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Friday, 20a 525m - Generally refers to art beng created now, Contemporary is derived from the Latn prefix can which means "together" or “wih” plus Zempus which means “tme’ It ressts universal sngular, fixed defintion as it continues to evolve Ik feeds on new technologes. which offer different and new ways of conceptualizing, produong, and displayng art, Expermentation with new meda and novel methodology of creation is Gn obsession of contemporary art to reman arent. CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORICAL “art produced n our era or fetme ‘contemporary art belongs to the contemporary period” CONTEMPORARY ART IN THE PHILIPPINES 4970s, Ths period was an era of repression and censorship of ardstic expressions Pres, Marcos seized stdte power through the imposition of Mar tal Law n the early 1970s, * Ark became a means to oppose the regime, and the political art of social realism flourished at this time CONTEMPORARY ART AS A BREAKING OF NORMS Ik does not fal prey to the authority of established institutions nor strictly adhere 40 long-standng tradition and history. * Contemporary art Is ruled by the cut of the new, endeavouring to create works of art that are ‘Tadcaf" and “nterdscpinary’ APPROPRIATION = Tbs the practee of creatng a new work by taking a pre-existing image or work from another context — art history media adverusng — and combinng the borrowed mage with new ones, CONTEMPORARY ART AND LOCAL HERITAGE Heritage s something tha# can be passed from one generation to the next, can be conserved or inherited. and has historic or cultural Vaiue CONTEMPORARY ART AS A CRITIQUE OF SOCIETY Everyday Ife and the concerns of the day are articulated in the medum of contemporary art, posng questions and critiques of contemporary socety. The growing speed of technology, the Aransfer of Ideas, capital, information, and cukture around the gobe provide the backdrop and rapid transformations in Contemporary Art, Functions 06 Corilérpornyy (Ul It ls an attempt to capture an aspect of the contemporary world and draw attention to it, comment on it. present a surprising or fresh angle on i, represent Ht for the sake of exploring something ‘about it, or enjoy and celebrate Ht, = C, Art for pleasure = C, Art as profession = C, Art as commentary = C, Art in Sprtualty = C, Art as Remembrance = C. Art for Persuasion = Art as self-expression Friday, 2 October 2020 1059 pm - Fine Arts is a Western Category of refined object considered to be among the supreme cultural achievements of the hurnan aviization, Fine Arts is beleved to transcend average hurnan works and may be produced by only the with unique sensbilties and academic trainng = Popular Arts is the product of popular culture which appeals {one oudence It is a category widely circulated in magazines, cornics, television shows, advertisngs, fok art, tattoos, fashion, furniture. graffiti, street art, video games, posters, websites, calendars, g-eetng cards, dolls and commercal photography, Art produced by popular arts are more accessble, inexpensive, entertaining commercial, political, nave and more colorful than fine art, - Crafts refers to specific media including ceramics, gasses, jewelry, weaving and woodworking Crafts usually involves making objects rather than images, althoug crafts may nvolve surface decoration, Wainy Bagel (Lass Gication «6 Atil5 A) Visual Arts - Classified as two-dmensional arts (paintings, mixed media, graphic arts) and three-dimensional arts (sculpture, jewelry, furniture, monurnent) B) Architecture - Religous, residential, industria, commercial, C,) Music - Fok. Indigenous, popular, conservatory, independent, D) Dance- Balet, Fok. Indigenous, street, modern. popular, E) Theater - Street, School, Ritual, Sectoral, traveling puppet, F) Photography - Art. Gamour, Commercial, Itinerant, Instamatic, Instagram, Flickr G) Cinema - Mainstream, Short film in feature, experimental, documentary, Inde H) Broadcast and televisual - rado, television, video-8, videoke, MTV, Youtube, 1) Digtal Arts and computer media works - Pixlated designs, Virtual redlty, animation, game art, J) Installation - Site-specffic works, VIRSUAL ARTS - Are works created primarily to any visual perception, They are classified accordng to dmensions sunch as " Tua Dimentional evs = which refers 40 any artwork depicted on a flat surface, typically pantngs, sketches, mixed medias, graphic arts, photographs or prints, " nce Dimentionat Ante = which refers +0 work that has volume and mass such as sculpture, Jewelry, furniture, monument, assemblage, and fashion design, ARCHITECTURE - refers 40 a man-made envronments created as a space for human habitation and just a setting for rituals, Architecture is more than Just the art and science of erecting buldings for it strives to create the ideal environment for any human activity, MUSIC - is sound and slence organized based on time, The common elements of music are pitch (which gves harmony and melody), rhythm (and its associated concepts of tempo, meter and articulation), Dynamics (loudness and softness) and the sonic qualities of timbre and textures (also referred to as the color” of a muscal sound) DANCE = \s an art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement, Dance can be categorized and described by its choreography, its repertoire of movements or its historical period or place of orign, Dance forms indude ballet, fok, indigenous, street, modern, hip-hop, popular, THEATER — is a collaborative form of art that uses live performers to present somethng about the human condition or an experienced or a real or Imagned event before a live audience in a specific place, The performers may communicate to the audience through combinatons of gestures, acting speech, song, music, and dance, Form of school plays, ritual performance, sarsuela Puppetry, or stand-up comedy, PHOTOGRAPHY - Is the 4echnique of capturing optical images on ligit-sensitive surfaces, Fine Ant Photography = dues photo with an artistic statement, and selective vison of reality, * Photojournatiam = provides a documentary visudl account of spectic subjects and events, * Commercial Photograply = \s focused on creatng dedized images of adver tisng, induding food and fashion photography, = Is aesthetic communication through the design of tme and three- dimensional space into two-dmensonal space into two-dimensional mages with sound, ~ Is the distribution of audio and/or video content or other messages 40 a dispersed audience vid any electronic mass communications medium such as television, radio, and the internet, = Is a comprehensive term for any manifestation of arts where a computer or digital technology has been utlized in its creation, ~ Is an art piece of mixed media that is organized for and Placed in a specific space for a temporary period, Saturday, 3 October 2020 6:47 pm NEO-REALISM - Neo =" New" - Realism = Generally the attempts to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificially and avoiding artistic conventions or implausble, exotic and supernatural elements, HYPER-REALISM - Agenre of panting and sculpture resembling a high- resolution photograph, SOCIAL -REALISM - It refers to the painterly practices of activist-artist begnning in the seventies by Paolo Baen Santos ABSTRACT ART - Derived from recognized praect/object. thus it can be expressive, it can be suggestive of an idea, and can be metaphoric or symbol, CONCEPTUAL ART - Art for which the idea or concept behind the work is more important than the finished art work, © Revived and taught incude pottery, basket weaving, attire making, playing instruments and dance, fugen BINAKUL - Textle pattern handwoven on a small scde in Ilocos BULUL = Ifugao anthropomy at symbolizes an Tfugao rice god or| , Shaped of a human SUGUIDANON - Teling story througigy Q particular tone PANUBOK - Embroidery patte BINANOG - Inspired by the move| Filpino term of ” Ibanog’ o BANIG MARTINO ABELLANA - Is a centrdl figure in th’ Cebuano, Al-around art HERMOGENA “NENE " LUNGAY - Master of Impressionism EN MINE ~ts Bohol's rich HERMOGENA “NENE * LUNGAY - Master of Impressionism 4s Bohol’s rich culture, history and landse , Mid ble’ \ fi | MALONG - Traditionally used for various pur 'S, blanket, alee Gandngan Gongs - For the sounds in lower isiam, UKKIL - Technique used in Mindanao st Decorative design in carving, fe weaving, - Imagnative and creative blend of science and art in designng different. envronment of people, - The practice of Architecture is all about making places, INTERIOR DESIGN - Design and coordnation of decorative elements and fixtures to achieve the planed function and character of the nterior environments, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - Refers to the art of composng landforms, vegetation, water, buldngs, to create memorable outdoor envronment, URBAN DESIGN - Refers to the art of designing town, cities, street and spaces, Th general, Architecture and Desimed environment are influenced by a variety of factors such as = NEED = The practical requirement that d buldng must respond 40, = TECHNOLOGY = Avalabilty of materids, tools, equipments = CULTURE = can be seen ds the material embodments of the specific ideas, = CLIMATE = Buldng must provide an optimum nterior cimate for the user, = SOCIETY = Health, Welfare, Communicator of life - Taking the limitations of canon and tradtit art, contemporary theatre employs new influenced by the changng physical landsca lfestye, ZUMBA - Adopted dance movements BULING-BULING - Street dance movements in Pandacan § TEATRO-PABRIKA - Fiptop or Bdagtasan BOLA SA KILI-KILI - Acting stye in southern tagalog a ISADORA DUNCAN - Mother of Modern Dance TERTULLAS - Dance Ike Rigodon de Honor ALLICE REYES - Founder of Ballet Philppines INEMATOGRAPHY Smturday, 30cober2020 6:47 pm LANG DULAY = (1928 - 2015) was a TBoli weaver of Lnalak, from lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Tnalak Is unique traditional cloth, hand-woven by Toll women in finest |IKAT (Tie dye) method from abaca, red, and black, HAJA AMINA APPT = (1925 - 2013) was a Sama mat weaver from Taw-Taw, The term” Sama’ is believed to have orignated from the Austronesian root word sama meaning” together” it is also a term. suggesting the binding together of leaves and grasses that go into a banig (mab), Sama peoples of sulu makes the finest. most distinctive mats, locally called tepo, these mats are made from pandan leaves, ALONZO SACLAG = (1942) from Lubuagan Kalinga, n the Cordillera Regon, 's G master of dance, music, and the performing arts, FEDERICO CABALLERO = (1938) Is a sulod- bukidnon epic chanter from Calinog Ilolo who has devoted his Ife to painstaking research, docurnentation, and performance of ten epics of the pinay-bukidnon: People, GINAWA BILOG = (1953 - 2003) is a Hanunoo Mangyan poet from Panaytayan, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, He was Gd master of ambahan, Q poetic literary form composed of seven-syllable ines conveying Picturesque, metaphoric messages, MASINO INTARAY = (1943-2013) was a Palawan musician, storyteler and epic chanter, and a master of rites from Makaqwa Valley in Palawan, SALINTA MONON = (1920 - 2009) was a Tagabawa Bagobo weaver of textiles from Bansalan, Davao Del Sur. Since birth, she was exposed to the craft by her mother, a weaver, the craft by her mother, a weaver, DARHATA SAWABI = (died on 2005) was a Tausug weaver of pis syabit, the traditional handwoven head cover in Barangay Parang in the island of Jolo Sul, UWANG AHADAS = (1945) is a Yakan Musican from Lamitan, Basian where the playing of instruments is a tradition which is closely connected 4o the spiritual realm, SAMAON SULAIMAN = (1953 - 2011) was a Maguindanaon musician from Mamasapano, Maquindando, Maqundanaon, meaning” people of the flood pains” are one of the major Filipino Isamic groups who Populate the lands near Pulang River, MAGDALENA GAMAYO = (1924) a 4Lexble weaver from pnil locos Norte, she is recognized ds a master in weaving the abel, the Ilocano texte hand-woven from local cotton and other fibers, TEOFILO GARCIA = 1941) is an Tocano maker of Labungaw (casque or gourd hard) who hails from San Quitin, Abra, EDUARDO MATUC = (1949) from Apalt, Pampanga, is a metal smith of religous and secular art, He developed his skills in pinukpuk or beaten metal, The Nalienal Aniist for Tangible ants Tuesday, 20 October 2020 1.27 pm Alnchitectune PABLO S$. ANTONIO (1976) - A modernist pioneer and iconoclast, Pablo radically changed the course of Philppine architecture by boldly defying the well established American neoclassicsm in the Philppines in the 1930's, LEANDRO V. LOCSIN (1990) - Leandro Locsin was a visionary of dean, crisp modernism, Hs works are characterized by pure, rational cornpositions that demonstrate a mastery of the minmalist elemental geometry of floating of mass, - Locsin’s desigs are marked by his distinct use of concrete, Themes of floating volume, and the use of native materials, JUAN F. NAKPIL (1973) - Juan Nakpil prolific imagnation has created astounding building that synthesizes strength, function and beauty- edifices which embody the modern heritage of the Filipino nation, ILDIFONSO P. SANTOS JR. (2006) - Santos is acknowledge by his peers as the” Father of modern Philppine landscape architecture,” JOSE MARIA V. ZARAGOZA (2014) - Jose Maria V, Zaragoza statue in Phiippine architecture history is defined by Q significant body of modern edifices that addresses spiritual and secular requirements, CARLOS QUIRINO (1997) - Best known for being a historical fictionist and biographer, SHitenalune VIRGILIO S. ALMAPIO (2003) - More popularly referred as Rio Ama, - A poet literary historian and a critic who revived and reinvented traditional Filpino poetic forms, - Championed modernist poetic, - He Started career as an educator, FRANCISCO ARCELLANA (1990) - Writer, poet, essayist, critic, journalist, teacher and one of the most important forerunners of the modern Filipino short story in Engish, CIRILO F. BAUTISTA (2014) - Most known for his contribution in the fields of poetry, fiction and non-fiction - Magna cur laude in UST LAZARO FRANCISCO (2009) - Pioneer in the social realist in Philppine fiction, - Considered as the highest paid novelist, being paid P100 per chapter of his popular novel” Liwayway Magazine” NESTOR VICENTE MADALI GONZALEZ (1997) - Popularly known as NVM - Fictionist, essayist, poet, and teacher who articulated the Filpino sprit rural and urban landscapes AMADO V. HERNANDEZ - A poet, novelist, playwright, fictionist, and labor leader who was well-known for his advocacy for exposing social inustice and pushing for freedom and independence from neocolonial rule, NICK JOAQUIN (1976) - The greatest Filpino writer in Engish of the 20th Century, - Consummate, Poet, fictionist, playwright, and essayist, F. SIONIL JOSE (2001) - Was born in Rosales, Pangasnan - Hs early exposure to Iterature was largely due 40 his mother who bought him books to read despite to his family’s poverty, - Known for imbuing his works with the consciousness of class strugge and colonial experience in the country, - One of the most widely-read Filpino writers in Engish and a wide translated author in the international literary scene, BIENVENIDO LUMBERA (2006) - Poet, Playwright, Librettist, critic, scholar, mentor, and foremost advocate of Filpino and Philppine studies, - Considered as one of the pilars of conternporary Phippine literature, theatre, film and cultural studies, ALEJANDRO R. ROCES (2003) - Short story writer and essayist and the country’s best writer in come short stories, - He focused on the negected aspects of Filpino cultural heritage, CARLO P. ROMULO - Romulo's multifaceted career spanned 50 years of public service as educator, soldier, university president, journalist and a diplomat, - He was the only Asan +o win America’s covered Pulitzer va piper for a series of article predicting the outbreak of World lar EDITH L. TIEMPO (1999) - Premiere Filpina poet, fictionist, literary critic, and academic and the lone fernale National Artist for lterature thus far, JOSE GARCIA VILLAN (1973) - Was a poet, Iterary critic, and panter, - He was inspired to write after reading Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson and eventually gained a reputation for himself as a poet, - In 1929, he published Man Songs, a collection of poet, - He is well known for his short story” Footnote to Youth’ and” Mr--nisa” . Usual Ante NAPOLEON V. ABUEVA (1976) - Hs father is a congressman and his mother were both executed by the Japanese for their querrila activities, - He excelled in academic sculpture as a student of cassicist Guillermo Tolentino at the University of the Philippines, - In 1951, he introduced what he called buoyant sculpture, a baby Moses floatung in a pond, FEDERICO AGUILAR ALCUAZ (2009) - He was a passonate artist even as a student, taking a Fine Arts Degree at the University of the Philppines, - He was a prolific abstract painter and a citizen of the world in constant search of excellence, achievements, and fame in the arts, - Hs works are included in the collection of several major museums and institutions in Barcelona and in Madrid, Spain, And in Poland and Netherlands, FERNANDO C. AMORSOLO (1972) - He was a dassical realist who masterfully painted rural scenes with farmers, Maidens and chidren full of serenity, charm and joy, - Hs landscapes with nipa huts, carabaos, planters, harvesters, fishers, wornan with jar, fok dancers, native customs and traditions, and church plazas, ANG KIUKOK (2001) - He was born 40 immigrant Chinese parents in Davao, - He was a Neo-redlist who developed his pictorial style into universal figurative expressionism, The hurnan conditions, its deepest despair and sufferings, consistenuy inspired him, BENEDICTO R. CABRERA (2006) - Benedicto” BenCab” Cabrera lived as a young boy in Manila, district of Sta Cruz and Tondo, - Bencab is an excellent architect of the human form, whose body of work has synthesized as graphic design-based perspective of gentrified masa and indigenous people proud of ther Filipino Identity, FRANCISCO V. CONCHING (2014) - The young Francisco stopped school at an early age to work at Iwayway magazne, - Hs komks were El Indio, Ber-tong Balutan, Don Cobarde, Pedro Penduko, Ang kaluluwa ni Danse, Pagano, Haring Ulupong, Dumagit, Lapuapu, waldas, talpandas, palasig movie fan,gat sbasib and satur, VICTORIO C. EDADES (1976) - He grew up and studied in Barrio Bolosan in Dagupan, where his teachers were impressed with his skills in art and writing, - Returning in the Philippines in 1928, He held his solo exhbition featuring thrty Paintings at the Phiippine Columbian Club, - He believed that art should deal with a wde range of human experience, including the dark side of life and used distortion ds a strategy for dynamic visual expression, CARLOS "BOTONG * FRANCISCO (1973) - He studied at the UP school of Fine arts, Before worl war IT, he worked as an illustrator for the publications Tribune and La Vanquardia, After the war he taught fine arts at the University of Sto Tomas, - Botongs strong sense of design made use of robust, human figures in flowing elegance and asture confidence, ABDULMARIT ASIA IMAO (2006) - Was born in the Sias Isand of Sulu 40 a clan known for boat-making - Imao was a sculptor and painter who brought the culture of Muslim Mindanao to a modern national consciousness, - He also engaged in lifetime cultural research and documentation, JOSE T. JOYA (2003) - He won First prize in 1952 for his painting ‘Gossips’ at the shell national student art competition, - He held his first solo exhbit at the Philppine art gallery in 1954, - He became president of the AAP in 1962-1965, Dean of UP College of Fine arts in 1970-1978, and became the first Head of the National Committee on visual arts of the national commission for culture and the arts, (NCCA) CESAR T. LEGASPI (1990) - Studied painting and advertising arts at the UP school of fine arts where he received medals of perspective and illustration prgects and earned a certificate of proficiency in 1963, - He was one of the Thrteen Modern who promoted free visual expression, unrestricted by the shacklers of conservatism in academic art, - He painted disquieting pictures of torrent and suffering such as Man and Woman’ also known as Beggar’, - Hs other canvases are Diggers, Idols of the third eye, fagade, triptych, flint, bayanihan, struggle, avengng figures, turning pont, peace, the survivor, and the ritual, ARTURO PR. LUZ (1997) - He was first exposed 40 art and design by his mother who was an interior desiqer, - He gored a certificate in art from the california college of arts and crafts in 1949, - As a young panter he had neo-redlist tendencies characterized by reduction of human figures into the flattest, fundamental planes such as in candie vendors, magbabanig and bagong 4aon, VICENTE S. MANANSALA (1981) - He was born in Macabebe, Pampanga, Hs family moved in Intramuros where he learned to sell newspaper and shinng shoes, Hs early form of artistic expression were drawing and making kites, - He gaduated at the UP school of fine arts in 1930, and was soon employed as an illustrator at the Philppines Herald and liwayway magazine, - He was also layout artist of various publications such as the Saturday evening news, in 1941 his painting pounding rice won first prize at the UST national art. exhbition, - He was one of the Thrteen Moderns, A. (JEREMIAS) ELIZALDE NAVARRO. (1999) - Jeremy earned his Bachelor of fine arts at the University of Sto, Tomas in 1951 - He was a painter, ilustrator, sculptor, and designer, - He Ived as an artist in Bal, Indonesa, HERNANDO R. OCAMPO (1991) - He lived most of his life in Maypajo, Caloocan City, - He studies creative writing under the revered short story writer and pattriot Manuel Arquila, - As a self-schooled painter, he tried to emulate Amorsolo in his early years, - He was one of the Thirteen moderns who first broke away from the Amorsolo influence, and then from the Neorediist way of painting, GUILLERMO ESTRELLA TOLENTINO (1973) - Hs birthplace is in Malolos, Bulacan - Tolentino was the greatest master and advocate of Philppine classical sculpture, - He gained his first national recognition when his Bonifacio Monument , three years in the making was unveiled in 1933, It stands today in Caloocan as an enduring symbol of the continuing fight for the freedom and Justice of the Filpino masses, Fashion design RAMON VALERA (2006) - He never had any formal training in fashion design, But his works have been the standard of fashion students for intricate sewing, embroidery, and handiwork, - Hs contributions in performing his magical seminal innovations on the Philippines 4erno, producing a singe piece of clothing from a four-piece ensemble, (blouse, skirt, overskirt, and long scarf.) The National Alniist for Untangible Aluls Saturday, 14 November 2020 9:25 pm Cinema LINA BROCKA (1997) - Films concentrated on margindized sectors of society - Directed and produced fims to express social concern and spirit of activism - " Maynia sd kuko ng liwanag’ ” insiang” RONALD ALLAN K. POE (2006) - King of Phiippine movies - Stuntman for everlasting pictures - " Lo waist gang” - Shifts of local cnemna from fantasy to realism EDDIE ROMANO (2005) - Screenwriter, Fim director, and producer, - Devoted life to art of commerce of cinema spanning 3 generations of fim makers - " Ganto kami noon, paano kayd ngayon” ” Aguila” ” Hari sa hari, Iahi sa Iahi" ISHMAEL BERNAL (2001) - Halled by critics as” The genius of Philppine Cinema” - Recognized as a drector that serve as socidl commentaries and bold reflections on the existing redlities of the struggle of the Filipino MANUEL CONDE (2009) - Was born in Daet, Camarines Norte in 1915 - Anational artist who had the penchant for giving away his drectional credits as a way of saying thanks, GERARDO "GERRY" DE LEON (1982) - The first flrmmaker to be recognized as a Philippine National Artist. - His father was a stage director and writer while his mother was d singer, Dance LEONOR OROSA GOGUINGCO (1976) ~ Veledictorian in HS. Summa Cum Laude in St, Scho, - Founded tha Filpinesca dance company FRANCISCA REYES AQUINO (1973) - Grew up n Tondo and enrolled at the University of the Phiippine and earned a bachelor of Science in Education in 1924, ~ Entitled her thesis " Philppine fok dances and games” RAMON OBUSAN (2006) - Was a dancer, choreographer, and scholar who held degrees in marine biology and cultural anthropology from the University of the Philppines, ~ He taught the Aklan National School of fisheries before becoming d dancer and researcher for the Bayanhan Dance Company, - He founder Ramon Obusan Folkloric group ALICE REYES (2014) - She grew up in dn artistic family - She founded the Alice Reyes Modern Dance Company in 1969 and presented full length production at the cultural center of the Philppines, - She organized the first CCP summer dance workout with Edde Elejar, which provided the nudeus for the show Ballet Philippines, a major dance company in the Philippines and in Asia, LUCRECIA REYES URTULA (1988) - She was exposed to the different indigenous groups in the Phiippines at a very Young age because of her father’s military tours of duty, - She enrolled in Ballet with a russian émigré in Baguio City, and later became an apprentice to Francisca Reyes-Aquino - She got involved in the Filpina Folk Arts group which attended a international festival of dance and music in Dacca, Pakistan - She represented the Philppines in many international festivals and conferences and served as the artistic director of the Fok Arts Theater, Music ANTONINO R. BUENAVENTURA (1988) - Grew up n the band tradition in Baliuag Bulacan and played the clarinet in both the band and later on in the UP symphony orchestra, - He was tasked to reorganize the Phiippine Constabulary Band, he became its band director for the next 16 years, LEVI CELARIO (1977) - Was a prolific lyricist who tendered highly poetic iyrics to the works of composers, many of who belonged to the popular song genre ds well Gs compositions for moves, - No less than 4000 songs have been attributeed to him either as composer or text writer, ERNANI JASON CUENCO (1999) - Was a song writer, flm scorer and teacher, - He played cello with the Filpino Youth Symphony Orchestra, The manila Symphony orchestra and the mania chamber soloist, FELIPE PADILLA DE LEON (1997) - He grew up in the band tradition in Penaranda, Nueva Ecja, - He established the PASAMBAP and the FILSCAP FRANCISCO FELICIANO (2014) - He went to Hoschschule der Kuenste in Berlin and got his diploma in musical studes, JOVITA FUENTES (1979) - At a young age she showed a rare talent for singng habaneras and danzas, - She became the head of the Music promotion Foundation of the Philippines, LUCRESIA R. KASILAG (1989) - She was President of the National Music Counc of the Philippines, Chairman of the committee of UNESCO Phiippines, JOSE MACEDA (1997) - He starded his musical career as d prodigious pianist with extensive training in Paris and the United States - He earned a PhD in ethnomusicology at UCLA, - Headed the department of Asian Music at the University of the Philippines - He converted the department into the UP Center for Ethnomusicology in 1997, ANTONIO J. MOLINA (1973) ~ His father founded the 22-piece Orquesta Moling which rehearsed n their house, - He could play the violin at the age of 12 as well as the different Rondalla Instruments LUCTO D. SAN PEDRO (1991) - Grew up n the town of Angono, Rizal where his musical awakening came through the town band which his father founded, - He studied at the University of the Philppines Conservatory of music, and then went to Julliard for further trainng - He ws also a passionate nationdist, composing music that always bore the romantic ds well Gs the courageous character of the Flipino RAMON P. SANTOS (2014) - Grew up n Pasig and was exposed to music by his grandmother and his mother who taught him and his siblings solfege and piano, ~ His first breakthrough was winning in the symphonic ode category of the Bonifacio centennial composition contest. ANDREA 0. VENERACION (1999) ~ Was taught her first lessons in piano by her mother, Raymunda Carriagd who was a voice teacher, - She founded the UP madrigal singers and honed it to such perfection that It was accepted to perform at the choruses of the world festival at the Lincoln Center, Theater DAISY HONTIVEROS AVELLANA (1999) - Was a stage and film actress , award winning writer and theater director who advocate for the professiondlization of Phiippine Theater, - Dubbed as the" First lady of the Philippine Theater” LAMBERTO V. AVELLANA (1979) - Was a drector for theater and fim, who was cdled” The boy wonder of Philippine Movies” - He was first to use the motion picture camerd to establish a pont-of-view, a movie that revolutionized the techniques of film narration SALVADOR F. BERNAL (2003) - He was a theater designer who since 1969 designed more than 300 productions that were distinguished for their orignality, HONORATA “ATANG" DELA RAMA (1987) - She began her artistic career at the age of seven when she wds given roles in Spanish zarzuelas, - She was called" Queen of the Kundiman and Sarsuwela” WILFREDO MA. GUERRERO (1997) - Wrote his first play in Spanish, No Todo Es Risa at the age fourteen, SEVERINO MONTANO (2001) - Was a playwright, director, actor, theater organizer and forerunner in institutionalzing" Legtimate theater” in the Philppines, - ¢ had written 16 plays and became Dean of Instruction at the Philppine Normal allege, ROLANDO S. TINIO (1997) - Was a playwright, thespian, poet, teacher, critic and translator who marked his career with prolific artistic productions, - He was recognized for his excellent works, He wrote " Rage and Ritual” Medium and Techniques Sunday, 22 November 2020 9:28 pm. - Pottery is the oldest art form due to the fact that its medium, earth, is abundant, - Clay gathered from dry soll is frst. pulverized, removing lumps. pebbles and stones, -" Terra Cota’ refers to earthenware that is typicaly reddish brown, fred porous and kept unglazed, - eee. to day formed with other elements, fired at d higher to harden the material, and glazed to make it non-porous, -" Glaze" \s d coating of d glass-like substance fused with clay materidl to make a ceramic piece waterproof, 3 Basic TECHNIQUES OF POTTER: where shapes are formed on d ball using a bare hands, 2 parts of coll or slab and pinching these together 3, here rotating platform is used to hdlow out d ball of day and to form d vessel shape, CONTEMPORARY STUDIO POTTERY POTTERS - Clay artists who do functional pieces, SCULPTORS - Uses the same medium for sheer expression, STONEWARE - Ceramics made from vitreous clay fred at high temperature, CELADON - Is a gaze in pale greysh shade of green used on stoneware, TENMOKU - Is a dark glaze with d surface that resembles ol spotting, found in Chinese and Japanese ceramics, WEAVING - Is a general method of producng a surface or an object by entwining d strip or siond that s longhuGndl caled orp’ uilh @ horzontd one caled Weft. - The three outstanding traditional forms of weaving without d loom dre: Palaspas (Palm-leaf frond), Basketry, and Banig (mat), BASKETRY - The process of The most common materials for baskets are bamboo, rattan, nip, buri, and buntal, BANIG - Is a mat woven from leaves or grass, IKAT - A dye resist process done on threads prior to weaving, ABEL - Are made from cotton and dyed from the sap of a plum called sagut, PATADYONG - Is a traditional lowland textile of plaid design used as a wrap around skirt, Lapis, or even as hammocks, PAGBURDA - Or embroidery is the process of sewing by hand ornamental designs or patterns to decorate a fabric or garnment, INAUL -Isa from abaca, cotton, or sik, They are made into tubular skirts called PINA AND JUST - Are the traditional fabrics used by the bordadoras of barong, PAINTING - Normally refers to the process of applying color or pigment suspended in binder onto @ flat or two-dimensional surface, such as paper, wood or cloth, SCULPTURE - Th These are the three basic methods of creating sculpture in the use of clay, subtraction in carving of hard materials lke stone or wood, and by assembiing parts by dchesion or welding, UKIT OR WOODCARVING - Is a form of craft on wood by means of inasing designs with a knife, or subtracting parts of the material wood with d chisel, or mallet on chisel for hard type, BULUL ~ Onignally carved for rites pf ancestral worship and intercession, but today it also serves Os mere souvenr or ornament, METAL CRAFT - Metdi forging uses the traditional Southeast Asian double-bellows forge, and employs traditional tools, CASTING ~ Is Q process of forming three-dmensional duplicates by using molten materials to solidify in mold made from an orignal art, COLD-CASTING - Is a process of mixing a variety of powder with d binder resin and applying the mixture into a mold, The Graphic Alnig GRAPHIC - Mean” to write or to ilustrate with line on a two-dimensional surface, PRINTMAKING - The process of making an art machine printing, is the process of making an art image by hand on a flat-surfaced plate and nking this to transfer its image onto paper, Paper Craft HANDMADE PAPER-MAKING - Sdiay in Msamis Oriental is the site of a small scale handmade paper industry founded n*987, It prochees poper from cogon grass ond cbacd Bark Gnd fers from pineapple and banana, yielding beautiful paper, PAPIER MACHE - Refers to a substance made of and molded while moist to form into d three-dmensional object, PAPER CUTTING ART - Pabalat art is a traditional craft which orignated in San Mquel, Bulacan where carabao mik candies are made, - Luz Ocampo of Bulacan made pastilas wrappers from papel de hapon, Ornament and Deconative Firt - An ornament is a pattern or motif used to decorate a main object. parts of a building, a person or a general environment, PERSONAL ORNAMENTS - Are objects worn by d person to enhance appearance and signify status, Conceptual Art FOUND OBJECTS - Refers to oP rote artides for daily use that are transformed simply by MULTIMEDIA ART Implies a broader scope where vsual elements are combned with the non-visud such Qs sounds, motion, literature, drama, dance, graphics, music performance, and situations, ~ ‘Intermeda’ ncudes interdiscpinary artistic activities such as drawing and poetry as cone, or painting and performance as one, PERFORMANCE ART - An antithesis to theater, Is an outgrowth of conceptual art where the dimensions are time and pare, and the materials are the SEEN NOTED INSTALLATION ART - Is an es of conceptual art and is a visual art form often specific to a three- Flnchileciune - Is the creative conceptudization of that addresses d set of design objectives Penfonming Anis THEATER - It donates a bulding in which performances is held with an dudience and in this sense the term refers to a physical space, Theater is also an event where dudience and performers come into contract to watch and to be watched, 1) AUDIENCE - The essence of theater is the interaction between the performers and audience, 2) PERFORMERS - These are the people onstage presenting characters in dramatic ction, 3) TEXT OR SCRIPT - It is the Blueprint for the production and performance, 4) DIRECTOR - The drector makes certan that the performers understand the text and deliver the script excitingly and appropriately, 5) THEATER SPACE - Is the space in which performers or audience come together, ©) DESIGN ELEMENTS - These include scenery, costumes, music, sounds, lighting and other effects that contributes to the performance, Music - Is an intangble art form that is expressed through sounds CLASSICAL MUSIC - Classical Music is usually heard in concert halls and duditoriums and have been composed by musicians who have had formal training in music, SEMI CLASSICAL MUSIC - May be heard in different places, outdoors and other less formal settings that are usualy designed for entertainment, SARSUWELA = Musical drama performances which was derived from the spanish Zarzuela and was popular during the late spanish to the American period BAND MUSIC = is characterized by mostly using wind and percussion instruments, RONDALLA = derived from the spanish comparsa and estudanting, Rondalla is made up of plucked string instruments, SEMI-CLASSICAL SONGS = usually love songs or love ditties that use dance forms and have been derived from the Filpino Sarsuwela, POPULAR MUSIC AND JAZZ ROCK AND ROLL = a genre began in the United State, drawing influences from Jazz, blues, gospel, and boogie-wooge, ROCK OPERAS = similar to broad way musicals except that the music is based on Fock music, FOLK BALLADS = usually sung solo with guitar played by the singer themselves, Folk and Mndigeneus Music VOCALS PASYON = is the chanting of verses on the passion and death o Jesus Christ every Lenten period by Filipino Catholics, DAL-LOT = performed by the llocanos whenever there is an impending wedding and parents are gathered together to tak about ther son and daughter who wil be married, BA-DIW = is a signature vocal form which is performed for different occasions, It is usualy intoned by a male elder and the text uses serious and archaic words to give rendition dignity and formality, OG-GAYAN = is a welcome articulation of the Kalinga, and its word are extemporized, LUGU = is a vocal expression of the Tausug from Sulu, BAYOK = his different meaning for different ethnic groups, one of the more interesting defenitions is one that is used among the Marando, thee bayok beng a musical oratory, EPICS = abound in the Phiippines and every cultural community would have one or two epics in their cultural heritage, AMBAHAN = is the sung poetry of the Mangyans of Mindoro, Ynstnumental Music KULINTANG = is a set of eight bossed gongs laid in a row on d wooden frame with thick strings holding the gongs. KUDYAPT = is a lute shaped lke a boat or a lizard, GANGSA = is the main instrument of the cordilera region, SAGGEYPO = are small bamboo pipes which are played by ndividual players, at least six, BALINGBING = is a bamboo buzzer that is made of a thn tube and shaved off from little less than a half on two sides to make a form-lke shape, BANGIBANG = is an instrument of the Ifugao that is made of hardwood and shaped lke @ hanger with a portruding hande, KUDLANG = is an instrument that belongs to a lute family, It is shaped Ike a lizzard Tr G crocodile and has two strings, one ds drone and the other for melody, SALUPAY = has five strings and is played with two hands, UDOL = 's clog drum among the Matigsalog and is usually played by two players, one beating a steady rhythm on the log with a pair of short thick sticks and the other beating different rhythmic patterns with a long cane, TAGUNGGO = to Maguindanaon, Tagunggo is a rhythmic mode that is used for ceremonidi occasions, To the Yakans, it is used for ceremonial occasions. DANCE - Is akinetic art form that uses the body, space, and information n order to express a message or produce an aesthetic condition, BALLET - Is a highly technical, performative dance from that follows a rigid set of criteria, characterized by a focus on arm movement and positionng, lower body movement and posture resulting in a light and airy movement, MODERN DANCE AND THEATER - Modern dance as d performative form reserves the rigidity of dassical ballet, and is characterized by more freeform movements, stemming from the dancer's own emotions and invented routnes, SOCIAL DANCE - Are dances performed in halls during birthdays, anniversaries, and other socal occasions, RIGODON DE HONOR = is a formal square dance with strict figurative movements and formations, BALLROOM DANCING = is usudliy done by a couple in different dance duets, lke the tango and the waltz, Folk and Indigenous Dances - Fok dances are dances that have been created by country foks, mostly those that have been Christianized, TINIKLING = is one of the most famous, if not the most famous, fok dance of the Phiippines, It consist of @ man and woman dancng against two bamboo poles that. are rhythmically struck together to the beat of the music, MAGLALATIK = is a combative dance by men, Magidlatik from Binan Laguna is executed with coconut shells fitted to the bare body at the back, at the chest, the hips and thighs, SAKUTING = is an Ilocano dance which is performed with sticks held by both hands and beaten against each other at different positions, POLKABAL = is a gracous festival dance from Quezon in which movements from the waltz and the poka are combined, SAYAW SA BANGKO = is danced on top of a long wooden stool, where the man and woman show off their balance ds they cavort around without falling JOTA = is c dance in three-four time, so that it is lkened to a fast waltz. PANDANGO = is a dance is set to the rhythm of six-eight or three-fourth from thee spanish, fandango, which means " £0 go and dance” SINGKIL = is a Muslim dance where the princess is the man dancer, SUBLI = is a dance form from Batangas that consist of @ merry musical accompanment played by the Rondala to a group of ladies with hats and young men who perform vigorous flirtatious movements, PANGALAY OR IGAL = has become symbolic of the dances in the Sulu-Tawi-tawi archipelago, TAYAW = is a traditional llaboy dance that is performed for dfferent occasions, Camena Finis PHOTOGRAPHY AND DIGITAL MEDIA PHOTOGRAPHY = is the technology of creating durable images through the recording of light either by digtal or electronic means or chemical means using light-sensitive material such as fim, CINEMA = The Cinema 's an audiovisual experience, Thunee fundamental principles in the cneation of fonm in film: 4) Fim depends on light 2) Film creates an illusion of motion 3) Fim manpulates space and time in a distinct manner Llements of Film Form 4, NARRATIVE - is the art form of storyteling 2. CINEMATOGRAPHY - is defined as” writing in movement” and depends largely on photography, 3, MISE-EN-SCENE - is an aspect of fim form that indudes everything that appears before the camera within a shot, 4, EDITING - is the Inking of two different pieces of fim, 5, SOUND - in fim is often overlooked because we tend to think of fim as a fundamentally visual medium, Techniques of Filmmaking NARRATIVE FILMMAKING - Refers to the types of movies that tell a story which is drected towards fictions and dramatic story-teling. DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKING - Is more concerned with exposing and interpreting real facts and historical events for the education of viewers, or the presentation of political or social analyses, and even propaganda, EXPERIMENTAL FILMMAKING - This is the most difficult of all types of movies, Fant Criliciem - Is an organized approach in studying a work of art. It helps you understand the full meaning of artworks, AN ART CRITIC is a person who Is specidized, interpreting and evaluating art, The opinions of art critics have the potential to stir debate on art related topics, ART HISTORIAN analyze visual arts’ meaning at the time they were created, Also, another of art history's mission is to establishes authorial origns of artworks, discovering who created a Particular artwork, when, and for what, ART CURATOR'S man duties consist of acquiring colecting and cataloguing works of art, as well Qs ensuring their overall care, He/she Is involved in research, and he gves lectures, FORMALIST CRITICISM - Gives priority to formal elements as line, shape, and color, at the expense of representational elements nvolved with narrative, subject matter and symbol IDEOLOGICAL CRITICISM - Al art is created to support some particular political agenda, cultural structure, economic hierarchy, or cass strugge, PSYCHOLOANALYTIC CRITICISM - Art should be studied as the product of individuals who are shaped by their pasts, their unconscious urges and their social histories/ ART CRITICISM AS A FOUR-STEP PROCESS L. DESCRIBE 2. ANALYSIS 3. INTERPRETATION 4, JUDGEMENT DESCRIBE ~ What do I see? What Is the subject of the art? ANALYSIS - How Is it organize? INTERPRETATION - What is the artist trying to communicate? And the message of the artist JUDGEMENT - What do you think of the art/work? Gving it a rank in relation to other artworks

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