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Total Years of Exp: _____Years _____Months Place :

1. Which of the following types of corrosion in which stainless steels are more susceptible than ordinary
a. Pitting corrosion
b. Stress-corrosion cracking
c. Intergranular corrosion
d. Stress-corrosion cracking, pitting and intergranular corrosionGalvanized

2. What is a Feature Control Frame?

a. A symbolic means of expressing the type of control on a feature, and defining a tolerance zone for
that control.
b. A box on the drawing that tells the manufacturer how to make the part.
c. A box on the drawing that tells the inspector what measurements have to be made for every part.
d. A symbol that dictates the tolerance of position for a datum target.

3. How many degrees of freedom required for a line to make it fully constraint?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

4. Which of the following type of zirconium is used in an atomic-energy application?

a. Induction-melted zirconium
b. Arc-melted zirconium
c. Both arc-melted and induction-melted zirconium
d. Neither arc-melted nor induction melted zirconium

5. Which of the following metal combination is/are selected as per given requirement in the figure?
a. Gold - Iron
b. Steel - Stainless
c. Brass - Copper
d. Silver – Zinc

6. In sheet metal minimum distance of hole from bend?

a. 4t + r
b. t + 2r
c. 2t + r
d. 2(t + r)

7. What operation allows you to create a Feature by sweeping a section string along a guide string?

Select all that apply

a. Extrude by Curve Guide

b. Sweep Along Guide
c. Guide String
d. Vibrational Sweep
8. Which of the following is strongest for brazing joints.......
a. Butt
b. Scarf (inclined)
c. Lap
d. All are equally strong
e. Strength depends on other factors

9. If a reference set is deleted from a component part that is used in many assemblies, what reference set
will be used in its place the next time one of the assemblies is opened?
a. None
b. Empty
c. The part will fail to open
d. Model

10. Which size of sheet metal will you choose for the toolbox?
a. 410 mm x 410 mm
b. 410 feet x 410 feet
c. 410 cm x 410 cm
d. 460 mm x 460 mm

11. The drawing representation shown in the figure given below for welding used to represent?

a. Convex contour
b. Concave contour
c. Machining finish
d. Flush contour

12. Combination of material properties which characterizes the performance of a material in a given application
are considered as?
a. Material index
b. Material management
c. Material Science
d. None of the above

13. How many colors are there in UGNX?

a. 256 b. 226 c. 222 d. 216

14. Which statement best describes what the ASME-Y14.5 - 2009 covers?
a) Dimensioning and tolerance standards for drafting and gaging of rigid mechanical parts.
b) A symbolic means of dimensioning and tolerance.
c) Dimensioning and tolerance standard with respect to how parts are manufactured.
d) Establishes uniform practices for stating and interpreting dimensioning, tolerance, and related
requirements for use on engineering drawings and related documents.

15. Which of the following type of materials possess excellent corrosion and high-temperature resistance?
a. Metals
b. Plastics
c. Ceramics
d. Both ceramics and metals


Total Years of Exp: _____Years _____Months Place :

1. Which of the following types of corrosion in which stainless steels are more susceptible than ordinary
a. Pitting corrosion
b. Stress-corrosion cracking
c. Intergranular corrosion
d. Stress-corrosion cracking, pitting and intergranular corrosion Galvanized

2. What is a Feature Control Frame?

e. A symbolic means of expressing the type of control on a feature, and defining a tolerance zone for
that control.
f. A box on the drawing that tells the manufacturer how to make the part.
g. A box on the drawing that tells the inspector what measurements have to be made for every part.
h. A symbol that dictates the tolerance of position for a datum target.

3. How many degrees of freedom required for a line to make it fully constraint?
e. 1
f. 2
g. 3
h. 4

4. Which of the following type of zirconium is used in an atomic-energy application?

a. Induction-melted zirconium
b. Arc-melted zirconium
c. Both arc-melted and induction-melted zirconium
d. Neither arc-melted nor induction melted zirconium

5. Which of the following metal combination is/are selected as per given requirement in the figure?
a. Gold - Iron
b. Steel - Stainless
c. Brass - Copper
d. Silver – Zinc

6. In sheet metal minimum distance of hole from bend?

e. 4t + r
f. t + 2r
g. 2t + r
h. 2(t + r)

7. What operation allows you to create a Feature by sweeping a section string along a guide string?

Select all that apply

a. Extrude by Curve Guide

b. Sweep Along Guide
c. Guide String
d. Vibrational Sweep
8. Which of the following is strongest for brazing joints.......
f. Butt
g. Scarf (inclined)
h. Lap
i. All are equally strong
j. Strength depends on other factors

9. If a reference set is deleted from a component part that is used in many assemblies, what reference set
will be used in its place the next time one of the assemblies is opened?
e. None
f. Empty
g. The part will fail to open
h. Model

10. Which size of sheet metal will you choose for the toolbox?
e. 410 mm x 410 mm
f. 410 feet x 410 feet
g. 410 cm x 410 cm
h. 460 mm x 460 mm

11. The drawing representation shown in the figure given below for welding used to represent?

e. Convex contour
f. Concave contour
g. Machining finish
h. Flush contour

12. Combination of material properties which characterizes the performance of a material in a given application
are considered as?
a. Material index
b. Material management
c. Material Science
d. None of the above

13. How many colors are there in UGNX?

a. 256 b. 226 c. 222 d. 216

14. Which statement best describes what the ASME-Y14.5 - 2009 covers?
e) Dimensioning and tolerance standards for drafting and gaging of rigid mechanical parts.
f) A symbolic means of dimensioning and tolerance.
g) Dimensioning and tolerance standard with respect to how parts are manufactured.
h) Establishes uniform practices for stating and interpreting dimensioning, tolerance, and related
requirements for use on engineering drawings and related documents.

15. Which of the following type of materials possess excellent corrosion and high-temperature resistance?
a. Metals
b. Plastics
c. Ceramics
d. Both ceramics and metals

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