3i's Chap 1

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Effectiveness of Google Classroom as a

Digital tool for Online Learning

of Grade 12 Students
in SCA Inc.

As a requirement in Immersion, Investigation, and inquiries

Tuan, Rafael
Manila, Jerome
Mista, Nathaniel
Salazar, Austine
Murcia, Alexander
Table of Contents

Background of the Study……………………………………………..1

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….6

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………....7

Research Hypothesis………………………………………………….8

Significance of the Study……………………………………………..9

Scope and Delimitations………………………………………….…..10

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………...11

Research Method……………………………………………………..14
Validation of Instrument……………………………………...……..15
Gathering Data Procedure…………………………………………..16
Treatment of Data……………………………………………………16

Background of the Study

Nowadays, google classroom becomes a daily practiced to most students in the

time of COVID-19 pandemic. Most students have access on the internet.
Therefore, the Department of Education suggested the continuance of classes by
the use of self learning modules and online learning system for delivering
education. Google Classroom assist student in completing task. For the exact
purposes of be an educational tool suited for homeschooling.

Google Classroom is an internet-based service provided by Google as an e-

learning system (Martínez-Monés et al., 2017). This service was designed to help
teachers create and distribute tasks to the students in a paperless way. Users of this
service must have an account in Google. In addition, Google Classroom can only
be used by schools that have Google Apps for Education. Google Classroom was
used to facilitate the interaction of a professor or teacher with a student or students
in the virtual world (Liu & Chuang, 2016). Lecturers freely hand out a scientific
assessment and provide an independent assignment to the students (Wijaya, 2016).
In addition, professors can also open space for online discussion for students.
Google Classroom utilization can be made through multiple platforms, i.e., through
computers and mobile phones. Lecturers and students can visit the website at
https://classroom.google.com or download the app via Play Store on android or
iOS app store with keywords “Google classroom”. The LMS usage is free of
charge, so that utilization can be performed as needed.

Google Classroom education is one of the features provided by Google Apps for
Education (GAFE) which was released to the public on August 12, 2014.
Google Classroom is an application that allows the creation of classrooms in
cyberspace. Google Classroom can be used as a means for the distribution of tasks,
assignments submission as well as assessment. Google Classroom can be
downloaded without any charge by registering themselves on the Google account
application for education [19]. Google Classroom app is very useful for online
teaching and learning, and can be obtained for free of charge and can be used on
any device. One of the sophistications of this application is that it can be used
collaboratively with other groups. There are so many advantages of using Google
Classroom as one of the Learning Management Systems (LSM) (Izenstark &
Leahy, 2015).

Google classroom proves to be a great digital tool for online learning. However,
the said effectiveness may vary considering the internet connectivity of both
learners and school, level of commitment among students on the use of networking
sites in education and the knowledge and skills of teachers when it comes on
delivering the lessons to student via internet (Enriquez, 2020).

According to some studies most students are fundamentally effected by technology

integration in terms of academic excellence. Teachers’ quality on the delivery of
instructions on effective implementation of online learning plays vital role as well
(Francisco & Barcelona, 2020). According previous researches on the educational
technology, the benefit to students of using new technologies is greatly dependent,
at least for the moment, on the technological skill of the teachers and the teacher’s
attitude to the presence of the technology in teaching. (Gregoire, Bracewell, &
Lafarriere, 1996); (John & Sutherland, 2004)

Several studies have hinted google classroom is captivating in educating and

learning of students. This indicated satisfaction towards the learning activities in
Google classroom (Mafa, 2018); (Nizal, Shaharanee, Jamil, Syamimi, & Rodzi,
2016)f In addition, The results of the study show that integrated learning design
based on Google classroom is vital for the improvement of the student digital
literacy (Fahrurrozi, Hasanah & Dewi, 2019).

In order to measure the effectiveness of the utilization of Google Classroom, the

researchers used previous theories about the effectiveness of the communication
presented by Hardjana (2003) among others: the message recipients, contents,
communication media, format, source, and timing.

1. Effectiveness of Message Recipients

Based on the interview responses from the students, the effectiveness of the
message recipients of the online classes following the Google Classroom can be
analyzed. It has been found that the message recipient is in line with the intended
recipients. This means that when the lecturers want to a post material or provide
a task, they post it directly on the accounts of students who are bound by the
learning process so that the students could immediately see the lecturer’s posts as
a conduit of information.

2. Effectiveness of Content

Based on the interview responses from the students, the content of the message
information delivered by the lecturers in Google Classroom has been found to be
quite complete but this information still required more explanation from the
lecturers, especially the statistics module. So that when the students do not
understand the material posted, they immediately commented and asked each
other. Some students have also been asked by the professors to meet them directly
on campus.

3.Effectiveness of Communication media.

E classroom learning communication is effectively used by the faculty of

Teacher Training and Education. However, there are some technical constraints
caused due to several issues like some students of the study group do not access
the account provided by their concerned lecturers. In addition, there are also
students who do not have a Smartphone. Wi-Fi availability on campus is still
limited. There are also students do not have an ideal data plan for attending
online discussions and even some students submit their assignments using friends’

4. Effectiveness of Message Format

The level of effectiveness of online classes on the message format indicator shows
that the format of the message that is the lecture materials matches to the students
as recipients of the message. However, the materials posted must fully meet the
needs of students effectively in addition to taking on Google Classroom materials;
they are also looking for material in the libraries or other sources. However,
not all

students can understand the material posted, they need further explanation
from the lecturer.

5. Effectiveness of Source

Based on the interview responses from the students, the effectiveness of the source
of the message presented explain that the lecturers who use Google Classroom for
posting the material always post only PDF materials in the form of journals and
alumni thesis. There is also a lecturer who posts materials and resources in his own
BlogSpot with complete sources at the end of their writing. Then it can be
concluded that the source of the message has a clarity that can be accounted for

6. Effectiveness of Timing

The level of effectiveness of Google Classroom on punctuality indicators indicate

that the level is quite effective because professors do not have a time limit for
posting material on Google Classroom. However, the students may sometimes
submit their work assignments too late beyond the time specified by the lecturer
due to lack of time or too much work. In such cases, the lecturers will provide
scores/grades to students who are late.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, Researchers would like to determine the efficiency of google

classroom as an educational tool for online learning of grade 12 students In SCA

This study basically aimed to achieve are the following:

• To determine the level of academic skills attained through Google Classroom

• To determine if Google Classroom has a significant impact on the academic

performance of students

• To determine if Google classroom is useful tool for eLearning

• To determine if there are issues encounter in using Google classroom as a
learning management system

Conceptual Framework


If Google Classroom greatly affects the academic performance of students

If Google Classroom can be classify as invaluable tool for eLearning

If students can gain academic skills in Google Classroom



Data Analysis


Google Classroom has a significant effect on the academic performance of Grade

12 students and this can boost their productivity and efficiency in doing the
assigned task.

Google Classroom gives lecturers the availability for their material to be posted for
student to further understand the topic

Students enhances writing and critical thinking of students through Google


Research Hypothesis

Many Students are favorable on the efficiency of Google classroom in assisting

students on their lectures. Google classroom helps students and teachers to connect
wherein learners and teachers discuss task and post of materials related to the
topic. In addition, this allows the students to ask questions on the task and topic
they are dealing on. It is also an invaluable tool in improving students academic
performance, the particular reason for this circumstances is Google classroom
helps students to easily track on their works and develop deeper understanding on
the lessons because of the posted material. Moreover, Google classroom boost the
creativity of the students and captivate their attention on education. In conclusion,
Google classroom has a positive effect in eLearning.

Significance of the Study


Researcher’s aims to share issues and accessibility of students regarding the use of
Google Classroom. Moreover, taking consideration to other educational platform if
Google classroom lacks efficiency.

this research will partake in giving insight to parents on the platforms their
children used and to be aware on the situation of their learners.


This study can be basis for the future researcher to gain more knowledge and ideas
that can help them to make thier research

Scope and Delimitations

This study concentrates on Quantitative Study of Facebook on its effect towards

the Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in SCA Inc. This study was
conducted by Rafael Tuan, Nathaniel Mista, Jerome Manila, Austine Salazar and
Alexander Murcia ( Grade 12 TVL-2-St. Pope Leo the Great School Year 2020-
2021. This study started October 2020 and conducted at Santa Cruz, Zambales.
Definition of Terms

COVID-19 – A highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2

virus. SARS-CoV-2 is thought to spread from person to person through droplets
released when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. It may also be spread
by touching a surface with the virus on it and then touching one’s mouth, nose, or
eyes, but this is less common.
ELearning – eLearning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and
training through digital resources.

Google Classroom – is a free web service developed by Google for schools that
aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments.

Learning Materials – materials can also include online resources, videos, and other
interactive materials that reinforce course content

Play Store – is Google's official pre-installed app store on Android-certified

devices. It provides access to content on the Google Play Store, including apps,
books, magazines, music, movies, and television programs.



www.dlsu.edu.ph › pdf › LLIPDF

Students' Perceptions on the Effectiveness of the Use of ...






Research Methodology
This chapter shows the methods and procedures that were used in this study that

focuses on the Effectiveness of Google Classroom as a Digital tool for Online

Learning of Grade 12 Students in SCA Inc.

2.1Research Method

Survey research method provides a numerical description of opinions and attitude

of a large number of group. The instrument used in collecting data is

questionnaires, a list of questions aimed for extracting specific data from a group.

Researchers used this strategy in the study because this is the most suitable in this

research study. This will develop a more accurate data of the respondents and

invaluable to the study. In this study we will use statistical analysis in collecting

and interpreting the given data.

2.2 Respondents
The respondents of this research is composed of (10) grade 12 students that are

selected by the researchers based on their characteristics and assisting the

researchers in conducting the study. Researchers used quota sampling for the exact

porpuses of more relevant and valid data.

2.3 Instrument

The main instrument of this research is the questionnaire as a data gathering

instrument in this study. Researchers constructed by the questionnaires based on

their observations.

2.4 Validation of Instrument

The research instrument is constructed by the reading and observation of the

researchers. used in this study is has been go through checking, correction and

suggestions by the research adviser to attain credibility and assure its valid for the

research study.

2.5 Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers retrieves the approval of the research adviser. Researchers also

requested a consent of the Principal of Santa Cruz Academy Inc. in administering

the questionnaire. The respondents will set the suitable time to avoid any

distractions on their academics.

2.6 Treatment of Data

Content analysis was used as analytical tool to interpret the data from the

participants. Deductive approach is also involved in the process of interpreting the

data to assort their perspectives and experiences into different categories.

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