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1) What was the main causes of world war1?

The overall cause of World War was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand,
heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo
on June 28, 1914.

2) Apart from the main causes of world war 1, what were the four underlying causes
of world war1?
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism.

3) Mention two groups which their members that fought in world war1
1 Central powers (Germany,Austria-Hungary, Turkey)
2 Allies (France, Great Britian, Russia, Italy, Japan and from 1917 the US)

4) What was Schlieffen plan? why did the Schlieffen plan fail?
- The Schlieffen Plan was conceived by German general General Alfred von Schlieffen
and involved a surprise attack on France.
- The plan failed because it wasn't realistic, requiring a flawless unfolding of events
which never occurs in wartime.

5) What was Kitchener’s army?

Kitchener's Army was an all-volunteer army formed in the United Kingdom following the
outbreak of First World War, upon the recommendation from the then-Secretary of
State for War, Horatio Kitchener.

6) Please explain about the use of poison gas in world war1. Which country started it?
Who initiated to use the poison gas? What happened to his family?
Poison gas was created by Germany, specifically by Fritz Harber, who is a patriot.
The poison killed thousands of people. His wife killed herself by firing a shot to her
heart because she insisted that science shouldn’t be used to kill lives, but save lives.

7) “Lions led by donkeys”, to what extend do you think that this is an accurate
description of the British army on the Western Front from 1914-1918?
Lions led by donkeys is a saying that is used to show British army’s generals have
fear of war that's why they didn't want to go to war. So basically they are the
donkeys in the saying, while the soldiers are the lions, who are willing to fight in the

8) How was trench warfare used in world war1?

The trench warfare is used by the French to defend themselves from the germans.
They also used it to live there for years to fight.
9) Why did the USA enter world war1?
Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917
became the primary motivation behind Wilson's decision to lead the United States into

10) Who of which group won world war1? Why did the group win the world war1?
- The allies won the war.
- Because the US joined the war.

11) why germany was blamed in world war1?

Germany was blamed for starting WW1 because it took the first move for supporting
Austria-Hungary by invading peacefully Belgium.

12) What were the significance of world war1 towards the life of women?
When America entered the Great War, the number of women in the workforce
increased. Women were conscripted to fill empty jobs left behind by the male

13) What was Treaty of Versailles? What were the main provisions of the Treaty of

- The Treaty of Versailles was a World War 1 peace treaty signed between the
German Empire and the Allied Powers in June 1919.
- League of Nations, Territorial Losses, Military Restrictions, War Guilt clause

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