Creative Writing - School Homework

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Linfeng LIU

Creative Writing ending with: “And the Candle Went Out”

Monday 31/01/2022

He woke up in a small room, it was a weird room, he doesn’t know where it was. But
he can clearly know that it was somewhere that he has been. He firstly looked
around to see where he was. Then, he realised that he wasn’t even lying on a bed.
There was nothing around the room, except a little table with some papers and a
candle on it. The candle has created the only source of dim light in this tiny room.
Because of the candle, he could barely see that there are three windows at each end
of the room, and nothing could be seen from the outside, except the frightening
darkness. He looked at the door next to the table and wandered about things outside
of the door. He wanted to get away of this thickening room. So, he stood up tiredly
and try to get to the door.

He took the bright-burning candle out and met a long seemingly endless hallway.
The hall was straight with windows on each side. Exactly like the previous room,
there was absolutely nothing but darkness, except this time, there is not even an
object. I can’t even figure out where the room I just came out was. He continued to
walk straightforward without looking after him, just like if something terrible is behind
him. He could feel his heart beating. He is more and more anxious about what’s
going to happen. He kept walking. He could see his breath, every exhale sent to the
air. He began to breath louder. He doesn’t know if it’s because of fear or exhaustion.
As he continues, he was more and more hopeful to see some form of person figure.
He had no recall, no answer to what he wanted to know, and he felt extremely lonely.
As he strolled down the hallway, he began to feel more and more the sense of “Déjà-
vu”, he felt that he had been there before and has a more and more clear sense of
familiarity. But he can’t figure out when and where. He continued to walk, and more
questions entered his head, but none of these are answered.

He walked for hours and hours, tried to get away of this disgusting place. He didn’t
got time. The only thing that he had on himself was the little candle on himself. He
began to feel a real big tiredness. He stared into the darkness through the window
for several minutes. He wondered what is going on outside and why was this
darkness was still not ending. He wanted to get an answer about this distasteful
endless deep darkness.
Then, he saw two dark eyes outside. Two twisted eyes stared at him. Suddenly, he
felt a sudden chill swept through his bones, it was not only a physical pain
throughout this coldness, but it’s like the cold of death, the cold where his vulnerable
life is going to be taken away. He didn’t know what sort of creature was looking at
him. He wanted to get away of the pair of weird eyes. But he was paralysed from
moving. He could now see the creature’s teeth. It was laughing.

He didn’t know what happened next……

He felt his energy slowly getting away from his body…….

And the candle in his hand blew out…….

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