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By:- Aditi Dhiman

Akansha Rawat
A jaya Vikash
Aman Kumar

Basic definition,its Basic definition
properties,characteristic ,colour frequency
and parameters

Spectrum Visible
light,types of rays spectrum,wavelengths
of different colours
★ Light is an electromagnetic wave, namely the wave the vibration of which is electric field and
magnetic field.
★ Light is included into transversal wave.
★ Light can spread without medium, so light can spread in vacuum. I

● Light travels in straight line
● Light travels much faster than sound. Eg Thunder and lightning start at
the same time, but we will see the lightning first.
● Light travels VERY FAST – about 300,000 kilometers per second or
186,000 miles per second. Eg At this speed light could travel the
equivalent of 8 times around the world in one second.
● Light can create shadow.
● Light travels in waves.
1. Light is an electromagnetic wave.
2. Light travels in a straight line.
3. Light is a transverse wave, and does not need any medium to travel. Light
can travel through vacuum. It's speed through vacuum is 3 × 108 m/s.
4. The velocity of light changes when it travels from one medium to another.
5. The wavelength (λ) of light changes when it goes from one medium to
6. The frequency (f) of the light wave remains the same in all media.
7. Light gets reflected back from polished surfaces, such as mirrors, polished
metal surfaces, etc.
8. Light undergoes refraction (bending) when it travels from one transparent
medium to another.
9. Light does not need a material medium to travel, that is, it can travel
through a vacuum too.
10. According to current scientific theories, no material particle can travel at a
speed greater than that of light in vacuum
•Luminous flux
•Luminous intensity
•Luminous flux is a measure of the total amount of visible light emitted by a lamp.
•Luminous flux is the amount of light that the human eye senses.
•It reflects the sensitivity of the human eye by weighting each wavelength with a luminosity function.
•So that it is the weighted sum of all wavelengths of power in the visible light band, excluding infrared
and ultraviolet.
•The SI unit of luminous flux is the lumen (lm). The lumen is defined in relation to the candela which is
the unit of luminous intensity as 1 lm = 1 cd ⋅ sr

the quantity of visible light that is emitted in unit time per unit solid angle.
•The unit for the quantity of light flowing from a source in any one second
(the luminous power, or luminous flux) is called the lumen.
•The lumen is evaluated with reference to visual sensation.

•In photometry, illuminance is the total luminous flux of light incident per unit
area. In other words, luminous flux represents the total amount of light emitted by
the source, while illuminance refers to the total amount of light received by an
The SI unit of illuminance is the lux (lx). It is equal to one lumen per square meter.

is a photometric measure of the luminous intensity per unit area of light travelling in a given
•It describes the amount of light that passes through, is emitted from, or is reflected from a
particular area, and falls within a given solid angle.
•The SI unit of Luminance is candela per square meter (cd/m2).
Electromagnetic waves are also known as EM waves.
Electromagnetic radiations are composed of electromagnetic waves that are
produced when an electric field comes in contact with the magnetic field.
Electromagnetic waves are the composition of oscillating electric and
magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves are solutions of Maxwell’s equations,
which are the fundamental equations of electrodynamics.


● Following are a few applications of electromagnetic waves:

● Electromagnetic radiations can transmit energy in vacuum or
using no medium at all.
● Electromagnetic waves play an important role in communication
● Electromagnetic waves are used in RADARS.
● UV rays are used to detect forged bank notes. Real banknotes
● don’t turn fluorescent under the UV light.
Electromagnetic waves can be described by their:
Wavelengths:- Wavelength (λ)-Light waves are vibrations in the
● Energy electromagnetic field. The wavelength of a light wave is
● Frequency measured as the distance between two wave crests.
Light wavelengths can vary greatly; for example, radio
waves can be about the size of small buildings, while
gamma rays are subatomic size.

Frequency (ν)-The number of wave crests passing by a

fixed point in a given time period—usually one
second—is called frequency. Frequency is measured in
hertz (Hz). Higher-frequency waves have shorter

Energy (Ε)-The greater the energy, the higher the

frequency and the shorter (smaller) the wavelength.
Given the relationship between wavelength and
frequency—the higher the frequency, the shorter the
wavelength—it follows that short wavelengths are more
energetic than long wavelengths.
Light spectrum is the many different wavelengths of energy produced by a light source. Light is
measured in nanometers (nm). Each nanometer represents a wavelength of light or band of light energy.
Visible light is the part of the spectrum from 380 nm to 780nm.

Electromagnetic Waves have different wavelengths.

Waves in the electromagnetic spectrum vary in size from very long radio waves the size of buildings, to
very short gamma-rays smaller than the size of the nucleus of an atom.
You know more about the electromagnetic spectrum than you may think. The image below shows
where you might encounter each portion of the EM spectrum in your day-to-day life.
Radio: Your radio captures radio waves emitted by radio stations, bringing your favorite tunes. Radio
waves are also emitted by stars and gases in space.

Microwave: Microwave radiation will cook your popcorn in just a few minutes, but is also used by
astronomers to learn about the structure of nearby galaxies.

Infrared: Night vision goggles pick up the infrared light emitted by our skin and objects with heat. In
space, infrared light helps us map the dust between stars.

Visible: Our eyes detect visible light. Fireflies, light bulbs, and stars all emit visible light.

Ultraviolet: Ultraviolet radiation is emitted by the Sun and are the reason skin tans and burns. "Hot"
objects in space emit UV radiation as well.

X-ray: A dentist uses X-rays to image your teeth, and airport security uses them to see through your
bag. Hot gases in the Universe also emit X-rays.

Gamma ray: Doctors use gamma-ray imaging to see inside your body. The biggest gamma-ray
generator of all is the Universe.
● The visible light spectrum is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye
can view. More simply, this range of wavelengths is called visible light. Typically, the human eye can
detect wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers.

● There are seven visual spectrum.

Visible light travels at a speed of 300,000 km per second and can be broken down
into seven colors. From longest to shortest wavelength, they are: red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo, and violet. To be clear, color is the eye's perception of different
wavelengths of electromagnetic light.

For example, the sun produces

visible light. Incandescent light
bulbs, fluorescent, and neon lights
are other examples of visible light
that we may see on a regular basis.
Visible light is probably the most
important of all electromagnetic
waves for most of us.
● Our eyes respond differently to different wavelengths
(via the cones in the retina), so we have different
names for different regions of visible wavelength.
You see them spread out in order in a rainbow
(because the index of refraction of water varies
slightly with wavelength): Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
Blue, Indigo, Violet. Elsewhere our eyes generally
receive a mixture of wavelengths, so a rich
vocabulary of color names exists: white, grey, brown,
pink, magenta, mauve, taupe, puce,...

● The order of colors in light, arranged from shortest

wavelength to longest, is called the visible
spectrum of light. The image below shows light's
visible spectrum, which runs from violet to red. You
might recognize the spectrum as the order of
colors in a rainbow.
But light waves can also have wavelengths lower or higher
than the wavelengths in the visible spectrum, and many
familiar types of radiation are just light waves with other
wavelengths. Ultraviolet light and x-rays have wavelengths
shorter than violet light, and infrared (heat) and radio waves
have wavelengths longer than red light.

The full range of wavelengths for light is called the

"electromagnetic spectrum." The image and table below show
which wavelength ranges in the electromagnetic spectrum
correspond to which types of light.

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