01 - Green Hydrogen - Oppolzer - Nikolaus - WS21-22 - Report

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Green HydrogenTechnology

550.021 GHT
December 2021

Nikolaus Oppolzer


1 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4

2 Hydrogen Technology.........................................................................................4

3 Hydrogen facts.....................................................................................................4

4 Green Hydrogen production technologies.........................................................5

4.1 Water Electrolysis (WE):.................................................................................
4.2 Water Alkaline Electrolysis (AE).....................................................................
4.3 Electrolysis with a Proton exchange membrane (PEM)..................................
4.4 Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC)..............................................................
4.5 Dark fermentation process..............................................................................
4.6 Microbial Electrolysis......................................................................................
4.7 Photolytic Conversion Technology..................................................................

5 Transportation and Storage of Hydrogen...........................................................8

5.1 Hydrogen Compression..................................................................................
5.2 Hydrogen Liquefaction....................................................................................
5.3 Material based transformation of Hydrogen....................................................

6 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 10
Green Hydrogen production technologies

List of Figures

Figure 1 Electrolysis Production Technologies...............................................................

Figure 2 Microbial analysis.............................................................................................
Figure 3 Hydrogen storage and transport.......................................................................

Green Hydrogen production technologies

1 Introduction

The reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions with the decarbonization of the Energy
Mix is one goal for a sustainable future world. Besides many options to reach this goal
for instance increasing renewable energy supply, increasing amount of Nuclear Power
Plants, usage of traditional biomass and modern biofuels there is also the
implementation of Hydrogen Technology for an alternative energy source. Denounced
in the past, as an alternative, which is in the production, dependant on fossil energy
(gas), Green Hydrogen Technology is changing the game. But not alone.
The author tries within this report to define different Hydrogen technologies and to
explain in a second step the production processes, application offerings, energy
efficiency as well as transportation and storage possibility of Green
Hydrogen/Hydrogen. To close the loop and for a better understanding, some Hydrogen
facts will be also taken into consideration.

2 Hydrogen Technology1

Green Hydrogen:
The production of Green Hydrogen is entirely sourced by renewable energies. Water
and brine electrolysis produce only Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2). Oxygen will be
released into the atmosphere. In addition, Microbial and Photolytic conversion
technologies should be mentioned
Grey/Brown Hydrogen:
Grey/Brown Hydrogen, which is produced based on Thermochemical processes and
releases the CO2 by-product into the atmosphere (830 Mio t) and represents 95% of
the market.
Blue Hydrogen:
The production of Blue Hydrogen is the same as Grey/Brown, but the CO2 will be
captured through a process called Carbon Capture Usage and Storage.


Green Hydrogen production technologies

3 Hydrogen facts

To support the imagination of the energy capability of H 2, some comparisons are

Hydrogen is the lightest molecule with the highest specific energy.
 1Mt of H2 is equivalent to 21 Mboe, which is about one-quarter of the world’s
daily oil consumption.
 1t of H2 represents a feedstock for refining 285 barrels of crude oil and 3000 –
5000km of autonomy for a fuel cell train.
 1kg of H2 is the consumption from a fuel cell car to drive 100km compared to
~6-10l of fossil fuel.
 You need for storing 1t of H2 in
o An uncompressed state about 56000 bathtubs.
o A compressed state (700 bar) about 120 bathtubs.
o A liquified state about 65 bathtubs.
 Yearly production of Brown Hydrogen: 70 Mio t
 Yearly production of Green Hydrogen: 40.000t
The application of Hydrogen is flexible. It is dominated by the industry for Oil refining,
methanol/ammonia production, and steel production. In transportation, it can be used
with fuel cells in cars, trains, and trucks. For shipping and aviation, Hydrogen
represents an opportunity for hydrogen-based fuels. In buildings, Hydrogen could be
blended into the natural gas networks for heat generation. Finally, for power
generation and storing renewable energy.2

4 Green Hydrogen production technologies3

In this chapter, the different production applications have to be highlighted. The

flexibility of production parameters and resources as well as the different stages of the
complexity of the production technologies show many possibilities of application and
could be adapted to different geographic areas. Electrolysis accounts for ~4% of the
world’s Hydrogen production.

4.1 Water Electrolysis (WE):

The most common technique is to extract hydrogen from water, which is two parts
hydrogen and one part oxygen (hence H2O). A direct current is connected to the
electrolyte solution. A chemical reaction at the electrodes is then decomposing
materials. The decomposed components will be separated by a membrane.


Green Hydrogen production technologies

Efficiency: 9-15l of water and 50-60kWh of electricity has to be invested for the output
1 kg of H2 and 8kg O2.

4.2 Water Alkaline Electrolysis (AE)

In this electrolysis, the electrolyte solution consists of (Potassium Hydroxide, KOH). H 2

is a by-product in generating Cl2 and NaClO3. The yearly production of H2 is ~2MT as.
AE is a mature technology with a long track record of large-scale projects but is part of
the old alkaline technology (Fig.1)
Efficiency: 52-69%
Cost estimate ($ per kgH2): 2,6-6,9
Primary Energy Source: Electricity
Industrial use

4.3 Electrolysis with a Proton exchange membrane (PEM)

The Proton Exchange Membrane in the electrolyte solution is conductive for H 2 toward
the cathode. PEM Electrolysis is a small footprint technology, but highly reactive, due
to high current density (Fig.1)
Efficiency: 60-77%
Cost estimate ($ per kgH2): 3,5-7,5
Primary Energy Source: Electricity
Industrial use

4.4 Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC)

This type of Electrolysis is based on steam-water electrolysis at high temperatures.

Steam is in contact with the cathode material and moves after applied current to the
cathode/electrolyte interface. At the interface, a reduction process divides the steam
into Hydrogen and Oxygen Ions. Less electricity input is needed for H2 production.
SOEC technology is in an early stage of development with prototypes for industrial use.
This new technology has a high potential of economical benefits in connection with
geothermal heat sources (Fig 1).
Efficiency: 74-81%
Cost estimate ($ per kgH2): 5,8-7,0
Primary Energy Source: Electricity
No Industrial use

Green Hydrogen production technologies

Figure 1 Electrolysis Production Technologies4

4.5 Dark fermentation process

In the dark Fermentation process, bacterial will activate a series of biochemical

reactions. Anaerobic bacterial and microalgae react with carbohydrates (biomass) and
water (wastewater) to produce H2 and CO2. The temperature has a significant impact
on the process because higher temperatures lead to enzyme inactivation. Dark
fermentation has a simple reactor design and uses abundant resources. This early-
stage technology has a lower output efficiency and low yield of production.

Efficiency: 30-40%
Cost estimate ($ per kgH2): n.a.
Primary Energy Source: Biomass
No Industrial use

4.6 Microbial Electrolysis

Microbial Electrolysis is an interaction between electrical energy and microorganisms.

During the activation of the organic matter, H2 and CO2 will be produced.
Efficiency: ~70%
Cost estimate ($ per kgH2): 1,7-2,6 in laboratory conditions
Primary Energy Source: Biomass
No Industrial use

Green Hydrogen production technologies

Figure 2 Microbial analysis5

4.7 Photolytic Conversion Technology

Direct solar water splitting uses light energy to isolate H2 and CO2 from H2O.
Efficiency: ~15%
Cost estimate ($ per kgH2): n.a
Primary Energy Source: sunlight
No Industrial use

5 Transportation and Storage of Hydrogen6

To increase energy density and to improve stability, H 2 can be converted after the
production process.

5.1 Hydrogen Compression

Compression in gaseous form increases the energy density to 3-40kg/m3 with a

low energy input of about 1-6 kWh/kg H2. H2 in gaseous form is highly flammable.

5.2 Hydrogen Liquefaction

Liquefaction at temperatures of -252C° (cryocompression) increases the energy

density to ~70 kg/m3 with an Energy input of 9kWh/kg H 2. During the liquefaction
process, a high energy loss has to be encountered.


Green Hydrogen production technologies

5.3 Material based transformation of Hydrogen

Only the material-based transformation improves stability and energy density.

o The liquid transformation to Ammonia after the reaction with nitrogen
leads to a density increase of 121kg/m3 with an Energy input of
3kWh/kg. On the other hand side, high energy 8kWh/kg hast o be
invested for the reconversation. Air pollution and toxicity are also a
o H2 and Toluol hydrate to Methylcyclohexan, which is a liquid organic
hydrogen carrier (LOHC). The density increases to 110kg/m3 with an
Energy input of 12kWh/kg for the reconversation. Toxicity, flammability,
and the cost of Toluene have to be taken into consideration.
o Metal hydrides (i.e. MgH2) are a chemical bonding process between H2
and metal in a solid-state. Density increases to 86(MgH2)kg/m3 with a
4kWh/kg H2 energy input.

Depending on the transformation of Hydrogen, it can be stored and transported in

multiple ways (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 Hydrogen storage and transport7

6 Conclusion

In analyzing the energy transition and decarbonization we have to visualize

„The Future of Hydrogen“, IEA, 2019


Green Hydrogen production technologies

the biggest Greenhouse Gas Emission drivers (without Agriculture, Forestry and Land
Use), consisting of:8
 Energy use in buildings with 17,5%
 Transport including road (11,9%), aviation, shipping with 16,2%
 Energy use in Industry with 24,2%
Compared to other alternatives of fossil energy sources, i.e. Implementation of Electric
vehicles (Evs) for personnel transportation, Hydrogen produced by renewable primary
energy sources (Green Hydrogen) is a high potential transition candidate. It provides
multiple ways of reducing GHG emissions in all of the mentioned sectors above.
Hydrogen is a versatile energy source, which can be used in fuel cells as electricity
supply, it can be burnt to release heat and it can serve the industry as a feedstock for
industrial and chemical processes. The flexibility of transportation and storage
underlines the high potential. The greatest challenge “Green Hydrogen” is observing, is
the cost factor. To reduce overall Hydrogen cost a higher demand and an improvement
of efficiency, lifetime of production facilities, capital expenditures, and operational cost
is necessary.
It seems to be a discrepancy, that many alternatives for fossil energies will be able to
be cost-effective compared to a one alternative solution scenario. But it is not. It could
be obvious, that one alternative solution with reliable logistic settings in production,
supply services, and quality is the way to go, but it is not. Referring to Spencer Dale’s
“The New Economics of Oil”9, the idea of self-sufficient energy supply of geographically
different areas and countries is forcing the energy supply diversification. Many
countries have different resources of raw materials, size of surface, climates, and
demography. And the efficiency of alternatives to fossil energy is dependant on these
parameters. In the introduction, it was stated, that the stand-alone Green Hydrogen
Technology will not have a big impact on the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions,
but in addition to renewable energies and nuclear power, it has the potential to change
the Game of decarbonization.

https://ourworldindata.org/emissions-by-sector 2020

List of references

List of references

1. https://www.petrofac.com/media/stories-and-opinion/the-difference-between-
2. https://www.iea.org/reports/the-future-of-hydrogen
3. https://www.kearney.com/documents/17779499/18269679/
4. researchgate.net/figure/Operation-principles-of-alkaline-PEM-proton-exchange-
5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1110016815001635
6. https://www.kearney.com/documents/17779499/18269679/
7. The Future of Hydrogen“, IEA, 2019
8. https://ourworldindata.org/emissions-by-sector 2020
9. https://www.oxfordenergy.org/publications/the-new-economics-of-oil/

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