Lesson 6: Reading A Critical Evaluation Paper

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Figure out what the assignment is

Lesson 6: Reading a Critical
Evaluation Paper
3. Read the text you are assigned.
A critical evaluation paper asks the writer to A reaction paper synthesizes the texts,
make an argument about a particular book, which means you take the information
essay, movie, etc. you read and bring it together so you
A critical evaluation essay, or a critique is a can analyze and evaluate.
type of academic and professional writing that 4. Annotate the text as you read
involves forming judgment about a subject by
assessing it based on a set criteria in order to Annotating in the margins of the text
determine its overall value. allows you to easily locate quotations,
plot lines, character development, or
Tips for Critical Analysis: reactions to the text.
1. Tone: formal and academic 5. Question as you read
2. Own opinion This is where your evaluation of the
3. Focus on the subject material and your reaction begins.
4. Good structure
5. Sufficient evidence 6. Freewrite
Freewriting is a great way to start
Components of a Critical Evaluation paper getting your ideas on paper and getting
past that initial writer's block.
1. A well-presented subject
2. Set of acceptable criteria 7. Decide on your angle
3. A definitive claim Think about why the author has written
4. A well-supported claim the article or story. Why did he structure
5. An effective judgment things in this particular way? How does
6. A readable plan this relate to the outside world?

8. Determine your thesis.

Take all your points, opinions, and
How to Write a Reaction Paper?
observations, and combine them into
- A reaction or response paper requires one claim that you will prove. Your
the writer to analyze a text, then develop thesis will be one statement that
commentary related to it. explains what you will analyze, criticize,
- It is a popular academic assignment or try to prove about the text. It will force
because it requires thoughtful reading, your reaction paper to remain focused.
research, and writing.
9. Organize your paper.
Your paper should follow basic essay
Tips on How to Write a Reaction Paper format. It needs an introduction, body
paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each
1. Prewriting and Actively Reading body paragraph should directly support
Understand the purpose of a reaction your thesis.

10. Gather quotations

You must back up your claims with
evidence from the text
What is a concept paper?
11. Structure your paragraphs
A concept paper is a kind of essay that
Your paragraphs should always start explains, defines, and describes a concept in a
with a topic sentence. Then you have to specific field of discipline, which the readers
decide how to structure your paragraph. must be informed about.
You can start with what the author says
A concept can be developed through
and follow that with your reaction. Or
explanation by providing examples or
you can start with the author and then
follow with how your reaction contrasts.

What is the main purpose of a concept paper?

Critique is a French word that means “a critical A concept paper serves primarily to inform and
assessment: (positive, negative, or a mixture of educate readers of the idea or phenomenon
both). Critiques may have various structures, that is relatively new to them.
but the simplest is a short summary followed
by an evaluation. A critique differs from an
abstract in that it includes the writer’s opinions, WAYS OF EXPLAINING A CONCEPT
while the abstract does not. 1. DEFINITION – is used to provide a basic
information on the concept usually aken from
the reference maerials or he concept’s
Review Articles proponents.
- Review article—an article summarizing the 2. DESCRIPTION – uses vivid details, markes
literature on a topic by way of employing sensory descriptions, to
- Popularity of review articles with allow he readers to visualize the subject and
 Graduate students get the document impression of the text.
 Practitioners
3. ILLUSTRATION – explains a general idea
 People changing research areas by presenting specific exampes.
- High citation rates of some review articles
and review journals 4. PROCESS ANALYSIS – Shows how to do
something or how something works by
analyzing and presenting the steps in
Lesson 7: Writing a Concept accomplishing it. m

Components of A concept Paper

1. A focused Explanation
2. A readable plan
3. Appropriate Explanatory strategies
4. Smooth Integration of sources
- A CONCEPT IS AN ABSTRACT OR Formal Sentence Definitions include the term,
GENERIC IDEA GENERALIZED FROM class, and distinguishing features.
A PARTICULAR INSTANCES. Term Class Distinguishing
Features the main idea and objectives of a
A bicycle Is a mode of That has two project.
transportation wheels and is
powered What is a Public Service Advocacy Paper?
through the - A public service advocacy paper is
designed to garner support from readers
effort of the
regarding a specific belief or cause.
- Advocacy papers could be used as a
call for action or intended to simply raise
In order to clearly define your concept, awareness on a social issue.
remember these following tips:
1. In formal definitions, avoid using the same Presenting a Concept Paper
term to be defined. A creative concept is an overarching “Big Idea”
example: “A cellphone is a phone…” that captures audience interest, influences their
emotional response and inspires them to take
2. In writing definitions, observe the concept of action. It is a unifying theme that can be used
mutual exclusivity. Meaning, make sure that across all campaign messages, calls to action,
the features of the term do not overlap with communication channels and audiences.
other similar concepts of the same class.
example: “A skateboard is a mode of Typically, the creative concept is embodied in a
transport that has four wheels. headline, tagline and a key visual. Successful
creative concepts are distinctive, memorable,
unifying and relevant.
Lesson 8: Writing a Position
Rewrite the following formal definitions to make
them clearer. Paper

1. A guitar is a musical instrument that uses Writing a Position Paper

strings to produce sound.
A position paper is a kind of academic writing
2. Industrial engineering is a branch of in which the student researches a controversial
engineering that deals with processes in the issue and writes a paper that explains his/her
industry. stand or viewpoint on it.
A position paper presents an author’s critical
3 types of Academic Concept Papers opinion, claim or viewpoint about an issue. It
also aims to persuade the readers to believe in
 Research paper and take a side, by way of providing arguments
 Advertising paper and reasons that support the position. It
 Grant Project presents counterarguments with the position
paper, it is closely related to argumentative
essay, manifestoes, and persuasive essays.
What is a Project Concept Document?
- is a document represented before the
complete project proposal, to describe Uses of a Position Paper
1. To argue, convince, and advocate - Asserts that something has existed,
reader of a course of action does exist, or will exist
2. To express one’s idea about an issue - Debates weather it is true or false.
3. To give an explanation to existing - It can be assertion of he past, present or
problems future.
4. To convince that a policy or action must
or must not be adopted with the intent of Example:
improving the organization  A longer school calendar can
improvee learning
 Cell phones can be education tools
Guidelines in making the position paper  Reality TV shows promote
 Be careful not to offer a mere stereotyping of individuals.
description of the topic.  Death penalty reduces crime rate in
 The best position paper will be those the Philippines.
that define, analyze and critically  Antismoking ads on cigarette boxes
address the issue under investigation. are effective.
 You should be mindful whether there is Claim of Value
sufficient material available to write a
position paper that is critically - Asserts judgement whether it is good or
documented and makes a convincing re bad, more or less desirable.
regarding the topic of your choice. - It is claiming whether somehing is good
 The writer of the position paper presents or bad, or the other is better than the
convincing evidence to support his/her other one.
point of view, while addressing and  E-books are beter than printed
arguing against the arguments books.
presented by the opposing side.  Corporal punishment is not
 Follow the APA format or style of needed at home.
documentation.  Sex Education programs in
school are acceptable
Claim of Policy
- Is something that should or should not
- A claim is a statement not a question be done
- A claim is against the status quo - The key word is the verb “should”, which
- The claim is the focus of the argument implies that some action ought to be
taken, but not that it must or will be
THE 3 CLAIMS  Schools should put tracking
1. Claim of fact devices in students’ ID cards.
2. Claim of value  Weapons for self-defense must
3. Claim of policy be permitted in college campuses
 Abortion should be conducted for
fetuses diagnosed with serious
congenital illnesses.

Claim of Fact
INDUCTIVE reasoning VS DEDUCTIVE 2. Survey Report: “2010 Survey on Information
Reasoning and Communication Technology for
Information Economy: Preliminary Results”
No matter how unrealistic that sounds,
in many, fields, such as science and law 1. Laboratory Report is written to describe and
“proof” simply doesn’t exist; there can analyze a laboratory experiment that explores
only be facts and evidence that lead you a scientific concept.
to certain conclusions.
2. Field Reports
Inductive reasoning – Someone who uses
a. Survey Report is a document that presents
INDUCTIVE reasoning makes specific
the information gathered during the survey in
observations and then draws a general
an objective manner.
b. Interview
Deducive reasoning – Is a specific conclusion
follows a general theory. c. Observation
d. Case Study
Lesson 9: Writing a Report
A report is a document that presents 1. DECISION-MAKING TOOL
information in an organized format for a
specific audience and purpose. 2. EVALUATION

Although summaries of reports may be 3. PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENTS

delivered orally, complete reports are almost 4. QUICK SOURCE FOR PROBLEM-
always in the form of written documents. SOLVING

Some common reports written in professional Basic Parts and Organization of a Report
I. Abstract
1. Periodic Report II. Introduction
2. Sales Report III. Methods
3. Progress Report IV. Results
4. concep Report V. Discussion
5. Budget Report VI. Conclusions/Recommendations
6. Field Report VII. References
7. Feasibility Report VIII. Appendices
8. Evaluation Report
9. Laboratory Report
10. Incident Report

Sample Reports: Types of Survey Questions:

1. Laboratory Report: “Preemptive Effect of 1. Checklist
Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Agents”
2. Yes-No Questions
3. Categories
4. Ranking Scales
5. Likert Scale
6. Open-Ended Questions

Writing a report that presents extensive and

reliable data, organizes and presents data in a
clear and logical manner, and uses intelligent
and reliable sources lead to effective
dissemination of information and to relevant
recommendations about pressing issues or

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