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Worksheet: Things I am good at

You all know some of the things that you are good at.
Being good at something means that you gain some satisfaction and enjoyment from doing it. When you know what
you can do well, you can develop those abilities and apply them to work or leisure.
Our abilities can be divided into seven main groups: Nature or Recrea tion, Organising or Clerical, Practical
or Mechanical, Ana lytic or Scientific, Creative or Artistic, Persuading or Service, Helping or Advising.

What I'm good at

In the table below, put a tick ( ) in the appropriate column to show how well you do certain things.

Activi ties Very good Good Not so good

Playing sports v
Gardening v
Making friends v
Remembering things v
Maths v
Playing a musical instrument v
Being responsible v
Learning new work v
Talking to people v
Working on machines v
Cooking food v
Listening to others v
Being able to work as part of a team v
Following directions v
Being friendly v
Speaking in front of people v
Working without supervision v
Designingthings v
Drawing v
Lifting heavy objects v
Working with animals v
Photography v
Running/jogging v
Eating v
Being honest v

11 . If you can think of some more of your strengths, list them here.
leadership skills
playing piano


2. List some of the things you aren't very good at from the previous list and write down some ways that
you can address them.

Cooking food = I think I can keep try to cook,

Designingthings= I think I can look at some other design so I can practice
Working with animals= Im scared of animals when I meet animals so I think I can look at them in photo so I can be famikiar
Eating = I think I can try eat more

3. Now, under the headingsbelow, list the activities from the last t,able that you are good/very good
at under the appropriate headings. An example of one has been done for you.
Nature or Recreation Organising or Clerical
Playingsport Remembering things

Practicalor Mechanical Analytic or Scienticfi

Working on machines Maths

Creatvi e or Artistic Persuading or Service

Playing a musical instrument Talking to people

Helping or Advising
Being responsible

In many cases, the thingsyou are good at become the thingsin which you are interested.
For example, if you have theability to play a musical instrumetn, you may develop an interest in starting a
rock band.

As we go through life, some of our interestsmay change and we may find that what was an interest when we
were young does not interesut s today.

In the space below, list someof your leisure-timeinterests- these aresometimes called hobbie.s
My interests and hobbies
My intersts =
Reading book, Playing piano, Watching drama,

Tying it all together

Look at the things you are good at. What occupations might these be useful for?
I can't really find what..

Strengths and Abilities

Adapted from ReCaP
© Commonwea lth of Australia 2004

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