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1)This application can be used to test a periphral and his DLL.

You can test a sigle function of DLL or a user- defined sequence of functions.

How test a Sigle Function:

 Select a function from combo box (“Function”).

 Click on the button Load Command. The parameters of fuction are showed in the window.
 The user have to set the values of function parameters.He can set a CTS defined Value or
user value:
o Click on the parameter to set. All information of this are showed in window.
o Select by Define Value Possible ComboBox user value or CTS defined value.
o Click on the button Set Value to update the value of the parameter.
 When all parameter of function are setted click on the button Execute Command. The
function is loaded and called.
 All return value are showed on the window.

Create a defined sequence of functions

 Select one function from the combo box Function .

 Click on the Button Insert to add the function in the sequence. The function is insered on the
list box for the sequence . If there is a selected row in the sequence list box the function is
add before the selected row else the function is added on the tail of sequence.
 With the button Up and Down a selected function of sequence is swapped.
 With the button Delete a selectes function of sequence is deleted.
 With the button Delete List all sequence of function is deleted.
 To set the parameter of a function in the sequence select the function and set its with Single
Function procedure.
 In the field Number of Loop is possible set the number of loop to execute.
 With the Button Go Loop the execution of sequence of function start.
 The Loop execution is interrupt if one funstion exit with an error.

Save a sequnce of Functions

This program permit to save a sequence of command.

 Select the file menù  save
 With the Browse button select the directory and the file name .
 Click on the button OK to save the sequence.

The sequence is saved in text format and the exetension of the file is .ini.
Load a sequence of Functions

To load a sequence of functions:

 Select th file menù  Open
 With browse button select the directory and the file .ini to open .
 Click on th button Ok to load th sequence of commands.

If the format of file is not correct the program load the functions until the last correct funcition.

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