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Selected bibliography Al-Shaieb, Z.

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1973: Effect of the geological environment on chemical char- 5689t.)
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. 169-171. 1969: Gold in magmatic rocks of the Altantic Ocean (Radio-
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1866: Reports of Mr. A. Michel and Dr. T.S. Hunt on the ments in the Transvaal Supergroup, northeastern
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Str. Zemnoi Kory Yakutii Zakonomer. Razmeshcheniva p. 50-58. (Chem. Abstr., v. 80, 110706u.) Also Int. Geol.
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cow, U.S.S.R., p. 342-352. (Chem. Abstr., v. 73, 275372.) Mirkhodzhaev, 1.M. and Lisogor, L.N.
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1970: Thermal and x-ray diffraction studies of limonites from mazar; Nek. Itogi Petrometallogenicheskikh Issled.
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Inst., no. 239, p. 446-454. (Chem. Abstr., v. 75, Miroshnichenko, L.A., Kalinin, S.K. and Zaniyatina, G.M.
1 1158613.) 1971: Germanium in the skarns of central Kazakhstan; Geo-
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