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Your teacher has asked you to write a story for your school magazine.

The story must have

the title:

My First Experience

Your story should include:

a description of the experience
how it ended

Write your story.

My First Experience

was thrilled on the day I received

my driving license as
would be driving on my own for the first time.
My father had
agreed to allow me to drive his brand-new Mercedes. Two of
my best friends wanted to tag along too.
As my father handed the car
keys to me, he said firmly,
1 do not want to see a scratch on my car." I nodded and
immediately took the key. I felt excited once I had my hands on
the wheel while my friends were looking forward for the ride.
We drove along the main roads around town. We were
engrossed in talking and I did not notice that the pickup truck in
front had slowed down. I only realised when I heard a bang. I
was shocked and got off the car. Upon looking at the condition
of my father's car, I felt so devastated. I whispered to my
friends, "My father is going to be really mad."
Iwas lucky that the driver decided not to lodge a police
report as it was only a minor accident. However, I was more
worried about my father's reaction after seeing the dent on his
beloved car.
When reached home, I immediately told my father
what had happened. Luckily, he furious as I had
was not as

expected. He was more concerned of my safety. Nevertheless,

was reprimanded and was barred from driving his car until

learned to be more responsible.

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