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Name Class Date

Name…………………Християн Ч. 8е клас номер 25………………………………………….

Reading: Score: ………../15 points

Writing: Score: ………. /15 points


1 Read the article quickly. BOLD the seven things the writer mentions.

A new year, and the same old life

by Alina Kandinsky
Every year, I do the same thing. down (or travel the world), start darkest month of the year. It’s
January arrives and I a new career (or retire), or difficult to find a nice, fresh
decide to change my become healthier. The problem salad, or go for a healthy run
ways and make is that they struggle with their when the weather is freezing
resolutions. Usually, resolutions for a few weeks, and and horrible, and you have no
they’re the same ones. I then give up. Like me, they go energy. It’s the worst time of
promise that I will give back to their usual routine until the year to make plans.
something up (usually the next December. Perhaps we shouldn’t try to
chocolate), take up a new
According to some scientists, change our ways at the
hobby, or do better at
88% of all resolutions fail. It beginning of the year.
seems that most of us just According to one article I read,
The thing is that New Years’ can’t break our bad habits! many people make big life plans
resolutions are not new. About Maybe it’s because we don’t when they go on holiday. That’s
4,000 years ago, the really want to give something when they’re away from their
Babylonians were making up (if I’m honest, I love usual habits of home, work and
promises at the beginning of chocolate too much to stop school, and can think more
each year to pay back any eating it!). Or, perhaps it’s clearly about their lives. It’s not
money they owed. The Romans because we often decide how so difficult to form good habits
used to make promises to the we want our lives to be in the summer, when you have
god Janus (that’s who the different without making any more energy and feel more
month January is named after), real plans for how to do it. positive. So, instead of New
and thought of each January as
My own personal theory is that Year’s resolutions, maybe we
a new beginning.
it’s all the Romans’ fault! For should have ‘summer holiday
These days, millions of many of us, January is the resolutions’!
people are still doing the coldest and
same. Typical things they
promise to do are settle

She talks about …

1 something she wants to stop

2 a new hobby she’d like to start

3 where the word ‘January’ comes


4 common resolutions people make

5 why people make resolutions in

Name Class Date

7 why some resolutions fail

8 why January is a bad time for resolutions

9 why she can’t take up running

6 how many resolutions aren’t
successful 10 a time when it’s easier to break habits

2 Read the article again. Write T (true) or F (false), or DS (the article doesn’t say) before the statements.
1 Alina makes similar life plans at
the start of each year. - T 5 Alina thinks people don’t prepare
properly for changing their lives. - T
2 People started making New Year’s
resolutions not so long ago. - F 6 She disagrees that January is a
bad time for resolutions. - F
3 The Romans made the same
resolutions that people do 7 Alina has often made a life plan
nowadays. - T during a summer holiday. - DS
4 Many people find it difficult to 8 She says that we should start the
form new habits. - T New Year in the summer, and not
January. - T

Score: ………. / 8 point

Describe the picture and speculate about it. Use 100-120 words:

In this photo, I can see a girl and what seems to be a robot looking at some kind of a laptop, so this is
probably in the future. The robot looks very humanoid and advanced it probably has artificial
intelligence. There are also four apples in a bowl sitting on the table, perhaps the girl has apples on the
side so she can eat if she is hungry. They look like they are in some kind of a modern facility or office and
are working on this laptop which also seems pretty technologically advanced. I can see that they are
doing something on the laptop together, perhaps the robot is helping her do something on the laptop,
or she, is teaching things to the A. me, or maybe they are just working together.

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