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LESSON 01: MICROSCOPE 3. Open the iris diaphragm.

4. Place the prepared slide of onion root

A. Microscope:
tip on stage and secure the slide by
- A microscope is an optical instrument
using the stage clip.
that is used to observe tiny objects, often
5. Adjust the mirror of the source light.
objects that cannot be seen at all with the
Look through the ocular.
naked eye. Each optical instrument has a
6. By using the coarse adjustment knob
limit as to what can be seen using that
screw, lower the body tube of the
instrument. This limit is referred to as
microscope until the objective is
the resolving power or resolution of the
about 1 or 2 millimeters from the
cover glass.
7. Look through the microscope and
B. Transporting and handling microscope:
move the tube until the image of the
1. Transport the microscope in the
specimen comes to view.
original packaging or
8. For a detailed study of the parts of
container/materials to prevent it from
the specimen, put the high-power
moving within the container
objective in place. Use only the fine
2. If the original container/packaging is
adjustment screw when focusing
not available, use a similar
under HPO.
packaging material to prevent the
microscope from moving within the
E. Adjustment of microscope magnification:
container during transport
1. Cut a small lettere from the
3. Protect the microscope during
newspaper or magazine.
transport from excessive movement
2. Measure the actual size of the letter e
4. Protect the microscope from
using a ruler.
exposure to water and direct
3. Place the lettere in its natural
sunlight, excessive heat, and pests
position on a slide and cover it with
(rodents, cockroach)
5. Carry the microscope with 2 hands,
4. Focus under LPO. Observe the
one holding the arm and one
position of the letter under the
supporting the base
5. Measure the size by placing a ruler
C. Placement of microscope:
along the right side of the stage.
1. Place the microscope on a flat, level,
Look through the microscope with
firm, and vibration free bench
your left eye at the same time
2. Do not place the microscope in front
looking at the ruler with your right
of an illuminated window, place it in
front of a wall or a darkened
6. Compute the magnification power
using the formula below:
Total magification power =
D. Use of microscope:
(magnificication power of ocular)
1. Be familiar with the parts and
(magnificication power of LPO or
function of the microscope fir
efficient use.
7. Turn to the HPO and observe if the
2. Plug in the power cord and turn on
whole letter can be viewed. 8. Draw
the power source. Align the low
the letter e as seen by the naked eye,
power objective (10X) with the
under LPO and HPO.
ocular (10X).
F. Parts of the Microscope: 11. Mirror - It is found below the stage
1. Base - It keeps the microscope and held by a mirror rack. It reflects
steady at any position of the stage. light through an opening in the stage
2. Arm- It is fastened to the base to illuminate the object.
through the inclination joint and used 12. 2. Iris diaphragm - A series of
in handling the microscope. circular structures between the
3. Pillar - It is a short part arising from mirror and the stage which is used to
the base and is screwed to the lower control the light admitted to the
end of the arm. condenser.
4. Inclination point - It is found at the 13. Condenser - It is a lens lying
boundary of the pillar and the arm immediately beneath the opening of
and it is used to tilt the microscope to the stage that concentrates light rays
a desired position. in the specimen.
5. Body tube - It is a cylindrical
structure arising vertically from the
arm and holds the dust shield and the LESSON 02: CELLS
nosepiece with the objectives of the
A. Definition
lower end.
- The basic unit of life.
6. Draw tube - It is fitted to the body
tube and is used to hold the ocular or B. History Of Cell Study
eyepiece. * Galileo Galilei
7. Adjustment knobs - These are two * Hans and Zacharias Janssen
pairs of wheels attached to either * Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
side of the body tube. * Robert Hooke
 Course adjustment knob - * Robert Brown
These are bigger wheels * Matthias Schleiden and Theodore
which are used to raise and Schwann
* Rudolf Virchow
lower the tube. It is also used
to adjust the low power
objective in focusing. C. Cell Theory
 Fine adjustment knob - A
pair of smaller wheels used
for delicate focusing in
connection with the high All organism are made up of cell
power and oil immersion
objectives. It is used to have a
clearer view of the specimen.
8. Revolving nosepiece - A circular Cells are the basic unit of life
structure at the lower end of the body
tube to which the objectives are
All cells came from pre-existing cells
9. Stage- A platform where the slide is
placed during focusing. It is provided
with clips to hold the slide in place.
10. Dust shield - It is a thin circular
structure at the lower end of the body
tube and is used to protect the
objectives from the dust.
D. Types Of Cells - •If the nucleus and vacuole are
 Prokaryotes excluded from the protoplasm,
 Eukaryotes the remaining material is the
E. Cell Structures o Mitochondrion (pl. mitochondria)
o Cell Wall - Tiny organelles bounded by a
 Definition double membrane
- Strength and protection - Using Cellular Respiration
- It contains a - “Powerhouse” of the cell
considerable amount of - •Crista (pl. cristae) –
cellulose mitochondrial membranes are
- 3 Layers of Cell Wall folded, forming large sheets or
 Primary Cell Wall tubes which provides room for
* • Stretches and large number of enzymes
expands as the cell - •Matrix – found between the
increases in size cristae; place for reactions that
 Middle Lamella do not involve highly reactive
* • A layer of pectic intermediates
compounds - •Outer mitochondrial membrane
* • Acts as a cement –freely permeable; gives shape
between the primary and little rigidity to the
cell walls of mitochondrion. numerous
adjacent cells pumps and channels.
 Secondary Cell Wall - • Inner mitochondrial
* • Forms after growth membrane– selectively
ceases permeable membrane which
* • Forms between forms the cristae. Center for
primary wall and the ATP synthesis.
plasma membrane o Dictyosomes (Golgi Apparatus or Golgi
* • Contains cellulose Body)
and lignin - •A stack of thin vesicles held
* • Lignin (a hard together in a flat or curved
substance that gives array.
wood its distinctive o Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
texture) - •A system of narrow tubes and
o Protoplasm sheets of membrane that form a
- It is a mass of proteins, lipids, network throughout the
nucleic acids and water within a cytoplasm
cell - •RER (Rough Endoplasmic
- Except for the wall everything Reticulum) – ER which contains
in the cell is protoplasm. ribosomes ; aids in protein
o Plasma Membrane aka plasmalemma synthesis
- Is the selectively permeable - •SER (Smooth Endoplasmic
membrane that completely Reticulum) – lacks ribosomes;
covers the surface of the for lipid synthesis and
protoplasm membrane assembly
- Molecular pumps keep o Ribosomes
substances moving by actively - •Particles responsible for protein
pumping them in and out of the synthesis
cell. - •Complex aggregates of 3
o Cytoplasm molecules of RNA (ribosomal
RNA) and about 50 types of
proteins that associate to form 2 transformation of
subunits proplastids to
- •Polysome – cluster of chloroplasts; occur
ribosomes that are bound when tissues are grown
together by messenger RNA without light
o Microbodies  Proplastids – small,
- •Spherical bodies about 0.5 to undifferentiated plastids
1.5μm in diameter  Leucoplasts
- •2 Classes: Both isolate  Colorless plastids
reactions that either produce or  form and store
use the dangerous compound starches, oils, or
peroxide (H2O2) proteins
- •Peroxisomes – involved in  Common in seed,
detoxifying by products of root, & stem cells
photosynthesis and found  Chromoplasts
closely in chloroplasts  Contains yellow,
- •Glyoxysomes – occur only in orange, and red
plants; converts stored fats to pigments
sugars; important in germination  Often form from
of fat-rich, oily seeds chloroplasts when
o Plastids chlorophyll breaks
- Found in all plants and algae but down
never in animals, fungi or  Ex: Tomatoes;
prokaryotes deciduous tree
- Group of dynamic organelles leaves
that perform many functions - Parts of Plastids:
like:  Inner and Outer
 ✓Photosynthesis Membrane
 ✓Synthesis, storage and  Thylakoids – membrane
export of specialized sheets that projects to
lipid molecules the stroma; folded in
 ✓Storage of order to increase
carbohydrates and iron membrane area;
 ✓Formation of colors in provides more space for
some flowers and fruits the insertion of
photosynthetic pigments
 ✓Each metabolism is
 Granum (pl. grana) –
associated with a
the stack of baglike
particular type of plastid
vesicles formed by
- Types of Plastid:
thylakoids; essential in
 Amyoplasts – store
the transport of protons
starch; considered to be
needed for
 Chloroplasts – carry out
 Stroma – where
photosynthesis; contains
conversion of carbon
chlorophyll; A molecule
dioxide to
with the vital role of
carbohydrates occurs
absorbing light energy;
o Nucleus (pl. nuclei)
Absorbs blue and red
- Serves as an archive or
light (reflects green)
permanent storage place for the
 Etioplasts – a specific
plant’s genetic information
stage in the
- Nuclear envelope – separates - Volume of the cytoplasm which
the nuclear material from the occurs as a clear substance
rest of the cell; it consists of composed of water, enzymes,
nuclear pores that are involved and numerous chemical
in the transport of materials in precursors, intermediates and
the nucleus and the rest of the products of enzymatic reactions
protoplasm o Cytoskeleton
- Chromatin- darkly-staining - Assemble into arrays like an
bodies inside the nucleus. They antenna
contain genes. - Cellular integrity
o Nucleolus (pl. nucleoli) - Means of motility for both
- Area where components of organelles and whole cells
ribosomes are synthesized and - Framework that moves
partially assembled chromosomes during the
- An organelle that contains RNA division of nucleus
- Serves as the control center of - Microtubules and Microfilament
the cell - Hemicellulose – binds together
- Contains nucleoplasm cellulose microfibrils; produced
- Nucleoplasm – it is a complex from dictyosomes
association of : - Lignin – together with
 DNA hemicellulose, makes the 2°cell
 Enzymes and other wall stronger; it has the ability
factors necessary to to resist chemical, fungal and
maintain, repair and bacterial attack.
read DNA - Plasmodesmata – fine holes in
 Histone proteins that the cell wall which
support and interact interconnects plant cell
with DNA (chromatin)
 Several types of RNA
 Water and other
substances necessary for F. Plant Cell Vs. Animal Cell
nuclear metabolism
o Vacuole
- Appears to be an empty
membrane which stores water
Cell wall Present Absent
and salts
(formed of
- Sometimes contains visible cellulose)
crystals, starch, protein bodies Shape Rectangular Round
and various types of granules (fixed shape) (irregular
and fibrous minerals shape)
- Tonoplast – vacuole membrane Vacuole Vacuole One, One or more
- Central vacuole – one large large central small vacuoles
vacuole (as the cell grows and vacuole taking (much smaller
expands); functions as a storage up 90% of cell than plant
for nutrients and waste products; volume. cells).
digestive organelle Centrioles Centrioles Present in all
- Helps cell maintain turgid shape Only present in animal cells
- Provide strength for non-woody lower plant
Chloroplast Plant cells Animal cells
- Temporary storage area for
have don't have
excess materials
chloroplasts chloroplasts
o Cytosol aka Hyaloplasm because they
make their  Kindom Protista – single-celled
own food organisms (protozoans, algae);
Cytoplasm: Present Present multicellular algae
Endoplasmic Present Present  Kingdom Mycetae – fungi such
Reticulum as mushrooms, puffballs and
(Smooth and bread mold
Rough):  Kingdom Animalia – animals
Ribosomes: Present Present  Kingdom Plantae – plants
Mitochondria: Present Present
Plastids: Present Absent
Golgi Apparatus: Present Present
Plasma cell wall and a only cell
Membrane: cell membrane membrane
Microtubules/ Present Present
Flagella: May be found May be found
in some cells in some cells
Lysosomes: Lysosomes Lysosomes A. Parts Of Chromosomes
usually not occur in
evident. cytoplasm
Nucleus: Present Present
Cilia: It is very rare Present

G. Plant Cell Vs. Fungal Cell

o Cells of fungi are similar to plant cells
with two important differences:
 They do not contain plastids of
any type
 Their walls contain CHITIN,
not cellulose except for some
unusual group of fungi, the
o CHITIN - physically similar to B. Cell Cycle
cellulose, being tough, inflexible and o ❖The cyclic series of events in the life
insoluble in water, but it of a dividing eukaryotic cells.
contains nitrogen and is synthesized in a o ❖In plants – CELL CYCLE ARREST –
different mechanism than that used for as plants reach their final form, cells
cellulose. stop dividing (e.g. Leaf)
o 2 Phases
H. Division Of Kingdom Plantae o Growth Phase – also known as
o Bryophyta – mosses
o Pteridophyta – ferns  G1 Phase
o Coniferophyta – conifers - •Known as Gap 1 phase
o Anthophyta – flowering plants - •It is the first stage after
I. 5 Kingdoms Of Organism - •Cell is recovering from
o Prokaryotes division and is
 Kingdom Monera – bacteria and conducting
cyanobacteria - most of its normal
o Eukaryotes metabolism
- •Generally, it is the - Centrioles move towards
longest part of the cell respective poles
cycle  Metaphase
- • Single-celled - Centrioles reached the
organisms (algae) – respective poles
several hours - Chromosomes lined up in the
- • Plants that grow midplane of the cell
slowly – 2 to 3 days or  Anaphase
weeks or months - Sister chromatids separate
 S Phase - Moves to the opposite poles
- ➢Known as Synthesis  Telophase
phase - Chromosomes arrive at the
- ➢Replication of DNA poles
 G2 Phase - Chromosome begin to elongate
- ▪Known as Gap 2 Phase - Nuclear envelope forms around
- ▪Cells prepare for each set of chromosomes.
division - Nucleoli reorganize
- ▪Usually lasts for 3 to 5  Cytokinesis
hours - Division of the cytoplasm
- ▪Produce factors in the - Formation of cell plate
cytoplasm necessary to D. Meiosis
start nuclear  Definition
- division - The production of gametes—sex
- ◦ Synthesis of alpha and cells, or sperm and eggs. Its goal
beta tubulin for spindle is to make daughter cells with
microtubules exactly half as many
- ◦ Proteins necessary for chromosomes as the starting
processing cell.
chromosomes  Meiosis 01
o Division Phase - 2 Processes: a) PROPHASE 1
 Karyokinesis - Homologous chromosomes
 Division of the nucleus come together side by side
 Mitosis (synapsis → Crossing
 Meiosis over)
 Cytokinesis - Maternal and paternal
 Division of the homologue
protoplasm - Spindle forms
- Nuclear envelope and
C. Mitosis nucleolus disappear
 Definition b) Metaphase 1
- The division of the cell nucleus - Homologous chromosomes
resulting into two daughter line up in pairs along
nuclei, each with the same midplane
number of chromosomes as the c) Anaphase 1
parents nucleus. - Paired homologous
chromosome separate
 Prophase d) Telophase 1
- Chromatin begins to condense - Two duplicated
- Nuclear envelope breaks apart chromosomes
- Nucleolus shrinks and - Nuclei reorganize
disappears - Chromatid elongates
- Cytokinesis takes place
 Meiosis 02 Dermal Epidermis Parenchyma cells,
a) Prophase II – similar to mitotic Tissue guard cells,
prophase System trichome
b) Metaphase II – sister chromatids Periderm Periderm Cork
line up on midplanes cells, cork cambium
c) Anaphase II – sister chromatids cells, cork
separates parenchyma
d) Telophase II – Nuclei form at
opposite poles. B. Ground Tissue System
e) Cytokinesis occurs o PARENCHYMA CELLS
- A plant cell that is
unspecialized, is thin walled,
may contain chlorophyll, and
typically loosely packed.
E. Mitosis vs. Meiosis - Functions: photosynthesis,
storage and secretion
Daughter nuclei Two sex cells (gametes) - A living plant cell with
replicates the original fuse together forming a moderately but unevenly
mother nucleus zygote which grows into a thickened primary walls.
new adult - Function: Provide support in
Diploid Haploid soft, non woody plant organs
Occurs in other body Occur ONLY in sex cells o SCLERENCHYMA CELLS
cells or reproductive cells - A plant cell with extremely
Has 4 stages: prophase, Has two divisions: thick walls that provides
metaphase, anaphase, Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 strength and support to the plant
telophase which also have 4 stages body
like mitosis - 2 TYPES:
a) Sclereids – shells of
LESSON 04: CELLS AND TISSUES OF THE nuts; stones of fruits;
b) Fibers – wood; inner
A. Tissues bark and leaf rib
- A group of cells that forms a structural
and functional unit. C. Vascular Tissue System
- Conducts water and dissolved
minerals throughout the plant
Ground Parenchyma Parenchyma cells
Tissue tissue
System Collenchyma Collenchyma cells - Tracheids and vessel elements –
tissue conducts water and minerals
Sclerenchyma Sclerenchyma cell - parenchyma cells – storage
tissue functions
Vascular Xylem Tracheid, vessel - Fibers – provide support
Tissue elements, o PHLOEM
System parenchyma cells, - Conducts food throughout the
fibers plant body
Phloem Sieve tube - Sieve tube elements, companion
elements, cells, parenchyma cells, fibers
companion cells,  Sieve tube elements –
parenchyma cells, long, thin cells stacked
end on end to form o Root Cap
sieve tubes - A covering of cells over the root tip
 Sieve plates – Cell’s that protects the delicate
end walls; series of meristematic tissue directly behind
holes through which it.
cytoplasm extends from o Area of Elongation
one sieve tube element - Pushing the root tip deeper into the
into the next soil.
 Companion cells – - 3 Primary Meristems (Area of
adjacent to sieve tube Elongation)
elements; assists * Protoderm
functions of STE * Procambium
* Ground Meristem
o EPIDERMIS  Root Hairs
- Outermost tissue layer, usually - An extension of an
one cell thick, that covers the epidermal cell of a root
primary plant body. that increases the
- Cuticle – secreted on stem and absorptive capacity of
leaves to restrict loss of water the root.
- Stomata – facilitate diffusion of  LATERAL MERISTEM
CO2 - Areas that extend along
o PERIDERM the entire lengths of
- Outermost layer of cells roots except the tips
covering a woody stem or root - Vascular cambium and
- Cork cells – dead at maturity; Cork cambium; give
coated with suberin rise to secondary tissues
- Cork parenchyma (phelloderm)  • Vascular Cambium
– for storage - Layer of meristematic
o APICAL MERISTEM - Area of cell cells that form a thin,
division at the tip of stem or root in continuous cylinder
plants; produces primary tissues within stem and root.
o LATERAL MERISTEM – Area of cell  • Cork Cambium
division on the side of the vascular - Thin cylinder or
plant; vascular cambium and cork irregular arrangement of
cambium give rise to secondary tissues. meristematic cells in the
outer bark region.

LESSON 05: ROOTS D. Roots Of Herbaceous Eudicot

A. Definition o Epidermis – outer protective covering
- Cylindrical structures which generally o Cortex -Storage
grow downward into the soil o Endodermis – innermost layer of the
- Underground extension of the plant axis cortex of the root that prevents water
and dissolved materials from entering
B. Functions the xylem by passing between cells.
- Anchoring the plant firmly to a substrate o Casparian strip – A band of waterproof
- Absorbing water and minerals material around the radial and transverse
- Producing hormones cells of the endodermis
- Food storage o Pericycle - A layer of cells just inside
- Asexual reproductive organ the endodermis of the root; gives rise to
lateral root.
C. Structure Of Individual Roots o PITH - central tissue in monocot roots.
(usually summer and for
E. Movement Of Water In Root Cortex perennial plants)
o 2 PATHWAYS * Water storage- fascicled roots-
 Symplast – A continuum consisting enlarged fleshy and succulent
of the cytoplasm of many plant cell, roots.
connected from one cell to the next o • Gas exchange- presence of
by plasmodesmata pneumatophores (mangrove plants)
 Apoplast – A continuum consisting o • Reproduction/ propagation- formation
of the interconnected, porous plant of adventitious root buds.
cell walls, along which water moves o • Protection presence of spine or thorns
freely. o • Photosynthesis
- green aerial roots
F. External Structure Of The Roots o • Contractile Roots
1. Taproot System - Roots undergo contraction,
- Consists of one main root with extends through the soil,
many smaller lateral roots become more firmly attached
branching from it. - Contraction is caused by the
- Examples: Carrot (Daucus changes in cortical cells
carota), Sugar Beet (Beta
vulgaris), Radish (Raphanus H. Other Types Of Roots And Root
sativus) Modifications
2. Conical Taproot: o Support Prop or Stilt Roots- aerial roots
- This root type has a wide top arising from branches.
and taper toward the bottom end o Support Clinging Roots- aerial roots that
to give them a conical shape. cling to some kind of support. Ex.
3. Fusiform Root: Orchids
- It has a wide middle section and o Support Brace roots- aerial roots arising
tapers toward both ends,
from branches.
forming a two-sided fusion of
o Support Buttress roots- big roots that
conical roots.
look like they arise from the base of the
4. Napiform Root:
tree trunk.
- This taproot type has a wide top
and tapers suddenly to a pointed
I. Roots Association
bottom end.
o Mycorrhizae
5. Fibrous or Diffuse Root System
- Consists of numerous fine roots - Symbiotic relationship with soil
similar in diameter fungi (both organisms’ benefit)
- Arises due to the radicle that  Ectomycorrhizal
dies during or immediately after - for woody forest plants
germination - fungal hyphae penetrate
- Example (cereals, bulbs and between the outermost root
grasses), Corn (Zea mays), cortex cells but never
Talahib (Saccharum invade the cells
spontaneum), Yard grass o Endomycorrhizal
(Eleusine indica), Onion  for herbaceous plants
(Allium cepa)  hyphae penetrate the root cortex
as far as the endodermis
G. Other Types Of Roots And Root  they are able to pass through the
Modifications walls of the cortical cells but
o • Storage Roots cannot pass the Casparian strip
* Food Storage- Enlarged, long-  invade the cell but do not break
term storage for carbohydrates the cell membrane
 branched repeatedly inside the No cuticle Cuticle
cell forming arbuscule (contains Root hairs Trichomes
phosphorus) Pericycle No pericycle
o Root Nodules and Nitrogen Fixation Branches form Branches form externally
- Scarcity of nitrogen in the soil is internally from from lateral buds
the growthlimiting factor pericycle
- Nitrogen fixation – conversion
of atmospheric nitrogen (78%) D. Stems Of Woody Plants
into usable compounds o Secondary growth – result from the
- “The bacterium supplies the activity of vascular cambium & cork
plant with nitrogenous and in cambium
return, plants give sugars” * Vascular cambium divide &
o Haustorial Roots of Parasitic Flowering produce secondary xylem
Plants (wood) & secondar phloem
- Haustoria – modified roots of (inner bark).
parasitic plants * Cork cambium divide &
o Adheres firmly to the host by secreting produce cork cells & cork
an adhesive or by growing around a parenchyma (phelloderm)
small branch or root o Sapwood – functional secondary xylem
o Modified parasitic roots (mistletoe); (conduct water & minerals)
penetrate on stems and roots of other o Heartwood – older wood in the center of
plants to obtain water, mineral and the trunk; no longer function for
organicmolecule. conduction
o Annual rings – growing period (spring
& summer)
LESSON 06: STEM o Springwood – wood has thin-walled,
large diameter conducting cells
A. Functions:
o Late summerwood- thicker-walled
* Support leaves and reproductive
structure o narrower conducting cell
* Internal transport
* Produce new living tissue E. Vines
* Asexual reproduction o A plant with long, thin, often climbing.
o Tendrils – modified leaves or stems that
B. Parts Of Stems o wrap around supports
* Bud – Underdeveloped shoot that o Twiners – plant which stem grow
contains embryonic meristem; may be spirally around host
terminal or axillary
* Node- Area on a stem where each leaf is F. Asexual Reproduction
attached o Rhizome
* Internode – region of stem between two - Horizontal underground stem
successive nodes. that often serve as a storage
* Leaf scar – where leaf attached to stem organ
* Lenticels – gas exchange

C. General Differences Between Herbaceous

Eudicot Roots & Stem

No nodes or internodes Nodes & Internodes
No leaves or buds Leaves and buds
No pith Pith
A. Process
H. Leaf Margin

1. 2.
3. Thin Leaf
petiole and blade

B. Parts & Functions

o Stipule
o Petiole I. Leaf Surface
o Leaf blade/ lamina o Glabrous
o Pubescent
C. Internal Anatomy Of Leaves
o Upper epidermis
o Palisade mesophyll
o Spongy mesophyll

D. Plant Identification
o Single or divided blade
o Leaf shape
o Leaf margin characteristics o Villous
o Venation

E. Shapes And Arrangement

o Alternate
o Opposite
o Whorled

F. Leaf Types
o Simple leaf
o Compound leaf o Tomentose
 Pinnately compound
 Palmately compound

G. Leaf Venation
o Parallel venation
o Netted venation
o Scabrous
J. Specialized Leaves
o Reproduction
- Plantlets or buds may grow
along the notches, bases, apices
and tips of the blades and
o Aeration
- Enlarged petiole for buoyancy
o Glaucous o Support
- Presence of tendrils, hooks and
supporting leaf bases
o Protection
- Presence of bud scales, motile
leaves, spines, stipules and
bracts (cactus)
o Storage
- with succulent leaves that retain
o Rugose water in their large, thin-walled
parenchyma cells
o Attraction
- Petalloid flower bracts or
brightly-variegated leaves of
some plants
o Absorption
- insectivore leaves; uncutinized
leaves especially in some
aquatic plant

o Glandular

Transpiration is the process by which moisture is carried through

Transpiration plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves,
where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere.

Guttation Guttation is the exudation of drops of xylem sap on the tips or

edges of leaves of some vascular plants, such as grasses.

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