Academic Journals Week# 4-6 06:24:21

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Student name: Abhiram Reddy

Date: 6/4/21
Entry: End of Week 4
This week was mostly about autonomic pharmacology and behavioral health. I interacted with Dr.
Jennifer Connolly whose Active Learning Session I found to be very helpful organizing various. drugs into
proper categories based on their clinical uses and especially when not to utilize certain drugs based on their
contraindications. I also spoke with Dr. Priya Dattathreya because I needed help on finding learning resource
for behavioral health and she directed me to very useful access medicine flashcards which I found very
effective in understanding and organizing human life cycle important concepts. My strategy to use Pathoma
book and videos seem to heavily increase my depth of understanding over the concepts covered by Dr.
Yakubovsky and furthermore, I am grateful in using the Sketchy video lectures to fill in gaps over some of viral
and bacterial pathogenesis lectures to effectively maintain long-term retention for the mini 1 exam.

Student name: Abhiram Reddy

Date: 6/11/21
Entry: End of Week 5
So here I am at week 5, the semester is moving toward the mini 1 exam next week, there was not
much information as per new lectures since this week a TBL session taught by Dr. Yakubovsky covering
Neoplasia concepts and a very helpful formative assessment to review microbial pharmacology and
epidemiology. With exam coming up next week, I am starting to feel a little bit stressed out again, however, I
genuinely feel that I am slightly better prepared compared to last time because this opportunity provided to
permanently become pro-active in learning new concepts related to pathology and microbiology so that I am
not freaking out and failing exam 1 again. However, I find myself debating myself on how to allocate the
remaining time for my last-minute review. I am stuck between whether if I should review autonomic and
microbial pharmacology and do one more time cursory glance on ethics, law, life cycle lectures or if I should
just stick to microbiology and pathology concepts since the exam content breadth is weighted toward latter:
my weaker understanding. All in all, I am sure that I can reach above the class average this time around for the
mini 1 exam.

Student name: Abhiram Reddy

Date: 6/18/21
Entry: End of Week 6
Even though I was not able to get 70% on mini 1 exam, I am so grateful for my professors’ help in
explaining the tough concepts such that I was able beat my past mini 1 exam score by 12% and by doing so I
managed to just get above the class average as well. This served as a symbol of vindication to me that there is
no shortcut to hard work and spaced repetition seemed for me to be the clear path to victory in this 3C
semester. I was sick and tired of failing so much that I am now hungry and thirsty for excellence in the
remaining weeks to come. I am now aiming for about 80% on mini 2 exam, it seems a bit ambitious but
excellence those individuals that give their due time to learning. Looking back to mini 1 exam, I was so worried
about making sure that I knew everything about microbiology and pathology as much as I could for this exam,
I ended up making silly mistakes on the very easy questions regarding behavioral health. I know for a fact that
if I had a couple more days to study, I would have gotten easily 75% on this mini 1 exam. This is a lesson of
time management that I must pay attention to much carefully moving forward. As for concepts, I am very
excited this around for renal physiology and gastrointestinal pathology as USMLE Rx and Pathoma should help
me around this time to make sure that I can excel in those subjects.

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