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The Capability of

Schoology in Facilitating
Learning on Senior High
School Mathematical
Subjects in Rosario
Intitute for Academic
Year 2020-2021

Presented by: Aira Nicole De Guia Chloe Ilagan Angela Louise Rubio
Teachers and students had grown accustomed to teaching and learning in the classroom over
the years. However, when the pandemic began, everything changed in the way of teaching and
learning, and everyone began to establish the “New Normal” setting in which people used
technology. Distance learning is far more widely used in postsecondary educational settings than
online learning, which is a rapidly expanding environment that allows users the flexibility of
operating outside of the constraints of time and place (Chaney, 2001). Schoology, a Learning
Management System (LMS), promises features that will completely transform the way teachers
structure their classes.
Schoology is a school website where teachers, students, and parents can use technology to
improve education in schools. Teachers can use the site to take attendance, use an online grade
book, post discussion questions, homework, files, links, and other information, and much more.
Parents can keep track of their children's assignments and calendars while remaining involved in
their education (Kacel, 2013). In this study, we will evaluate the factors that can be considered
when using Schoology as the Learning Management System for the subject, Mathematics, to
determine Schoology's capability in terms of online mathematical learning.
Our research study focused on identifying the potential of Schoology in facilitating
learning on mathematical subjects in senior high school of Rosario Institute.

1. What are the factors to be considered when teaching mathematical subject

through Schoology? in terms of;
a. Time
b. Availability of Schoology Features
c. Participation

2. What are the hindrances that the senior high school students are currently
experiencing in Math e-learning?

3. What feature/s in Schoology can be used by the students to have a better

understanding on Math lessons?
Research Design Data Gathering Procedures
Descriptive Research Preparation of Questionnaire
Survey Research Design Online Survey

Materials Respondents of the Study

Microsoft Word Random Grade 11 Students
Google Forms Math Teachers
Facebook Messenger

Survey Tool Statistical Analysis

Google Forms Percentage Frequency Distribution

Table 1 refers to the Age Group of our Respondents


Table 2 shows the gender composition of the overall respondents


Table 3 shows the answer

of the respondents related
to Schoology

Table 4 contains participants

answer about Schoology features

Table 5 shows participants answer about participating in

Schoology activities

Table 6 shows
answer about
The study was conducted from November 2020 to March 2021 to determine
Schoology's Capability in Facilitating Learning on Senior High School Mathematical
Subjects in Rosario Institute for Academic Year 2020-2021, with the study focusing on
how efficient Schoology is as an LMS in managing the students' learning in
mathematical subjects. and by determining the factors to consider when teaching
mathematical subjects, determining the difficulties that the students were encountering
in Schoology, and, finally, determining the Schoology features that they always use. The
study aimed 80 respondents from 8 sections of Grade 11, and interview Mr. Mark Roval
Avisado and Mr. Mhar Lorenzo Aquino to know their viewpoint about the capability of
Schoology in giving activities, posting discussions, performance tasks, and other
outputs, The survey was conducted online, the researchers use google forms as
questionnaire containing questions that are related in learning mathematical subjects
online. Most of the participants' answer shows that Schoology as a learning tool helps
them to learn and participate in school activities.

Schoology has features that allow it to Based on the results of the study, the
function as a Learning Management following recommendations were
System (LMS) that students at Rosario made:
Institute can use to learn math 1. other subjects could be focused on
subjects. 75% of the participants have as well.
one hour for their Math subject. Math 2. acquire a larger sample size for a
teachers give their students time to greater validity and reliability of data.
complete their activities, and for one 3. identify the students’ performance
week, the percentage of student ONLINE
by getting their grades in Math
participants is 47.5 percent. According
to the survey, 92.5 percent of students ETIQUETTE
Tradition of Quality Education”
can effectively use Schoology. Among 4. usage of questions that could be
We need to practice proper
all features, portfolio is used by 50% of rated and a Likert Scale for
behavior and
good manners
students. Schoology was found to be
useful as an LMS by 97.5 percent of 5. in our online
determine classroom.
the skills of the students
students. In terms of participation, 90% under synchronous and
of students take part in their lass asynchronous learning.
Survey Form
Compilation of Participants answer in Excel

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