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My Philosophy of Teaching

by: Kristhia Cyra D. Rivera

I believe that the learner is an important aspect of both the teaching-learning process and
the educational process itself. They are the true essence of all teaching pedagogies currently
being developed. Learners are individuals who want to know more about the various concepts
and ideas that the world has to offer, as well as who they are as people. They are similar to
partially jars; they are delicate, especially lower grade levels, and they must be filled to the full
capacity with information and aptitudes. Learners signify the quality of education provided by a
certain institution. They indicate whether the instruction was effective and hence resulted in
positive outcomes, or whether the instruction failed to generate fully qualified learners.

I believe that I should teach the learners science-related abilities, competences, theories,
and concepts in an engaging manner. This will be accomplished by having a strong foundation in
scientific ideas and a plan for presenting fascinating, simple-to-understand lesson plans. I intend
to arm myself with new and innovative science teaching approaches and strategies. But, most
substantially, I want to teach my students life lessons through the activities we conduct in class. I
will instill perseverance in my students by returning draft after draft to them for improvement.
The significance of continuously listening to people and considering their feelings and
perspectives by allowing them to speak up whenever. And the prominence of honesty and
vulnerability by apologizing to my students when I make a mistake and seeking feedback from

I believe that I can learn discover a lot about my students in just a few hours within the
classroom. To maintain a positive relationship with them, I must instigate conversations
regarding their unfinished tasks or their well-being. Being available for their academic needs and
whenever they require guidance is a remarkable method to build lasting relationships with them.
Regular PTA meetings, continual collaboration with the parents in building the classroom
environment and accepting their suggestions and opinions will foster a positive relationship
between my students' parents and me. I feel that being transparent, cooperative, and simply being
myself will help me relate to my coworkers, supervisors, and other stakeholders. And I can
achieve this by respecting everyone, maintaining positive interactions with them, and being

My Teacher, My Hero

Our cooperating teacher, Sir Regie Caguimbal, is a grade 8 adviser who also teaches
environmental science, physics, and research. As a teacher, I can attest that he is remarkably
engaging. He actively discusses topics in a clear and understandable manner, allowing students
to understand and appreciate the information being presented. He also possesses the ability to
read his students' thoughts and emotions. Being able to be sympathetic enough to students and
use the accurate response. I've also seen that he is well aware of his academic strengths and

In terms of professional characteristics, I believe he possesses essentially all of the

required professional competencies. He explains the lesson topics highly effectively, and his
knowledge of the subject is noticeable. He is able to properly explain scientific concepts and
formulas, as seen by the students' ability to answer evaluation questions well. Is also capable of
demonstrating the ethical attributes of a good teacher. He participates in continuing education
and is always updating his own knowledge, abilities, and attitude in order to keep up with current
educational trends, particularly in online learning.

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