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NF P98-086

MAI 2019

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Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited le :
23/10/2020 à 16:48
AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited

FA191354 ISSN 0335-3931

NF P 98-086
May 2019

Classification index: P 98-086

French Standard
ICS : 93.080.20

Structural sizing
road pavements —
Application to new pavements

E : Road pavement structural design — Application to new pavement

D : Dimensionierung des Oberbaus von Verkehrsflächen —
Anwendung auf neue Fahrbahnen

French standard
approved by decision of the CEO of AFNOR in April 2019.
Replaces the approved French standards NF P 98-086 of October 2011 and NF P
98-080-1 of November 1992.

Correspondance At the date of publication of this document, there is no international or

European standardization work dealing with the same subject.

Resume This document defines the dimensioning method for new road pavement structures
applicable in France.

Descriptions International Technical Thesaurus : road, pavement, structure, calculation, load,

operating load, model.

Modifications In relation to replaced documents, revision of the standard.


Edited and distributed by the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR) — 11, rue Francis de Pressense — 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 00 — Fax : + 33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 —

© AFNOR — Tous droits reserves Version de 2019-05-P

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited

NF P 98-086 —2—

Standard The standard is intended to serve as a basis in relations between economic, scientific,
technical and social partners.
The standard by nature is voluntary. Referenced in a contract, it is binding on the
parties. Regulations can make all or part of a standard mandatory.
The standard is a document developed by consensus within a standards body by
solicitation of representatives of all interested parties. Its adoption is preceded by a
public inquiry.
The standard is subject to regular review to assess its relevance over time.
All French standards take effect the month following their approval date .

To understand The reader's attention is drawn to the following points:

standards Only verbal forms shall and shall be used to express any requirement or requirements
that must be met to comply with this document. These requirements can be found in the
body of the standard or in an appendix qualified as “normative”. For the test methods,
the use of the infinitive is a requirement.
Expressions such as, it is appropriate and it is recommended are used to express a
possibility preferred but not required to comply with this document. Verbal forms can
and can be used to express a useful but not mandatory suggestion or advice, or

In addition, this document may provide additional information intended to facilitate the
understanding or use of certain elements or to clarify their application, without stating
any requirements to be met. These elements are presented in the form of notes or
informative appendices.

Commission A standardization commission brings together, in a given field of activity

standardization expertise necessary for the development of French standards and French positions on
European or international standard projects. It can also prepare experimental standards
and documentation booklets.
The composition of the standardization commission which prepared this document is given
below. When an expert represents an organization other than their home organization, this
information appears in the form: home organization (organization represented).

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Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited

—3— NF P 98-086

Transport public BNTRA CN DC

Composition of the standardization committee

President : M PIAU — IFSTTAR

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited

NF P98-086


Foreword ..............................................................................................................................................................8
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................9
2 Normative References ...........................................................................................................................9
3 Terms and definitions .........................................................................................................................12
3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 Solicitations..........................................................................................................................................15
3.3 Parameters used for mechanical verification ...................................................................................15
3.4 Parameters used for freeze / thaw verification .................................................................................17
3.5 Traffic ....................................................................................................................................................17
4 Principle of verification of the design of new pavements ...............................................................19
5 Mechanical check ................................................................................................................................19
5.1 Damage mechanisms .........................................................................................................................20
5.2 Calculation of admissible stresses ...................................................................................................20
5.2.1 Conversion of traffic into the number of equivalent axles .............................................................20
5.2.2 Admissible deformation criterion for bituminous materials, εt adm .................................................20
5.2.3 Allowable stress criterion for materials treated with hydraulic binders and cement
concrete, ϭt adm……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..21
5.2.4 Admissible deformation criterion for untreated materials, soils and pavement support
layers, εz adm …………………………………………………………………………………………………….22
5.2.5 Adjustment coefficients....................................................................................................................... 22
5.3 Determination of stresses ..................................................................................................................24
5.4 Comparison between the internal stresses calculated in the structure and the admissible
stresses ................................................................................................................................................25
6 Freeze / thaw check ............................................................................................................................25
6.1 Choice of the reference winter .........................................................................................................27
6.2 Calculation of the admissible atmospheric freezing index IA .........................................................27
6.2.1 Step 1: Frost sensitivity of the road surface ...................................................................................27
6.2.2 Step 2 - Taking into account the thermal protection provided by the roadway ...........................31
6.2.3 Step 3: Passage fromQPF to the IS index admissible on the road surface ....................................32
6.2.4 Step 4: Determination of the admissible atmospheric freezing index IA associated with IS ........32
6.2.5 Step 5: Comparison of the admissible freezing index IA and the reference freezing index IR .....33
7 Data required for the justification of new pavement structures………………………………………33
7.1 Parameters set upstream of the project…………………………………………………………………. 33
7.1.1 Design time …………………………………………………………………………………………………….33
7.1.2 Cumulative heavy goods vehicle traffic and equivalent number of reference axles……………. 34
7.1.3 Calculation risk………………………………………………………………………………………………. 35
7.1.4 Winter and benchmark frost index ………………………………………………………………………..35
7.2 Parameters linked to the road support platform ………………………………………………………..35
7.2.1 Long-term lift………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
7.2.2 Correction coefficient linked to the platform …………………………………………………………….36
7.2.3 Frost Sensitivity of PST Materials and Base Layer……………………………………………………… 36
7.2.4 Thermal protection of non-freezing PST materials and sub-layer ……………………………………36
7.2.5 Case of a bedrock…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
7.3 Parameters related to the pavement materials taken into account when checking the
Structures ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 36
7.3.1 Serious untreated ………………………………………………………………………………………………36
7.3.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders and compacted concrete ………………………………….37
7.3.3 Bituminous materials …………………………………………………………………………………………37
7.3.4 Cement concrete……………………………………………………………………………………………… 38
8 Application of the method to the different families of pavement structures ……………………….38
8.1 Verification against the platform, common to all pavement structures………………………….. ...38

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
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NF P98-086

8.2 Checking against untreated bass layers when sitting ....................................................................39

8.3 Flexible pavements .............................................................................................................................39
8.3.1 Modeling of the pavement structure .................................................................................................. 39
8.3.2 Verification criterion ...........................................................................................................................39
8.4 Bituminous pavements ......................................................................................................................40
8.4.1 Modeling of the pavement structure .................................................................................................. 40
8.4.2 Verification criteria .............................................................................................................................40
8.5 Subbed pavements treated with hydraulic binders ........................................................................40
8.5.1 Modeling of the pavement structure .................................................................................................. 40
8.5.2 Verification criteria .............................................................................................................................41
8.6 Mixed-structure pavements ................................................................................................................ 41
8.6.1 Modeling of the pavement structure .................................................................................................. 41
8.6.2 Verification criteria .............................................................................................................................41
8.7 Pavements with an inverse structure ................................................................................................ 42
8.7.1 Modeling of the pavement structure .................................................................................................. 42
8.7.2 Verification criteria .............................................................................................................................42
8.8 Cement concrete pavements .............................................................................................................42
8.8.1 Modeling of the pavement structure .................................................................................................. 43
8.8.2 Design criteria .....................................................................................................................................44
8.8.3 Determination of steels ......................................................................................................................45

Annex A (informative) Optimization of the structural dimensioning of pavements .................................46

A.1 Principle ................................................................................................................................................ 46
A.2 General diagram ................................................................................................................................47

Annex B (informative) Choice of the contracting authority ......................................................................... 48

B.1 Traffic ...................................................................................................................................................48
B.1.1 Traffic classes .....................................................................................................................................48
B.1.2 Determination of TMJAd ...................................................................................................................48
B.2 Aggression ..........................................................................................................................................50
B.2.1 Transit pavements ..............................................................................................................................50
B.2.2 Roadways serving as a service .......................................................................................................... 50
B.2.3 Urban pavements ................................................................................................................................51
B.2.4 Roundabouts ........................................................................................................................................ 51
B.3 Investment and maintenance strategies ........................................................................................... 51
B.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................................51
B.3.2 Design time........................................................................................................................................... 52
B.3.3 Calculation risk .................................................................................................................................... 52
B.4 Frost indices .......................................................................................................................................53
B.5 Surface layers ...................................................................................................................................... 56
B.5.1 Generic criteria .................................................................................................................................... 56
B.5.2 Additional criteria linked to the road object ..................................................................................... 57

Annex C (normative) Taking into account the upper part of the earthworks and the layer of
shape in pavement design and frost checking ...............................................................................58
C.1 Classes of road support platform .....................................................................................................58
C.2 Platform coefficient taken into account during sizing ....................................................................58
C.3 Freezing behavior of the constituent materials of the PST and of the capping layer .................. 58
C.3.1 Untreated materials ............................................................................................................................59
C.3.2 Materials treated .................................................................................................................................61
C.3.3 Thermal protection provided by the materials of the PST and the subgrade ..............................63

Annex D (normative) Characteristics of pavement materials for dimensioning -

normative part ...................................................................................................................................... 65
D.1 Serious untreated ...............................................................................................................................65
D.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders ..........................................................................................66
D.2.1 Gravel treated with hydraulic binders and compacted road concrete ........................................... 67
D.2.2 Sands treated with hydraulic binders ...............................................................................................67
D.2.3 Soils treated with hydraulic binders .................................................................................................68
D.2.4 Elements common to materials treated with hydraulic binders ...................................................69
D.3 Bituminous materials .........................................................................................................................69
D.3.1 Elements common to bituminous materials ....................................................................................69
D.3.2 Gravel-bitumen (EB-GB) ....................................................................................................................71
D.3.3 High modulus mixes (EB-EME) ..........................................................................................................71
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NF P98-086

D.3.4 Bituminous materials for binding and thick wearing courses EB-BBSG and EB-BBME .......71
D.3.5 Bituminous materials for thin binding and wearing courses .....................................................72
D.3.6 Values of the stiffness moduli at 10 ° C, 10 Hz for the calculation of k θ ...................................................... 72
D.4 Cement concrete .............................................................................................................................72
D.4.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 72
D.4.2 Mechanical performance ................................................................................................................73
D.4.3 Sizing of steels ................................................................................................................................. 74
D.5 Parameters of frost-bound pavement materials ..........................................................................74

Annex E (informative) Characteristics of pavement materials for design -

informative part ...............................................................................................................................76
E.1 Serious untreated ............................................................................................................................76
E.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders ......................................................................................77
E.2.1 Fatigue law common to materials treated with hydraulic binders ............................................77
E.2.2 Gravel treated with hydraulic and pozzolanic binders and compacted road concrete ..........78
E.2.3 Sands treated with hydraulic and pozzolanic binders ................................................................79
E.2.4 Soils treated with hydraulic binders .............................................................................................. 80
E.3 Bituminous materials ....................................................................................................................... 81
E.3.1 Fatigue law common to bituminous materials ............................................................................81
E.3.2 Minimum modulus values in the case of an equivalent temperature other than 15 ° C .........81
E.3.3 Poisson's ratio values for temperatures greater than or equal to 25 ° C .................................. 82
E.3.4 Values of kc in the case of an equivalent temperature other than 15 ° C .................................82
E.4 Cement concrete .............................................................................................................................82

Annex F (informative) Specific constructive provisions related to sizing ............................................84

F.1 1 Thickness rules for materials ........................................................................................................84
F.1.1 Serious Untreated ............................................................................................................................84
F.1.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders ......................................................................................84
F.1.3 Bituminous materials ......................................................................................................................84
F.1.4 Cement concrete .............................................................................................................................84
F.2 Excess of pavement layers ............................................................................................................. 85
F.2.1 Bituminous structures ....................................................................................................................85
F.2.2 Base structure treated with hydraulic binders ............................................................................85
F.2.3 Reverse structure ............................................................................................................................85
F.2.4 Cement concrete structures ...........................................................................................................85
F.2.5 Treated soil structures ....................................................................................................................85
F.3 Specific features related to the different pavement structures .................................................85
F.3.1 Bituminous structure ......................................................................................................................85
F.3.2 Base structure treated with hydraulic binders ............................................................................86
F.3.3 Structure with floors treated with hydraulic binders ................................................................... 86
F.3.4 Inverse structures ...........................................................................................................................86
F.3.5 Cement concrete structure ............................................................................................................86

Annex G (informative) Calculation of the equivalent temperature of bituminous materials ................ 88

Annex H (normative) Assumptions of the thermal conduction model used in the

gel sizing and simplified method ..................................................................................................90
H.1 Assumptions of the thermal conduction model ..........................................................................90
H.1.1 Unfrozen area ...................................................................................................................................90
H.1.2 Frozen area .......................................................................................................................................91
H.1.3 Frost front .........................................................................................................................................91
H.2 Exploitation of the results of the numerical model - Determination of the IS value
associated with the QPF value determined at the end of step ...............................................................93
H.3 Transition from QPF to IS by simplified method (informative) ..................................................95

Annex I (informative) Structural test cases for the validation of the calculation method of
stresses and strains ........................................................................................................................97
I.1 Flexible structures ...........................................................................................................................97
I.2 Bituminous structures ....................................................................................................................97
I.3 Semi-rigid structures ......................................................................................................................98
I.4 Rigid structures ...............................................................................................................................99

Annex J (informative) Symbols and abbreviations used in this standard ............................................101

J.1 Materials ........................................................................................................................................................... 101
6 J.2 2 Design parameters ........................................................................................................................................ 102
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NF P98-086

J.3 Road support ........................................................................................................................................103

J.4 Tests and measured quantities ...........................................................................................................103
J.5 Traffic ...................................................................................................................................................... 104
J.6 Freeze / thaw check .............................................................................................................................104
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................107

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited

NF P98-086


This document defines the method for verifying the sizing of new road pavement structures applicable in mainland
France. For climatic conditions different from those of metropolitan France, the application of this standard for
pavement structures requires adaptations that should be defined on a case-by-case basis (for overseas France,
refer to Informative Annex E).

It describes the principles of the sizing method, the input parameters necessary for its application, the properties
of the materials used and develops for each family of pavement structures, the sizing process. It also integrates
the freeze / thaw verification process, without however dealing with the determina tion of the parameters linked to
this verification.

Carrying out road construction work is not covered in this document. However, certain constructive provisions
related to the design of pavements are provided in Annex F.

Finally, determining the bearing capacity of the roadway support platform, the process of which is described in the
related Technical Guide and in standard NF P94-117-1 and 2, is not covered by this document. However, the
earthworks aspect cannot be decoupled from the field of new dimensioning. It is therefore advisable to refer to the
technical documents in force in the field of earthworks for any new development project .

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited

NF P98-086

1 Scope

This document applies to new pavements open to the circulation of heavy goods vehicles.

It exclusively concerns the six main types of pavement structures: flexible, bituminous, semi- rigid, mixed, inverted, in
cement concrete. It excludes structures whose arrangement of the different layers of materials does not comply with
those defined in this standard for these six types of pavement.

It concerns the only standard pavement materials for the base and surface layers, excluding others.
Emulsion materials (gravel-emulsion, emulsion asphalt concrete, cold-cast bituminous materials, surface wear
plasters) and modular materials are excluded from the scope of this standard. For these materials, please refer to the
technical documents in force.

This document details the method for verifying the thickness of the layers: it does not deal with the longitudinal
profile, nor the transverse profile of pavements, nor all of the design rules and construction provisions except those
specific to dimensioning. The iterative approach to optimizing the dimensioning of pavement structures is detailed in
Appendix A of this document.

The standardized method is applicable to urban roads except for roads with particular features of town centers
(presence of significant and branched underground networks, for example).

In the same way, the elements making it possible to take into account the particular loads (aircraft, container
handlers, public transport on own site or on a shared site with or without guide rails, static loads, etc.), channeled
loads or load-bearing conditions not comparable to those described in the reference guides do not appear in this

2 Normative References

The following reference documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated references,
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the reference document applies
(including any amendments).

NF P11-300, Execution of earthworks - Classification of materials that can be used in the construction of
embankments and sub-layers of road infrastructure. (Classification index: NF E 11-300)

NF P18-545, Aggregates - Elements of definition, conformity and codification. (Classification index: P 18-545)

NF EN 13242+A1, Aggregates for materials treated with hydraulic binders and untreated materials used for civil
engineering works and for pavement construction. (Classification index : X 33-009)

NF P94-068, Soils: recognition and testing - Measurement of the methylene blue adsorption capacity of soil or
rocky material - Determination of the methylene blue value of soil or rocky material by testing to the job. Canceled
in July 2018. (Classification index: P94-068)

NF P94-078, Soils: recognition and tests - CBR index after immersion - Immediate CBR index - Immediate
load bearing index - Measurement on sample compacted in the CBR mold. (Classification index: P94-078)

NF P94-117-1, Soils: reconnaissance and testing - Platform bearing capacity - Part 1: Module under static
plate loading (EV2). (Classification index: P94-117-1)

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
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NF P98-086

NF P94-117-2, Soils: reconnaissance and testing - Platform bearing capacity - Part 2: Module under
dynamic loading. (Classification index: P94-117-2)

NF P98-082, Roads - Earthworks - Sizing of roadways - Determination of road traffic for the sizing of road
structures. Version of 01/01/94, canceled in August 2017. (Classification index: P98 -082)

NF P98-103, Road foundations - Pozzolans - Specifications. (Classification index: P98-103)

NF P98-114-1, Road foundations - Laboratory study methodology for materials treated with hydraulic binders -
Part 1: Gravel treated with hydraulic binders. (Classification index: P98 -114-1)

NF P98-114-2, Pavement foundations - Methodology for laboratory study of materials treated with hydraulic
binders - Part 2: Sands treated with hydraulic binders. (Classification index: P98 -114-2)

NF P98-114-3, Pavement foundations - Laboratory study methodology for materials treated with hydraulic
binders - Part 3: soils treated with hydraulic binders possibly associated with lime. (Classification index: P98 -114-

NF P98-115, Laying of pavements - Execution of pavements - Constituents - Composition of mixtures and

formulation - Execution and control (Draft 2 (2010-02-01)). (Classification index: P98-115)

NF P98-128, Road foundations and platforms - Compacted road and gravel concrete treated with binders high
performance hydraulics - Definition, composition and classification. (Classification index: P98-128)

NF P98-150-1, Hydrocarbon mixes - Execution of pavement foundations, binding layers and wearing courses -
Part 1: Hot hydrocarbon mixes - Constituents, formulation, manufacture, transport, implementation and site
control. (Classification index: P98-150-1)

NF P98-170, Cement concrete pavements - Execution and control. (Classification index: P98-170)

NF P98-232-4, Tests relating to pavements - Determination of the mechanical characteristics of materials treated
with hydraulic binders - Part 4: bending test. (Classification index: P98-232-4)

NF P98-233-1, Tests relating to pavements - Determination of the fatigue behavior of treated materials nwith
hydraulic binders - Part 1: Bending test at constant stress amplitude. (Classification index: P98-233-1)

NF P98-234-1, Tests relating to pavements - Frost behavior of materials treated with hydraulic binders - Part 1:
freeze-thaw resistance test for treated gravel and sands. (Classification index: P98 -234-1)

NF P98-234-2, Tests relating to pavements - Frost behavior - Part 2: Frost swelling test of soils and granular
materials, treated or not, of D 20 mm. (Classification index: P98-234-2)

NF P98-732-1, Road construction and maintenance equipment - Manufacture of mixtures - Part 1: power plants
mixing for materials treated with hydraulic binders or not treated. (Classification index: P98 -732-1)

NF P98-734, Road construction and maintenance materials - Machines for spreading granular mixtures -
Slipforming machine for placing cement concrete - Terminology - Requirements. (Classification index: P98-734)

NF EN 206, Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity. (Classification index: P18 -325)

NF EN 206 / CN, Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity - National supplement to
standard NF EN 206. (Classification index: P18-325 / CN)

NF EN 12390-3, Test for hardened concrete - Part 3: Compressive strength of test specimens. (Classification
index: P18-430-3)

NF EN 12390-6, Test for hardened concrete - Part 6: Tensile strength by splitting test specimens. (Classification
index: P18-430-6)

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NF P98-086

NF EN 12697-24, Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 24: Resistance to fatigue.
(Classification index: P98-818-24)

NF EN 12697-26, Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 26: Modulus of rigidity.
(Classification index: P98-818-26)

NF EN 13108-1, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 1: Bituminous mixes. (Classification index:

NF EN 13108-2, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 2: Very thin bituminous concrete.
(Classification index: P98-819-2)

NF EN 13108-5, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 5: Stone mastic asphalt. (Classification
index: P98-819-5)

NF EN 13108-6, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 6: Poured road asphalt. (Classification index:

NF EN 13108-7, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 7: Draining bituminous concrete.

(Classification index: P98-819-7)

NF EN 13108-20, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications - Part 20: Formulation test. (Classification index:

NF EN 13285, Untreated gravels - Specifications. (Classification index: P98-845)

NF EN 13286-7, Mixtures with or without hydraulic binder - Part 7: triaxial test under cyclic load for mixtures
without hydraulic binder. (Classification index: P98-846-7)

NF EN 13286-40, Mixtures treated and mixtures not treated with hydraulic binders - Part 40: Test method for
determining the direct tensile strength of mixtures treated with hydraulic binders. (Classification index: P98 -846-

NF EN 13286-41 Mixtures treated and mixtures not treated with hydraulic binders - Part 41: Test method for the
determination of the compressive strength of mixtures treated with hydraulic binders. (Classification index: P98 -

NF EN 13286-42, Mixtures treated and mixtures not treated with hydraulic binders - Part 42: test method for the
determination of the indirect tensile strength of mixtures treated with hydraulic binders. (Classification index: P98 -

NF EN 13286-43, Mixtures treated and mixtures not treated with hydraulic binders - Part 43: Test method for the
determination of the modulus of elasticity of mixtures treated with hydraulic binders. (Classification index: P98 -

NF EN 13877-1, Concrete pavements - Part 1: Materials. (Classification index: P98-870-1)

NF EN 13877-2, Concrete pavements - Part 2: functional requirements for concrete pavements. (Classification
index: P98-870-2)

NF EN 13877-3, Concrete pavements - Part 3: Specifications relating to studs for use in concrete pavements.
(Classification index: P98-870-3)

NF EN 14227-1, Mixtures treated with hydraulic binders - Specifications - Part 1: Granular mixtures treated with
cement. (Classification index: P98-887-1)

NF EN 14227-2, Mixtures treated with hydraulic binders - Specifications - Part 2: Granular mixtures treated with
slag. (Classification index: P98-887-2)

NF EN 14227-3, Mixtures treated with hydraulic binders - Specifications - Part 3: Granular mixtures treated with
fly ash. (Classification index: P98-887-3)

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
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NF P98-086

NF EN 14227-4, Mixtures treated with hydraulic binders - Specifications - Part 4: Fly ash for mixtures treated
with hydraulic binders. (Classification index: P98-887-4)

NF EN 14227-5, Mixtures treated with hydraulic binders - Specifications - Part 5: Granular mixtures treated with
hydraulic road binder. (Classification index: P98-887-5)

NF EN 14227-11, Mixtures treated with hydraulic binders - Specifications - Part 11: soil treated with lime.
(Classification index: P98-887-11)

NF EN 14227-15, Mixtures treated with hydraulic binders - Specifications - Part 15: soil treated with hydraulic
binders. (Classification index: P98-887-15)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 General

Pavement or pavement structure
Set of superimposed layers of materials resting on the road support platform, intended to distribute the forces due to the
circulation of vehicles on the natural ground or on the possible top layer (Figure 1).

Earth moving Level

Pavement Platform Rolling

Surface Layer
Possible Layer

Structure Pavement Seat Layer

Possible Layer

Possible Layer Foundation Form Layer

Support Grounds
Upper Part of earthworks

Figure 1 — Systematic representation of a pavement structure :

Structural element of a roadway, made of a single material. A layer can be spread in one or more
implementation operations.

Upper part of earthworks
Upper zone of approximately one meter thick of the ground in place (case of cuttings profiles) or added materials
(case of backfill profiles), noted PST. It serves as a support for the subgrade or, in its absence, the pavement layers.

AFNOR NF P98-086:2019-05
Pour : Afcons Infrastructure Limited

NF P98-086

Earthmoving level
Surface of the upper part of the PST (Upper Earthworks).

Form layer
Layer implemented above the earthwork level to adapt the characteristics of the backfill materials or the land in
place, to the geometric, mechanical, hydraulic and thermal characteristics, taken as assumptions in the design and
the sizing calculation of the roadway.

Roadway support platform (platform)
Surface of the subgrade intended to receive the pavement layers. If the top layer is not present, the road support
platform merges with the earthwork level.

Floor seating
Main structural element of a roadway. The foundation can be implemented in one layer, called the foundation layer or
in several layers called the base layer (s) and the foundation layer.

Rolling layer
Top layer of the surface layer of the road in contact with the tires of the vehicle.

Binding layer
Surface layer, possibly interposed between the wearing course and the base.

Surface layer (s)
Top layer (s) of the roadway comprising the tie layer (optional) and the wearing course.

Flexible structures or pavements
Structures comprising one or more layers of bituminous materials with a total thickness of less than or equal to 0.12
m, resting on one or more layers of untreated gravel with a total thickness of greater than or equal to 0.15 m.
Structures comprising base materials consisting of materials treated with hydraulic, bituminous or concrete binders
are excluded from this definition.

Bituminous structures or pavements
Structures composed of a surface layer and a base layer of bituminous materials; the possible foundation layer can
be bituminous materials or untreated gravel.

Structures or pavements with beds treated with hydraulic or semi-rigid binders
Structures composed of a surface layer of bituminous materials on a base of materials treated with hydraulic binders.

Mixed structures or pavements
Structures composed of a surface layer and a base layer of bituminous materials, excluding high modulus asphalt, on
a base layer of materials treated with hydraulic binders. The ratio K of the thickness of bituminous materials to the
total pavement thickness is between 0.45 and 0.60.

Reverse structures
Structures made up of bituminous layers, on an untreated type B gravel layer under the national foreword of standard
NF EN 13 285 with a thickness of between 0.10 m and 0.12 m, resting it- even on a foundation layer made of
materials treated with hydraulic binders.

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Cement concrete structures also known as rigid structures or pavements
Structures with a cement concrete layer of at least 0.12 m. They can be classified into three categories: cement
concrete on bituminous material, cement concrete on hydraulic material and cement concrete on subgrade or
draining layer.

In the technique of cement concrete pavements, the base and wearing courses can form a single layer called the
base course - bearing. In the case of using a thin bituminous wearing course, the concrete layer becomes a base

Urban pavements
Special case of roadways forming an integral part of an agglomeration. Four indicative categories of lanes are
retained: lanes in residential areas, urban avenues and boulevards, main lanes with heavy traffic, lanes reserved for
public transport (last category not dealt with in this document). These categories may vary (different traffic class for
example) depending on the agglomerations considered, in the event that they have a specific catalog of structures.

Transit roads
Roadways generally of the interurban type (generally motorway or 2 x 2 lane). They must meet the needs of long and
medium-distance transit traffic and withstand intense traffic with a large share of heavy goods vehicles.

Roadways with a service character
Roadways corresponding to the local network. This network has multiple functions: peri-urban roads, links between
towns, rural areas, tourist routes, etc.

Contact surface between two layers of pavement, or between the pavement layer and the solid supporting the latter,
made of the same material or of different materials. In the dimensioning method, the mechanical operation of an
interface can be of the glued, sliding or semi-glued type depending on the materials in contact and the treatment of
this interface during construction.

Glued interface
The set of displacements is assumed to be continuous, it is the same for the deformations in the plane of the

Slippery interface
The horizontal shear stresses in the plane of the interface are assumed to be zero. The deformations in this same
plane are then discontinuous.

Semi-glued interface
Computation assumption corresponding to the half-sum of the results obtained successively with glued interface and
sliding interface.

Technological constraints
Limits on the use of techniques or materials that can be defined by maximum traffic, or minimum and maximum
thickness thresholds for the implementation of a standardized product.

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3.2 Solicitations

Internal stresses
Stresses, expressed in MPa, or elastic strains, expressed in µdef, resulting from the calculation of the pavement
structure. The sign conventions are as follows: the signs are positive in compression (and contraction) and negative
in traction (and extension).
Allowable stress or strain in a pavement layer
Intensity of stress or elastic deformation, in absolute value, admissible in a pavement layer.

3.3 Parameters used for mechanical verification

Rigidity modulus
Young's modulus of Hooke's law used to characterize the stiffness of materials, expressed in MPa.

Law of Damage
Relationship that defines the number of cycles leading to the "rupture" of the test body, depending on the amplitude
applied stress. This relationship can be established directly on the basis of cyclic tests or
indirectly by correlations from failure tests. For untreated soils and materials, it comes from

Wöhler curve
Curve representing the fatigue life of a specimen as a function of the magnitude of the effect of the applied action s,
for a probability of failure of 50%. Applied to the dimensioning of pavements, this curve is usually described by one of
equations 1 (bilogarithmic relation for bituminous materials) or 2 (semi-logarithmic for MTLH and concrete)

Equation 1 :

Equation 2 :

where :

N is the number of load cycles at failure for a probability of 50%;

s is the magnitude of the effect of the action;

A, b, α, β are determined from the damage tests of the material considered, b, α, β checking the following
conditions: -1 < b < 0 ; α > 0 et β > 0.

By introducing the amplitude of the effect of the action s6 corresponding to a break at 1 million cycles, the Wöhler
curve is again written according to equation 3.

Equation 3 :

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Mining principle
Law of cumulative damage corresponding to different levels of effect of actions..

The elementary damage di is expressed by equation 4.

Equation 4 :

where :

Ni is the lifetime corresponding to the response if, of the loading according to equation 1 or 2.

Miner's principle considers that the sum of the damage of a material subjected to different levels of action
effects is equal to 1 at failure, regardless of the order of application of these action effects (Equation 5).

Equation 5 :

where :

di is the elementary damage associated with the loading ci ;

ni is the number of amplitude loading cycles of the effects of actions if applied.

Expectation (in the sense of probability theory) of the linear proportion of the roadway to be rebuilt in the absence of
any structural maintenance intervention during the design period, noted r and expressed as a percentage.

Adjustment coefficients
For the fatigue failure criterion of layers treated with bituminous or hydraulic binders, various coefficients kr, ks, kd, kc
and kθ adjust the value of the admissible stress.

Risk coefficient kr
Coefficient linked to the risk r, introducing a probabilistic notion of the life of the pavement taking into account the
dispersions in the mechanical properties of the treated materials and in the thickness of the layers of pavements
made of treated materials. These two phenomena being supposed to follow independent normal laws, the resulting
law is a normal law.

Platform coefficient ks
Coefficient integrating the heterogeneities of lift of the support platform. It only affects the bonded layer resting on a
layer of unbound materials (or the platform) and is only a function of the stiffness modulus of the immediately
underlying layer (or platform).

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Coefficient of discontinuity kd
Coefficient taking into account the effect of the thermal gradient and the discontinuous nature of rigid pavement
structures or comprising materials treated with hydraulic binders, linked to the presence of discontinuities between
slabs or shrinkage cracks.

Stall coefficient kc
Coefficient making it possible to correct the difference between the predictions of the calculation process and
the observation of the behavior of real pavements.

Coefficient of temperature effect on the fatigue of bituminous materials kθ
Coefficient allowing the determination at the equivalent temperature θeq of the fatigue resistance of bituminous
mixes from the value ε6 determined at a temperature of 10 °C.

3.4 Parameters used for freeze / thaw verification

Frost index
Index linked, for a given place, period and pavement structure, to the absolute value of the sum of the negative daily
average temperatures. It is expressed in degrees Celsius x day (° C.d).

Permissible atmospheric freezing index IA
Calculated atmospheric freezing index that a roadway can withstand.

Reference atmospheric freezing index IR
Atmospheric freeze index chosen for the pavement freeze / thaw check. It depends on the geographical location of the
project and the freeze / thaw protection strategy adopted.

Frost index transmitted It
Frost index transmitted to the base of the pavement structure.

Amount of gel
Square root of the frost index.

Gel materials
Soils or rocky materials and treated soils sensitive to frost, by swelling (cryosuction phenomenon) and / or by
fragmentation (frostbite).

Thaw barrier
Road traffic regulations possibly implemented during the thaw phase, in order to protect the pavement structure.
It usually results in a tonnage limitation or a temporary closure of the infrastructure.

3.5 Traffic

Reference axle
Insulated axle with twin wheels with a load P0 equal to 130 kN.

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Reference load
Load used to model the reference axle in dimensioning, represented by one of the twins
of the reference axle. It is described using two discs with a radius of 0.125 m, a center distance of 0.375 m and
exerting a uniformly distributed vertical and static pressure of 0.662 MPa on the road surface; the effects of the other
stub axle on the stresses taken into account for the sizing are neglected.

Heavy weights
Vehicle with a total permissible laden weight (PTAC) greater than 35 kN.

Number of vehicle passages in a determined period (for a traffic lane, or a direction of traffic, or the whole road,
depending on the width of the lane, as defined in Annex B). For sizing, only heavy goods vehicle traffic is taken into
Annual average daily heavy goods vehicle traffic
All heavy goods vehicle traffic counted or evaluated, averaged over the counting or evaluation period, expressed in
annual average daily traffic (AADR).

Heavy goods traffic dimensioning TMJAd
Daily heavy goods vehicle traffic value used for sizing expressed in TMJA, noted TMJAd.

Traffic class
Determined from the heavy goods traffic dimensioning TMJAd, noted Ti.

Aggression of an A axle
The aggressiveness, rated A, is calculated from the fatigue damage to the pavement (bonded materials) or
permanent deformation (untreated materials and platform). It is equal to the ratio of the damage caused by the
passage of a load axle P (or group of axles of total load P) to the damage due to the passage of a standard reference
axle of load P0.

Aggression of a heavyweight
The aggressiveness of a heavy truck is equal to the sum of the aggressiveness of its axles..

Aggression of traffic
The aggressiveness of a traffic is equal to the sum of the aggressiveness of all the heavy goods vehicles of a given traffic.

Average coefficient of aggressiveness CAM
The average aggressiveness coefficient of a given traffic is the aggressiveness of the considered heavy goods
vehicle traffic divided by the number of heavy goods vehicles constituting this traffic.

Cumulative NE equivalent traffic
Number of passages of reference axles corresponding to the cumulative heavy goods traffic over the design
period selected, on the track considered, weighted by its aggressiveness.

Design time d
The design period, denoted d and expressed in years, defines the period fixed for the calculation of the structure.
It is used to calculate the cumulative heavy vehicle traffic to be taken into account for the sizing .

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4 Principle of verification of the design of new pavements

The justification rules for new pavements include a mechanical verification and a freeze / thaw verification of the

Mechanical verification, discussed in Chapter 5, consists of ensuring the ability of the chosen structure to withstand
the heavy goods traffic accumulated over the fixed dimensioning period; traffic linked to light vehicles having a
negligible impact.

The verification relates to the comparison between:

• the internal stresses (reversible stresses and / or deformations) induced in the roadway when a reference
load passes, and calculated by assimilating the roadway to a linear-isotropic and semi-infinite elastic multilayer
mass ;

• the admissible values of these same quantities, functions of the equivalent cumulative traffic NE and of the
mechanical resistance of the materials evaluated under repeated loadings and accompanied by adjustment
coefficients reflecting, among other things, the probabilistic nature of the design process and the stress
concentrations linked to the discontinuities of rigid and semi-rigid pavements

At the predefined locations of the structure, deemed to be the most critical (defined in chapter 5 according to
the type of structure), the internal stresses calculated in the pavement must then be less than or equal in
absolute value to the admissible stresses of the materials constituting the pavement.

The freeze / thaw check, discussed in Chapter 6, is based on the calculation of the permi ssible atmospheric
freezing index for the roadway, which must be greater than or equal to the winter atmospheric freezing index
taken as a reference.

Ultimately, the thicknesses of the layers proposed for verification must meet the technological implementation
constraints (limits are provided in Appendix F).

The verification of a pavement structure requires first to have the project data (defined in chapter 7) such as the
design time, the heavy goods traffic, the calculation risk as well as the reference winter for the verification. freeze /

Note : the optimization of pavement sizing, described in Appendix A, is based on the verification process described above.

5 Mechanical verification

The mechanical verification of the structure is based on:

• the assimilation of heavy goods traffic taken into account in the project to an equivalent number of NE axles
of reference ;

• calculation of admissible stresses ;

• the calculation of the internal stresses induced in the structure by the reference load using a linear elastic
model multilayer, homogeneous, isotropic and semi-infinite for which the rigidity of materials is characterized by a
Young modulus and a Poisson coefficient. The soil and possibly the top layer are represented by a single semi -
infinite layer whose Young's modulus corresponds to the rigidity modulus of the class of the platform considered.
The loads applied to the road surface by the tires are assim ilated to disks with a given radius, subjected to a
uniform vertical pressure, which may be different from the inflation pressure. This pressure must take into account
the actual contact area of the tire or its envelopment on the road ;

• the choice of an equivalent temperature and of a stress frequency or a charging time, characteristics of the
passage of vehicles, allowing, from laboratory tests on thermo-visco-elastic bituminous materials, to specify the
values of the mechanical parameters of these materials to be retained in the application of the design method. In
the general case, the stress frequency considered is taken equal to 10 Hz, or the charging time taken equal to 0.02 s.
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The equivalent temperature θeq is defined as the constant temperature leading in cumulative damage, over an
annual cycle, to the same damage as that suffered by the pavement under the effect of real temperature variations
over the life of the structure. For metropolitan France, the equivalent temperature is taken equal to 15 ° C .

5.1 Damage mechanisms

The method of justification of pavement structures distinguishes three damage mechanisms:

• fatigue damage to layers of bituminous materials by repeated bending and pulling at their base (deformation

• fatigue damage to layers of materials treated with hydraulic binders or cement concrete, by repeated bending
and pulling at their base (stress criterion);

• the accumulation of permanent deformations within the layers of unbound materials under the effect of repeated
vertical compressions..

Each of these mechanisms gives rise to calculations of internal stresses and admissible stresses, for the purpose of

5.2 Calculation of admissible stresses

The permissible damage to bituminous materials by fatigue under repeated loading is evaluated through the
amplitude of deformation in permissible extension, εt adm.

The permissible fatigue damage of materials treated with hydraulic binders and cement concretes under repeated
loading is evaluated through the allowable tensile stress amplitude, ϭt adm.

The cumulative permissible permanent deformation of untreated materials (including the platform) under repeated
loading is evaluated through the amplitude of permissible contraction deformation, εz adm.

These values depend on the projected traffic, converted into an equivalent number of axles, the nature of the
materials and the adjustment coefficients.

5.2.1 Conversion of traffic into the number of equivalent axles

The heavy goods vehicle traffic having to use the roadway during its design period, expressed by the
cumulative number of heavy goods vehicles NPL, is converted for the calculation of the admissible stresses
into an equivalent number NE of passages of the reference axle. The calculation is specified in 7.1. It is
reduced to the product of the NPL number by an equivalence coefficient called the Average Traffic
Aggressiveness Coefficient, denoted CAM, whose value depends on the type of pavement structure, on the
material subject to the calculation of admissible value and on the composition of heavy goods vehicle traffic
(silhouettes of heavy goods vehicles, axle loads and frequency of passage).

The method for calculating this coefficient is developed in standard NF P98-082 (version of 01/01/94 canceled
in August 2017). It must be used in particular in the case of traffic zones receiving heavy goods vehicles
derogating from the French Highway Code or from European Directive n ° 96/53 / EC, or in the case of zones
outside the usual context: Activity Zone Commercial (ZAC), access roads to an Industrial Zone (ZI) or to a port
zone. For the other areas and in the absence of the information necessary to carry out such a calculation, the
values of the CAM coefficient are provided in Annex B.

5.2.2 Admissible deformation criterion for bituminous materials, εt adm, εt adm

The fatigue law of bituminous materials determined by the fatigue test in the laboratory at 10 ° C, 25Hz (NF EN
12697-24, Annex A) is expressed by equation 6.

Equation 6 :

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where :

ε6 (10 °C ; 25 Hz) is the mean value of the strain amplitude leading to the conventional failure of the sample under
10 cycles with a probability of 50% (reduction of 50% of the initial force);

b is the slope of the fatigue law of the bituminous material determined by the same test ( - 1 <b <0);

NE is the number of failure cycles, taken equal to the equivalent number of axles projected from the roadway to be

The expression of the admissible deformation of bituminous materials for the sizing derives from this and is given
to the equivalent temperature value θeq by equation 7.

Equation 7 :

where :

kc, ks are the adjustment coefficients explained in 5.2.5 and whose values are provided in Annex C and Annex D;

kr is the risk coefficient calculated according to the equation 11 ;

kθ is the temperature effect coefficient on the fatigue of bituminous materials defined by the equation 8.

Equation 8 :

where :

E (10 °C ; 10 Hz ou 0,02 s) is the modulus of rigidity obtained according to Annex D.3 ;

E (θeq ; 10 Hz ou 0,02 s) is the modulus of rigidity obtained according to Annex D.3.

5.2.3 Allowable stress criterion for materials treated with hydraulic binders and cement concretes, ϭt adm

The allowable stress of materials treated with hydraulic binders and cement concretes is cal culated according to
the equation 9.

Equation 9 :

where :

ϭ6 is the mean value of the stress amplitude, leading to a bending fatigue life of 106 cycles, with a probability of
50%, on a material of age greater than or equal to 360 days (NF P98-233- 1). Usually, there are passage rules
making it possible to estimate this quantity from direct or indirect tensile tests carried out at earlier stages of
ripening (see Appendix E) ;

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b is the slope of the fatigue law of the material determined from the same test by bi-logarithmic linearization
between 105 and 107 cycles (- 1 < b < 0) ;

NE is the number of cycles to failure, taken equal to the number of passages of the reference axle ;

kc, ks, kd are the adjustment coefficients defined in 5.2.5 and whose values are provided in Annex C and Annex D ;

kr is the risk coefficient calculated according to the equation 11.

5.2.4 Admissible deformation criterion for untreated materials, soils and pavement support layers, εz adm

The allowable deformation of untreated materials and of soils and pavement support layers is calculated
according to the equation 10.

Equation 10 :

where :

A, b are parameters that depend on the level of traffic, the type of material and the structure, the values of which
defined in 8.1 and 8.7 (- 1 <b <0) have been established on empirical bases ;

NE is the number of passages of the reference axle.

5.2.5 Adjustment coefficients

For the criterion of fatigue cracking of layers treated with bituminous or hydraulic binders, various coefficients {kr,
ks, kd and kc} adjust the value of the deformation or the admissible stress. Risk coefficient kr

The calculation of k r is based on the data upstream of the project of the calculation risk r whose value is between 1
and 50 %.

The value of r is linked to the level of service assigned to the roadway by the owner.

The risk coefficient kr is then defined by the equation 11.

Equation 11 :

where :

u is the value of the reduced centered normal distribution random variable associated with risk r (equation 12);

b is the slope of the fatigue line of the material of the layer considered, the values of which, for each class of
materials, are provided in Annex D (- 1 < b < 0) ;

SN is the standard deviation on the decimal logarithm of the number of cycles causing fatigue failure whose
values, for each class of materials, are provided in Annexe D ;

Sh is the standard deviation over the total thickness of the layers of seating materials used. It is expressed in
meters; its value, for each material class, is given in Annexe D ;

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c is the coefficient expressed in m-1, describing the impact of a variation in the thickness of the pavement
on its deformation, in relative variation. The value of c, fixed from the study of usual structures, is taken
equal to 2 m-1.

Equation 12 :


r is the sizing risk.

The main values of u associated with the risk r are defined in the table 1.

Table 1 — Values of u associated with risk r (reduced centered normal distribution)

r (%) u r (%) u r (%) u

1 -2,326 5,6 -1,590 23 -0,739
1,5 -2,170 7,5 -1,439 24 -0,706
2 -2,054 10 -1,282 25 -0,674
2.5 -1,960 11,5 -1,200 30 -0,524
2.8 -1,911 12 -1,175 35 -0,385
3 -1,881 15 -1,036 40 -0.253
5 -1,645 20 -0,842 50 0

Risk values are given, for information, in Annexe B.3.3. Platform coefficient ks

The values of ks, depending on the platform class or the modulus of the unbound layer underlying the layer of
bound materials considered, are given in Annexe C.2. Coefficient of discontinuity kd for materials treated with hydraulic binders

The use of a continuous structural model for the calculation of internal stresses does not allow these
pavements to explicitly take into account the discontinuities between slabs or generated by shrinkage cracks.
However, these lead to stress concentrations and to support and meshing conditions that vary over time,
depending in particular on seasonal temperature variations and gradients daily thermal. The role of the
discontinuity coefficient, noted k d, previously evaluated using finite element calculations, is to integrate these
stress increase effects at the level of the value of the admissible stresses.

This increase only applies to materials with a higher modulus: cement concrete, compacted road concrete and
hydraulic materials of class T4 and T5. For other materials, the increase is negligible: kd =1.

In addition, two situations should be distinguished :

Situation 1 :

• no foundation layer, or

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• base / sliding or semi-glued foundation interface, or

• bituminous foundation

The stress increase only applies to the base layer.

Situation 2

• base layer / bonded base layer interface, except bituminous base layer

The stress increase applies to the 2 layers.

The values of kd, functions of the type of structure and the intensity of the projected traffic, are given in Annexes D-2-
4 and D-4-1. They are only valid for structures complying with the extra width provisions specified in Annex F. Stall coefficient kc

The use of the standard values provided in Annex D is conditional on the use of the calculation method and fatigue
test protocols described in this document. For the coefficients relating to materials treated with bituminous binders,
these values are also only applicable for an equivalent temperature of 15 ° C (case of metropolitan France ).

5.3 Determination of stresses

The internal stresses induced in the structure by the reference axle are calculated on the basis of multilayer,
linear elastic, isotropic and semi-infinite modeling of the pavement..

The model describes the entire pavement structure by a succession of parallel layers of finite thicknesses. The
massif corresponding to the platform is modeled by a homogeneous layer, infinite in depth. Each layer is
characterized by a modulus of rigidity E and a Poisson's ratio ν functions of the nature of the materials. The
interface conditions are taken either glued or slippery depending on the materials in contact and the possible
treatment of the interfaces during the construction (eg: curing of the treated top layers). The semi -glued interface
hypothesis consists by definition in taking as a result the half-sum of the results obtained successively with the
glued interface and sliding interface hypotheses.

The values of the mechanical parameters (E, η) to be considered are given in Annex D. The interface
conditions, functions of the nature of the materials in contact, are defined in chapter 8 of this document.

The calculation is carried out for the reference load corresponding to the half -axle with twin wheels of 65 kN. It is
represented by two discs with a radius of 0.125 m, the centers of which are 0.375 m apart and applying a uniform
and static vertical pressure on the road surface of 0.662 MPa (Figure 2) .

Reference Load: 65kN standard twinning

Figure 2 — Charge de reference

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The stress and deformation values used for checking the pavement structure are the values obtained plumbing the
load centers and plumbing the center of gravity of the reference half-axle, at the top or bottom of the layer ( Figure

The following are selected :

• for bituminous materials, the maximum value of longitudinal or transverse deformation, in extension
(located at the bottom of the layer);

• for materials treated with hydraulic binder or concrete, the maximum value of longitudinal or transverse
stress, in tension (located at the bottom of the layer);

• for unbound materials, the component of vertical strain in contraction, located at the top of the layer.

Layers of Surface

Seat layer of the road

Pavement Platform

Calculation points
Figure 3 — Stakeout of calculation points

The calculation can be carried out by any semi-analytical or numerical calculation code (eg finite element model) allowing
the preceding assumptions to be sufficiently approximated. The calculation method used must thus make it possible to
ensure, compared to Burmister's analytical solution, a relative accuracy of half a hundredth on the calculation of the
stresses involved in the verification process.

To this end, the calculation tool and its terms of use will be verified by reference to the results of Annex I .

5.4 Comparison between the internal stresses calculated in the structure and the admissible

The internal stress determined in each layer exposed to a risk of failure, by bending fatigue or by permanent
deformation, must be less than or equal in absolute value to the admissible stress of this layer.

6 Freeze / thaw check

Freeze / thaw verification requires :

• the choice of the reference winter, characterized by its IR atmospheric freezing index, against which we
want to protect the pavement;

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• determining the amount of gel admissible at the level of the QPF platform defined as a function of the
sensitivity to freezing and the thickness of the materials of the PST and of the sub-base. It is associated with
the value of the IPF freezing index defined by IPF = QPF2 ;

The verification then takes place :

• by calculating the admissible frost index on the pavement surface IS as a function of It by determining the
value of Is for which It = f(Is) = IPF from a model of heat transfer through the upper layers of the pavement ;

• by connecting IS to the admissible atmospheric freezing index IA ;

Frost sizing is considered acceptable when IA ≥ IR.

Figure 4 specifies the steps followed and the quantities used during the freeze / thaw check.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Structure of pavement

Plateform of support
of pavement

Subgrade and support soil

SGp And/or SGt

Figure 4 — Steps followed and quantities used during the freeze / thaw check

The freeze / thaw verification process is summarized in figure 5.

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Figure 5 — Flowchart of the freeze / thaw check of a new pavement structure

6.1 Choice of reference winter

The reference winter is characterized by its atmospheric freezing index, denoted IR, the value of which is
defined in Appendix B. This choice depends on the possible frequency of installation of the thaw barriers.
Additional information on the choice of this index is provided in 7.1.4 and in Appendix B.

6.2 Calculation of the admissible atmospheric freezing index IA

The determination of the permissible atmospheric freezing index IA of the pavement is evaluated according
to the susceptibility to freezing of the materials constituting the solid support of the pavement and by the
thermal protection provided by the layers of the pavement.

6.2.1 Step 1: Frost sensitivity of the road surface Frost sensitivity of PST and subgrade materials

Based on their frost sensitivity, PST and sub-base materials are classified into three categories: non-freezing
(SGn), low-freezing (SGp), very freezing (SGt). 27
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Frost sensitivity is defined in Annex C.3. Cutting the pavement support

The PST and subgrade materials are cut into layers of the same frost sensitivity class. For the purposes of freeze /
thaw verification, the PST and subgrade materials are shown in layers of increasing freeze sensitivity with depth.
This is obtained::

• by assimilating the non-freezing materials located under a low-freezing material to this same low-freezing material (SGp) ;

• by assimilating the materials located under a very freezing material to this same very freezing material (SGt).

This leads to the three possible configurations of the mass under the platform named a, b, c represented in Figure
6. The quantities hn and hp are respectively the thickness of the non-freezing layer (SGn) and the thickness of the
layer. little frost (SGp), these quantities can be zero.

Figure 6 — Typical solid mass configurations [PST & subgrade]

In the case of configuration a, corresponding to non-freezing materials, the freeze / thaw check is considered
acquired and stops at this step. Type b and c configurations: admissible quantity of gel Qg admissible, at the top of the gel-
forming materials of the support

For the type b configuration shown schematically in Figure 6, the quantity of gel Qg admissible at the surface of
the gel layer is determined according to the equation 13.

Equation 13 :

si 0,05 < p ≤ 0,25 : Qg = 4

si 0,25 ≤ p ≤ 1: Qg = 1/p

si p > 1 : Qg = 0

where :

Qg is the quantity of gel admissible at the surface of the gel layers expressed in (° ;

p is the slope of the swelling test of the material (SGp) or (SGt), expressed in mm/(°C.heure)1/2 according to
the standard NF P 98-234-2.

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For the type c configuration shown schematically in Figure 6, the quantity of gel Qg admissible at the surface of the
gel layer is determined according to the equation 14.

Equation 14 :

If not :

where :

Qg is the quantity of gel admissible at the surface of the gel layers expressed in (°C.jour)1/2 ;

hp is the thickness of low-freezing materials expressed in meters (m) ;

pp is the slope of the swelling test of the low-freezing material expressed in mm/(°C.hour)1/2 according to the
standard NF P98-234-2 ;

pg is the slope of the swelling test of the high freezing material expressed in mm/(°C.hour)1/2 according to the
standard NF P98-234-2 ;

Ap is a coefficient depending on the nature of the low-freezing material, expressed in (°C.jour)1/2.m-1 , the value of
which is to be taken from the values provided in Annexe C. Qng thermal protection provided by non-freezing PST and sub-layer materials

The thermal protection provided by the presence of non-freezing PST materials and possibly as a sub-layer
depends on the nature and thickness of these materials. Denoted Qng, it is calculated from equation 15.

Equation 15 :

où :

Qng is the quantity of gel corresponding to the thermal protection provided by the non-freezing layers, expressed in
(° ;

hn is the thickness of non-freezing materials expressed in meters (m) ;

An is a coefficient depending on the nature of the non-freezing material, expressed in (° , the value of
which is to be taken from the values provided in Annexe C.

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hn and therefore Qng can possibly be zero.

In the case of a superposition of non-freezing layers of different natures, for example in the case of the addition of
an adjustment layer on the surface of a treated form layer, the calculation of Qng is carried out using of the
coefficient A resulting from the average of the coefficients A of these materials, calculated in proportion to
their thicknesses. Quantity of additional QM gel authorized by the analysis of the mechanical behavior of the
structure during a thaw period

• Case of thick pavements - Thickness of bonded layers > 0.20 m

The presence of a thawed thin layer during thawing is permitted under the platform. This generates greater stresses
in the body of the road than those observed in normal periods. The authorized quantity of gel QM also called quantity
of mechanical gel, depends on the material thickness e, assumed to be affected by the thaw and for which
degraded mechanical quantities are taken into account, regardless of the susceptibility to freezing of the
constituent material and this thickness e..

The calculation of e is carried out iteratively using the mechanical model, by finding the value for which the
stress of the dimensioning criterion after adjustment of the thicknesses, excluding the freeze / thaw period, is
increased by 5%. For structures whose mechanical dimensioning is carried out in two phases, the increased
stress is the tensile stress at the base of the subgrade. The thickness e is then converted into a quantity of gel,
denoted QM, transmitted to the level of the support platform according to equation 16.

Equation 16 :


QM is the quantity of mechanical gel or quantity of gel transmitted to the gel-forming sol layers, expressed in
(° or the amount of additional gel admissible on the surface of the gel-forming materials of the support sol,
resulting from the acceptance of d '' limited additional damage during thaw periods for pavements with bonded
materials of sufficient thickness ;

e is the thickness of the thawed layer expressed in meters (m).

The calculation of e is carried out with the following assumptions:

• the modulus of the thawed layer of thickness e located under the platform is taken equal to the modulus of the
platform in frost / thaw-free conditions, retained during sizing, divided by 10, regardless of the susceptibility to frost
of the material constituting this thickness e ;

• the modulus of the rest of the support is that of the platform during freeze / thaw protection;

• the upper and lower interfaces of the thawed layer are glued.

The other data of the problem remain unchanged from those used for the mechanical dim ensioning. In the case
of a two-phase design calculation, the assumptions to be taken into account are those of the fi rst calculation

• Case of thin pavements - Thickness of bonded layers ≤ 0.20 m

For thin pavements whose total thickness of the bonded layers is less than or equal to 0.20 m, QM is zero. Permissible amount of gel on the platform QPF

The quantity of QPF gel admissible at the level of the road support platform is calculated using equation 17 .

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Equation 17 :

where :

QPF is the quantity of frost admissible at the level of the road support platform, expressed in (° ;

Qng is the quantity of gel corresponding to the thermal protection provided by the non-freezing layers, expressed in
(° ;

Qg is the quantity of gel admissible at the surface of the gel layers, expressed in (° ;

QM is the quantity of complementary gel, expressed in (°

6.2.2 Step 2 - Taking into account the thermal protection provided by the pavement

The QPF value of the quantity of frost admissible at the level of the platform is to be converted into a value of the
frost index IS admissible at the road surface, taking into account the thermal protection provided by the road

This calculation is based on the data of a transient model of heat diffusion in the thickness of the pavement, as well
as on the data of a typical scenario of cooling of the pavement on its surface. The numerical resolution of the
problem obtained makes it possible to calculate at any time the value of the frost index transmitted at the level of
the platform as a function of the value of the frost index associated with the typical scenario, on the road surface.

The equations of the model as well as the values of the numerical parameters to be considered are specified in
Annex H. It is a one-dimensional, transient model, combining Fourier's heat conduction equations and Stefan's
equation to take into account the liquid-ice water phase change at the level of the frost front.

The model is based on the multilayer description of the pavement between the surface and the platform and on
the values of the thermal characteristics provided in Annex D-5, depending on the materials. The model is also
extended below the platform by a homogeneous layer 40 m high, the thermal properties of which are those of
soil A given in table D.16.

The initial conditions and limits of the model (standard scenario) considered for the transition from IS to QPF are
as follows :

• initial temperature profile: linear variation of 1 to 14 ° C, between the road surface and the horizon located
10 m below the platform, uniform value equal to 14 ° C below ;

• limiting condition at the base of the model: maintaining the temperature at 14 ° C;

• limiting condition on the road surface: asymptotic decrease from 1 to -5 ° C, according to equation 18
(hyperbolic law with initial slope equal to -20 ° C / day).

Equation 18 :

où :

ϴs is the surface temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) ;

t is the time in days, initialized to 0 at the start of the calculation (j).

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The surface temperature ϴs makes it possible to calculate the surface freezing index Is by equation 19 :

Equation 19 :

The temperature given by the calculation at the level of the ϴPF platform makes it possible to calculate the frost
index It transmitted by equation 20:

Equation 20 :

-θ(t) is the positive value of - ϴ(t)

The digital resolution of the model must make it possible to calculate the QPF (time) function of the quantity of
gel transmitted to the platform, as a function of time, with an absolute error of less than 0.5% at any time .

If necessary, the test data sets provided in Annex I can be used to validate and verify the a ccuracy of the
calculation software used at this stage.

NOTE in the case of a pre-dimensioning, it is possible to use the transition relation between QPF and IS given in Annex H,
which leads to values of the frost check criterion more demanding than the standard method, presented here.

6.2.3 Step 3: Change from QPF to the IS frost index admissible on the road surface

The admissible surface freezing index IS value is then taken equal to the surface freezing index value, leading at
the level of the platform to the freezing index value It= QPF2, associated with the quantity QPF previously

6.2.4 Step 4: Determination of the admissible atmospheric freezing index IA associated with IS

The IA value of the admissible atmospheric frost index ultimately results from the IS value of the admissible frost
index at the pavement surface, taking into account the convection and radiation phenomena occurring on the
pavement surface. The relationship between IA and IS is described by the approximate equation 21.

Equation 21 :

where :

IS is the pavement surface frost index, expressed in ° ;

IA is the atmospheric freezing index, expressed in °C.jour ;

Kcr is the calibration parameter of the formula, depending on the place of calculation.

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The coefficient Kcr takes the value 0.7 for metropolitan France, excluding urban areas.

For agglomerations with more than 100,000 inhabitants and less than 1,000,000 inhabitants, the freezing index of
the nearest meteorological station will be weighted by a factor of 0.9 according to equation 22. For agglomerations
of more than 1,000,000 inhabitants, this factor is equal to 0.8 (equation 23).

Equation 22 :

Equation 23 :

6.2.5 Step 5: Comparison of the IA admissible frost index and the reference frost index IR

The freeze / thaw check is satisfied if the IA value of the admissible atmospheric freezing index is greater than or
equal to the IR value of the freezing index chosen by reference.

7 Data required for the justification of new pavement structures

The justification rules take into account the following data:

• the parameters specified upstream of the project;

• the properties of the road support platform;

• the properties of the pavement materials and the quality of their implementation.

7.1 Parameters set upstream of the project

The input parameters, chosen upstream of the project by the client and necessary for the mechanical
dimensioning of the pavement, are as follows:
• the design time;

• sizing heavy goods vehicle traffic, its growth rate and its aggressiveness;

• the reference winter;

• the type of structure;

• calculation risk.

Other parameters (environmental constraints, operating constraints, etc.) influence the choice of materials for the

7.1.1 Sizing duration

The dimensioning period (d in years) defines the period fixed for the calculation of the structure. It is used to
calculate the cumulative heavy vehicle traffic to be taken into account for the sizing
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Examples of design times d are provided in Annex B.3.2.

7.1.2 Cumulated heavy goods vehicle traffic and equivalent number of reference axles

As the impact of light vehicles on pavement degradation is negligible, only the traffic generated by heavy goods
vehicles is taken into account.

The mechanical dimensioning of the pavement is carried out by considering the cumulative dimensioning heavy
goods vehicle traffic over the entire design period selected, represented by the cumulative number of heavy
goods vehicles (NPL).

The client fixes the cumulative Number of Heavy Goods Vehicles or the assumptions allowing it to be calculated
according to equation 24.

Equation 24 :

where :

TMJAd is the dimensioning heavy goods vehicle traffic expressed in number of PL/j ;

C is the cumulative traffic factor for the design time.

The TMJAd value to be taken into account is as follows:

• if the TMJAd is known precisely, this value is used for the calculation of the cumulative number of heavy goods
vehicles (NPL);

• if the TMJAd is known in the form of a daily traffic class on commissioning, the NPL calculation is carried out with
the TMJAd corresponding to the geometric mean of the traffic class considered (Annex B.1.1).

The calculation of the coefficient C depends on the assumption of annual growth in heavy vehicle traffic. Its
expression for a cumulative period of n years is given in equation 25 for arithmetic growth and in equation 26 for
geometric growth.

Equation 25 :

où :

Ƭ is the annual arithmetic growth rate of heavy goods vehicle traffic;

n is the cumulative period in years.

Equation 26 :


Ƭ is the annual geometric growth rate of heavy goods vehicle traffic;

n is the cumulative period in years.

In the simplest case where the growth rate is constant over the entire design period, the accumulation period n is
then equal to the design duration d.

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Otherwise, the coefficient C is calculated by considering as many periods over which the growth rate is constant.
The TMJAd at the start of each period is deducted from that of the previous period. The different calculated NPL
values (with the previous formulas) are then summed to determine the overall NPL.

For sizing, the Number of Heavy Goods Vehicles cumulated over the duration of sizing (NPL) is converted into an
Equivalent Number of reference axles (NE) using the average aggressiveness coefficient of CAM traffic, according
to the equation 27.

Equation 27 :

where :

NE is the equivalent number of reference axles;

NPL is the number of cumulative Heavyweight on the length of the channel considered for dimensioning ;

CAM is the average traffic aggressiveness coefficient defined in 5.2.1. Indicative values are provided in Anne x

7.1.3 Calculation risk

The calculation risk r (in %) associated with the chosen design time d is defined in

Usually used design risk values are provided for information in Appendix B.3.3. They depend on the type of structure,
the nature of the materials and the traffic class.

7.1.4 Winter and benchmark frost index

The reference winter, to which the IR reference frost index corresponds, is the winter against which the pavement must
be protected. It may be the most severe winter known (exceptional winter noted ET with the highest frost index since
1951), ten-year winter (non-exceptional severe winter noted HRNE whose severity has a period of return, or statistical
time d occurrence, 10 years) or any other winter.

The usual IR values are shown in Annex B.4.

7.2 Parameters related to the road support platform

For the verification of pavement structures, the support platform is described by the following characteristics :

• its long-term lift defined by its long-term modulus of rigidity and its Poisson's ratio;

• the ks coefficient of the platform;

• the frost sensitivity of the PST materials and of the possible subgrade;

• the thermal protection provided by the materials of the PST and of the possible top layer;

• the presence or absence of a subgrade;

• the calculation parameters of the admissible stresses at the platform level.

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7.2.1 Long-term lift

For the dimensioning of the pavements, five classes of long-term lift of the platform, denoted PFi, are defined
according to the level of the platform deformation modulus. The values are provided in Annex C.1.

When calculating the effects induced in the roadway when passing a reference axle, the platform is considered to
be an elastic and homogeneous half-space to which are assigned :

• a stiffness modulus value corresponding to the lower limit of the platform's long-term lift class (Annex
C.1) ;

• a Poisson's ratio value fixed as a standard at 0.35;

• a foundation layer / platform interface depending on the nature of the possible top layer.

7.2.2 Correction coefficient linked to the platform

This adjustment coefficient k s is defined in, the related values are provided in Annex C.2.

7.2.3 Frost sensitivity of PST materials and subbase

According to their frost sensitivity, PST and sub-base materials are classified into three categories:

• non-freezing (SGn) ;

• little frost (SGp) ;

• very freezing (SGt).

Frost sensitivity is defined in Annex C part 3.

7.2.4 Thermal protection of non-freezing PST materials and base layer

The thermal protection provided by the non-freezing materials of the PST and of the subgrade is an input
parameter for the pavement freeze / thaw check explained in part 6. Parameter A used to calculate the
amount of frost Q ng provided by non-freezing materials depends on the nature and thickness of the different
types of materials present. Numerical values are provided in Annex C.3.3.

7.2.5 Case of a bedrock

The roadway support platform is in this case assimilated to an elastic and homogeneous half -space to which a
rigidity modulus defined by a specific geotechnical study and a Poisson's ratio of 0.25 is assigned. In the absence
of a study, the values of a PF4 will be used..

7.3 Parameters related to pavement materials taken into account when checking

This document applies to the use of the standardized pavement materials listed below.

7.3.1 Serious untreated

The serious untreated are defined in standard NF EN 13285. The national foreword to the standard distinguishes
between GNT A obtained in a single fraction, the homogeneity of the gran ularity of which is codified and GNT B
obtained by recomposition of several distinct granular fractions, in defined proportions and which are mixed and
moistened in the plant.

When calculating the internal stresses induced in the roadway when passing a reference axle, the materials are
taken into account through parameters reflecting their elastic behavior, namely modulus of rigidity and
Poisson's ratio.

The GNT stiffness modulus values to be used are given in Annexe D.1.
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7.3.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders and compacted concrete

Materials treated with hydraulic binders and compacted concrete are defined in the standards of the NF EN 14227 -
1 to -5, NF EN14227-11, NF EN 14227-15 series and in standards NF P98-103 and NF P98-128. . The following
standardized materials are concerned within the framework of this document:

• gravel cement: granular mixture treated with cement;

• gravel-slag: granular mixture treated with slag 2;

• gravel-fly ash-lime (silicoaluminous fly ash): granular mixture treated with fly ash 2;

• road hydraulic binder: granular mixture treated with road hydraulic binder 2;

• gravel-slag-fly ash-lime: granular mixture treated with fly ash 2;

• hydraulic fly ash gravel: granular mixture treated with fly ash 2;

• serious lime pozzolans;

• compacted road concrete and gravel treated with high performance hydraulic or pozzolanic binders;

• dairy sands: granular mixture treated with slag 3;

• sand-cement: granular mixtures treated with cement;

• road hydraulic sands-binder: mixture treated with road hydraulic binder 3;

• sands-slag-fly ash-lime: sandy mixture treated with fly ash 3;

• hydraulic fly ash: sand mixture treated with fly ash 3;

• lime sands-fly ash (silicoaluminous fly ash): sandy mixture treated with ash
flywheel 3;

• lime pozzolan sands;

• fine, sandy or gravelly soils treated with hydraulic binders.

These materials are taken into account through sets of parameters, characterizing:

• their elastic behavior: modulus of rigidity E and Poisson's ratio ʋ;

• their behavior in fatigue: ϭ6, b and SN;

• the calibration coefficient kc;

• the coefficient of discontinuity k d.

The values of these parameters are provided in Annex D.2.

7.3.3 Bituminous materials

Bituminous mixtures are specified by the series of standards NF EN 13108-1 to 9. The characteristics of the
products commonly used in France are defined in the documentation booklet relating to their use and standard
NF P98-150-1.

The following standardized materials are concerned within the framework of this document:

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• class 2 to 4 asphalt gravel and class 1 and 2 high modulus asphalt mixes used as a base course ;

• the various bituminous mixtures used as a wearing course or tie course.

These materials are taken into account through sets of parameters characterizing their reversible behavior,
reduced to the case of a linear elastic law: modulus of rigidity E and Poisson's ratio η. For materials that are the
subject of a fatigue resistance check, their fatigue behavior is assessed by ε6, b and SN and by the calibration
coefficient kc.

The sizing parameters for bituminous materials are provided in the Appendix D.3.

7.3.4 Cement concretes

Cement concretes comply with standards NF EN 206 / CN and its national annex, NF EN 13877-1 and 2 and NF P98-170.

The reinforcements used in reinforced concrete comply with part 4 of standard NF P98-170 and its Annex B made

These materials are taken into account through sets of parameters, characterizing:

• their reversible behavior: modulus of rigidity (E) and Poisson's ratio (ʋ) ;

• their behavior in fatigue: ϭ6, b et SN ;

• the calibration coefficient kc ;

• the coefficient of discontinuity kd.

The values of these parameters are provided in the Annexe D.4.

8 Application of the method to different families of pavement structures

In this part, for each structure family, are explained :

• the modeling assumptions used for the calculations ;

• the criteria used for sizing.

In addition, the constructive provisions to be taken into account for the sizing are also given in
Annexe F.

Selection criteria for the thickness and nature of the surface layer are given in Annexe B.5.

8.1 Verification against the platform, common to all pavement structures

The criterion indicated below is common to the different families of structures.

This is to ensure that the permanent deformations at the level of the platform remain acceptable over the duration
of the design of the structure. This checking is based on the calculation of the maximum value of vertical strain εz
elastic at the top of the latter.

The value of εz must be less than the allowable value, defined by equation 28 for NE> 250,000 or equation 29 for NE ≤

Note : Equations 28 and 29 are applicable regardless of the nature of the subgrade, treated or not.

Equation 28 :

For NE > 250 000 :

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Equation 29 :

For NE ≤ 250 000 :

8.2 Checking against untreated bass layers when sitting

In the case of a flexible pavement and for NE traffic less than or equal to 250,000, no verification criterion is
introduced for the untreated gravel as a bedding material.

In other cases, the approach aims to ensure that the permanent deformations on the surface of the G NT layers
remain acceptable over the design period of the pavement. In practice, the verification relates to the maximum
vertical deformation εz calculated at the top of each layer of untreated gravel..

The value of εz must be less than the admissible value, defined by equations 28 and 29 as a function of NE, with
the exception of reverse type pavements for which a specific admissible value is introduced for this layer of GNT
(see 8.7).

8.3 Flexible pavements

8.3.1 Modeling of the pavement structure

The structure is represented by an elastic multilayer mass, the layers being glued together. The base layer is
supposed to be glued to the road support platform.

For the calculation, the base layer thickness is set at 0.15 m if NE is less than or equal to 100,000 and 0.20 m if NE
is greater than 100,000.

The dimensioning relates to the sole thickness of the foundation layer. This is subdivided into sub-layers up to 0.25 m
thick from platform level. A stiffness modulus is assigned to each sublayer, increasing from the platform to the base
layer, while being capped at a value set by the GNT category (Annex D-1).

The stiffness moduli of the materials, the rule of progression of the moduli of the sub-layers of the base layer and the
Poisson's ratio to be taken into account are provided in Annex D.1.

Note : this calculation phase defines the required total thickness of granular materials. The implementation of this
thickness must be done in one or more layers of thicknesses adapted to the conditions of implementation.

8.3.2 Verification criteria

The verification of these pavements depends on the Number of Axles as indicated below.

• if NE is greater than 250,000: the vertical deformation εz at the surface of the unbound layers and of the
support platform must remain below the limit value εz adm (equation 28).

• if NE is less than or equal to 250,000: the vertical deformation εz at the surface of the support platform must
remain less than the limit value εz adm (equation 29).

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8.4 Bituminous pavements

8.4.1 Modeling of the pavement structure

The structure is represented by an elastic multilayer mass, the layers being glued together, just like the
foundation layer (or base layer in the absence of a foundation) on the road support platform. The rules for
determining the stiffness moduli of materials and the Poisson's ratio to be taken into account are provided in
Appendix D.3.

For foundations with a base layer of bituminous materials and an untreated gravel foundation, the minimum
thicknesses of the foundation layer are 0.45 m on PF1, 0.25 m on PF2, 0.20 m on PF2qs and 0, 15 m on PF3. .

8.4.2 Verification criteria

These pavements are verified by calculation, with respect to :

• fatigue failure at the base of the bituminous layers: the strain by extension εt at the base of the bituminous
layers must remain less than the admissible value εt adm calculated according to equation 7;

• the permanent deformation of the unbound layers and of the platform: the reversible vertical deformation εz
at the surface of the unbound layers and of the support platform must remain below the limit value εzadm
(equation 28 or Equation 29).

8.5 Ground pavements treated with hydraulic binders

8.5.1 Modeling of the pavement structure

The roadway is represented by an elastic multilayer mass. The stiffness moduli of the materials and the Poisson's
ratios are provided in Annex D-2. The interface conditions are defined in Case of structures comprising two base layers

The dimensioning is carried out by retaining for the foundation layer a minimum thickness modulated according to
the level of the platform: 0.20 m in PF2, 0.19 m in PF2qs, 0.18 m in PF3 and 0.15 m in PF4 ..

For treated soils, the minimum thickness for the foundation layer will be 0.20 m, regardless of the level of the
platform. Case of structures comprising a single base layer of material treated with hydraulic

For this base layer made of material treated with hydraulic binders, a minimum thickness value of 0.25 m is
imposed for materials of mechanical class greater than or equal to T2 (NF EN 14227 -1 to -5) for cumulative traffic
NE ≥ 106. In the case where NE < 106, this minimum thickness is 0.15 m..

For treated soils, the minimum thickness will be 0.20 m, regardless of the level of the platform. Interface conditions

The foundation (or base) layer is considered to be glued to the road support platform.

At the base layer - foundation layer interface, the condition to be retained depends on the nature of the hydraulic binder :

• with a gravel-fly ash-lime or a gravel cement of class T4, the layers are supposed to be slippery;

• with a gravel slag, the layers are supposed to be stuck;

• for all other materials treated with hydraulic binders, the layers are assumed to be semi-glued.

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At the surface layer - base layer interface, the two layers are assumed to be glued together, except in the case of
base layers in treated soil where the layers are considered semi-glued.

8.5.2 Verification criteria

The ground pavements treated with hydraulic binders are checked by calculation, with respect to :

• fatigue failure at the base of the bound layers: the tensile stress ϭt at the base of the layers treated with
hydraulic binders must remain less than the admissible value ϭt adm calculated according to equation 9. If
there is only 'one layer or if the layers remain stuck, the level to be considered is the base of the treated bed.
Otherwise the criterion is verified at the base of each treated layer ;

• the permanent deformation of the platform: the reversible vertical deformation εz at the surface of the
support platform must remain below the limit value εz adm (equation 28 or equation 29, depending on the value
of NE).

8.6 Mixed-structure pavements

8.6.1 Modeling of the pavement structure

The structure is represented by an elastic multilayer mass. The stiffness moduli of the materials and the Poisson's
ratios are provided in Annexe D.

The verification is carried out in two phases, according to the calculation method explained in 8.6.2.

1) a first phase until total damage to the foundation layer of materials treated with hydraulic binders. All layers are
considered glued, except for a foundation layer in treated soil. In this case, the interface between the bituminous
material layer and the treated soil foundation is considered semi-glued.

2) a second phase during which the layer of materials treated with hydraulic binders is assumed to be damaged
by fatigue. Its residual modulus is then taken equal to 1/5th of its initial modulus and the bituminous materials -
hydraulic materials interface is then considered to be slippery. It is then the base layer of bituminous material
which takes up the tensile forces by bending.

8.6.2 Verification criteria

Mixed-structure pavements are verified by calculation, with respect to:

• fatigue failure at the base of the layer treated with hydraulic binders in phase 1: the tensile stress ϭt at the
base of the layers treated with hydraulic binders must then remain less than the admissible value calculated
according to equation 9 ;

• fatigue failure at the base of the bituminous layer in phase 2: the strain in extension εt at the base of the
bituminous layers must remain less than the admissible value calculated according to equation 7 ;

• the permanent deformation of the platform: the reversible vertical deformation εz at the surface of the
support platform must remain below the limit value εz adm (equation 28 or equation 29, depending on the
value of NE).

The steps of the verification calculation are as follows :

• in first phase, computation of the stress ϭt at the base of the foundation layer. The number NE of
equivalent passages of the reference axle is deduced from Equation 9, then the corresponding cumulative
number of heavy goods vehicles NPL1 is calculated by applying equation 27 ;

• in the second phase, calculation of the strain εt at the base of the base layer. The number NE of
equivalent passages of the reference axle is deduced from Equation 7, then the corresponding
cumulative number of heavy goods vehicles NPL2 is calculated by applying Equation 27 ;

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• finally, calculation of the total number of heavy goods vehicles NPL1 + NPL2 reflecting the admissible traffic
for the roadway. The sizing verification is positive if NPL1 + NPL2 > NPL, number of heavy goods vehicles
corresponding to the length of the pavement sizing.

8.7 Pavements with reverse structure

8.7.1 Modeling of the pavement structure

The structure is represented by an elastic multilayer mass, the layers being glued together. The subbase - platform
interface is glued.

The stiffness moduli of the materials and the Poisson coefficients to be taken into account are provided in the Annexe

8.7.2 Verification criteria

Reverse-structured pavements are verified by calculation, with respect to :

• fatigue failure at the base of the bituminous layers: the extension strain εt at the base of the bituminous
layers must remain less than the admissible value εt adm calculated according to Equation 7;

• fatigue failure of layers treated with hydraulic binders: the tensile stress ϭt at the base of layers treated
with hydraulic binders must remain less than the admissible value ϭt adm calculated according to Equation 9;

• the permanent deformation of the support: the vertical deformation εz at the surface of the platform
support must remain less than the admissible value εz adm (equation 28 or equation 29, depending on the
value of NE);

• the permanent deformation of the untreated gravel layer: the vertical deformation εz at the surface of the
GNT must remain less than the admissible value εz adm which takes into account an increase of 20% of the
values given by Equation 28 and Equation 29, given the small thickness of this intermediate layer and its

For NE> 250,000, the limiting vertical strain at the GNT surface for inverse structures is then given by Equation 3 0.

Equation 30 :

For NE ≤ 250,000, the limit vertical strain at the GNT surface for inverse structures is given by Equation 31 .

Equation 31 :

8.8 Cement concrete pavements

Cement concrete pavements are classified into three categories :

[1] Cement concrete (BC) on bituminous materials including structures in continuous reinforced concrete (BAC) on
GB3, BAC on BBSG and BCg (pinned) on GB3; the last structure is limited to traffic less than or equal to 10 million
cumulative NE.

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[2] Cement concrete on hydraulic materials including lean concrete (Bm), materials treated with hydraulic binders
(MTLH), road compacted concrete (BCR). These structures include BC, BCg, BAC. For MTLH foundations with
NE> 1 million, a minimum mechanical class 3 is required.

[3] Cement concrete on top layer or draining layer (CD). The application of this standard to the sizing of this
structure is limited to a cumulative traffic of 1 million equivalent axles, beyond this traffic, the method no
longer applies. The base-bearing layer is made of unreinforced, non-dowelled cement concrete. For NE>
250,000, a draining complex is mandatory.

NOTE with reference to standard NF P98-170, the recommended concretes used as a base course - bearing are of class
BC6 and BC5 or even BC4 in light traffic limited to T3 and BC3 in T4. Lean concretes, classes BC2 and BC3 are reserved for
foundation layers.

8.8.1 Modeling of the pavement structure

The structure is represented by a continuous elastic multilayer mass. The transverse discontinuities and the effects
of thermal gradients are taken into account by the coefficient kd defined in 5, the values of which are provided in
Annexe D.4.

The stiffness moduli of the materials, Poisson's ratios and other design parameters are provided in Annexe D.4. Interface conditions

The bonding conditions between the layers are as follows:

Category "Concrete on bituminous materials"

• BAC / BBSG : sliding interface;

• BAC / GB3 : semi-glued interface;

• BCg / GB3 : semi-bonded interface;

Category "Concrete on hydraulic materials"

• BC or BCg or BAC on Bm or MTLH or BCR: sliding interface.

Category "Concrete on subgrade or draining layer"

• BC on untreated form layer or draining layer: bonded interface;;

• BC on treated sub-layer: bonded interface.

Other interface cases::

• Foundation layer on the pavement support: bonded interface;

• Asphalt layer on concrete: bonded interface. Definition of foundation layers

For traffic exceeding a class T3 and 1 million cumulative equivalent axles :

• For pavements with a Bm or BCR foundation, the foundation layer has a minimum thickness of 0.18 m in
PF2, 0.16 m in PF2qs, 0.15 m in PF3 and 0.12 m in PF4.

• For pavements with a treated gravel foundation, the foundation layer has a minimum thickness of 0.20 m
in PF2, 0.19 m in PF2qs, 0.18 m in PF3 and 0.15 m in PF4.

• For treated soils, only sandy and gravelly soil of mechanical class T3 are authorized, the minimum
thickness is then 0.20 m.

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For traffic less than or equal to a class T3 or 1 million cumulative equivalent axles and in the event that a
foundation layer is retained:

• For pavements with a foundation in Bm, BCR or treated gravel, this will have a minimum thickness of 0.15

• For treated soils, the minimum thickness will be 0.20 m.

BAC structures on class 3 gravel bitumen or BBSG foundations can only be installed on PF3 or PF4 platforms.
The minimum thickness of class 3 bitumen is then set at 0.08 m, and that of BBSG at 0.05 m.

BCg structures on a class 3 gravel bitumen foundation can only be installed on platforms with a performance at least
equal to PF2qs. The minimum thickness of class 3 gravel bitumen is then set at 0.08 m.

8.8.2 Sizing criteria

The verification criteria are classified by structure categories: Category "Concrete on bituminous materials"

These pavements are verified by calculation, with respect to:

• fatigue failure at the base of the wearing course: the tensile stress ϭt at the base of this layer must be less
than the allowable stress ϭt adm calculated according to equation 9;

• fatigue failure at the base of the bituminous layers: the extension strain εt at the base of the bituminous
layers must remain less than the admissible value εt adm calculated according to equation 7;

• the permanent deformation of the unbound layers and of the platform: the vertical deformation εz at the
surface of the unbound layers and of the support platform must remain less than the admissible value εz adm
(equation 28 or equation 29, according to the value of NE). Category "Concrete on hydraulic materials"

These pavements are verified by calculation, with respect to:

• fatigue failure at the base of the wearing course: the tensile stress ϭt at the base of this layer must be less
than the allowable stress ϭt adm calculated according to equation 9;

• fatigue failure at the base of the foundation layer: the tensile stress ϭt at the base of this layer must be
less than the allowable stress ϭt adm calculated according to equation 9 ;

• the permanent deformation of the unbound layers and of the platform: the vertical deformation εz at the
surface of the unbound layers and of the support platform must remain less than the admissible value εzadm
(equation 28 or equation 29, according to value of NE). Category "Concrete on subgrade or drainage layer"

These pavements are verified by calculation, with respect to :

• fatigue failure at the base of the base layer - bearing: the tensile stress ϭt at the base of this layer must be
less than the allowable stress ϭt adm calculated according to equation 9;

• the permanent deformation of the unbound layers and of the platform: the vertical deformation εz at the
surface of the unbound layers and of the support platform must remain below the limit value εz adm calculated
according to equation 10.

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8.8.3 Determination of steels

Annex B of standard NF P98-170 specifies the conditions of use of steels, connecting bars, reinforcements of
BAC pavements as well as their sizing, the determination of the number and characteristics of the studs..

The studs are in accordance with DIN EN 13877-3.

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Annexe A

Optimization of the structural dimensioning of pavements

A.1 Principle

The minimum thickness of the layers is determined by successive iterations so as to meet the various criteria set
by the standard. The iterations can in particular relate to the thickness of the layers, the type of materials, or even
the type of structure, taking into account technological constraints such as the thicknesses of implementation.

The structure resulting from the mechanical calculation is then subjected to a freeze / thaw check.

This step can lead to modifying the characteristics of the platform (thickness and nature of the top layer for
example) and therefore the thicknesses resulting from the mechanical calculation which should then be checked

If necessary, the process is repeated either by changing the nature and / or the thickness of the subgrade, or by
changing the materials of the structure, or even by modifying the assumptions inherent in the support platform.

The optimization of the sizing of the different layers must also take into account the external elements: operating
conditions under construction, site configuration, possibility of subsequent reloading …

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A.2 General scheme

Figure A.1 — Optimization flowchart for the structural dimensioning of pavements

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Annexe B

Choice of client

The calculation rules for the dimensioning of pavements require the choice of certain assumptions such as :

• Traffic ;

• Agression ;

• Investment strategy (sizing period and calculation risk); ;

• Frost index;

• Surface layer.

The choice of these parameters is the responsibility of the client, according to the management and maintenance
strategy of its network and its operating constraints.

The various elements appearing below are proposed to guide the contracting authorities in their reflections. They can
usefully be supplemented by the information contained in the various technical, national and local guides.

B.1 Traffic

B.1.1 Traffic Classes

The heavy vehicle traffic classes (noted Ti) as well as their geometric means (noted Mg) are defined in table B1.

Table B.1 — Definition of the traffic classes Ti and the associated geometric mean according to the
heavy-duty traffic dimensioning TMJAd (NPL/j)

Class T5 T4 T3- T3+ T2- T2+ T1- T1+ T0- T0+ TS- TS+ TEX

TMJAd 150 - 200 - 300 - 500 - 750 - 1 200 - 2 000 - 3 000 -

1 - 25 25 - 50 50 - 85 85 - > 5 000
dimensioning 200 300 500 750 1 200 2 000 3 000 5 000
5 35 65 115 175 245 390 615 950 1 550 2 450 3 875 5 920

B.1.2 Determination of TMJAd

B.1.2.1 In current section

In general, it is advisable to carry out a detailed traffic study upstream of the project. This study will have to
integrate the specificities of the studied section, namely the regulatory constraints (authorized overrun or not for
heavy goods vehicles for example), geometric constraints (slopes, ramps, baffles, ...), ...
However, when precise information on distribution by way of heavy goods traffic is not available, the following
distributions can be used.:

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Type de routes Critère Valeurs de TMJAd Reference

largeur < 5 m 100 %

2-way bidirectional 5 m ≤ largeur < 6 m 75 % Heavy goods vehicle

6 m ≤ largeur 50 % two cumulative senses

Road to Causeway Slow lane 90 %

Separate 2 x 2 lanes in
open country Expressway 10 %

Road to Causeway Slow lane 75 %

Separate 2 x 2 lanes in
peri-urban environment Expressway 25 %

Road to Causeway Slow lane 80 % Meaningful heavy goods

Separate 2 x 3 lanes in traffic considered
open countryside Middle way 20 %

Slow lane 65 %
Road to Causeway
Separate 2x3 lanes in Middle way 30 %
environment Expressway 5%

Urban pavements Situation to be studied on a case-by-case basis depending on the geometries,

assignments of lanes, traffic types …

B.1.2.2 Other road objects

• Suspenders :

Knowledge of traffic is the subject of a traffic study carried out for the project. The distribution of light vehicles
/ HGV varies greatly depending on the economic fabric, land use planning, transit flows, etc. and requires
special attention from the client.

For 2-lane ramps, the distribution of traffic may depend on the allocation of the lanes, but the geometry and behavior
of heavy goods vehicles should not be underestimated. It may be advisable, in the absence of precise information
and in a secure manner, to consider an TMJAd equal to 100 % of TMJA for all channels.

• Service areas, parking areas

For information, it is possible to retain a value of TMJAd between 5 and 10% of the heavy goods traffic of the
current section. This value will strongly depend on the services offered and the reception capacity .

• Emergency stop bands

The traffic volumes to be taken into account strongly depend on the intended use of the stopping lane
emergency: :

o exceptional traffic (accident for example);

o operation under construction for the initial construction phase and the development phases subsequent..

The evaluation of this traffic is the subject of a specific study. For information, it is possible to retain a sizing traffic
corresponding to 4 to 12 months of the cumulative traffic of the current section.

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• Roundabouts

Knowledge of traffic is the subject of a specific study. For information, it is possible to use for TMJAd the half-
sum of the incoming traffic provided that this value is greater than the traffic of the most heavily loaded
incoming channel. Otherwise, this last traffic will be taken into account.

B.2 Aggressiveness

In France, the reference axle for sizing is the single axle with twin wheels with a load P0 equal to
130 kN.

The procedure for calculating the average coefficient of aggressiveness (CAM) is described in standard NF P 98 -
082 (version of 01/01/94 canceled in August 2017). It must be used in particular in the case of road traffic areas
receiving heavy goods vehicles derogating from the French Highway Code or from European Directive No. n°
96/53/CE, or in the case of areas outside the usual context: Commercial activity (ZAC), access routes to an
Industrial Zone (ZI) or to a port zone.

For other areas and in the absence of precise information on the composition of the traffic (distribution of axle
types and axle loads), the CAM values, depending on the type of roadway, are indicated in the tables which
follow, may apply.

B.2.1 Transit pavements

These roadways are generally of the inter-urban type (generally of a motorway or 2 x 2 lane nature). They must meet the
needs of transit traffic (long and medium distance) and withstand intense traffic with a large share of heavy goods vehicles.
Certain roadways in urban areas can be considered as transit roads.

These pavements are usually associated with strong operating constraints.

Table B.2 — CAM depending on the type of material for transit pavements
Material type CAM value

Bituminous materials 0,8

Materials treated with binders 1,3

hydraulic and cement concrete

Platform, GNT 1

B.2.2 Roadways with a service character

These pavements correspond to the local road network, as opposed to the transit network. This network has
multiple functions: peri-urban roads, links between towns, rural areas, tourist routes,, …

Table B.3 — CAM depending on the traffic and the type of materials for the roadways
Material type T5 T4 T3- T3+ T2, T1, T0

Bituminous materials 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,5

Granular materials treated with binders 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,8
hydraulic and cement concrete

Treated soils 0,4 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,8

Platform, GNT 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,75 1

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B.2.3 Urban pavements

These pavements correspond to the urban road network.

Table B.4 — CAM depending on the type of road and the type of materials for urban pavements
Material type Residential areas Avenues, boulevards Main routes to
urban heavy traffic

Bituminous materials 0.1 0.1 Refer to the CAM of

character pavements
Materials treated with binders 0.1 0.2 service.
hydraulic and cement concrete

Platform, GNT 0.1 0.2

B.2.4 Roundabouts

Due to their geometry, roundabouts are subject to greater aggression from heavy goods vehicles. These
structures are also subject to greater construction constraints.

These two parameters are taken into account by increasing the thickness of the road bed. The reference
thickness will be that calculated on the basis of the traffic as defined in B.1.2.2. paragraph 4, of the CAM of
the current section and of the risk defined in B.

Table B.5 — Coefficients of increase in thicknesses for sizing roundabouts

Seat materials Coefficient of increase in thickness

Bituminous materials 15 % seating layers

Soils and sands treated with hydraulic binders 15 % seating layers

Graves treated with hydraulic binders 10 % seating layers

Concrete 10 % seating layers

B.3 Investment and maintenance strategies

B.3.1 General

The design of a road infrastructure must take into account the cumulative investment and maintenance costs. This
makes it possible to compare the costs of the different solutions of a project by integrating both the construction costs,
but also the costs of successive maintenance.

Investment strategies are usually divided into three classes:

• High initial investment which aims to guarantee a high level of service from the start, with little
maintenance and inconvenience to the user. The maintenance will be mainly of the preventive type.

• Low initial investment which aims to guarantee a variable level of service. The level of service will depend on
the client's assumptions. In this strategy, the roadway will evolve almost to ruin. The maintenance will be
mainly curative. The inconvenience to the user will increase in inverse proportion to the damage to the

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• Progressive investment that falls between the two previous strategies. The approach adopted is to
guarantee a high level of service from the start, while seeking to regularly adapt the infrastructure to the
expected traffic. Interviews will often be structural. The inconvenience to the user will be limited to the
maintenance sequences. The calculation of these pavements and maintenance requires a good forecast of the
volume of traffic and its aggressiveness.

B.3.2 Sizing duration

The design time does not correspond to the life of the pavement. Indeed, a pavement will not evolve in a
homogeneous manner during its use (variations in traffic, maintenance sequences, weather conditions, etc.).
The sizing period is set by the client according to the use of the track, the cha racteristics of its network and its
investment and maintenance strategy.

The values shown in the table below are provided for information only. They can be adapted according to the
manager's road policy

Table B.6 — Indicative sizing times

Investment strategy Indicative sizing times

High initial investment 20 - 30 ans

Low initial investment 10 - 15 ans

Progressive investment 10 - 15 ans

B.3.3 Calculation risk

The calculation risk is defined in paragraph dealing with the risk coefficient k r.

The risk value is set by the client according to the use of the track, the characteristics of its network and its
investment and maintenance strategy. This choice has a major impact on the split between the investment cost and
the maintenance cost.

The following tables show the risk values usually used. They can be adapted according to the manager's road policy.

B.3.3.1 Current section

Table B.7 — Usual risk values in current section depending on traffic and structure
Type of structures TEX TS T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

Structures MB 1,0 1,0 2,0 5,0 12,0 25,0 30,0 30,0

and semi-rigid MTLH 1,0 1,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 12,0 25,0 25,0

Structures MB 1,0 1,0 2,0 5,0 12,0 25,0 30,0 30,0

MTLH 1,0 2,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 24,0 25,0 25,0

Structures MB 1,0 1,0 2,0 5,0 12,0 25,0 30,0 30,0

MTLH 1,0 2,0 3,0 10,0 20,0 35,0 50,0 50,0

Structures Base / 1,0 1,0 2,8 5,0 7,5 15,0 25,0 25,0
concrete rolling

Foundation 2,0 2,0 5,6 10,0 15,0 25,0 25,0 25,0

52 except
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BAC and BCg

Foundation for 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0 50,0
BAC and BCg

B.3.3.2 Urban pavements and pavements outside the current section

B. Urban pavements

For urban pavements, three risk levels are suggested for guidance. These risk levels are shown in the table below.
The values are generally higher than in the current section because urban pavements are often altered .

Table B.8 — Usual risk values in urban areas

Residential areas Avenues, boulevards Main traffic lanes
urban heavy

Risk 25 % 15 à 20 % 5%

B. Suspenders

The indicative risk values for suspenders are those in the table B.7.

B. Service areas - parking areas

For service and parking areas, it is suggested as an indication to retain a risk of between 5 and 30%. The choice of the
risk value is made :

• while respecting the spirit of Table B.7, which implies in particular an adequacy between the risk value and
the level of traffic expected on the area;

• by integrating the operating constraints of the area, in particular the various services.

B. Emergency stop bands

The emergency lanes must ensure the continuity of traffic in the event of an accident on the track. They can also be
used to ensure continuity of the route in the case of work on the current section.

As an indication, the calculation risk value is between 5 and 30% depending on foreseeable operating constraints .

B. Roundabouts

Roundabouts are intersection areas for which interventions are not easy. In addition, due to their location in an
infrastructure, they can significantly affect the level of use.

It is therefore proposed as an indication to retain a maximum calculation ris k value of 5% for roundabouts..

B.4 Frost indices

The exceptional winter is the most severe winter observed since 1951 for the geographical location concerned.

The non-exceptional harsh winter is the ten-year winter of occurrence since 1951 for the geographical location
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The choice of the reference winter depends on the policy of the client and in particular on the possibility of implementing
thaw barriers.

To determine the frost index to use, it is advisable to collect the available data from the climatological stations closest t o
the route.

Otherwise, the values in the following table corresponding to the period 1951 - 1997 can be used.

Table B.9 — Frost indices of exceptional winters and non-exceptional harsh winters of
main weather stations in °C x day. Reference period 1951 - 1997.

Harsh winter no
Station Department Exceptional winter
Amberieu 01 270 175
Saint-Quentin 02 225 110
Vichy 03 250 115
Saint-Auban 04 80 35
Embrun 05 165 95
Nice 06 0 0
Saint-Girons 09 120 35
Romilly 10 210 110
Carcassonne 11 85 35
Millau 12 140 65
Marignane 13 70 15
Caen 14 115 60
Cognac 16 100 35
La Rochelle 17 75 30
Bourges 18 160 70
Ajaccio 2B 0 0
Dijon 21 200 130
Rostrenen 22 85 50
Besançon 25 220 120
Montelimar 26 105 40
Luz-la-Croix-Haute 26 420 275
Evreux 27 195 115
Chartres 28 190 100
Brest 29 20 10
Nîmes 30 60 20
Toulouse 31 115 40
Bordeaux 33 95 40
Montpellier 34 55 35
Dinard 35 65 25
Rennes 35 80 35
Châteauroux 36 155 75
Tours 37 120 75
Grenoble 38 170 145

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Mont-de-Marsan 40 100 40
Romorantin 41 135 100
Saint-Etienne 42 220 110
Le-Puy-Chadrac 43 240 130
Nantes 44 75 55
Orleans 45 170 85
Gourdon 46 120 45
Agen 47 110 40
Angers 49 100 70
La Hague 50 15 5
Reims 51 235 105
Saint-Dizier 52 235 100
Langres 52 325 170
Nancy 54 320 155
Bar-le-Duc 55 340 290
Lorient 56 40 25
Metz 57 290 135
Chateau-Chinon 58 225 115
Nevers 58 190 110
Dunkerque 59 165 65
Lille 59 250 90
Beauvais 60 215 95
Alençon 61 165 70
Boulogne sur Mer 62 165 70
Clermont-Ferrand 63 225 115
Pau 64 80 30
Biarritz 64 40 10
Tarbes 65 95 35
Perpignan 66 25 0
Strasbourg 67 410 165
Mulhouse 68 415 155
Lyon - Bron 69 220 110
Tarare 69 275 155
Luxeuil 70 335 165
Macon 71 200 115
Mont Saint-Vincent 71 270 150
Le Mans 72 120 70
Challes-les-Eaux 73 225 150
Bourg Saint-Maurice 73 220 190
La Hève 76 95 60
Rouen - Boos 76 130 90
Melun 77 185 90

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Abbeville 80 165 90
Saint-Raphaël 83 25 0
Toulon 83 15 0
Orange 84 80 45
Poitiers 86 130 65
Limoges 87 160 80
Auxerre 89 200 95
Belfort 90 370 175
Paris - Le Bourget 93 160 85

B.5 Surface layers

B.5.1 Generic criteria

The design of the surface layers will be adapted to the level of traffic and the nature of the seating materials. It will
include one layer (called wearing course) or two layers (called wearing course and tie course) depending on the
constraints of the project and the nature of the materials selected.

The choice of surface layers must also take into account :

• the owner's construction, maintenance and operation policies;

• the objectives targeted for the surface layers, namely adhesion, phonic, photometric and draining qualities, resistance to
rutting, longitudinal uniformity;
• the possible rise of transverse cracks;
• traffic, its aggressiveness;
• the geometric constraints of the project (shear, traffic channeling, etc.);
• the nature and intensity of climatic constraints;
• good management of runoff water to protect the bedding materials.

The selection criteria proposed above are not exhaustive and must be modulated with regard to each project.

For semi-rigid pavements, the thickness of the surface layer is at least 6 cm.

For pavements made of concrete, the base course can also fulfill the role of wearing course.

For treated soils used as a base layer, the minimum total thickness of the surface layers is given in Table B.10.

Table B.10 — Minimum total thicknesses of the surface layers for a base layer in soil treated with
hydraulic binders
T5- T5+ T4 T3

Fine soils 6 cm 6 cm 10 cm 12 cm

Sandy soils ESU 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm

Gravelly soils ESU ESU 8 cm 10 cm

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B.5.2 Additional criteria related to the road object

• Straps: the surface layers are chosen in particular according to the geometry of the strap and the speed

• Areas, parking areas: the surface layers will be chosen in particular for their resistance to hydro carbons and
to resist the effects of puncturing, rutting and shearing.

• Canalized traffic zones: the surface layers will be chosen in particular so as to have good resistance to

• Roundabouts: the surface layers will in particular be chosen so as to have good resistance to rutting and to
shear stresses.

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Annexe C

Taking into account the upper part of the earthworks and the layer
of form in pavement sizing and frost checking

C.1 Pavement support platform classes

The long-term lift classes of the roadway support platform used in the structural dimensioning calculations of
roadways are shown in the table C.1.

Table C.1 — Long-term lift class of the road support platform

Module 20 MPa ≤ E ≤ 50 MPa ≤ E ≤ 80 MPa ≤ E≤ 120 MPa ≤ E ≤ E ≤ 200 MPa

50 MPa 80 MPa 120 MPa 200 MPa

Class of PF1 PF2 PF2qs PF3 PF4

NOTE the load-bearing values determined upon acceptance of the platform (short term) are representative of the long
term only if the quality of the sub-base materials, the PST drainage conditions and the maintenance during the service life of
the roadway comply with the rules of the art.

C.2 Platform coefficient taken into account during sizing

When the bonded material layer rests directly on the subgrade (the possible adjustment layer being an integral
part of the subgrade), the platform coefficient, k s, is a function of the lift of the platform..

Otherwise, ks is a function of the modulus of the underlying unbound material layer, this modulus being
determined according to the rules in Annex D.

The values of ks are specified in Table C.2.

Tableau C.2 — Values of ks taken into account depending on the lift of the platform or module
from the underlying layer to the layer of bonded materials considered

Lift or E < 50 MPa 50 MPa ≤ E < 80 MPa 80 MPa ≤ E < 120 MPa E ≥ 120 MPa

ks 1/1,2 1/1,1 1/1,065 1

C.3 Freezing behavior of the constituent materials of the PST and of the subgrade
This chapter deals with the parameters to be taken into account for the materials used in PST and as a subgrade
in gel design. It does not deal with the acceptability of PST and subgrade materials which is defined by the rules of
the art in earthworks. These parameters assume that the drainage conditions of the PST and the subgrade are in
accordance with good engineering practice.

NOTE in this chapter, the following notation is adopted: "material (Ci) Aj" according to standard NF P11-300 means
"Material Aj and material CiAj".

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The frost sensitivity of PST and sub-base materials includes the susceptibility to frostbite and cryosuction. This
sensitivity is determined with the help of tests depending on their nature and possible treatment.

Based on their frost sensitivity, PST and sub-base materials are classified into three categories: non-freezing
(SGn), low-freezing (SGp), very freezing (SGt)

C.3.1 Untreated materials

The classification of the frost sensitivity of materials not treated in subbase and in PST will be carried out
according to the chapters indicated in table C.3.

Note: Freezing affects granular fractions and cryosuction affects fine fractions. The tests used for the
characterization of the frostiness of an untreated material depend on the preponderant fraction in the behavior of
the material.

The frost sensitivity of materials R2, R4, R6, F3 totally burnt, F7 without plaster, purified of putrescible, crushed,
screened, scraped and homogenized elements, and F8 according to standard NF P11 -300 will be identical to
that of soil classes (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to their parameters of nature and mechanical behavior
after possible extraction and processing.

For the determination of the frost sensitivity of angular materials comprising a 0/50 mm fraction between 60 and
80% (which can be classified C1 or C2 according to the NF P11-300 standard), these materials will be
considered as C1 materials.

Table C.3 — Chapters to be used for classification of frost sensitivity of untreated materials

Classification of untreated
materials Paragraphe
(NF P11-300)
(C1)A1, (C1)A2, (C1)A3, (C1)A4 3.1.5
(C1)B1 whose insensitivity to water is
(C1)B1 whose insensitivity to water is
not demonstrated
(C1)B2 3.1.5
(C1)B3 whose insensitivity to water is
(C1)B3 whose insensitivity to water is
not demonstrated
(C1)B4, (C1)B5, (C1)B6 3.1.5
C2A1, C2A2, C2A3, C2A4 3.1.2
C2B1 3.1.1
C2B2 3.1.2
C2B3 3.1.1
C2B4, C2B5, C2B6 3.1.2
D1, D2, D3 3.1.1
R1 3.1.4
See soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to
R2 their nature and behavior parameters
mechanical after any extraction and processing
R31, R32 3.1.4
R33 3.1.3
R34 3.1.5
See soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to
R4 their nature and behavior parameters
mechanical after any extraction and processing
R5 3.1.6

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See soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to

R6 their nature and behavior parameters
mechanical after any extraction and processing
F1 3.1.6
F2 3.1.6
See soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to
F3 totally burnt their nature and behavior parameters
mechanical after any extraction and processing
F4 3.1.6
F5 3.1.6
F6 well incinerated, screened,
scrapped, low in toxic elements 3.1.5
soluble and stored for several
F7 without plaster, stripped of the See soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to
elements putrescible, crushed, sifted, their nature and behavior parameters
scrapped and homogenized mechanical after any extraction and processing
See soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to
F8 their nature and behavior parameters
mechanical after any extraction and processing
F9 and other F materials 3.1.6

C.3.1.1 Materials (C1) B1 with demonstrated insensitivity to water, (C1) B3 with demonstrated
insensitivity to water, C2B1, C2B3, D1, D2 and D3 according to standard NF P11-300

For these materials, if one of the following criteria is verified:

• LA ≤ 45 and MDE ≤ 45,

• of category F4 carried out on the most representative class of the material,

• or WA24 ≤ 2 % carried out on the most representative class of the material,

then they are considered as SGn. Otherwise, they are considered as SGp and the swelling slope ―p‖ to be
used for the design is 0.4 mm / (°C.h)1/2.

C.3.1.2 Materials C2A1, C2A2, C2A3, C2A4, C2B2, C2B4, C2B5 and C2B6 according to standard NF P11-300

For these materials, if one of the following criteria is verified:

• LA ≤ 45 and MDE ≤ 45,

• or category F4 carried out on the most representative class of the material,

• or WA24 ≤ 2 % carried out on the most representative class of the material,

then they are considered as SGp and the swelling slope ―p‖ to be used for the sizing is 0.4 mm / (°C.h) 1/2. If none of
the three previous criteria is verified, they are considered as SGt and the swelling slope ―p‖ to be used for the
design is strictly greater than 1 mm / (°C.h)1/2.

C.3.1.3 R33 materials according to standard NF P11-300

R33 materials according to standard NF P11-300 are considered as SGp and the swelling slope ―p‖ to be used for
the dimensioning is 0.4 mm / (°C.h)1/2.

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C.3.1.4 Materials R1, R31 and R32 according to standard NF P11-300

Materials R1, R31 and R32 according to standard NF P11-300 are considered as SGt and the swelling slope ―p‖ to
be used for the dimensioning is strictly greater than 1 mm / (°C.h)1/2.

C.3.1. Materials (C1) A1, (C1) A2, (C1) A3, (C1) A4, (C1) B1 whose insensitivity to water has not been
demonstrated, (C1) B3 whose insensitivity to water has not been demonstrated, (C1) B2, (C1) B4, (C1) B5, (C1)
B6, R34 and F6 well incinerated, screened, scraped, lightly loaded in soluble toxic elements and stored for
several months, according to standard NF P11-300

For these materials, the classification of their sensitivity to freezing depends on their slope p in the gel swelling test
according to Table C.4.

Table C.4 — Classification of the frost sensitivity of materials of materials (C1) A1, (C1) A2, (C1) A3,
(C1) A4, (C1) B1 whose insensitivity to water is not demonstrated, (C1) B3 whose insensitivity to water has not
been demonstrated, (C1) B2, (C1) B4 , (C1) B5, (C1) B6, R34 and F6 well incinerated, screened, scrapped, lightly
loaded with soluble toxic elements stored for several months, according to standard NF P11-300

Slope of the test (mm / (°C.h)1/2) p ≤ࡌ0,05 0.05 < p ≤ࡌ0.4 p > 0,4
Classification of materials SGn SGp SGt

The swelling slope "p" to be used for the sizing is that obtained in the gel swelling test.

In the absence of a gel swelling test result, the frost sensitivity classes and the "p" slopes to be used for the design
for these materials are listed in Table C.5.

Table C.5 — Indicative frost sensitivity classes and "p" slopes to be used for dimensioning
for materials (C1) A1, (C1) A2, (C1) A3, (C1) A4, (C1) B1 whose insensitivity to water has not been
demonstrated, (C1) B3 whose insensitivity to water has not been demonstrated, (C1) B2, (C1) B4, (C1) B5,
(C1) B6, R34 and F6 well incinerated, screened, scraped, lightly loaded in soluble toxic elements and
stored for several months, according to standard NF P11-300
Classification of Swelling slope "p" usable for
untreated materials Frost sensitivity class dimensioning
(NF P11-300) en mm / (°C.h)1/2
(C1) A3, (C1) A4, (C1) B1, (C1) B3, F6
well incinerated, sifted, scrapped, little SGp 0,4
loaded with soluble toxic elements
and stored for several months
(C1)A1, (C1)A2, (C1)B2, (C1)B4,
SGt >1
(C1)B5, (C1)B6, R34

C.3.1.6 Other materials of standard NF P11-300

For the materials of the NF P11-300 standard which have not been treated in chapters 3.1.1 to 3.1.5, a specific
study is necessary to determine their frost sensitivity class.

C.3.2 Materials processed

C.3.2.1 Materials treated with lime alone

The frost sensitivity of lime-treated materials depends on their slope p in the gel swelling test according to the table

Table C.6 — Classification of frost sensitivity of materials of lime-treated materials

Slope of the test (mm / (°C.h)1/2) pࡌ≤ 0.05 0.05 < p ≥ࡌ0.4 p > 0.4
Classification of materials SGn SGp SGt

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The swelling slope "p" to be used for the sizing is that obtained in the gel swelling test.

In the absence of a gel swelling test result, materials treated with lime alone, with the exception of materials R1 and
R3 according to standard NF P11-300, are considered as non-gelling "SGn" if, at the age corresponding to the first
possible statistical appearance of the gel in the region considered, their resistance to simple compression (NF EN
13286-41) is greater than or equal to 2.5 MPa.

For R1 and R3 materials, treated with lime alone and in the absence of a gel swelling test result, they can be
considered as non-gelling "SGn" if they meet the following criteria:

• grind less than or equal to 20 mm ;

• increasing to 5 mm greater than or equal to 60 % ;

• resistance to simple compression (NF EN 13286-41) at the age corresponding to the first possible
statistical appearance of the gel in the region considered greater than or equal to 2.5 MPa..

In the event of inconsistency in the classification of sensitivity to frost between the results of compressive strength
and swelling in frost for the same material, the results of the swelling test (NF P 98-234-2) prevail over the others. .

In the absence of a gel swelling test result, materials treated with lime alone are considered to have low gel strength
"SGp" when all of the following conditions are met:

• VBS ≥ 0,5 ;

• Lime content ≥ 1.5 % ;

• obtaining, on site, a grind less than or equal to 40 mm ;

• minimum level of compaction « q4 »;

• CBRi (after 4 days of immersion) / IPI> 1 (NF P94-078), and IPI greater than or equal to the values in
Table C.7. For materials R2, R3, R4 and R6 according to standard NF P11-300, the minimum IPI values to be
used are those of the soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to their type parameters after possible
extraction and processing.

In this case, the slope value to be used for sizing is 0.4 mm/ (°C.h)½.

Table C.7 — Minimum IPI for a treated material "little frost"

Classification of lime treated materials (NF P 11-300) IPI ≥

(C1)A3 10
(C1)A2 - (C1)B6 15
(C1)A1 - (C1)B5 20

(C1)B4 - (C1)B2 30

C.3.2.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders (possibly associated with lime)

The frost sensitivity of materials treated with hydraulic binders (possibly associated with lime) depends on their
slope p in the frost swelling test according to table C8.

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Table C.8 — Classification of the frost sensitivity of materials of materials treated with hydraulic
binders (possibly associated with lime)

Slope of the test (mm / (°C.h)1/2) pࡌ≤0.05 0.05 < p ≤ࡌ0.4 p > 0.4
Classification of materials SGn SGp SGt

The swelling slope "p" to be used for the sizing is that obtained in the gel swelling test.

In the absence of a gel swelling test result, materials treated with hydraulic binders (possibly associated with lime),
with the exception of materials R1 and R3 according to standard NF P11-300, which do not comply with all following

• grind less than or equal to 20 mm,

• increasing to 5 mm greater than or equal to 60%,

are considered as non-gelling ―SGn‖ if, at the age corresponding to the first possible statistical appearance of the
gel in the region considered, their resistance to diametral compression ―Rit‖ (NF EN 13286 -42) is greater than or
equal to 0 , 25 MPa. In the event of inconsistency in the classification of the sensitivity to frost between the results
of diametral compressive strength and gel swelling for the same material, the results of the swelling test (NF P98 -
234-2) prevail over the others.

In the absence of a gel swelling test result, materials treated with hydraulic binders (possibly associated with lime)
are considered to have low gel strength "SGp" when all of the following conditions are met :

• minimum dosage of hydraulic binder : 3% ;

• Rc ≥ 1MPa (at the age corresponding to the first possible statistical appearance of frost in the region
considered) ;

• obtaining, on site, a grind less than or equal to 40 mm ;

• minimum compaction level « q4 ».

In this case, the slope value to be used for sizing is 0.25 mm / (°C.h)½.

C.3.3 Thermal protection provided by the materials of the PST and the subgrade

The "A" parameter is used to assess the thermal protection provided by the PST and sub-layer materials which have
been previously classified as low freezing (SGp) or non-freezing (SGn) according to C-3-1 and C -3-2. Its value,
denoted Ap for low-freezing materials and An for non-freezing materials, depends on the material and possibly on the
treatment considered, is given in Table C.9.

For materials R2, R3, R4, R6, F3, F6, F7 and F8 according to standard NF P11-300, the ―A‖ parameter to be used
will be that of the soil class (classes A, B, C and D) corresponding to their nature parameters after any extraction and

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Table C.9 — Values of "A" depending on the nature of the material of the layer considered
Not treated or treated with lime Treated with hydraulic binders
alone (possibly associated with lime)
C2A1, C2A2,
C2A3, C2A4, (C1)B1,
Classification of (C1 et C2)B1, (C1)B2,
materials (NF P11- (C1 et C2)B2, (C1)A1, (C1)B3, (C1)A1, (C1)A2,
300) (C1 et C2)B3, (C1)A2, (C1)B4, Ashes
(C1)A3, (C1)A4,
(C1 et C2)B4, (C1)A3, (C1)B5, Flying
(C1 et C2)B5, (C1)A4, R1 (C1)B6, D1, D2,
(C1 et C2)B6, D3
D1, D2, D3
A (°C.j)1/2.m-1 12 14 13 14 17

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Annexe D

Characteristics of pavement materials for dimensioning - normative part

Pavement materials are discussed in Annex D for the normative part and in Annex E for the informative part. For
urban pavements, in the case of difficult working conditions, use may be made of material characteristic values
lower than those prescribed in this Annex. The values of the corresponding reductions are given in Annex E.
Annex F specifies certain implementation provisions.

D.1 Gravel untreated

The mechanical parameters of GNT to be taken into account in the dimensioning of structures depend on their
classification into categories, the type of structure and their use as a base or foundation layer. The classifications of
GNTs in category CG1, CG2 or CG3 as well as their conditions of use are provided in Annex E.

The Poisson's ratio of the GNT is taken equal to 0.35.

The determination of their Young modulus involves the parameters k and Emax defined in table D.1 according to
their category and the type of structure concerned.

Tableau D.1 — Determination of the parameters k and Emax used for the determination of the Young's
modulus of the GNT.

Category CG1 CG2 CG3

Soft pavements
k 3 2,5 2
Emax (MPa) 600 400 200
Bituminous pavements with GNT subbase
k 3
Emax (MPa) 360
Inverse pavements
Emax (MPa) 480 Non appropriate Non appropriate

Table D.2 gives the values of the stiffness modulus of GNT according to the parameters of table D.1 according
to the use which is made of the material.

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Table D.2 — Determination of the stiffness modulus of GNT layers for dimensioning.
Nature of the layer Young's modulus
Flexible pavement base layer EGNT = Emax
Reverse pavement GNT layer
Flexible pavement foundation layer - Subdivision of the GNT layer into underlayer 25 cm
Or thick from the bottom (the last underlayer may have a
Bituminous pavement foundation layer lower thickness).
- Calculation of the modulus of sub-layers indexed from
bottom to top according to the relation:
Pour i=1; EGNT (1) = Min ( k x Eplate-forme ; Emax)
Pour i>1; EGNT (1) = Min ( k x EGNT (i-1) ; Emax)

NOTE the dependence of modulus values on depth and type of structure accounts to some extent for the non -linear
character of GNTs and their increase in stiffness as a function of the average stress exerted (higher modulus in base layer than
in foundation layer, higher value for low bituminous cover).

The verification criteria for these materials for bituminous structures with a GNT foundation or for inve rse
structures are defined in chapter 8. The layers of GNT for flexible pavements are exempt from verification if NE <
250 000.

D.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders

Standardized materials belonging to the family of materials treated with hydraulic binders are defined in 7.2.2.
According to the standards of the NF EN 14427 series (1 to 5, and 15) (see diagram (Rt, E)), these materials are
divided into mechanical performance classes, noted from T1 to T5, according to their average values. Young's
modulus and direct tensile strength, evaluated at 360 days.

The values of the design parameters (Young's modulus E, fatigue strength ϭ6, ...) of these materials can be
established according to 3 modes:

i) by adopting the reference values, provided in tables D3, D4 according to the type and class of the material;

ii) from measurements of modulus and direct tensile strength Rt, established by laboratory tests;;

iii)from direct tensile modulus and fatigue resistance measurements ϭ6.

In case i), the values taken into account must be justified before starting the works.

In case ii), the direct tensile strength is measured by direct tensile tests (NF EN 13286-40) or from Rit indirect tensile
tests (NF EN 13286-42). In the latter case, the direct tensile strength is evaluated by equation D.1.

Equation D.1 :

In case iii), the fatigue behavior is assessed by cyclic bending tests, at constant force amplitude, on trapezoidal
specimens embedded at their base (NF P98-233-1). By this test are determined the level of stress ϭ6
corresponding to 106 cycles of loading, with a probability of rupture of 50% and the standard deviation, SN, of the
dispersion of the decimal logarithm of N at this level of stress. The fatigue slope takes the value mentioned in
tables D.3, D.4 and D.5 depending on the type of material and its performance class .

NOTE 1 : the resulting mechanical performance class must nevertheless belong to the standardized classes of the material

NOTE 2 : the values of modulus and resistance in direct traction are the values measured or correlated to 360 days.

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NOTE 3 : the modulus of elasticity is assessed by direct tensile or simple compression tests (NF EN 13286-40 or NF EN
13286-43) on specimens stored in a sealed case at a temperature of 20 °C.

Due to the sensitivity of the mechanical performance of these materials to the nature of their constituents and to
variations in formulation, the values of modulus of rigidity and fatigue resistance ultimately retained for the design
take into account a reduction in the values obtained in laboratory on the basic formula. These weightings are defined
in Annexe E.2.2.

D.2.1 Gravel treated with hydraulic binders and compacted road concrete

Table D.3 groups together the values of the calculation parameters used as a reference for treated gravel and
compacted road concrete, the composition and construction of which comply with the standards defined in chapter
2 (in particular NF P98-114-1, NF P98- 232-4 and NF P98-234-1).

For these materials, a minimum level of 360-day tensile strength is also required to be obtained on the basic
formula, the value of which Rt360 is set in the last column of table D.3.

Table D.3 — Reference values of the calculation parameters for gravel treated with binders
hydraulic and pozzolanic and compacted road concrete, compliant with standards

E σ6 - 1/b SN Sh Rt360 min
(MPa) (MPa) (m) (MPa)

Grave Cement (T3) 23 000 0,75 15 1 1,15

Grave Hydraulic Road Binder (T3)
Grave Hydraulic Fly Ash (T3)

Grave Ciment (T4) 25 000 1,20 15 1 1,80

Grave Hydraulic Road Binder (T4)
Grave Granulated Slag (T2) 15 000 0,60 12 1 0,90
Grave Pre-ground Slag (activated with lime) (T2)

Grave Dairy preground (T3) 20 000 0,70 14 1 0,03 1,05

(sulphate or calcium activator)

Grave Dag Fly Ash - Lime (T3) 22 000 0,80 13 1 1,2

Grave Fly Ash Silicoaluminous-Lime (T4) 30 000 1,40 16 1 2,10

Grave Pouzzolane Lime (T2) 15 000 0,6 12 1 0,9

Compacted Concrete Road (T4) 25 000 1,20 15 1 1,80

Compacted Concrete Road (T5) 28 000 1,85 15 1 2,80

D.2.2 Sands treated with hydraulic binders

Due to the diversity of origin of the sands and the variety of composition and dosage of binder resulting from
considerations of immediate stability and long-term mechanical performance, it is necessary for each project to
carry out a specific laboratory study (NF P98-114-2). The study should make it possible to specify the sensitivity
of the basic formula to the dispersions (composition and implementation) that are inevitable on site.

In the absence of specific laboratory studies, reference values for the design parameters are provided in Table

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Table D.4 — Values of the calculation parameters for sands treated with hydraulic binders in accordance
with standards.

(103 MPa) σ
Material Classe Ti 6 (MPa) - 1/b SN Sh

T3 12 500 0,65
Dairy sand
T2 8 500 0,43 10 0,8 0,025
Pozzolan-lime sand
T1 3 700 0,18
T3 17 200 0,75
Sand Cement
Sand Fly Ash Silicoaluminous-Lime T2 12 000 0,50 12 0,8 0,025
Sand Binder Hydraulic Road
T1 5 000 0,21
Dairy Sand Fly Ash Lime T2 8 500 0,43 10 0,8 0,025
Hydraulic Fly Ash Sand T1 5 000 0,21 12 0,8 0,025
Due to the sensitivity of the mechanical performance of these materials to the nature of their constituents and to
variations in formulation, the values of modulus of rigidity and fatigue resistance ultimately retained for the design
take into account a reduction in the values obtained in laboratory on the basic formula. These weightings are defined
in Annexe E.2.3.

D.2.3 Soils treated with hydraulic binders

As for the treated sands, due to the diversity of origin of the soils and the variety of composition and dosage in
binder resulting from considerations of immediate stability and long-term mechanical performance, it is
necessary each time to perform a specific laboratory study according to standard NF P98 -114-3.

The study of the sensitivity of the basic formula to dispersions (water content, binder, compactness) is strongly
recommended for types of work sites where the volumes of pavement materials (in treated soils) exceed 5,000

Unlike what exists for gravel and sands treated with hydraulic binders, there are no reference values for
Young's modulus E and fatigue resistance ϭ6. These parameters must therefore be determined from laboratory

Due to the sensitivity of the mechanical performance of these materials to the nature of their constituents and to
variations in formulation, the values of modulus of rigidity and fatigue resistance ultimately retained for the
design take into account a reduction in the values obtained in laboratory on the basic formula. These
weightings are defined in Appendix E.2.4.

Table D.5 groups together the values of the other calculation parameters retained for the treated soils.

For these materials, a minimum level of tensile strength is also required on the probable date of onset of frost,
the Rt value of which is set in the last column of table D.5.

Table D.5 — Reference values of the calculation parameters for soils treated with hydraulic binders, in
accordance with standards

Material - 1/b SN Sh Rt min


Fine soil (T1, T2, T3)

0,8 0.04 if treatment in place
0.025 if central processing
Sand type soil (T1, T2, T3, T4)
11 0,2

Grave type soil (T1, T2, T3, T4) 1 0.05 if treatment in place
0.03 if central processing

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D.2.4 Elements common to materials treated with hydraulic binders

The value of the Poisson's ratio is taken equal to 0.25.

The value of the coefficient kd, the application methods of which are defined in, is taken equal to:

• / 1.25 for hydraulic materials of class T4 and for compacted concrete of class T4 or T5;

• 1 for all other materials.

The coefficient kc takes the values given in Table D.6.

Table D.6 — Value of the coefficient kc for materials treated with hydraulic binders

Material kc
Grave cement of class T3 or T4
Grave hydraulic road binder class T3 1.4
Soils treated with hydraulic binders
Other MTLH 1.5

D.3 Bituminous materials

D.3.1 Elements common to bituminous materials

D.3.1.1 Poisson's ratio, tolerance on the thicknesses of the seating materials (Sh)

The Poisson's ratio of these materials is taken equal to 0.35 for metropolitan France.

The rule for calculating Sh is given by equation D.3, where h is the total thickness of the seat. However, in the
presence of a platform with a minimum PF2qs level and adjusted to plus or minus 0.015 m, the maximum dispersion
in thickness of the seat can be taken equal to 0.015 m.

Equation D.3 :

D.3.1.2 Determination of sizing parameters

The mechanical characteristics (modulus of rigidity, fatigue behavior) required for sizing can be defined
according to one of the following two modes:

i) by adopting the reference values defined in the tables for each product concerned (D.7 to D.14). These
values will then be verified by tests on site materials carried out under the test conditions defined below.

ii) from values derived from the results of laboratory tests on materials representative of the planned site and
produced with the prescribed percentage of void. The measurements must be carried out according to the
specifications of standard NF EN 13108-20 and NF P98-150-1 (levels 3 and 4 of formulation studies, determination
of modulus and fatigue behavior). The elementary formulation tests are described in the standards of the NF EN
12697 series and the specific rules for determining the moduli of rigidity and fatigue resistance are detailed below.

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For class 2 and 3 EB-GB products and class 1, 2 and 3 EB-BBSG products, in the absence of test results on the
mechanical characteristics, it is possible to retain the minimum values for sizing, tables D.7 and D.8 for GB and
D.11 and D.12 for BBSG, provide that level 2 formulation studies are available and that a minimum richness
modulus of the mixture specified in the specification sheet is respected documentation of hot mix standards.

For thin wearing courses, the values to be taken into account are the standard values given in table D.10.

D. Determination of the parameters linked to the module

The values of moduli E necessary for sizing (at 10 ° C-10Hz and at 15 ° C-10Hz or at Ɵeq-10 Hz when the equivalent
temperature Ɵeq of the project is different from 15 ° C) are deduced from the results of one of the following module
tests (NF EN 12697-26) :

i) he two-point bending test (NF EN 12697-26, Annex A), by retaining the modulus at 10 Hz and at
temperatures 10 ° C and 15 ° C or Ɵeq;

ii) the direct tensile test (NF EN 12697-26, Annex E), retaining the modulus calculated at 0.02 s and at
temperatures 10 ° C and 15 ° C or θeq ;

iii) the direct compression tensile test (NF EN 12697-26 Annex D) at 10 Hz and at temperatures 10 ° C and 15
° C or θeq ;

iv) the indirect cyclic traction test (NF EN 12697-26 Annex F) at 10 Hz and at temperatures 10 ° C and 15 ° C
or θeq ;

v) he indirect impulse traction test (NF EN 12697-26 Annex C) at 124 ms and at temperatures of 10 ° C and
15 ° C.

NOTE when contradictory modulus of rigidity tests are carried out in accordance with standard NF EN 12697 -26 but by
different methods and, the difference in results between these tests generates a difference in the thickness of the base laye r in
bituminous materials at 10%, the thickness taken into account will be that calculated from a modulus of rigidity determined
according to method A.

For tests carried out under cyclic loading - i), iii), iv) or under direct traction for test ii) - the modulus value at
temperature θeq and at a frequency of 10 Hz or at the load time 0.02 s can be obtained from the construction of

Test v) is only applicable at the equivalent temperature of 15 ° C. The determination of the modulus is based on
carrying out a test at 15 ° C and a test at 10 ° C with charge times at 124 +/- 4 ms and is taken equal to the average
of the results obtained for these two conditions (equation D.4):

Equation D.4 :

For the change to the equivalent temperature ϴeq, for all the tests (i, ii, iii, iv and v), the values of the ratios E (10 °
C, 10Hz) / E (15 ° C, 10Hz) are indicated in the table D.11 for the calculation of the coefficient kθ.

D. Determination of parameters related to fatigue behavior

The fatigue behavior is assessed by the flexural fatigue test (NF EN 12697-24, Annex A) carried out at 10 ° C and
25 Hz. The fatigue curve is represented by a relation of the form given by the equation 6. The dispersion on the
results (on log10 N at break) is described by the standard deviation SN. The strain value in fatigue ε6 is that
measured at 10 ° C-25Hz. The parameters SN and b keep the standard values of the tables (D.7 to D.9).

To be acceptable, the values of the mechanical characteristics selected must, however, be within the modulus an d
deformation ranges ε6 of the performance class of the material considered (Tables D.7, D.8, D.9, D. 10)

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D.3.2 Gravel bitumen (EB-GB)

Gravel bitumen is classified into three performance classes (GB2, GB3 and GB4)

Table D.7 — Minimum and maximum mechanical characteristics of EB-GB

Class 2 3 4
Module at15 °C - 10 Hz ou 0,02 s (MPa) 9 000 9 000 11 000
Minimum values
ε6 (µdef) 80 90 100
Module at15 °C - 10 Hz ou 0,02 s (MPa) 11 000 11 000 14 000
Maximum values
ε6 (µdef) 90 100 115
- 1/b 5 5 5
Values to apply
flat rate SN 0,3 0,3 0,3
kc 1,3 1,3 1,3

D.3.3 High modulus asphalt (EB-EME)

High modulus asphalt are classified into two performance classes

Table D.8 — Minimum and maximum mechanical characteristics of EB-EME

Class 1 2
Module at 15 °C - 10 Hz or 0,02 s(MPa) 14 000 14 000
Minimum values
ɛ 6 (µdef) 100 130
Module at 15 °C - 10 Hz or 0,02 s(MPa) 17 000 17 000
Maximum values
ε 6 (µdef) 115 145
– 1/b 5 5
Values to apply
flat rate SN 0,3 0,25
kc 1 1

D.3.4 Bituminous materials for thick binding and wearing courses EB-BBSG and EB-

The EB-BBSG and EB-BBME are classified into three performance classes.

The sizing method does not include a fatigue check of the wearing course and the binding layer.

Table D.9 — Minimum and maximum mechanical characteristics of EB-BBSG, EB-BBME et SMA


Class 1 2 et 3 1 2 et 3
Module at 15 °C -
Minimum 5 500 7 000 9 000 11 000 3 500
10 Hz (MPa)
ε 6 (µdef) 100 100 100 100 100

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Maximum Module at15 °C - 10

values 9 000 11 000 11 000 14 000 6 000
Hz (MPa)
ε 6 (µdef) 115 130 115 130 130
– 1/b 5 5 5 5 5
Values to
apply SN 0,25 0,25 0.25 0.25 0.25
flat rate
kc 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1

D.3.5 Bituminous materials for thin binding and wearing courses

Table D.10 — Mechanical properties for thin bonding and wearing course

BB Very Thin BB Draining (BBDr) Poured asphalts

BB Thin (BBM)
(BBTM) Road (ACR)
Module 15°C (MPa) 5 500 3 000 3 000 5 500

D.3.6 Stiffness modulus values at 10 ° C, 10 Hz for the calculation of kθ

The application of the equation given in 5.2.2, calculation of k θ, requires knowledge of the modulus of rigidity at 10 °
C, 10 Hz of bituminous materials. For all the tests (i, ii, iii, iv and v) listed in D.3.1.2, this modulus is calculated from
the ratio with the modulus of rigidity at 15 ° C, 10 Hz, the values of which depending on the type of material are
provided in Table D.11 below:

Table D.11 — Ratio between the modulus of rigidity 10 ° C, 10 Hz and the modulus of rigidity at 15 ° C, 10
Hz of materials treated with hydrocarbon binders

E(10°C, 10 Hz)/E(15°C, 10Hz)
EB-GB2 1,32

EB-GB3 1,32

EB-GB4 1,30

EB- EME1 1,21

Conventional calculation values EB- EME2 1,21

EB- BBSG1 1,33

EB - BBSG2 et EB - BBSG3 1,33

EB- BBME1 1,33

EB- BBME2 et EB- BBME3 1,33

D.4 Cement concretes

D.4.1 General

Cement concretes are divided into 5 classes from BC2 to BC6, according to standard NF P98-170 on the basis
of mechanical resistance at 28 days measured in the laboratory, according to standards NF EN 12390 -6
(splitting) or NF EN 12390 -3 (compression). With reference to standard NF P 98-170, the recommended
concretes used as a base-rolling course are of class BC6 and BC5 or even BC4 in light traffic limited to T3 and
BC3 in T4. Class BC2 and BC3 lean concretes are reserved for foundation layers.

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The design parameters, Young's modulus E and fatigue strength ϭ6, depend on these classes.

D.4.1.1 Poisson's ratio and kc calibration and discontinuity coefficients kd

The Poisson's ratio is taken equal to 0.25.

The coefficient kc is taken equal to 1.5 in all cases..

The values of the coefficient k d are given in Table D.12. These coefficients are applicable in layer of base-bearing,
provided that the constructive extra width provisions are respected (see Appendix F) .

Table D.12 — Values of the kd coefficient for the design of rigid pavements

Base layer-bearing
BCg/Bm ou BCg/MTLH 1/1,47
BAC/Bm ou BCg/GB3 1/1,37
BAC/GB3 1/1,07
Other structures 1/1,7
Foundation layer
All structures (including lean concrete) except
thick slabs 1

D.4.1.2 Tolerance on thicknesses (Sh)

The value of the parameter Sh is determined according to the installation material defined in standard NF P98-170
and according to the position of the layer in the roadway, in accordance with Table D.13. Three classes of material
are to be distinguished:

• Type A material: surface vibration on fixed formwork;

• Type B equipment: use of a battery of vibrating needles on fixed formwork, associated with a vibration of
area ;

• Type C equipment: slip formwork machine meeting the characteristics defined in standard NF P98-734.

Table D.13 — Value of the parameter Sh for cement concretes

Material type

Pavement layer A B C

Foundation layer and thick slabs 0.03 m 0.03 m 0.03 m

Basecoat / bearing 0.03 m 0.02 m 0.01 m

D.4.2 Mechanical performance

The Young's modulus of cement concretes for dimensioning is defined according to their class according to Table


The values of the fatigue parameters ϭ6, b and SN can be set using one of the following three approaches:

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i) performance of fatigue tests on trapezoidal specimens embedded at their base, adopting the provisions
of standard NF P98-233-1 defined for hydraulic materials;

ii) calculation of ϭ6 according to the passage relation given by equation E.12, from the measurement of
tensile strength by splitting. The values b and SN are taken equal to those of table D.14.

iii) in the absence of fatigue or splitting test results, use of the reference values in the table D.14.

In cases i) and ii), the value of ϭ 6 cannot however exceed the maximum value of the material class, given in
table D.15.

Table D.14 — Reference values of the calculation parameters for concretes conforming to the standard NF

Class BC2 BC3 BC4 BC5 BC6

Module (MPa) 20 000 24 000 30 000 35 000 40 000
σ 6 reference (MPa) 1,37 1,63 1,95 2,15 2,60
– 1/b 14 15 15 16 16
SN 1 1 1 1 1

Table D.15 — Maximum values of ϭ6

Class BC2 BC3 BC4 BC5 BC6

σ 6 max (MPa) 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,4 2,7

D.4.3 Sizing of steels

The sizing of the studs, connecting bars and reinforcements of the BAC is described by standard NF P98- 170.
This also gives the steel grades to be used and specifies the positioning tolerances .

D.5 Parameters of Frost Bonded Pavement Materials

The values of the parameters specific to each material, necessary for the thermal conduction model, are given in
Table D.16. The values of the other parameters also necessary for the calculation are provided in Annex H, with the
equation of the model.

Table D.16 — Characteristics adopted for pavement materials and soil for the calculation of the
propagation of the frost front in pavement structures

ρd W kng kg
(kg/m3) (%) (W.K-1.m-1) (W.K-1.m-1)
BB 2350 1 2 2,1
GB 2350 1 1,9 1,9
EME* 2390 1 2,35 2,4
SB 1990 5,5 1,5 1,7
GL 2150 4 1,4 1,5
SL 1900 7 1,1 1,3
GC 2250 3 1,8 1,9
BCR 2250 3 1,8 1,9
SC 1900 8 1,42 1,66
Fine treated soils 1700 14 1,20 1,50
Sandy soils- 1900 7 1,60 1,80

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grit treated
SCV 1350 14 0,6 0,93
GCV 2250 5 1,9 2,1
GP 2150 4 1,1 1,2
Concrete 2300 3 1,7 1,9
GNT 2200 4 1,8 2
Sol A 1300 32 1,1 1,8
* when using the simplified thermal conduction method, it is necessary for the EME2 material to use the
parameters relating to the GB material in order to maintain a safe approach to the gait .

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Annexe E

Characteristics of pavement materials for dimensioning -

informative part

E.1 Gravel untreated

The characteristics of GNTs according to their use are defined on the basis of the criteria in tables E.1, E.2 and E.3
using the characteristics of granular mixtures, in accordance with standards NF EN 13242, NF EN 13285 and NF
P18- 545.

Table E.1 — Characteristics of GNT for use as a foundation layer

Traffic classes
T0 à
Usage Characteristics T5 T4 T3 T2 T1
Type de GNT GNT 1,6 GNT 2,3
0/63 -
Granularity d/D 0/31.5 - 0/31.5 - 0/20
Intrinsic characteristics of /
Foundation E D C
Manufacturing characteristics of
Manufacturing characteristics of
c b
Angularity of gravel and sand
Ang 4 Ang 3 Ang 2

Tableau E.2 — Characteristics of GNT for use as a base layer

Traffic classes
Usage T0 à
Characteristics T5 T4 T3 T2 T1
Type de GNT GNT 2, 3 et 4 GNT 3 et 4
Granularity d/D 0/31.5 - 0/20 - 0/14 0/20 - 0/14
Intrinsic characteristics of grit E+ D* C
Base Manufacturing characteristics of /
Manufacturing characteristics of sands b
Angularity of gravel and sand
Ang 3
* In the event that the mechanical performance of the GNT has been determined by the TCR test, the D code
chippings can be used for T3 traffic and the E code chippings can be used for T4 traffic if the GNT is at least
mechanical class C2.

+ Within the limit of LA ≤ 40 and MDe ≤ 35

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Table E.3 — Characteristics of GNT for use in reverse structure

Traffic classes
T0 à
Usage Characteristics T5 T4 T3 T2 T1
Type de GNT GNT 3 et 4
Granularity d/D 0/20 - 0/14
Inverse Intrinsic characteristics of grit / C
Manufacturing characteristics of grit III
Manufacturing characteristics of sands b
Angularity of gravel and sand alluvial Ang 2

The conditions of use of GNTs according to their type (A, B1 or B2) or their mechanical performance class
(C1, C2 or C3) determined in the TCR test (NF EN 13286-7) are defined in the table E.4.

Table E.4 — Conditions of use of GNTs according to their type or performance class mechanical determined
by the Triaxial Repeated Loading (TCR) test.

Traffic classes
T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 T0 to Tex
A, B1, B2 or B1, B2 or
Foundation class class B2 or class
mechanical C3 mechanical C3 mechanical C2

B2 or class /
A, B1, B2 or class
Base Mechanical C3 mechanical C2 /

Inverse B2 or class mechanical C1

Note : GNT A are obtained in a single fraction. GNT B come from the mixture of at least two distinct particle size
fractions in defined proportions. GNT A and B1 are compact at 80% OPM. The GNT B2 has a compactness of
82% OPM.

Table E.5. defines, on the basis of the characteristics seen previously, which categories are retained for the sizing for
each of the GNTs:

Table E.5 — Definition of sizing categories for GNTs

Type de GNT A, B1 or B2 or class
Class mechanical C3 Class mechanical mechanical C1
Category chosen for CG3 CG2 CG1

E.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders

E.2.1 Fatigue law common to materials treated with hydraulic binders

The fatigue law resulting from the tests on hydraulic materials is taken according to standard NF P98 -233-1 in
semi-logarithmic form (equation E.1):

Equation E.1 :

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Rf is the flexural strength under monotonic loading (average value at 360 days);

ᵦ is the slope of the fatigue line expressing the stress rate as a function of the decimal logarithm of the number
of cycles (NF P98-233-1);

N is the number of cycles applied.

The fatigue law used for the sizing of materials treated with hydraulic binders results from an approximation of the
previous law in the form of equation E.2.

Equation E.2 :

where :

ϭ6 is the parameter representing the stress leading to a bending fatigue life of 106 cycles, with a 50%
probability, on specimens with a ripening of 360 days;;

b is the fatigue slope of the material between 105 and 107 cycles obtained in the diagram (log N, log σ). It is
deduced from the value of β through the relation:

Equation E.3 :

E.2.2 Gravel treated with hydraulic and pozzolanic binders and compacted road concrete

The relationships between the design parameters and the laboratory test quantities measured according to the standards
specified in Annex D-2, are provided through equations E.4 and E.5.

The dimensioning modulus E is given by:

Equation E.4 :

with :

E360 is the mean value of the module evaluated at 360 days. The passage between this value and that of the
modulus measured at a different age is specified in table E.6.

The fatigue strength σ6 is given by:

Equation E.5 :

with :

Rt360 is the average value of the simple tensile strength evaluated at 360 days on the basic formula of the site,
representative of the components and projected dosages. The passage between this value and that measured
at a different age is specified in the table E.7.

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The 0.67 coefficient results from the 0.95 ratio between σ6 and the 360-day tensile strength, evaluated in the
laboratory on the basic formula for the site, to which a reduction of 30% is applied..

In the absence of specific studies, the resistance and modulus values at 360 days for gravel treated with road
hydraulic binders can be estimated from the values measured at 60 days by the correspondence coefficients
indicated in Table E.6.

For gravel-cement, gravel-slag, gravel-fly ash, the 360-day values are measured directly at this age or if values
are obtained at earlier dates, the latter can be considered, but without a corresponding coefficient .

Table E.6 — Correspondence coefficients to be taken into account for the performance estimation
mechanical at one year according to series standards NF EN 14227

Mixed Age (days), n Rtn / Rt360 En / E360

Grave Hydraulic Road Binder 60 0,78 0,82

E.2.3 Sands treated with hydraulic and pozzolanic binders

The relationships between the design parameters and the laboratory test quantities measured according to the
standards specified in Annex D-2, are provided through equations E.6 and E.7.

The dimensioning modulus E is given by:

Equation E.6 :

with :

E360 is the average value of the module evaluated at 360 days. The passage between this value and that of
the modulus measured at a different age is specified in table E.8.

The fatigue strength σ6 is given by :

Equation E.7 :


Rt360 is the average value of the simple tensile strength evaluated at 360 days on the basic formula of the site,
representative of the components and projected dosages. The passage between this value and that measured
at a different age is specified in table E.7.

The coefficient 0.67 results from the ratio 0.90 between σ 6 and the tensile strength at 360 days, evaluated in the
laboratory on the basic formula of the site, to which a reduction of 25% is itself applied.

The 360-day resistance and modulus values for sands treated with hydraulic binders can be estimated from the
values measured at 60 days by the correspondence coefficients indicated in Table E.8, in the absence of specific

For cement-sands, slag-sands, fly-ash sands, the 360-day values are measured directly at this age or if values are
obtained at earlier dates, the latter can be considered, but without a correspondence coefficient .

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Table E.7 — Correspondence coefficients to be taken into account for estimating mechanical performance
at one year according to the standards of the series NF EN 14227

Mixed Age (days), n Rtn / Rt360 En / E360

Sand Binder Hydraulic Road 60 0,78 0,82

E.2.4 Soils treated with hydraulic binders

For treated soils, the relationships between the design parameters and the laboratory test quantities measured
according to the standards specified in Annex D.2 depend on the level of treatment quality. Two quality levels
are defined: AC1 and AC2 in table E.8.

Table E.8 — Definition of treatment quality levels

Minimum scores or levels for each level of

treatment quality
Type of treatment Criteria* AC1 AC2
C ou L 2 2
V 3 1
Treatment in place H 2 2
E 3 2
W ou I 3 2
Central processing Manufacturing plant 2 1
NOTE the criteria and the definition of the scores for each criterion are defined in the NF P98-115 standards for the
treatment in place and NF P98-732-1 for treatment in a power plant.

The relationships between the design parameters and the laboratory test quantities measured according to the standards
specified in Annex D.2, are provided through equations E.8 and E.9.

The dimensioning modulus E is given by:

Equation E.8 :

For AC2 level treatment:

For AC1 level treatment:

with :

E360 is the average value of the module evaluated at 360 days. In the absence of specific results, the values used
will be those measured at a minimum age of 90 days without correction..

Equation E.9 :

For AC2 level treatment:

For AC1 level treatment:

with :

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Rt360 is the average value of the simple tensile strength evaluated at 360 days on the basic formula of the site,
representative of the components and projected dosages. In the absence of specific results, the values used will
be those measured at a minimum age of 90 days without correction..

σ6 labo is the average value of the fatigue resistance evaluated at 360 days on the basic formula of the site, representative
of the components and projected dosages. In the absence of specific results, the values used will be those measured at a
minimum age of 90 days without correction..

The 0.62 and 0.71 coefficients result from the 0.95 ratio between σ6 and the 360-day tensile strength, evaluated in
the laboratory on the basic construction formula, to which a reduction of 35% and
25 % respectively are applied.

E.3 Bituminous materials

E.3.1 Fatigue law common to bituminous materials

The shape of the fatigue law for bituminous materials is given by the equation E.10.

Equation E.10 :

with :

ε6 is the parameter of the fatigue law of the bituminous material;

b is the slope of the fatigue law of the bituminous material;

N is the number of requests applied.

E.3.2 Minimum modulus values in the case of an equivalent temperature different from 15 °C

For tropical-type climates (overseas France), the equivalent temperature is generally taken equal to 25 ° C, except
for Guyana for which an equivalent temperature of 28 ° C can be used.

The principle of calculating the equivalent temperature for other climatic conditions is presented in Appendix G.

Table E.9. presents the minimum modulus values for the main bituminous materials for equivalent temperatures of
25 and 28 ° C, at 10 Hz.

Table E.9 — Minimum modulus values for the main bituminous materials in the case of equivalent
temperatures of 25 and 28 ° C

Material Class Module 25°C - 10 Hz (MPa) Module 28°C - 10 Hz (MPa)

GB 2 or 3 4 400 3 400
GB 4 5 600 4 300
EME 1 or 2 8 500 7 000
EB-BBSG 1 2 500 1 800

EB-BBSG 2 and 3 3 200 2 400

EB-BBME classe 1 1 4 500 3 600

EB-BBME 2 and 3 5 600 4 500

BBM 2 500 1 800

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BBTM 1 400 1 200

BBDr 1 400 1 200

ACR 2 500 1 800

E.3.3 Poisson's ratio values for temperatures greater than or equal to 25 °C

For equivalent temperatures greater than or equal to 25 ° C, the value of the Poisson's ratio ʋ will be considered
equal to 0,4.

E.3.4 Values of kc in the case of an equivalent temperature different from 15 °C

The values of kc used are identical to those at 15 ° C (Tables D.7, D.8 and D.9).

E.4 Cement concretes

The fatigue law of cement concrete for sizing is given by Equation E.11.

Equation E.11 :

with :

ϭ6 is the parameter representing the stress leading to a bending fatigue life of 106 cycles with a probability of
50% ;

b is the slope of the fatigue law of the material;

N is the number of cycles applied.

In the absence of a standardized fatigue test for cement concretes, the value of ϭ 6 can be evaluated by a fatigue test
for hydraulic materials according to standard NF P98-233-1 or from tests of resistance to splitting , produced
according to standard NF EN 12390-6, according to Equation E.12 :

Equation E.12 :

with :

ft is the average tensile strength by splitting at 28 days.

For materials conforming to the splitting classes of standard NF P98-170, Table E.10 gives representative values of
the average strengths at 28 days in tension by splitting ft to be considered in Equation E.12. These values
correspond to manufacturing plants allowing a standard deviation of 0.3 MPa to be obtained on the splitting
resistance checks. Applying Equation E.12 to these values leads to the reference values in Table D.14.

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Table E.10 — Average ft values for the mechanical performance of standardized concrete

Cement concrete class

ft way (MPa)
Splitting class at 28 days
Nom (NF 12390-6)
BC6 S 3,3 4
BC5 S 2,7 3,3
BC4 S 2,4 3
BC3 S 2,0 2,5
BC2 S 1,7 2,1

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Annexe F

Specific constructive provisions related to sizing

These provisions apply to roadways in interurban and urban areas, unless specifically impossible (presence
of curbs for example).

F.11 Thickness rules on materials

Depending on the thicknesses resulting from the sizing, it is necessary to define the number of layers to obtain
optimal implementation, especially in terms of compaction and unification. The number of layers is defined according
to the current thicknesses of implementation of the different types of materials.

The thicknesses quoted in this appendix are those after compaction.

F.1.1 Untreated Gravel

For best compaction, the GNT minimum thickness is 0.10 m for a GNT 0/14, 0.15 m for a 0/20 GNT and 0.20 m for
GNT 0 / 31.5 or 0 / 63. The maximum thickness compacted in one layer can reach 0.35 m regardless of GNT. The
use of type B GNT, within the meaning of the national foreword to standard NF EN 13285, is to be preferred .

F.1.2 Materials treated with hydraulic binders

The minimum thickness of a layer of gravel treated with hydraulic binders or compacted concrete is 0.15 m.
The maximum thickness compacted in a single layer is 0.32 m for a 0/14 bass and for a 0/20 bass.

The minimum thickness of a layer of treated sand is 0.18 m. The maximum thickness compacted in a single layer
is 0.32 m.

The minimum thickness of a layer of treated soil is 0.20 m. The maximum thickness compacted in a single layer is
0.32 m.

F.1.3 Bituminous materials

The current implementation thicknesses (NF P98 150-1) of gravel-bitumen layers are between:

• 0.08 and 0.14 m for GB 0/14;

• 0.10 and 0.16 m for GB 0/20.

Typical application thicknesses for high modulus asphalt layers are between :

• 0.06 and 0.08 m for EME 0/10 ;

• 0.07 and 0.13 m for EME 0/14 ;

• 0.09 and 0.15 m for EME 0/20.

F.1.4 Cement concrete

The minimum thickness of a layer of cement concrete used is 0.12 m; the maximum thickness of a layer of cement
concrete used is 0.45 m.

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F.2 Excess of pavement layers

F.2.1 Bituminous structures

To ensure correct execution conditions, each pavement layer has a minimum excess width of 0.20 m relative to the
layer it supports. In the case of a surface layer comprising a tie layer and a wearing course, the excess width of
each of these sub-layers may be limited to 0.10 m.

F.2.2 Base structure treated with hydraulic binders

In relation to the nominal width of the road, it is adopted on both sides an extra width of the bituminous wearing
course of 0.25 m. To ensure correct working conditions, each layer of pavement has, compared to the layer it
supports, an excess width of 0.20 m.

F.2.3 Reverse structure

In relation to the nominal width of the road, it is adopted on both sides an extra width of the bituminous wearing
course of 0.25 m. To ensure correct working conditions, each layer of pavement has, compared to the layer it
supports, an excess width of 0.20 m.

F.2.4 Cement concrete structures

In order to reduce the stresses in the slab of the concrete base-bearing course, an excess width of this slab is
defined according to the use of the roadway.

The foundation layer has an excess width of:

• 0.30 m on the right side, for a gravel foundation treated with hydraulic binders and 0.10 m for lean
concrete or gravel bitumen;

• 0.10 m side Terre Plein Central (TPC).

F.2.5 Treated soil structures

As these materials are sensitive to water, special care must be taken in the design of pavements to avoid infiltration and
stagnation of water.

All or part of the following provisions may be considered:

• creation of an excess width of the treated soil layer of at least 0.5 m compared to the usual construction
provisions which can be waterproofed, if necessary;

• stormwater drainage to ditches and outlets as quickly as possible, which can increase the transverse
slope of the shoulders by waterproofing them if necessary;

• creation of edge screens to eliminate internal water as quickly as possible, especially in humid climatic

F.3 Specificities related to the different pavement structures

F.3.1 Bituminous structure

In the case where the base layer consists of two layers, the thickness of the base layer is generally equal to or
greater than one centimeter than the thickness of the base layer.

In the case where the base layer comprises three layers, the thickness of the deepest layer is equal to or greater
than one centimeter than the thickness of the intermediate layer, itself equal to or greater than one centimeter to
that of the overlying layer.

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However, other criteria must be taken into account such as the distance of the interfaces from the surface,
obtaining a quality uni, the need to have layers of constant thickness on the cross section or that of connect
to an already existing structure.

F.3.2 Base structure treated with hydraulic binders

In order to move the interface between the base and foundation layers away from the surface of the road, the
thickness of the base layer must be between the thickness of the foundation layer and this same thickness
increased by 0, 05 m.

For class 2 hydraulic sand foundations, the thickness of the base layer must be between the thickness of the
foundation layer and this same thickness increased by 0.10 m.

For bed structures treated with hydraulic binders, pre-cracking is mandatory for the base layer :

• when the cumulative traffic is over 6.5 million PL;

• when it is made of materials of class T4 or higher, whatever the traffic.

The use of systems delaying the rise of cracks is possible but is done in all cases in addition to pre-

F.3.3 Structure with floors treated with hydraulic binders

A minimum quality class is necessary for the realization of pavement layers in soil. These minimum quality classes
are given in the table F.1.

Table F.1 — Minimum quality classes for the realization of pavement layers in soil

Traffic class T5 T4 T3 T2 T1 ≥ T0

SOL T2 (*) ou
Base coat SOL T2 SOL T3 (**) (**) -

Foundation layer SOL T1 SOL T1 SOL T2 SOL T2 SOL T3 -

(*) A class SOL T2 can only be accepted for sandy and gravelly soils

(**)Use as a base layer for T2 or T1 traffic can be considered in the context of a site experimenting with
techniques improving the quality of the seat / surface layer interface. This possibility should be considered with
a minimum thickness of the overlying bituminous material (connection / bearing) of at least 0.10 m

F.3.4 Reverse structures

In order to prevent water from entering the untreated layers which could cause the GNT modulus to drop, resulting
in rapid ruin of the base layer, special attention must be paid to the remediation of the reverse structures .

F.3.5 Cement concrete structure

With reference to standard NF P98-170, the recommended concretes used as a base-rolling course are of class
BC6 and BC5, or even BC4 in light traffic limited to T3 and BC3 in T4. Lean concretes, class BC2 and BC3, are
reserved for foundation layers.

The cement concrete layer is considered to be glued to the treated subgrade to take into account the fact that the
curing layer, before implementation of the foundation (or base) layer on the platform, is still gravelled to allow site

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The non-structuring drainage layer consists of a drainage complex of geotextile type or granular materials of type d /
D: 10/20 or 20/30 mm, with a minimum thickness greater than 3 times the largest diameter D.

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Annexe G

Calculation of the equivalent temperature of bituminous materials

As the fatigue behavior of bituminous materials varies with temperature, the stress and damage levels of a
pavement with one or more bituminous layers fluctuate over the year with temperature cycles.

The dimensioning calculation is made for a constant temperature, known as the equivalent temperature ϴeq. This
is such that the sum of the damage undergone by the various materials justifying a damage criterion during one
year, for the annual temperature distribution of the site considered, is equal to the damage that these materials
would undergo subjected to the same traffic but for a constant temperature ϴeq.

The equivalent temperature is determined by applying Miner's principle.

For a fixed temperature ϴi fixee, the following quantities are defined:

• ε(ϴi) is the maximum dimensioning tensile deformation of the bituminous layers of the pavement
under the standard dimensioning axle (value determined from the structural calculation of the projected
pavement, depending on the value of the moduli of elasticity of the bituminous layers at temperature ϴi) ;

• ε6(ϴi) is the strain amplitude for which the bending fracture on a specimen is obtained after 106 cycles
corresponding to a probability of 50% at ϴi i °C and for the frequency f of 25 Hz. We assume (Equation G.1):

Equation G.1 :


Ni(ϴi) is the number of loadings causing fatigue failure in the laboratory for the strain level ε(ϴi) ; according to
the equation G.2 :

Equation G.2 :

The definition of the concept of equivalent temperature leads to the equation G.3 :

Equation G.3 :

with n(ϴi) is the number of equivalent annual axle passes undergone by the roadway, at temperature ϴi.

Given the expression of the function N (ϴ), the equivalent temperature is then defined implicitly by the equation
Equation G.4 :
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Annexe H

Assumptions of the thermal conduction model used in the

gel sizing and simplified method

H.1 Assumptions of the thermal conduction model

The thermal conduction model used for the transition from QPF to IS assimilates pavement structures to porous
media, (partially) saturated with water and liable to freeze in areas with negative temperature .

The model is transient, one-dimensional along the depth z and takes into account the multilayer structure of the
pavements and the distinct thermal characteristics of the various materials involved.

At any time, a frozen zone can coexist in the upper part of the roadway and an unfrozen zone in the lower part,
separated by the frost front, assumed to be at zero temperature. Its a priori unkno wn position changes as a
function of time and is part of the unknowns of the problem.

In each of the frozen / unfrozen zones, the model is based on the usual heat diffusion equations, with thermal properties
of the materials depending on their water content and the physical state of the pore water (liquid or ice ).

The thermodynamic equilibrium of the transition zone between frozen and unfrozen zones makes it possible to
determine at any time the speed of the freezing front as a function of the thermal gr adient jump occurring in its vicinity
and the latent heat of the liquid phase change / ice (Stefan's equation).

The model equations are as follows.

H.1.1 Unfrozen area

For the unfrozen zone, the thermal equilibrium is translated by the heat equation without a source term (equation

Equation H.1 :

where :

• ϴ is the temperature (°C) ;

• T is the time (s) ;

• Z is the depth (m) ;

• cng is the volume heat capacity of the materials in the unfrozen part (J/K/m3);

• kng is the thermal conductivity of the materials of the unfrozen part (J/K/m3);

cng is calculated from the equation H.2.

Equation H.2 :

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where :

ρ dis the dry density of the material (kg/m3);

ρw is the density of water (single value for frozen and unfrozen states): 1 000 Kg/m3 ;

cmat is the specific heat considered unique for all pavement materials and equal to 836
J/K/kg ;

cw ng is the specific heat of water in the unfrozen state, equal to 4 180 J/K/kg ;

npor is the porosity of the materials assumed to be saturated, defined from their specific water content W (%) by
the equation H.3.

Equation H.3 :


W (%)is the mass water content of the materials, expressed as a percentage.

H.1.2 Frozen area

For the frozen zone, thermal equilibrium results in equation H.4. heat without source term.

Equation H.4 :

with :

cg is the volume heat capacity of the materials in the frozen part (J/K/m3) ;

kg is the thermal conductivity of the materials of the frozen part (W/K/m).

cg is calculated from the equation H.5.

Equation H.5 :

with :

cw g is the specific heat of water in the frozen state, equal to 2 090 J/K/kg.

H.1.3 Frost front

The surface of separation between the frozen and unfrozen zones (frost front) is the site of a discontinuity in the
thermal gradient called the "Stefan jump". Its law of evolution (equation H.6) involves the quantities, expressed at
the level of the front.

Equation H.6 :

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with :

Vf is the vertical displacement speed (up or down) of the frost front (m/s) ;

kng is the thermal conductivity of the material in the unfrozen state through which the frost front passes (W/K/m) ;

kg s the thermal conductivity of the material in the frozen state through which the frost front passes (W/K/m);

ϴng is the temperature in the unfrozen zone in the vicinity of the frost front (°C);

ϴg is the temperature in the frozen zone in the vicinity of the freezing front (°C);

L is the specific latent heat of water, taken as 334 kJ/kg ;

nporf is the porosity of the material located at the level of the gel front (%).

Table H.1 lists the numerical values of the fixed parameters of the model, independent of the nature of the
pavement layers.

Table H.1 — Fixed model parameters

Size Value

Mass latent heat of ice

334 kJ/kg

Specific heat capacity of dry materials

836 J/K/kg

Mass heat capacity of unfrozen water

4 180 J/K/kg

Mass heat capacity of frozen water

2 090 J/K/kg

Density of unfrozen water

1 000 kg/m3

Density of frozen water (change in liquid / ice volume neglected)

1 000 kg/m3

Figures H.1 and H.2 represent the initial temperature profile and the temporal change in temperature on the
surface of the roadway of the typical scenario considered in part 6.

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18




Level PF
Level PF + 10



Figure H.1 — Initial temperature conditions

imposed on
the surface of

Figure H.2 — Law of evolution of the surface temperature used for freeze / thaw verification

H.2 Exploitation of the results of the digital model - Determination of the IS value
associated with the QPF value determined at the end of the step

The surface temperature temporal curve of the typical scenario described in part 6 allows it to be associated with
the surface freezing index curve defined by the equation H.7. :

Equation H.7 :

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where :

IS is the pavement surface frost index, expressed in °C.j ;

t is the time expressed in days, counted from the instant t = 0 of the start of cooling ;

t° is the time for which the surface temperature Ts becomes negative (t° = 0.06 j) ;

ln is the natural logarithm.

The digital resolution of the gel conduction model makes it possible to calculate the temperature value ϴPF(t) at the
level of the platform as a function of time and to associate it with the quantity of gel QPF(t) transmitted to the
platform, from the equation H.8.

Equation H.8 :

where :

QPF(t) is the frost index function transmitted to the platform ((°C x j)1/2);

t is the time expressed in days, counted from the instant t = 0 of the start of cooling;

θPF(t) is the temperature curve (° C) calculated at the level of the platform, as a function of time;

-θPF(t) > is the positive value of θPF(t) : < -θPF(t) > = -θPF(t) si θPF(t)<0 ; =0 if not.

Finally, as illustrated in figure H.3, knowledge of the two functions IS(t) and QPF(t) makes it possible to determine the
IS value of the admissible frost index on the road surface corresponding to the QPF value determined at the end
of step 1.

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Figure H.3 — Illustration of the principle of determining IS as a function of QPF (X = √It ; Y = √Is)

H.3 Transition from QPF to IS by simplified method (informative)

In the case of a pre-dimensioning, the following equation allows a direct passage, but approximate and
conservative compared to the standard calculation method, between QPF and IS.

Based on the linearization between the amounts of gel generated on the surface and transmitted to the platform,
the expression of IS as a function of QPF is defined by equation H.9.

Equation H.9 :

where :

QPF is the quantity of frost admissible at the level of the road support platform, expressed in (°C.jour)1/2 ;

IS is the pavement surface frost index, expressed in °C.jour ;

aG, bG are the coefficients expressed in (°C.jour )1/2. m-1, depending on the nature of the material, the
values of which are given in the table H.2 ;

h is the thickness of the layer in meters (m).

In the case of a pavement structure consisting of several layers of different materials, the values aG and bG are
obtained from equation H.10.

Equation H.10 :

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with :

aGi, bGi are the coefficients expressed in (°C.jour )1/2. m-1 associated with layer i, the values of which are
given in the table H.2 ;

hi is the thickness of layer i in meters (m).

Table H.2 — Values of coefficients aG and bG en (°C.jour)1/2.m-1 of the simplified method

Sandy soils
Materials BB - GB - BC - GC - GL Fine soils SL — SC
EME - GNT - GCV treated or grit
aG 0,8 0,8 1,2 0,8 1,2
bG 6 10 14 10 15

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Annexe I

Structural test cases for the validation of the calculation method of

stresses and strains

The datasets and results of this appendix are intended to verify, on a set of diversified cases, the accuracy of the
calculation method chosen to calculate the mechanical stresses (stresses, strains) induced by the reference load in
the pavement structure.
The term ―method‖ designates both the calculation tool used (for example graphs, program for calculating a semi-
analytical solution, finite element software, etc.) and the conditions for its implementation, which can enter
simultaneously taken into account in the precision of the calculations. In the case for example of the use of the finite
element method, the precision will be essentially linked to its conditions of implementation, through the fineness of
the mesh used and the remoteness of its boundaries from the load.

To satisfy the precision criterion of paragraph 6.2.2, the calculated stresses must be suitably:

• identified (deformation or horizontal stress - longitudinal, transverse - or vertical depending on the nature of the
admissible criterion of values concerned);

• localized (ie depending on the case, under the wheel center or the twinning center, at the base of the layer for
horizontal loads, or at the top of the layer for vertical loads);

and belong to the ranges of values indicated in the right columns of the following tables, established for the French
standard twinning of 65 kN.

I.1 Flexible structures

Table I.1 — Test case for flexible structure

Material Thickness Interface with Rigidity modulus Poisson Result
(m) bottom layer (MPa) coefficient required

BBM 0.04 stuck 5 500 0.35

GNT 0.15 stuck 600 0.35

ε z (µdef)
axe de roue
711,5 ± 4

PF2 Infinite - 50 0.35

ε z (µdef)
axe de roue
1 812.1 ± 4

I.2 Bituminous structures

Table I.2 — Test case n ° 1 for a bituminous structure

Material Thickness Interface with Rigidity modulus Poisson Result
(m) bottom layer (MPa) coefficient required

BBTM 0.025 stuck 3 000 0.35

BBSG 2 0.06 stuck 7 000 0.35

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GB 3 0.13 stuck 9 000 0.35

εt (µdef)
GB 3 0.13 stuck 9 000 0.35 twinning center
59,7± 0,4
εz (µdef)
PF2 Infinite - 50 0;35 Twinning center
208.7 ±2

Table I.3 — Test case n ° 2 for a bituminous structure

Material Thickness Interface with Rigidity modulus Poisson Result
(m) bottom layer (MPa) coefficient required

BBTM 0,025 stuck 3 000 0,35

εt (µdef)
EME 2 0,12 stuck 14 000 0,35
twinning center
128.0 ± 1

PF3 Infinite - 120 0,35

εz (µdef)
wheel axle
470.2 ± 3

Table I.4 — Test case n° 3 for a bituminous structure

Material Thickness Interface with Rigidity modulus Poisson Result
(m) bottom layer (MPa) coefficient required

BBTM 0,025 stuck 3 000 0,35

EME 2 0,11 stuck 14 000 0,35

εt (µdef)
EME 2 0,12 stuck 14 000 0,35 twinning center
50.5 ± 0,4

εz (µdef)
PF4 Infinite - 200 0,35 twinning center
154.1 ± 1

I.3 Semi-rigid structures

Table I.5 — Case test n ° 1 for a semi-rigid structure

Interface with Poisson

Material Thickness Rigidity modulus coefficient Result
bottom layer
(m) (MPa) required
BBSG 0,06 stuck 7 000 0,35

σt (MPa)
GC-T3 0,15 Semi- stuck 23 000 0,25
twinning center
σt (MPa)
GC-T3 0,15 stuck 23 000 0,25
twinning center
0.815 ± 0,003

PF3 Infinite - 120 0,35

εz (µdef)
twinning center
121.0 ± 1

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Table I.6 — Case test n° 2 for a semi-rigid structure

Interface with Poisson

Material Thickness Rigidity modulus coefficient Result
bottom layer
(m) (MPa) required
BBTM 0,025 stuck 3 000 0,35
BBSG 3 0,06 stuck 7 000 0,35

σt (MPa)
GC-T3 0,22 Semi- stuck 23 000 0,25
twinning center
0.450 ± 0,003
σt (MPa)
GC-T3 0,20 stuck 23 000 0,25
twinning center
0.552 ± 0,003
εz (µdef)
PF2 Infinite - 50 0,35 twinning center
92.4 ± 1

I.4 Rigid structures

Table I.7 — Case test n ° 1 for a rigid structure

Interface with Poisson

Material Thickness Rigidity modulus coefficient Result
bottom layer
(m) (MPa) required

σt (MPa)
BC 5 0,23 slippery 35 000 0,25
twinning center
1.265 ± 0,006
σ t (MPa)
BC 2 0,18 stuck 20 000 0,25
twinning center
0.554 ± 0,003
εz (µdef)
PF2 Infinite 50 0,35
twinning center
125.2 ± 1

Table I.8 — Case test n ° 2 for a rigid structure

Interface with Poisson
Material Thickness Rigidity modulus coefficient Result
bottom layer
(m) (MPa) required

σt (MPa)
BC 6 0,2 Semi- stuck 40 000 0,25 wheel axle
1.277 ± 0.006

εt (µdef)
twinning center
GB3 0,13 stuck 9 000 0,35
28.3 ± 0.4

εz (µdef)
PF2qs Infinite 80 0,35
twinning center
122.5 ± 1

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Annexe J

Symbols and abbreviations used in this standard

J.1 Materials
ACR Mastic Asphalt Road

BAC Continuous Reinforced Concrete

BB Bituminous Concrete

BBDr Draining Bituminous Concrete

BBM Thin Bituminous Concrete

BBME High Modulus Bituminous Concrete

BBSG Semi-Grain Bituminous Concrete

BBTM Very Thin Bituminous Concrete

BBUM Ultra-Thin Bituminous Concrete

BCi Class i Cement Concrete

BCng Unposted Cement Concrete slabs

BCg Studded Cement Concrete slabs

BCR Road Cement Concrete

Bm Skinny Concrete

CV Fly Ash

EB Bituminous Asphalt

EME High Modulus Asphalt

GB Grave-Bitumen

ESU Surface Wear Coating

GC Grave-Cement

GCV Grave-Fly Ash

GH Grave treated with hydraulic binders

GL Grave-Laitier

GNT Severe Untreated (type "A" or "B")

GP Grave Pozzolanas
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LTCC Lime and Cement Treated Silts MB Bituminous Materials

MTLH Materials Treated with Hydraulic Binders

SB Bituminous Sand

SE Coated Sand

SC Cement treated sand

SL Slag-treated sand

SMA Stone Mastic Asphalt

J.2 2 Sizing parameters

b slope of the fatigue law

c coefficient expressing the impact of a variation in the thickness of the pavement on its deformation (2 m -1)

d design time (years)

E Young's modulus of Hooke's law, used to characterize the stiffness of materials (MPa)

E (ϴ, f) norm of the complex modulus at temperature ϴ and at frequency f for hydrocarbon materials (MPa)

f frequency (Hz)

kc calibration coefficient

kd coefficient taking into account in the calculation of the admissible stresses of the discontinuities of the
structures of concrete and semi-rigid pavements and the impact of thermal gradients for concrete and semi-rigid
pavements rigid

kr coefficient adjusting the value of deformation or admissible stress as a function of the design risk and of
the dispersion factors

ks coefficient for taking into account local heterogeneities of lift of the underlying unbound layer

kϴ coefficient for taking into account the effect of temperature on the fatigue of bituminous materials

r calculation risk (%)

SN standard deviation on the decimal logarithm of the number of cycles causing fatigue failure

Sh standard deviation on the total thickness of the layers of base material (m)

u value of the reduced centered normal distribution random variable associated with risk r

εt,adm admissible horizontal reversible deformation in extension (µdef)

εz,adm admissible vertical reversible deformation in compression (µdef)

εt reversible deformation in maximum extension in the horizontal plane (µdef)

εz maximum vertical reversible deformation (µdef)

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ε6 amplitude of deformation for which the conventional flexural failure on a test piece of asphalt mix is
obtained after at least 106 cycles with a probability of 50%, at 10 ° C and 25 Hz (µdef)

ε6(ϴ, f) strain amplitude for which the flexural failure on a specimen is obtained after at least 106 cycles with a
probability of 50%, at ϴ ° C and for a frequency f (µdef)

ν Poisson coefficient

ϴ design temperature (°C)

ϴeq equivalent temperature (°C)

ϭt,adm admissible tensile stress at the base of a layer (MPa)

ϭt maximum tensile stress in the horizontal plane (MPa)

ϭ6 stress for which the tensile failure in bending on a 360-day specimen is obtained for 106 cycles (MPa)

J.3 Roadway support

ARi long-term lift class i of the earthmoving ARase

PF Platform road support

PFi class i Long Term Lift Platform Roadway Support

PST Upper Earthworks

J.4 Tests and measured quantities

CBR California Bearing Ratio Test

ft mean tensile strength by splitting (MPa)

Ic Consistency index

Ip Plasticity index

IPI Immediate Lift Index

LA test Los Angelès

MDE Micro Deval test

N number of requests applied

qi level of compaction

Rc Resistance in simple compression (MPa). For materials treated with hydraulic binders and concrete, at a
given age and for a given status (characteristic value, average, minimum, maximum…)

Rf Flexural strength (MPa). For materials treated with hydraulic binders and concrete, at a given age and
for a given status (characteristic value, average, minimum, maximum, etc.)

Rt Direct tensile strength (MPa). For materials treated with hydraulic binders and concrete, at a given age
and for a given status (characteristic value, average, minimum, maximum, etc.)

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Rt360 Direct tensile strength (MPa). For materials treated with hydraulic binders and concrete, 360 days

Rti Indirect tensile strength (MPa). For materials treated with hydraulic binders and concrete, at a given age
and for a given status (characteristic value, average, minimum, maximum, etc.)

TCR Triaxial repeated loading test

VBS Soil Blue value obtained by the methylene blue test

WA24 Water absorption

J.5 Traffic

A Traffic aggressiveness

BAU Emergency Stop Band

CAM Average Aggression Coefficient of traffic in relation to the reference axle

NPL Cumulative number of HGVs over the selected calculation period or cumulative traffic

τ traffic growth rate (%)

C cumulative traffic coefficient

Mg Geometric mean

NE Equivalent number of reference axles corresponding to the cumulative heavy goods vehicle traffic over the selected
calculation period

HGV (vehicle with a payload greater than or equal to 50 kN)

P0 Reference load

GVWR Total Authorized Weight

TMJA Average Daily Annual Traffic

Ti traffic class at commissioning

TS Superior Traffic class

TEX exceptional traffic class

TPC Terre-Plein Central

VL Light Vehicle

ZAC Commercial Activity Zone

ZI Industrial Zone

J.6 Freeze / thaw check

AQ parameter used to calculate the amount of gel (J/K/m3)

cg volume heat capacity of the materials of the frozen part (J/K/m3)

cng volume heat capacity of the materials in the unfrozen part (J/K/m3)
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cmat single specific heat used for all pavement materials, equal to 836 J/K/kg

cwg specific heat of water in a frozen state, equal to 2 090 J/K/kg

cwng specific heat of water in an unfrozen state, equal to 4 180 J/K/kg

e depth of penetration of the frost front under the platform (m)

hi thickness of the considered layer (m)

hn thickness of the non-freezing materials of the platform (m)

hp thickness of the low-freezing materials of the platform (m)

HE Exceptional Winter

HRNE Winter Harsh Non Exceptional

Iatm Atmospheric freezing index (°C.jour)

IA Frost index Allowable by the roadway (°C.jour)

IPF Allowable frost index at the Platform level (°C.jour)

IR Reference winter frost index (°C.jour)

IS Surface freezing index (°C.jour)

It Frost index transmitted to the base of the pavement structure (°C.jour)
kcr calibration parameter of the formula for determining the admissible atmospheric freezing index

thermal conductivity of the frozen ground
thermal conductivity of unfrozen soil (W/m.K)

L specific latent heat of water, equal to 334 kJ/kg

ln natural logarithm

log decimal logarithm

npor porosity of materials assumed to be saturated (%)

nporf porosity of the material located at the frost front (%)

p slope obtained in gel swelling test ((mm/(°C.heure)1/2)

pp slope obtained in the swelling test for a slightly frost-free material (mm/(°C.heure)1/2)

pt slope obtained in the swelling test for a very frost-free material (mm/(°C.heure)1/2)

QM Quantity of mechanical gel ((°C.jour)1/2)

QPF Permissible amount of gel at the Platform level (°C.jour)1/2

Qg Permissible amount of gel on the surface of gel materials of the support soil transmitted to the soil layers

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Qng thermal protection provided by the non-freezing materials of the subgrade and the support soil

SGn Non-freezing materials

SGp Low freezing materials

SGt Very freezing materials

t time (d)

t° time for which the surface temperature becomes negative (j)

Ts Surface temperature (° C)

Vf Vertical velocity of the frost front (m/s)

W water content by mass of materials, expressed as a percentage (%)

ϴg temperature in the frozen area (°C)

ϴng temperature in the unfrozen zone (°C)

ϴPF temperature at the Platform (°C)

ρd dry density of the material (kg/m3)

ρw density of water (kg/m3)

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[1] Comportement thermique d’une structure routière soumise à un cycle de gel-degel ; simulations experimentale
et numerique, Fremond M., Caniard L., Dupas A., Levy M., Collection interdisciplinaire « Les problèmes pos es
par la gelifraction. Recherches fondamentales et appliquees. », Paris-Le Havre, 1975.

[2] Gel des sols et des chaussees, ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Fremond M. et Williams P., presse des
Ponts et Chaussees (Paris) pour l’edition française, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) pour l’edition
anglaise, 1979.

[3] Manuel de conception des chaussees neuves à faible trafic, SETRA-LCPC, juillet 1981 (en attente de mise à

[4] Conception et dimensionnement des structures de chaussees, SETRA-LCPC, 1994.

[5] Enrobes hydrocarbones à chaud - Guide d’application des normes pour le reseau routier national, SETRA-
LCPC, 1994.

[6] Verification au gel des structures de chaussees, BLPC n°198, Juillet-août 1995.

[7] Directive n°96/53/CE, du 25 juillet 1996, fixant, pour certains vehicules routiers circulant dans la communaute,
les dimensions maximales autorisees en trafic national et internationale et les poids maximaux autorises en
trafic international.

[8] Catalogue des structures types de chaussees neuves, SETRA-LCPC, 1998.

[9] Conception structurelle d’un giratoire en milieu urbain, guide technique, CERTU, 2000.

[10] Dimensionnement des chaussees urbaines, guide technique, CERTU, 2000.

[11] Chaussees en beton, guide technique, SETRA-LCPC, mars 2000.

[12] Realisation des remblais et des couches de forme, guide technique, SETRA-LCPC, juillet 2000.

[13] Traitement des sols à la chaux et/ou aux liants hydrauliques - application à la realisation des remblais et des
couches de forme, guide technique, SETRA-LCPC, 2000.

[14] Construction des chaussees neuves sur le reseau routier national - specifications des variantes, guide
technique, SETRA-LCPC, 2003.

[15] Validation des guides techniques regionaux, fiche d’information, IDRRIM, 2004.

[16] Manuel de conception des chaussees d’autoroutes - 5ème edition - SCETAUROUTE, 2nd trimestre 2005.

[17] Traitement à la chaux et/ou aux liants hydrauliques - application à la realisation des assises de chaussees,
guide technique, SETRA-LCPC, 2007.

[18] Enrobes bitumineux à chaud - guide technique d’uutilisation des normes d’enrobes à chaud, SETRA, 2008.


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