own. I’ve done it for quite a long time.
Tôi thường ở 1 mình. Và tôi đã ở một mình được một khoảng thời gian khá lâu.
Hans has lived in England for over a year so he is used to driving on the left now.
Hans đã sống ở Anh hơn 1 năm rồi nên giờ anh ấy quen lái xe bên tay trái
III. Cấu trúc Get used to trong tiếng Anh
Get + used to + Ving/ N: Đang quen với việc gì
She has started working at nights and is still getting used to sleeping during the day.
Cô ấy bắt đầu làm việc vào ban đêm và dần quen với việc ngủ suốt ngày.
I have always lived in the country but now I’m beginning to get used to living in the city.
Tôi luôn sống ở miền quê nhưng giờ đây tôi bắt đầu dần quen với việc sống ở thành phố.
IV. Cấu trúc câu điều ước ở hiện tại
Để diễn đạt một mong muốn ở hiện tại, chúng ta dùng cấu trúc:
Với động từ tobe:
Khẳng định: S + wish(es) + (that) + S + were
Phủ định: S + wish(es) + (that) + S + were not
Với động từ thường:
Khẳng định: S + wish(es) + (that) + S + V-ed
Phủ định: S + wish(es) + (that) + S + not + V-ed
Ví dụ:
I wish I knew the answer to this question. (at present I don’t know the answer)
I wish I didn’t have so much work to do. (I do have a lot of work).
Lưu ý: Để thể hiện khả năng làm một việc gì đó hoặc khả năng xảy ra điều gì đó, ta dùng cấu trúc:
S + wish + S + could + V(inf)
Ví dụ: I wish I could speak English fluently. (Tôi ước tôi có thể nói tiếng Anh trôi chảy.)


I. Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. books B. clubs C. hats D. stamps

2. A. which B. what C. who D. why

3. A. community B. computer C. museum D. custom

4. A. impolite B. night C. tradition D. slight

5. A. education B. question C. pollution D. collection

6. A. populated B. loaded C. wanted D. lived

II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1. A. people B. enough C . picture D. father

2. A. depend B. begin C .agree D. happen

3. A. father B. enjoy C. attend D. depend

4. A. determine B. pagoda C. fabulous D. convenient

5. A. enjoy B. picture C. develop D. determine

6. A.picture B. people C.agree D. visit

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. We can learn how ______ banh chung at Tet.

A. make B. to make C. making D. made

2. Men used ______ the bread winner of the family.

A. be B. to be C. to being D. to

3. Should we try to ______ every custom or tradition which is in danger of dying out?
A. preserve B. act out C. entertain D. open

4. The children in my home village used to go ______, even in winter. Now they all have shoes.

A. on foot B. bare-footed C. playing around D. played around

5. At night they used to entertain ______ by telling and acting out stories.

A. them B. their C. themselves D. themself

6. There is usually a ______ gap between the old and the young, especially when the world is changing
so fast.

A. generation B. value C. age D. old

7. It must be incredible travelling by dogsled. I wish I ______ it.

A. can do B. could did C. could do D. can done

8. Every nation has respect for their long-preserved ______.

A. behaviours B. practices C. traditions D. traditional

9. Once a month I went downtown to collect the post and then walked from village to village, ______
were far away from each other.

A. which B. where C. that D. where

10. In Viet Nam, ______ often refers to age and social position, not to wealth.

A. seniority B. tradition C. generation D. culture

11. I also passed______ the news I had heard from the town and the other villages.

A. in B. on C. down D. at

12. Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common ______ in many Asian countries.
A. behavior B. practice C. tradition D. cultural

13. She used to live in an igloo: a domed house ______ from blocks of ice.

A. to build B. built C. building D. to built

14. I wish people in the world ______ conflicts and lived in peace.

A. don’t have B. doesn’t have C. didn’t have D. didn’t having

15. I have told you many times ______ the door open.

A. not leave B. not to leave C. to not leave D. not to leaving

16. I wish my friends spent less time ______ computer games and more time outdoors.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. played

17. The farmers in my home village ______ rice home on trucks. They used buffalo-driven carts.

A. used to transport

B. used to be transported

C. didn’t use to transport

D. used to transport

18. A ______ is used to make the sound much louder so that many people can hear it from a distance.

A. loudspeaker B. radio C. television D. computer

19. I suppose it was a special occasion, ______?

A. was it B. wasn’t it C. don’t I D. doesn’t I

20. He could be fired for his rude ______ towards the VIP guest.

A. behaviour B. practice C. tradition D. Practices

IV. Put the correct form of the verb the sentence with “ Wish”.
1. I wish I ( live) ……………. near my school.

2. I wish I ( know) ……………. her address.

3. I wish I ( be ) ……………. taller.

4. I wish I (meet) ……………..her now

5. I wish he (not leave) ………………….here.

6. I wish I ( be )…………………a doctor when I grow up

V. Choose a word/phrase from the box the complete the sentences.

Physical traditions street vendors worry

acting out behaviour loudspeaker imagination

1. He could be fired for his rude ………………………towards the VIP guest.

2. Use your................................. and draw a picture of your dream house.

3. A…………………………………… is used to make the sound much louder so that many people can
hear it from a distance.

4. Women in the past did not have to …………………………. too much about their weight, diets, or

5. Children love………………………………………….. the stories as they tell them.

6. Every country has its own customs and………………………………….

7. Eating from………………………… is a popular habit of people in big cities in Viet Nam.

8……………………………………………… punishment was common at schools in the past.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets

1. He (go)……………………………….. to school by bike everyday

2. I am looking forward to (hear)………………………………. from you

3. I wish I (can)………………….………… speak English well

4. In the 18th century, jeans (make)………………………….comprised

5. If I saw a UFO, I (be)……………………………………. Surprised

6. We will go camping tomorrow if it (not rain)……………………….

7. She spends two hours (work)…………………… part time at a supermarket

near her house everyday.

8. When I came, they (talk)………………………….. happily about the last night’s movie.

9. You (see) ……………………………….. Miss. Jenifer since she left for France?

10. She used to (take) …………………………….to school by her mother.


I. Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the others.

1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - D; 4 - C; 5 - B; 6 - D

II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1- B; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - B; 6 - C;

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. A
11. B 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A

IV. Put the correct form of the verb the sentence with “ Wish”.

1 - lived; 2 - knew; 3 - were; 4 - met; 5 - Didn’t leave; 6 - Would be;

V. Choose a word/phrase from the box the complete the sentences.

1 - behaviour; 2 - imagination; 3 - loudspeaker; 4 - worry;

5 - acting out; 6 - traditions; 7 - street vendors; 8 - Physical;

VI. Put the verbs in brackets

1 - goes; 2 - hearing; 3 - could; 4 - were made; 5 - would be;

6 - does not rain; 7 - working; 8 - were talking; 9 - have you seen; 10 - be taken; 


(Những kì quan ở Việt Nam)
administrative /ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv/ (adj) : thuộc về hoặc liên quan đến việc quản lý; hành chính
astounding /əˈstaʊndɪŋ/ (adj) : làm sững sờ, làm sửng sốt
cavern /ˈkævən/ (n) : hang lớn, động
citadel /ˈsɪtədəl/ (n) : thành lũy, thành trì
complex /ˈkɒmpleks/ (n) : khu liên hơp, quần thể
contestant /kənˈtestənt/ (n) : thí sinh
fortress /ˈfɔːtrəs/ (n) : pháo đài
geological /ˌdʒiːəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ (adj) : (thuộc) địa chất
limestone /ˈlaɪmstəʊn/ (n) : đá vôi
measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ (n) : biện pháp, phương sách
paradise /ˈpærədaɪs/ (n) : thiên đường
picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ 
(adj) : đẹp, gây ấn tượng mạnh (phong cảnh)
recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ (n) : sự công nhận, sự thưa nhận
rickshaw /ˈrɪkʃɔː/ (n) : xe xích lô, xe kéo
round /raʊnd/ (in a game) (n) : hiệp, vòng (trong trò chơi)
sculpture /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ (n) : bức tượng (điêu khắc)
setting /ˈsetɪŋ/ (n) : khung cảnh, môi trường
spectacular /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ (adj) : đẹp mắt, ngoạn mục, hùng vĩ
structure /ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/ (n): công trình kiến trúc, công trình xây dựng
tomb /tuːm/ (n) : ngôi mộ

I. Câu bị động đặc biệt trong tiếng Anh - Impersonal Passive
– Các động từ tường thuật gồm: assume, believe, claim, consider, expect, feel, find, know, report, say,
think, find, understand, discover, prove, observe, estimate…
– Đối với các động từ tường thuật, ta dùng cấu trúc:
O: Tân ngữ; O’: Tân ngữ bị động
Câu chủ động: S + V + THAT + S’ + V’ + …
⇒ Câu bị động: It + be + V3/-ed + THAT + S’ + V’
Ví dụ:
People say that your father drink lots of beer. (Người ta nói rằng cha của em uống rất nhiều bia)
⇒ It is said that your father drink lots of beer.
They claimed that you got the highest score in the entrance exam. (Người ta quả quyết rằng em đạt điểm
số cao nhất ở cuộc thi đầu vào)
⇒ It was claimed that you got the highest score in the entrance exam.
II. Cấu trúc Suggest trong tiếng Anh
Một trong những cách thành lập câu đề nghị trong tiếng anh là sử dụng động từ ‘suggest’. Tuy vậy,
‘suggest‘ lại có nhiều cách dùng và mỗi các dùng đều có đặc điểm, lưu ý riêng. Dưới đây là các cách áp
dụng câu đề nghị tiếng anh với động từ ‘suggest‘.
1. Suggest + V-ing:
Được dùng chủ yếu trong những tình huống trang trọng, để nói chung chung, không ám chỉ một người
cụ thể nào.
I suggest going out for dinner, but my mom doesn’t want to eat out. (Tôi đề nghị ra ngoài ăn tối, nhưng
mẹ tôi không thích đi ăn tiệm)
2. Suggest + (that) + S + should + V(bare)
Để đưa ra 1 đề xuất, ý kiến, khuyên ai nên làm gì (chúng ta có thể bỏ ‘that’ nếu ngữ cảnh không trang
They suggest (that) she should perform one more song. (Họ đề nghị (rằng) cô ấy nên hát thêm một bài
3. Suggest + (that) + S + subjunctive Verb
Đề nghị (rằng) ai làm gì
He suggest (that) we cook something to eat. (Anh ấy đề nghị chúng tôi nên nấu gì đó để ăn)


I. Complete the sentences using the word in brackets.

1. I don’ know many English words. I wish I (know) _________more English words.

2.Paper money _______ on these Pacific islands.(not/be used)

3. I wish I (have)_______ a car. It would make my life so much easier.

4. I _________ getting up early in the morning( be used)

II. Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1.I wish everybody _____ aware of the important of preserving their culture.

A. is B. are C. will be D. were

2. There is usually a _____ gap between the old and the young, especially when the world is changing so

A. age B. value C. generation D. seniority

3. Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common _____ in many Asian countries.

A. behavior B. practice C. tradition D. occasion

4. Nam: Would you like to participate in this “Preserving the past” project? Lan: _________

A. How cool!
B. Wow, I can’t imagine that.

C. Sure.

D. I wish I could go back to that time.

5. Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control and_______ skills


B. reasoning

C. social

D.emotion control

6. The farmers in my home village __________ transport rice home on trucks. They used buffalo-driven

A. used B. used to C. didn’t use D. didn’t use to

7. Which underlined word is grammatically incorrect?

We wish we can (A) consult an (B) expert on how to solve (C) this problem (D).

8. Which underlined word/ is grammatically incorrect?

When we are(A) on holiday (B), we used to go to (C) the beach every day (D).

III. Read the passage and answer the questions

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. When he was at school, his teacher
considered him to be a slow student. Because hearing problems, Edison had difficulty in following the
lessons. But with only three months of formal education he became one of the greatest inventors and
industrial leaders in history.

Edison's most famous invention was the electric light bulb. He also invented the phonograph, and made
improvements to the telegraph, telephone and motion picture technology.
Edison had a special life. He married twice with five children. He loved books had excellent memory
and always showed curiosity about science. Although he had hearing problems, he refused to have an
operation for his deafness. He said that silence helped him concentrate. He always worked very hard and
often had only four hours of sleep every day. He used to say "Genius was I percent inspiration and 99
percent perspiration". When he died on October 18, 1931, he was still working on new ideas.

1.When was Thomas Edison born?


2. Did he have difficulty in hearing?


3. What was Edison's most famous invention?


4. How long did he use to work every day?


IV. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the words in capitals.
Do not use more than five words.

1. They believe that the best time to visit the complex of Hue Monuments is in April. (IS)

=> It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that the best time to visit the complex of Hue Monuments is in April.

2. “Why don’t you watch more TV in English, Nam?” (SHOULD)

=> The teacher suggests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more TV in English.

3. Everybody doesn’t have enough food and place to live in. (HAD)

=> I wish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . food and place to live in.

4. They claim that Phong Nha – Ke Bang can be compared to a huge geological museum. (IS)

=> It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that Phong Nha – Ke Bang can be compared to a huge geological museum.
V. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Veronica (go) _______________ to Hue City next week.

2. I (ask) _______________her to join our groups several times.

3. Girls didn’t use to (worry) _______________about getting fat and going on a diet.

4. I suggest (visit) _______________the museums tomorrow.

5. It is well worth (go) _______________to the Perfume Pagoda.

6. I (travel) _______________ around Viet Nam next week.

7. Mi (be) _______________to Hue three times.

8. I used to (keep) _______________a diary when I was young.

I. Complete the sentences using the word in brackets.

1 - knew; 2 - is not used; 3 - had; 4 - am used to; 

II. Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D.

1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - C; 5 - D; 6 - D; 7 - A; 8 - A; 

III. Read the passage and answer the questions

1 - on February 11, 1847.

2 - Yes, He did.

3 - the electric light bulb.

4 - 20 hours.

IV. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the words in capitals.
Do not use more than five words.

1 - It is believed that the best time to visit the complex of Hue Monuments is in April.

2 - The teacher suggests Nam should watch more TV in English .

3 - I wish Everybody had enough food and place to live in.

4 - It is claimed that Phong Nha – Ke Bang can be compared to a huge geological museum.

V. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 - is going/ will go 3 - worry 5-  going 7 - has been

2 - have asked 4-  visiting 6 - will travel 8 - keep

A. Phonetics and Speaking

Bài 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

Question 1: A. dear   B. fear    C. hear   D. heart

Question 2: A. stupid   B. studio   C. study   D. student

Question 3: A. brother    B. thick   C. they D. that

Question 4: A machine   B. parachute   C. champagne D. cheer

Question 5: A. doctor   B. hospital   C. pollution   D. tomorrow

Question 6: A. great   B.treasure   C.measure   D.pleasure

Question 7: A.ancient   B.cave    C.cavern   D.aging

Question 8: A.spectacular   B.structure   C.sculpture   D.picturesque

Question 9: A.shrine   B.surprising   C.pilgrim   D.island

Question 10: A.structure   B.culture   C.sculpture   D.future

Question 11: A.cavern   C.complex   D.contestant

Bài 2. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

Question 12: A.contestant   B.picturesque   C.committee   D.astounding

Question 13: A.imperial   B.spectacular   C.historical   D.recognition

Question 14: A.valuable   B.memorable   C.historical   D.fascinating

Question 15: A.geological    B.archaeology    C.administrative    D.ecological

B. Vocabulary and Grammar

Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Question 1: He lives in a very ............... village in Hue.

A. picture   B. picturely   C. picturesque   D. picturesquely

Question 2: They failed to gain international ............... as an independent country.

A. recognition   B. agreeing   C. setting   D. accepting

Question 3: This would be the perfect .............. for our wedding party.

A. set   B. tomb   C. setting   D. recognition

Question 4: A ............... is a building or place that has been made stronger and protected against attack.

A. citadel   B. structure   C. fortress   D. tower

Question 5: What ............... should we take to reduce pollution?

A. measures   B. plans   C. methods   D. activities

Question 6: Trang An Landscape Complex is renowned for its diverse ecosystem, unique natural beauty and
……. characteristics.

A.geology   B.geological   C.environmental   D.ecological

Question 7: The Ho Dynasty Citadel has a palace ………. with marble roads that connect each palace.

A.area   B.setting   C.complex   D.building
Question 8: The towers of the My Son sanctuary are the most significant ……. of the My Son civilization.

A.structures   B.arrangements   D.plans

Question 9: The Thang Long Imperial Citadel was the ………. of political power for nearly seven centuries
without interruption.

A.middle   B.point   C.system   D.centre

Question 10: It ………that China dug up the ocean floor to build artificial islands.

A.says   B.said   C.would be said said

Question 11: It ……….. that China dug up the ocean floor to build artificial islands.

A.says   B.said   C.would be said said

Question 12: The public suggested that the factories ………. with waste treatment system.

A.would equip   B.would be equipped    C.should equip   D.should be equipped

Question 13: The local government suggested ……. a road through the Nam Cat Tien National Park. build   C.building   D.being built

Question 14: It …………that some foreigners had collected rubbish on Cat Ba Beach.

   A.reported   B.was reported   C.could report   D.had been reported

Question 15: The most important thing is that we ……… foreign tourists come back to Viet Nam again .

   A.cause   B.should cause   C.will make   D.should make

C. Reading
Bài 1. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

UNESCO World Heritage Site in Hue

The Complex of Hue Monuments is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is located in the city of Hue in central
Vietnam. Hue was founded as the Viet Nam capital city by Gia Long, the first king of the Nguyen Dynasty in
1802. It held this position for thirteen Nguyen kings until 1945.

The massive complex features hundreds of monuments and ruins, such as the Forbidden Purple City, once the
residence of the royal family and badly damaged during the Vietnam War, the Imperial City, royal tombs, the
flag tower, pagodas, temples, a library and museum.

Hue, located on the banks of the Huong River, (also known as the Perfume River) is about a hundred kilometres
north of Da Nang. Among the most impressive monuments in this former grand imperial capital are the Ngo
Mon Gate of the Imperial City which once was exclusively used by the royal family and their servants and
soldiers, the tomb of Emperor Minh Mang as well as the tomb of Emperor Tu Duc. In fact, many of the
monuments surrounding the royal buildings were constructed in the early 19th century and were modeled after
Beijing's Forbidden City. The wall that surrounds the citadel is six metres high and two and a half kilometres

The historical complex is known not only for its rich architecture but also for its beautiful landscape setting.
Overall, the site is quite spectacular. Avoid Hue between October and December as it gets most of its rain from
the northeast monsoon during that period. This small city is also famous for its Imperial-style cuisine.

Question 1: The Complex of Hue Monuments ………….

A. has its buildings built during the reign of King Gia Long

B. is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

C. was built by thirteen Nguyen kings from 1802 to 1945

D. is located on the left hank of the Perfume River

Question 2: The Hue Citadel needs the work of restoration because of ………

A. the northeast monsoon   B. its rich architecture

C. the period from 1802 to 1945 D. the damage during the war

Question 3: All of the following are mentioned as features of the Hue Citadel EXCEPT …..

A. the Temple of Literature   B. the royal tombs

C. the period from 1802 to 1945 D. the damage during the war

Question 4: We can infer from the passage that …………..

A. the royal tombs were built for each emperor in the Imperial City

B. the Forbidden Purple City might be considered a smaller model of Beijing’s Forbidden City

C. the Imperial City is located in the Forbidden Purple City

D. the wall that surrounds the citadel is as big as the Great Wall in China

Question 5: All of the following are advantages of Hue EXCFPT …………..

A.the waterway of the Perfume River B. the art of cooking

C. the last three months of the year D. its beauty of natural setting

Bài 2. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Son Doong Cave

Located in the limestone mountains of Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park. Son Doong Cave was first found in
1991 by Ho Khanh, a local man. In 2009, the cave was explored and published by a group of scientists from
British Cave Research Association.

Son Doong Cave was formed from 2 to 5 million years ago, when the river flowed through the limestone
mountain area and was buried. The water eroded limestone and created an underground tunnel. In soft limestone
areas, the collapse of tunnel ceiling formed large holes which became giant domes afterward. The cave is about
200m high, 200m wide and at least 8 5km long. Especially, Son Doong consists of two entrances, which is
unique among explored caves in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park. Exploring the cave, visitors were
surprised with spectacular scenery of numerous stalactites of which some giant stalagmites are more than 70
metres high. Deep inside the cave exists a grandiose tropical jungle called “Garden of Eden" by the explorers.
The jungle is home to a diversifiedsystem of fauna and flora. Besides, the cave possesses a 2.5-kilometre
underground river. Not far from the “Garden of Eden” lies an enormous “pearl collection” consisting of tens of
thousands of small stone pieces in dry ponds, contributing to magnificent beauty of the cave.

Question 1: The reason why Son Doong Cave was formed is that ………..

A. an underground tunnel was buried in the area

B. the limestone areas were soft only happened from 2 to 5 million years ago

D. the river was buried in the limestone mountains

Question 2: The most important feature of “Garden of Eden” is ……….

A.the biodiversity   B. giant stalagmites

C. the biggest length   D. the river below

Question 3: We can infer from the passage that …………..

A. tunnels and giant domes were formed at the same time

B. “pearl collection” contains a lot of precious stones

C. we can live the cave with the air and water

D. “Garden of Eden” is in the underground river

Question 4: All of the following are the wonderful features of Son Doong Cave EXCEPT ………

A. tropical jungle inside with the biodiversity

B.spectacular scenery of numerous stalactites and stalagmites

C.a river flowing over 2.5 kilometers along the cave

D.the big sizes of the cave and the giant domes

Question 5: The thing that makes it different from other caves in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park is

A. stalactites and stalagmites    B. the two entrances into the cave

C. its discovery by a local man    D. large holes in the ceiling

Bài 3. Identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F).

Ha Long Bay: one of the greatest natural wonders of the world

There is a saying that if you have not visited Ha Long Bay, you have not yet been to Viet Nam. On the other
hand, we can say that if you have not visited Ha Long Bay, you have not yet seen the most beautiful place in the
world. It takes us around 4 hours by bus to travel 180 km from Ha Not towards the northeast to Ha Long Bay.

Ha Long Bay has been twice recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1994 and in 2000, and also
that Ha Long Bay is in the second place in the worldwide competition of the World's Seven Natural Wonders.
1,969 limestone islands of various shapes, sizes, and in different green and amazing colours rise above the sea
level in an area of more than 1,500 square kilometers that creates this world heritage site Ha Long Bay still
keeps its historical and cultural values.

Ha Long Bay is as attractive and beautiful throughout the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
Traveling on small sailboats among hundreds of limestone islands, one may visit the amazing Surprise Cave, the
floating fishing village, and see how the locals live, which are top of the list of things to do here. On Titov
Island, one may swim and relax on the beach or enjoy a kayaking programme to the nearby Luon Cave and
much more.

The experience of visiting Ha Long Bay is unforgettable, where you will see something that will stay in your
mind and eyes for years. You will enjoy meeting Vietnamese people and tasting their delicious food. You will
have fresh air all day and night, especially if you wake up early in the morning and watch the sun rise on the
deck coming slowly through the islands. Be sure not to miss visiting I la Long Bay in your lifetime.

Question 1: Ha Long Bay is one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Viet Nam.

A. True   B. False

Question 2: It is in the second place of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites.

A. True   B. False

Question 3: The islands are on the setting of many colours.

A. True   B. False

Question 4: Tourists can enjoy fresh seafood that is raised in the bay.

A. True   B. False
Hiển thị đáp án
Đáp án: B

Question 5: You have to come back to the mainland to swim or relax on the beach, not in Ha Long Bay.

A. True   B. False

D. Writing
Bài 1. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following

(1)……on the vast delta of the river mouths of Dong Nai, Sai Gon and Vam Co, Can Gio Mangrove Forest in
Ho Chi Minh City is an ecosystem (2)…….aquatic ecosystem and land ecosystem, freshwater ecosystem and
marine ecosystem. (3)…….150 flora species,744 fauna species, 130 species of birds and 130 species offish. In
the core zone of Can Gio Mangrove Forest, Ho Chi Minh City invested to build Vam Sat Ecological Tourist Site
with many tourist (4)……. such as: a crocodile farm, a hat lagoon, a bird yard. Tang Bong lower, a (5)
……… and many games of fishing crocodile, sailing boats, rowing boats...

Can Gio is the green (6)…….. of Ho Chi Minh City and is assessed as the best restored, care and (7)………
place in Viet Nam and worldwide. This is also the ideal place for eco-tourism and (8)……….. research. On 21
January 2000, UNESCO (9)………….Can Gio (10)…………… a world biosphere reserve.

Question 1: A.Forming    B.Formed    C.Having formed    D.Being forming

Question 2: A.between    B.either    C.neither    D.not only

Question 4: A.features    B.characteristics    C.attractions    D.qualities

Question 5: A.botany    B.botanical    C.botanist    D.flora

Question 6: A.surface    B.development    C.lake    D.lung

Question 7: A.protect    B.protecting    C.protected    D.protective

Question 8:    B.scientific    C.environment    D.conservative

Question 9: A.recognized    B.knew    C.believed    D.approved

Question 10: A.with    B.for    C.of

Bài 2. Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

Question 1: My teacher suggested I ............... harder to pass the exam.

A. studies    B. study    C. studying

Question 2: The professor suggested he ............... the research before March.

A. summit    B. summiting    C. summits

Question 3: Her leader suggested ............... on time.

A. being    B. be    C. is

Question 4: Linh suggests they ............... a meeting every week.

A. should have   B. have    C. Both are correct

Question 5: The coacher suggested that they ............... a Facebook group.

A. have    B. has    C. having


(Việt Nam: Xưa và nay)
annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/ (adj): bực mình, khó chịu
astonished /əˈstɒnɪʃt/ (adj): kinh ngạc
boom /buːm/ (n): bùng nổ
compartment /kəmˈpɑːtmənt/ (n): toa xe
clanging /klæŋɪŋ/ (adj): tiếng leng keng
cooperative /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ (adj): hợp tác
elevated walkway /ˈelɪveɪtɪd ˈwɔːkweɪ/ (n) : lối đi dành cho người đi bộ
exporter /ekˈspɔːtə(r)/ (n): nước xuất khẩu, người xuất khẩu
extended family /ɪkˈstendɪd ˈfæməli/ (n): gia đình nhiều thế hệ cùng sống chung
flyover /ˈflaɪəʊvə(r)/ (n): cầu vượt (cho xe máy, ôtô)
manual /ˈmænjuəl/ (adj): làm (gì đó) bằng tay
mushroom /ˈmʌʃrʊm/ (v): mọc lên như nấm
noticeable /ˈnəʊtɪsəbl/ (adj): gây chú ý, đáng chú ý
nuclear family /ˈnjuːkliə(r) ˈfæməli/ (n): gia đình hạt nhân
photo exhibition /ˈfəʊtəʊ ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ (n) : triển lãm ảnh
pedestrian /pəˈdestriən/ (n) : người đi bộ
roof /ruːf/ (n): mái nhà
rubber /ˈrʌbə(r)/ (n): cao su
sandal /ˈsændl/ (n) : dép
thatched house /θætʃt haʊs/ (n) : nhà tranh mái lá
tiled /taɪld/ (adj): lợp ngói, bằng ngói
tram /træm/ (n) : xe điện, tàu điện
trench /trentʃ/ (n) : hào giao thông
tunnel /ˈtʌnl/ (n) : đường hầm, cống ngầm
underpass /ˈʌndəpɑːs/ (n) : đường hầm cho người đi bộ qua đường


I. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành - Past Perfect Tense

1. Cấu trúc Thì quá khứ hoàn thành

(+) S + had + PII

(-) S + hadn’t + PII

(?) Had + S + PII?

2. Cách sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành

- Thì quá khứ hoàn thành được dùng để diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước một thời điểm xác
định trong quá khứ hoặc xảy ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ.

Carol had left before Prof. Lestly came back. (Carol đã rời đi trước khi Giáo sư Lestly trở về)

- Hành động xảy ra trước chia ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành còn hành động xảy ra sau chia ở thì quá
khứ đơn, trong câu có các từ nối như by (có nghĩa như before), before, after, when, till, untill, as
soon as, no sooner…than

My grandmother had lived in Hanoi before 1954. (Bà tôi từ sống ở Hà Nội trước năm 1954)

- Thì quá khứ hoàn thành được dùng trong mệnh đề If loại 3 (trái với quá khứ).

I would have helped to paint the house if you had asked me. (You didn’t ask me) (Nếu bạn ngỏ lời với
tôi thì tôi đã giúp bạn sơn nhà rồi)

=> Thực tế, bạn đã không nhờ giúp đỡ

- Thì quá khứ hoàn thành được dùng trong câu tường thuật trong trường hợp từ tường thuật (từ
có gạch dưới) được chia ở thì quá khứ.
The policeman said Mr. Hammond had driven through a red light. (Cảnh sát nói rằng ông Hammond đã
vượt đèn đỏ khi lái xe)

3. Dấu hiện nhận biết thì quá khứ hoàn thành.

- Thì quá khứ hoàn thành (qkht) thường được sử dụng trong câu có những từ/ cấu trúc sau: before…, by
the time, by; No sooner … than; Hardly/ Scarely … when; It was not until … that; Not until … that (mãi
cho tới khi … mới); By the time (tới lúc mà … thì)

Ví dụ:

Before Nancy left the office, she had finished all the document for her supervisor. (Trước khi Nancy rời
khỏi văn phòng, cô đã hoàn thành xong tài liệu mà sếp cô cần)

→ sau before dùng thì quá khứ đơn

II. Adj + to V và adj + that + clause

a. Tính từ + to V:

Động từ nguyên mẫu (to-infinitive) thường được dùng:

- Sau các tính từ diễn tả phản ứng và cảm xúc như: glad, sorry, sad, delighted, pleased,
happy, afraid, anxious, surprised, shocked...

Ví dụ:

Tom was surprised to see you.  Tom ngọc nhiên khi thấy bạn.

He’s afraid to stay home alone at night.  Anh ấy sợ ở nhà một mình vào ban đêm.

- Sau một số tính từ thông dụng khác như: right, wrong, easy, difficult, certain, welcome,
careful, important, interesting, lovely, ready, lucky, likely, good, hard, dangerous, safe...,
và sau các tính từ trong cấu trúc enough và too.

Ví dụ:

He is difficult to understand.  Anh ấy thật khó hiếu.

The apples are ripe enough to pick.  Những quá táo đã đủ chín để hái.

- Sau tính từ trong cấu trúc câu nhấn mạnh với chủ ngữ giả It: It + be + adjective +

Ví dụ:

It’s interesting to talk to you.  Nói chuyện với bạn thật là thú vị.

It’s difficult to learn Japanese.  Học tiếng Nhật thì rất khó.

b. Adjective + that - noun clause (Tính từ + mệnh đề danh từ)

- Mệnh đề danh từ (noun clause) thường được dùng với các tính từ diễn tả xúc cảm, sự lo lắng, sự
tin tưởng etc. Ví dụ: delighted, glad, pleased, relieved, sorry, afraid, anxious, worried, confident,
certain, surprising...

Ví dụ:

I’m delighted that you passed your exam.  Tôi rất vui vì anh đã vượt qua kì thi


I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

1. A. Surround B. Manual C. Railroad D. Nuclear

2. A. Compartment B. Pedestrian C. Convenience D. Fascinate

3. A. Significant B. Population C. Astonishment D. Cooperative

4. A. Elevate B. Popular C. Tolerant D. Equipment

5. A. Environment B. Technology C. Agriculture D. Associate

II. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the following sentences.

1. There has been a_______ increase in high-rise buildings over the last five years. (CONSIDER)

2. We really like the photo_______ in the school’s 70th anniversary.(EXHIBIT)

3. Nowadays it is easy to get to the______ areas by tram. (SUBURB)

4. Our country became totally______ in 1975 after decades of fighting for freedom. (DEPEND)

5. We have lived in an ______family for over twenty years.(EXTENSION)

6. The number of private cars on the roads has increased ______since 2010.(DRAMATIC)

7. All of us were_____ to hear that he had passed the driving test at the fourth attempt.(RELIEF)

8. In my opinion, a good doctor is always to _____his patients.(SYMPATHY)

9. We are proud that our country has become one of the world largest rice _____(EXPORT)

10. These are the most_____ shoes I have ever worn. I like them very much. (COMFORT)

III. Match the first half of the sentences in Column A with the second half in Column B.
1. The foreign tourists were surprised that A. to follow the instructions carefully.
2. It was stupid of you … B. their daughter had won the first prize in
the piano competition.

3. My grandmother is afraid …… C. to speak English with the foreigners.

4. It is important for all of us …. D. to go into the lift alone.

5. We are sorry that ….. E. there were many motorbikes on roads in

Viet Nam.

6. The students were confident…… F. to use a long stick to get some fruits.

7. It was kind of them …. G. to cross the road without looking left and

8. The parents were very pleased that …. H. there will be power cuts tomorrow

9. It was very clever of him…… I. to find a parking space in the city centre.

10. It is not easy for you…… J. to show us the way to the train station.

IV.Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect tense, past simple tense or past perfect tense.

1. When the waiter finally (arrive) ______ with the food, the guests (already leave) _______ the

2. I cannot see Mr. Khoa. He (just park)______ in front of the supermarket.

3. The Smiths (spend) ______ two days in Ha Noi before they (travel) ______ to Sa Pa last week.

4. His bicycle wasn’t there because someone (take)_____it without asking him.

5. My brother (not call)______us since he (move)______to Ho Chi Minh City last month.

6. Why your father (lock)_______all the windows before he went to bed?

7. Tom (break) _________his leg after he (fall)______off though the rock.

8. Nam (not know)______who the man was. He (not see)______him before in his life.

9. Oh! You (paint)______the kitchen. I like the colour.

10. My uncle (visit) ______over 20 countries by the time he was 30 years old.
V. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage.

Today cities are bigger and noisier than cities from the past. They are also more crowded and much
(1)________ because more population lives in them. Cities are less relaxed and less friendly (2)
_________ before. Everything has changed, not only in cities. In the past, people (3)__________ hand-
written letters to their friends.

Today we use computers or laptops (4) __________ writing or sending e-mails.

In fact, computers are much more used than some years ago. They are also less (5) to buy and easier to
use. One of the games children used to (6) _________ was horseshoes. Today, they play much more
sophisticated and complex games (7) _______ as Play Station 3 or wii. So games are funnier and more
expensive than yesterday games (8)________to most children. The way we cook has changed, too. In
the past, we used to cook on a stove. Today, food (9)_________ cooked in a microwave oven. Food is
also cheaper and more delicious. So some things are (10) _________ than before and some things are
worse than before.

VI. Read the following passage and write T (True) or F (False) for each statement.

Godolphin and Latymer school for girls is a private school in Hammersmith, West London. It was
originally a boys’ school, but became a girls’ school in the early 1900s. The girls didn’t wear a uniform.
At that time, the school had twelve classrooms, an assembly hall, a library, a cookery room, a
gymnasium, and three science laboratories for chemistry, physics and botany. The school had its own
playing field, described as “lungs of Hammersmith”, where the girls could play hockey, tennis,
basketball and cricket. They had to play games twice a week, with gym once a week. There were 328
girls at the school in 1906.

There are now 700 girls aged between 11 and 18 at the school. The younger pupils have to wear
uniforms, but girls in the sixth form can wear whatever they like. Several additions have been made to
the original Victorian building. Now there is a computer studies room, a language laboratory, a pottery
room, a new gymnasium and an ecology garden. The newest buildings contain ten laboratories for
science and technology, a workshop and darkroom, and art studios. There are also improved facilities for
music and drama. The playing field was recently converted into an all-weather surface for hockey and

____ 1/ Godolphin and Latymer school for girls is a public school in London.

____ 2/ The school had over three hundred students in 1906.

____ 3/ Nowadays all students of the school have to wear uniforms.

____ 4/ The school doesn’t have new facilities for science and technology.

____ 5/ Students can play tennis or hockey in the playing field in all kinds of weather.

VII. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has a similar meaning to the first

1. Lan went to school after saying goodbye to her parents.

After Lan __________________________________________________________

2. He was so brave that he ran after the thief to get the bag back.

It was _____________________________________________________________

3. The number of Vietnamese students studying overseas has increased considerably.

There has __________________________________________________________

3. I am interested to know that he’s going to invest in Viet Nam.

It is ______________________________________________________________

5. There will be a lot of difficulties in persuading them to leave early.

It will be very_______________________________________________________
I. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C
II. 1. considerable 2. exhibition 3. suburban 4. independent 5. extended
6. dramatically 7. relieved 8. sympathetic 9. exporters 10. comfortable
III. 1.E 2. G 3. D 4. A 5. H
7. 6.C 7.J 8. B 9. F 10. I
IV. 1. Arrived – had already left 2. Has just parked
4. Had spent – travelled 4. Had taken
5. Hasn’t called – moved 6. had your father locked
7. broke – had fallen 8. didn’t know – hadn’t seen
9. have painted 10. had visited
V. 1. polluted 2. than 3. wrote 4. for 5. expensive
6. play 7. such 8. according 9. is 10. Better
VI. 1. F 2.T 3. F 4. F 5. T
VII. 1. After Lan had said goodbye to her parents, she went to school.
2. It was (very) brave of him to run after the thief to get the bag back.
3. There has been a considerable increase in the number of Vietnamese students studying
4. It is interesting for me to know that he’s going to invest in Viet Nam.
5. It will be very difficult to persuade them to leave early.
Công thức và thói quen ăn uống
avocado /ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ (n): bơ
bake /beɪk/ (v): nướng
beef noodle soup /biːf/ /ˈnuːdl/ /suːp/ : bún bò
broccoli /ˈbrɒkəli/ (n): súp lơ
chop /tʃɒp/ (v) : chặt
cube /kjuːb/ (n) : miếng hình lập phương
celery /ˈseləri/ (n): cần tây
curry /ˈkʌri/ món cà ri
deep-fry /ˌdiːp ˈfraɪ/ (v): rán ngập mỡ
dip /dɪp/ (v): nhúng
drain /dreɪn/ (v): làm ráo nước
flatbread /ˈflætbred/ (n): bánh mì dẹt
garnish /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/ (v): trang trí (món ăn)
grate /ɡreɪt/ (v) : nạo
grill /ɡrɪl/ (v): nướng
gravy /ˈɡreɪvi/ (n): nước thịt
ingredient /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ (n): nguyên liệu
kohlrabi /ˌkəʊlˈrɑːbi/ (n): cải xoăn
lasagne /ləˈzænjə/ (n): mì ống xoắn
lettuce /ˈletɪs/ (n): rau diếp
marinate /ˈmærɪneɪt/ (v) /ˈmærɪneɪt/: ướp
oven /ˈʌvn/ (n): lò nướng
peel /piːl/ (v) : gọt vỏ, bóc vỏ
puree /ˈpjʊəreɪ/ (v) : xay nhuyễn
prawn /prɔːn/ (n): tôm
pepper /ˈpepə(r)/ (n): tiêu, ớt
roast /rəʊst/ (v) : quay
sauce /sɔːs/ (n): nước sốt
shallot /ʃəˈlɒt/ (n) : hành khô
simmer /ˈsɪmə(r)/ (v) : om
spread /spred/ (v): phết
sprinkle /ˈsprɪŋkl/ (v) : rắc
slice /slaɪs/ (v): cắt lát
staple /ˈsteɪpl/ (n): lương thực chính
starter /ˈstɑːtə(r)/ (n) : món khai vị
steam /stiːm/ (v) : hấp
stew /stjuː/ (v): hầm
strip /strɪp/ (n): sợi, dải
stir-fry /ˈstɜː fraɪ/ (v) : xào
tender /ˈtendə(r)/ (adj) : mềm
versatile /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ (adj) : đa dụng
whisk /wɪsk/ (v) : đánh (trứng…)
wrap /ræp/ (v): gói


1. Cách dùng mạo từ “A”

- Dùng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng phụ âm.
- Trước danh từ bắt đầu với “uni”.

E.g: a university.
- Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định. 
E.g: a lot of, a couple, v.v…
- Trước “half” khi nó theo sau một đơn vị nguyên vẹn.
E.g: Note: ½ kg = half a kilo
- Dùng trước “half” khi nó đi với một danh từ tạo thành danh từ ghép.
E.g: a half-holiday, a half-block, v.v…
- Dùng trước các tỉ số 1/n .
E.g: a third (1/3), a quarter (1/4)
- Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ giá cả, tốc độ.
E.g: two times a day, ten dollars a kilo.
- Trước danh từ số ít đếm được trong câu cảm thán.
E.g: What a lovely girl!
- Đặt trước Mr/Mrs/ Miss + Surname với ngụ ý ám chỉ đây là người lạ mà mình không quen
E.g:a Mr Poster (người đàn ông được gọi là Poster)

2. Cách dùng mạo từ “An”

Trước một danh từ số ít bắt đầu bằng 4 nguyên âm (e, o, a, i)

Trước 2 bán nguyên âm u,y.
Trước các danh từ bắt đầu bằng âm “h” câm.
E.g:an hour.
Trước các danh từ viết tắt được đọc như nguyên âm.
E.g: an SOS, an MV.

3. Some / Any

Some được sử dụng cho các danh từ số nhiều đếm được.

E.g: Some cats, Some oceans
Đôi khi some cũng được dùng cho các danh từ không đếm được: some milk.
Trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định thì dung “any” thay cho “some”.
E.g: There wasn’t any milk.
Tuy nhiên, khi chúng ta muốn đề nghị hay yêu cầu một cái gì đó thì sẽ dùng “some” thay
thế cho “any”.
E.g: Would you like some coffee?
Is there some ham in the fridge, mum? I’m very hungry.
4. Modals in the first conditional sentences.

In the first conditional sentence, we use a simple present tense in the if-clause and will +

infinitive in the main clause. This is the standard form. Alternate forms with other auxiliaries are
also possible. Note that first conditional forms with modals express ideas such as permission,
advice, future possibilities etc.
Read the sentences given below.
Eg: If you finish your homework, you can watch TV.
If you have a few hours to spare, you may visit the museum.
If I have time, I might make a cake.
If you don’t feel well, you should consult a doctor.

Note: Many words and expressions can be used with a similar meaning to if. Common examples
are: imagine (that), suppose (that), supposing (that), providing (that), provided (that), as long as,
on condition that etc.
The words imagine, suppose and supposing are used to talk about what might happen.
Eg: Supposing you lost your job, what would you do?
Imagine you won a jackpot!

Provided that, as long as and on condition that are used to make conditions.

Eg: You may take two days off on condition that you work on the weekend.
You can stay with us as long as you share the expenses.
Note : Inversion of type 1:

Câu đảo ngữ loại này được dùng để chỉ thái độ lịch sự khi đưa ra điều kiện của người nói. Nó
thường hay được dùng trong các loại văn bản giao dịch thương mại.
If anybody should phone me, please tell them I’m busy.

-> Should anybody phone me, please tell them I’m busy.

If you require any further information, do please get in touch with me personally.

-> Should you require any further information, do please get in touch with me personally.

Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part
1. A. liquid B. dish C. pinch D. combine
2. A. head B. spread C. cream D. bread
3. A. sauce B. steam C. sugar D. stew
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. tender B. simmer C. cucumber D. delicious
5. A. celery B. benefit C. engineer D. versatile
6. A. significant B. diverse C. garnish D. combine
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
7. You should stop eating ___________ chips. They can make you fat.
A. salty C. spicy
B. bland D. greasy
8. Studies suggest _____________ only when you are most active and giving your digestive system a
long break each day.
A. eating C. to eat
B. being eating D. being eaten
9. When we were on holiday, we spend too __________ money.
A. a lot of C. much
B. many D. lots of
10. Your body uses calcium to build healthy bones and teeth, __________ them strong as you age.
A. continue C. remain
B. keep D. care
11. Common eating habits that can lead to ___________ are: eating too fast, eating when not hungry,
eating while standing up, and skipping meals.
A. put on weight
B. be heavy
C. gain weight
D. weight gain
12. Another feature in northern cuisine is in winter all family members gather around a big hotpot
___________ there is a combination of seasoned broth, vegetables and meats.
A. what C. which
B. where D. in which
13. You ___________ chicken. You cook it in an oven or over a fire without liquid.
A. fry C. steam
B. roast D. boil
14. Perhaps the three most popular ice B. flavours
cream_________are vanilla, chocolate and
C. brands
D. ingredients
A. offers
15. It is boring here. ____________ ever happens in this place.
A. Anything C. Things
B. Something D. Nothing
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses of the conditionals
16. If Tom (not tidy up) ____________ his room, Victoria (not help) ___________ him with the
17. If the boys (not play)____________football, the girls (not come)____________to the football pitch.
18. If you (eat) ____________ too much junk food, you (not lose)____________weight.
19. If I (not make)____________ breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend (not love)____________
me anymore.
20. If they (not hurry)____________, they (not catch)____________ the train.
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question
World BBQ
To some people, there is nothing more appetizing than the smell of meat sizzling over an open fire.
Throughout the world, people love to eat barbecue because it lets them together with friends and family
to enjoy a meal that brings them back to their caveman roots. Cooking over coals or an open flame
makes people feel more sociable.
Most countries have barbecue traditions, and they usually take place on national holidays. In the United
States, it is a tradition to have a barbecue of hamburgers and hot dogs on July 4, which is Independence
Day. In Taiwan, people get together to eat barbecue during the Moon Festival, and the smell of burning
coal is in the air all day.
In South America, and in Argentina in particular, barbecue is a way of life. All sorts of meats and
sausages are put on a large grill together over hot coals. Barbecue is even considered the national dish in
Argentina, and it is given the name as a do in Portuguese. This means not only the dish, but also the
social event that surrounds an Argentinian barbecue.
When a person speaks about Turkish and Middle Eastern barbecue, the kebab immediately comes to
mind. The tradition of taking different meats, and sometimes vegetables as well, and spearing them with
a sharp stick called a skewer has crossed cultural lines today. Practically anywhere in the English-
speaking world, the thought of shish-kebab will make barbecue lovers’ mouths water.
Wherever you go in the world, you are almost certain to come across a local method of preparing
barbecue. If you visit different places, be bold and try whatever the local specialities are.
21. What does the phrase “brings them back to their caveman roots” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Make people want to eat barbecue on an open flame
B. Keep people from eating meat
C. Make people think about how things were with their ancestors
D. Cause people to act more sociable during festivals
22. Where is barbecue considered a way of life?
A. The United States B. Taiwan
C. The Middle East D. Argentina
23. What are the sharp sticks that are used to cook meat called?
A. Specialities C. Shish-kebabs
B. Skewers D. Asado

24. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Cooking over open fires makes people feel less sociable.
B.Shish-kebabs are well-known in Turkey.
C. People in the United States eat hamburgers and hot dogs.
D. Argentina’s asado is considered the national dish.
25. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Barbecue is a healthy way to eat meat.
B.People today are eating more vegetables with their barbecue.
C. Local barbecue specialities can be found all over the world.
D. People in some countries mostly use sausages when they barbecue.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Humans have a long history of eating insects, and it turns out that they can be a very (26)____________
part of a person’s regular (27)____________. Insects have a lot of protein, and they are often easier
to catch than (28) ____________ animals. Therefore, it is no wonder that when our ancient (29)
____________saw some tasty worms or grabs wiggling on the ground, they made a quick snack of
In Thailand, insects are a regular part of the street food that can be found. The different
(30)____________that people snack on are crickets, grasshoppers, giant water bugs, and assorted
worms. They are often deep-fried and salted, so they have a crunchy texture that makes them a perfect
snack food. If you can get past the (31)____________that you are eating a cricket, it will crunch in your
mouth just like a corn chip!
For a lot of people, however, it is difficult to get (32)____________ the fear of eating insects.
People tend to see insects as invaders, especially when they are crawling on the food that we are about to
ear. (33)____________ being able to eat insects (34) ____________ feeling disgusted is cultural. Some
people cannot eat French cheese or stinky tofu because they weren’t brought up doing so. To many of
us, insects fail right into that category, making it difficult to even try them.
If (35) ____________ the chance, though, be courageous, insects can be nutritious and tasty, so
long as you can get over the “yuck” factor.
26. A. nutrition B. nutritious C. nutritions D. nutritiously
27. A. health B. fitness C. diet D. balance
28. A. prey B. pray C. eat D. digest
29. A. acquaints B. relatives C. ancestors D. offspring
30. A. insects B. animals C. herbs D. cattle
31. A. true B. exact C. fact D. reality
32. A. up B. over C. down D. on
33. A. However B. Although C. Meanwhile D. Therefore
34. A. without B. in C. far D. on
35. A. giving B. gives C. gave D. given
Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence
36. Eating healthy foods is very important.
It is ___________________________________
37. I suggest having spaghetti and pizza tonight.
Let’s __________________________________
38. You need to peel the onion and slice it.
The onion ______________________________
39. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.
If you ___________________________________
40. My aunt has never tasted sushi before.
This is ___________________________________

-The end-
Đáp án bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 7: Recipes and Eating Habits
nâng cao
Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part
1. D 2. C 3. C
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. D 5. C 6. C
Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
7. D 8. A 9. C
10. B 11. D 12. D
13. B 14. B 15. D
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses of the conditionals
16. does not tidy up, will not help
17. do not play, will not come
18. eat, will not lose
19. do not make, will not love
20. do not hurry, will not catch
Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question
21. C 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. C
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, c or D that best fits the blank space in the following
26. B 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. A
31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. D
Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence
36. It is very important to eat healthy foods.
37. Let’s have spaghetti and pizza tonight.
38. The onion needs to be peeled and sliced.
39. If you don’t follow these safety instructions, you may get burnt.
40. This is the first time (that) my aunt has ever tasted sushi.

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