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What are your favourite free time activities?

Apa kegiatan waktu luang favorit Anda?

I like listening to music and watching YouTube

Tell about your holiday plans.

Ceritakan tentang rencana liburan Anda.
There is no plan of vacation because I am happy with the life that I live
now, because I am filled with sports activities, work, and meet with that
person makes me happy

• Where would you like to be during your holidays?

Di mana Anda ingin berada selama liburan Anda?
nature is open, quiet, cool that can make me calm and be able to beat God's

• What country would you like to live in?

• Di negara mana Anda ingin tinggal?
Indonesia, because it is very beautiful and this is my homeland, and I love

• Tell something about your family.

Ceritakan sesuatu tentang keluargamu.
I have 2 brothers and their sister who are married, the male child has a
child, and I have a whole parent my father is still working while the
mother is not working, I am proud to have a family that understands me

• Tell something about your free time activities.

• Ceritakan sesuatu tentang kegiatan waktu luang Anda.
my spare time, I fill with watching, sleeping, listening to music and

• Speak about your hobbies.

• Bicaralah tentang hobi Anda.
my hobbies are cycling, making designs and listening to music

• Speak about your favourite pop-group/singer.

• Bicara tentang grup / penyanyi pop favorit Anda.
Tulus because the sound is good, melodious, the voice has a distinctive and
the song is good

• Tell something about your free time activities.

• Ceritakan sesuatu tentang kegiatan waktu luang Anda.
my spare time, I fill with watching, sleeping, listening to music and

• Tell something about your favourite TV programmes/radio programmes

• Ceritakan sesuatu tentang program TV / program radio favorit Anda.
Mata najwa because I myself need to know the latest news and the discussion
is very interesting, so I also know the facts about the news

• What kind of music do you like?

• Jenis musik apa yang kamu suka?
I like religious and pop music, because it makes me calmer
because, music that I enjoy rocking and happy to run life
• Speak about pets at your house.
• Bicaralah tentang hewan peliharaan di rumah Anda.
I do not have a pet, because of forgetfulness or lack of attention to the
pet so I am afraid that pet died

• Can children and their parents be good friends?

• Dapatkah anak-anak dan orang tua mereka menjadi teman baik?
can, because the parents can advise, know about ourselves so that they can
be friends, so can children become friends because it is fun and can also
be a partner

• What is your favourite food?

Apa makanan kesukaanmu?
• Siapa di keluarga Anda yang memasak? Mengapa?
Mother, because you are good at cooking and cooking, according to my taste

• Who in your family does the cooking? Why?

• Ceritakan sesuatu tentang kebiasaan makan Anda.
my eating habits, eating vegetables, crackers and soy sauce, because it's
delicious and makes me satisfied

• Tell something about your eating habits.

• Makanan cepat saji - makanan lambatApa pendapat Anda?
fast food, because it's faster

• What do you do to keep fit?

• Apa yang Anda lakukan agar tetap bugar
exercise every time you wake up and drink water and reduce stress

• Pesta yang baik tanpa alkohol / narkoba tidak mungkin dilakukan.

• Seberapa sering Anda makan ikan atau sayuran?

once a week

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