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Computer Based Training

Navigate in simulator
• Show P&ID: Click in the lower right corner of the screen (available if only one screen is
used). To go back to 3D model, right-click anywhere.
• To go near: Click on any component to come closer. You can go near any component with a
yellow square around it. In the P&ID, it is also possible to click on components with a red
square around it.
• To go back: Right-click anywhere.
• Show component name and ID: Click in the lower right corner of the screen. Mouse over
the components and the name and ID will be shown. If it does not work, try to go closer to the
components. Not available for all components.
• Show control panel: Click in the lower right corner of the screen.

These exercises will help you learn how to perform the most common processes in a PureBallast
system. Follow the steps in the exercises to practice on the procedures. The exercises can be
performed in which order you like.

The questions will help you notice important details in the procedures and to better understand
different concepts. Answers to the questions can be found on the last page.

1. System orientation
Questions I
Use the P&ID or the 3D model to find the components.

A What is the name on the valves connected to

the filter?
B What is the value of the flow meter FIT201-1?
C What is the value of the system pressure,
D Where is the main breaker for the control
cabinet located?
E Go to control panel  page 4.1 System info.
What is the software version?
F Find the sampling devices (marked with Q in
P&ID) and take a water sample from each
G In the P&ID, follow the pipes from
a) high sea chest to ballast water t tank no. 10
b) No. 10 ballast water tank to high sea chest

2. Log in
1. Go to the control panel.
2. Click in the Log in function button at the bottom of the screen.
Result: The log in popup is displayed.
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3. Log in as operator. The password is “aot” (already filled in).

4. Click Log in.

3. Perform ballast
1. Go to the control panel.
2. Click on the Ballast function button at the bottom of the screen.
3. Wait for message “Open valves…”.
Info: All valves leading flow to and from PureBallast must be opened. They are not operated
by PureBallast. This can’t be done in the simulator, so continue with the next step.
4. Click OK to confirm.
Result: Ballast start-up starts, with cooling water cooling the lamps during warm-up.
Questions II
What is the process and sub process?

What is the current flow?


How much is the control valve V201-8 opened,

in percentage?
Which valves are open?

5. Wait for message “Confirm ballast pump started”.

Info: The ballast pump must be started. It is not operated by PureBallast.
6. Click OK to confirm the action.
Result: Cooling stops and ballast starts.
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Questions III
What is the process and
What is the current flow?

How much is the control valve

V201-8 opened, in percentage?
Which valves are open?

Open the filter popup. Click on

Start backflush to perform a
manual backflush of the filter.
Notice how 201-8 close to build
up pressure for the backflush.
Open the UVR popup. How
many lamps are started? (Green
= started)
Open the LPS popup by clicking
on LPS status. How many LPSs
(lamp power supplies) are
(Green = started)

7. To stop the ballast process, click the function button Stop.

Result: Ongoing process is stopped and the lamps are switched off.
8. Wait for the message “Close valves ...”.
Info: All valves leading flow to and from PureBallast must be closed. They are not operated by
9. Click OK to confirm.
10. Wait for the ”Start CIP” popup.
Info: A CIP process must be started within 30 hours. If no CIP process is performed within the
time limit an entry is made in the control system log file. Operations after the warning does not
fulfill the type approval certificate.

• Yes. CIP cleaning will be performed.
• No. No CIP cleaning will be performed. Notice the information about when a CIP
process must be started, by the latest.

11. Click on No.

Result: Ballast process is completed.

4. CIP process
Info: The CIP process cleans the UV reactor and must be performed within 30 hours after ballast or

1. Click the function button CIP.

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2. Wait for message “Open valves…”.

Info: Valves leading flow to and from PureBallast (V310, V309 and V460.1) must be opened.
They are not operated by PureBallast. This can’t be done in the simulator, so continue with the
next step.
3. Click OK to confirm. Result: The CIP process starts. The CIP process takes about 25 minutes,
if default parameters are used. In the simulator, it takes about 10 minutes.
Note: If CIP process is started after a process the CIP process will start after 2 minutes, when
the UV lamps have been cooled.
4. Go to the control panel  page 1.3 CIP status to monitor the CIP process.

Questions IV
During subprocess Fill UVR FW, follow the
flow. Which pipe does the flow come from
and which pipe does it go to?
During subprocess CIP, follow the flow.
Which pipe does the flow come from and
which pipe does it go to?

5. Wait for the message “Close valves ...”.

Info: Valves leading flow to and from PureBallast (V310, V309 and V460.1) must be closed.
They are not operated by PureBallast. This can’t be done in the simulator.

5. Perform deballast
1. Go to the control panel.
2. Click on the Deballast function button at the bottom of the screen.
3. Wait for message “Open valves…”.
Info: All valves leading flow to and from PureBallast must be opened. They are not operated
by PureBallast. This can’t be done in the simulator, so continue with the next step.
4. Click OK to confirm.
Result: Deballast start-up starts, with cooling water cooling the lamps during warm-up.
5. Wait for message “Confirm ballast pump started”.
Info: The ballast pump must be started. It is not operated by PureBallast.
6. Click OK to confirm the action.
Result: Cooling stops and deballast starts.

Questions V
Look at the page 1.1 Overview in the
control panel. Does the water pass through
the filter? Why/Why not?

7. To stop the deballast process, click the function button Stop.

Result: Ongoing process is stopped and the lamps are switched off.
8. Wait for the message “Close valves ...”.
Info: All valves leading flow to and from PureBallast must be closed. They are not operated by
9. Click OK to confirm.
12. Wait for the ”Start CIP” popup.
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Info: A CIP process must be started within time indicated in the popup. If no CIP process is
performed within the time limit an entry is made in the control system log file. Operations after
the warning does not fulfill the type approval certificate.

• Yes. CIP cleaning will be performed.
• No. No CIP cleaning will be performed. Notice the information about when a CIP
process must be started, by the latest.

13. Click on No.

Result: Deballast process is completed.

6. Open bypass valve and acknowledge alarms

1. Go to the bypass valve.
2. To open valve, click on the hand wheel.
Result: Alarm is issued.
3. Go to the control panel  page 2.1 Alarm list.
Result: List of active alarms is viewed.
4. Click Ack All to acknowledge all alarms. You can also acknowledge the alarm by pressing the
red alarm button below the screen.
Result: The alarm will be acknowledged, but still active.
5. Go to bypass valve and close the valve.
6. Go to the control panel  page 2.1 Alarm list.
Result: The alarm list is empty. Alarm has been logged in log files.

7. Export log files

1. To insert USB, click on the USB port to the right on the control cabinet.
2. Go to page 4.1 System info in the control system.
3. Press the Export button in page section Export log files.
Result: Popup Export log files is displayed.
4. Choose one of the following alternatives to decide time interval for the information to be copied
(not possible in 3D simulator):
• Accept suggested default time interval in the Start and End fields. Default start date is
the oldest file in the system, and default end date is today’s date.
5. Click the Events function buttons.
Result: The information is copied to the USB memory.
6. Wait until files has been exported, indicated by the progress bar.
7. Click Close and remove the USB memory
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Questions I – System orientation
A. V201-32 Filter outlet
V201-3 Ballast inlet
V201-9 Deballast inlet
B. Fluctuating between 0 and 2 m3/h
C. 2.5 bar
D. On the left side
E. V3.1.11
F. –
G. –

Questions II - Perform ballast

A. Process: ballast
Subprocess: start-up
B. 41 m3/h
C. 0 %
D. V403-35 UVR cooling

Questions III - Perform ballast

E. Process: ballast
Subprocess: full ballast
F. 949 m3/h
G. 83 %
H. V201-3 Ballast inlet
V201-32 Filter outlet
V201-8 Control valve
I. –
J. 16 LPS
K. 16 LPS

Questions IV - CIP process

A. From 310.1 (fresh water) to 320 (UV reactor)
B. From 320 (UV reactor), via CIP tank, to 321 (UV reactor)

Questions V - Perform deballast

A. No. The water comes from the ballast tank and has already passed through the filter during
ballast. The filter is therefore bypassed.

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