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[date] [ver]

2007-??-?? 0.0.1 pre-alpha version, fairly unstable; nothing much going on;
everything is a bloody mess

2008-05-30 0.0.2 pre-alpha version 2; lots of fixes in the reading routine;

ugly memory leak
fixed, first reconception of "Amiga Disk" structure

2008-10-25 0.0.5 structure enhanced, dangerous malloc() typo fixed; routine

can now properly
read ONE single block
(remember: always start on a shoestring :))

2008-10-27 0.0.10 major update:

- structure now contains
components for multi-word BCPL strings and block types
- routine can now read the
whole disk with all its bells and whistles!

- added #define's for

internal block type IDs (makes life easier)

- reading directory
structure from root block is now possible in a very basic way
TODO: get rid of hardcoded
disk name (maybe let user specify disk name?)
TODO: support
subdirectories up to 2nd or 3rd level
(ideally, make things
*recursive*, but this is nothing for the faint of heart)

2008-10-28 0.0.12 fixed stupid bug in memory allocation routine, which built
up the structure
perfectly, but did not
free it properly - sometimes caused nasty GPFs.
Also merged block[i] and
block[i]->lword[i] allocations into one routine
(allocation was previously
done in two separate ones, which made no sense)

2008-10-30 0.0.14 another major update:

- removed lots of obsolete
- removed a lot of debug
stuff from recursive directory routine and started
creating some
"graphical" display for the directory tree found on the disk image

- some experiments with

recursive directory reading: basically works but needs much
more work in
incorporating the output into the other program part.

2008-10-31 0.0.16 even another major update:

boot checksum routine is
working now.
Postponed concepts for
recursive directory routine to make way for a
major rewrite of the
application's fundamentals.

2008-11-03 0.0.20 complete rewrite of structure concept: many things were no

idea at second thought.
Many thanks must go to M. Kalms for his
invaluable suggestion of
a union concept which can do bytes, words
and long words within the
_same_ memory space. Pointer arithmetics
are a mere walk in the
park now! Hooray! Thanks M. K.!
Endian problems by hton*
and ntoh* macro family also solved.
TODO: linked list for
directory structure (this is the only
rational way of doing it,
but it won't be a breeze for sure)
YAY, all of a sudden
something big and robust is coming up!

2008-11-04 0.0.22 Put old menu routines back in from first version.
Wrote __endian-aware__ get...
() functions which can get a
byte, word or long word from
either the superstructure or the
substructure. A Linux user
encouraged me to avoid using original
hton*()/ntoh*() macro family
names, because on his OS, these
would appear "in use" and
cause trouble! Thanks, fixed!

2008-11-05 0.0.50 HUGE update.

- made the application
suitable for BATCH processing by implementing
a comprehensive
command-line parameter control.
- added an additional
boolean array to represent the bitmap of the AmigaDOS disk.
This is extremely
important because free blocks (marked unused) usually have
an invalid checksum;
these must *not* be detected as "bad blocks".

2008-11-06 0.0.55 Fixed another dangerous bug - program carelessly attempted

to evaluate the bitmap with
ILLEGAL BAM keys (with unpredictable results in every
Also added NULL
initializations for the main pointer variables because in contrary to popular
belief, those do NOT
initialize with NULL automatically!
Stripped down the
"graphical" header for batch mode, because it makes no sense having
5+ lines for header if
the thing is supposed to run by itself, without user intervention.
(Explicit log file
specification with the -l option will cause the entire header
to be suppressed.)

2008-11-07 0.0.60 LAMER virus detection on block is now possible !

Memory leak due to
misplaced free() statement fixed! (got buried too far inside the nested

Removed silly "illegal

bitmap" screen message flood, which caused a load of unnecessary
overhead in batch

Still TODO:
Saddam/IRAK virus infection detection and decoding. The latter is not that easy
because the whole
block is (XOR?) encoded against something yet to figure out.

2008-11-11 0.1.0 ZIP files are now supported! After some fiddling with
Gilles Vollant's "minizip" contribution
(part of JL Gailly's & Mark Adler's zlib package), it
turned out that minizip unpacked to hard disk
instead of to memory buffer - no use for that, sorry! Also
in respect to users wanting to
check their READ-ONLY ADF CD-Rs!!)
So I switched to LiteUnzip.DLL API for unzipping. Not only
this works very well, but it also keeps
the executable size reasonably small.
Fixed ugly protection fault in a loop inside evalBitmap()!
(Don't you EVER attempt to read one boolean word BEYOND
the 1759th one! (arghh!!))

2008-11-12 0.1.1 ZIP file support code continued; now also more detail
possible in log file output.
RC is virtually ready for release!

2008-11-13 0.1.2 Some more minor fixes; trimmed down program header in
batch mode even more, because the BAT
[RC1] file is supposed to run unattended.
Added another variant of the LAMER virus (the one randomly
infecting blocks) with other case
in spelling (LAMER vs. Lamer).

2008-11-15 0.1.2 A boatload of changes:

[RC2] - Rewrote ENTIRE command-line parameter parser; auto-batch
mode must be forced now
Adding parameters in
random order is now possible (yeah!)
Combinations like e. g. -b without filename specification
will be blocked, though.
adfchk -f <ADF_FILENAME> invokes menu mode and auto-reads
the image into buffer.
- added shiny graphical box to tell about missing
- nice Linux Makefile by Oddbod. (Thanks!)
- LiteUnzip.h moved out of zipsupp/ subfolder. (appeared
to have confused MAKE)
- [adfmyunzip.c]: Fixed RARE Windows-only bug in speedy
mass-batch mode caused by
GlobalFree() Win32! Sometimes memory was not correctly
free()'d when operating in paths
with VERY long names inside deep trees; using good ol'
free() fixed this.

2008-11-17 0.1.3 Lots of major changes again:

- added block types; this prevents "checksum error"
warnings with blocks that are in no
known AmigaDOS format. Type of block gets written to the
log file as well now.
- lots of special formats are now recognized (e. g. root
block ptr cleared but rest of
disk being AmigaDOS, etc.)
- error checking routine grew quite big and now resides in
its own file, adfchkerr,c
- lots and lots of minor tweaks and fixes.

2008-11-18 0.1.3bis source updates only! Win32 binary works and needs no
Minor Linux tweaks:
- got rid of stricmp() completely by simply using a
combination of strcmp() and my own
strToUpper() function.
- due to malfunctioning endian macros: complete rewrite of
endian preprocessor stuff.
Now supports specialties of Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and
Cygwin. Put into its extra file now,
byteorder.h. Should build OOTB now on Linux-ish systems!

2008-11-21 0.1.4 Now uses typified log files: _NDOS, _ERR(oneus), _VIRUS,
_FFS, _OK, _IOERR (for I/O errors).
Fixed false reports of allegedly "correct" BAM key
detection with ZIP files, also helped
to trim down log file size even more.
DATA block checks now include header key check to avoid
phony detection of "data blocks"
in NDOS disks. Tricky stuff, because DATA blocks got no
secondary type.
Now supports over- and underdumps, as well as both types
of extended ADFs.
(Note: Due to their MFM-based nature, extended ADFs cannot
yet be scanned. Sorry!)

2009-10-13 0.2.0alpha1 New:

- VIRUS detection:
-- SADDAM (bogus disk-validator + data block signature
replaced by 'IRAK')
(Decoding of encoded blocks is currently still WIP.
-- Jeff/Butonic
v1.3.1 (3408 bytes)
- CRC32 calculation
- Quarterback backup set detection (common DosType
replaced by 'Qb??' on boot block header)
Stupid lower boundary problem with BAM location fixed
(was: 3; now: 2).
(NB: Try finding a disk with the bitmap on block 2 -
they're _very_ rare, Really!)
Major rewrites and enhancements in ADOS/NDOS detection
Refined (and at part "embellished") log file information
TODO until 0.2.1 (final): WORKING DMS SUPPORT! (might as
well take some more days,
albeit xdms code has already been properly 'woven' in by

2009-10-19 0.2.0alpha2 New:

- Fixed bogus
detection of very special pseudo-ADOS format in games Project-X and Puffy's Saga
- DMS error
detection ("DMS!!ERR" in block) implemented (will also work for NDOS disks).
Log files of
disk images with DMS errors are recognizable by their (new) _DMSERR suffix.

2009-10-23 0.2.0alpha3 Hooray, DMS checking finally works great now! (uses a
heavily stripped-down xDMS code
which had
to be partly rewritten so that it unpack directly to memory buffer in order
to avoid
ugly temp file writeouts)

2009-10-28 0.2.0alpha4 New:

- More BOOT
block viruses detected now:
-- Byte
Bandit (3 variants supported)
-- Byte
-- Joshua 1
+ 2
-- Pentagon
Circle 1 + 2
-- Little

viruses that ADFCHK can detect now:
Jeff/Butonic (v3.10) [1.31 was already recognized correctly in alpha1]
-- Eleni 1

- Rob
Northen Copylock block ID ("RNC" signature) is now detected as well
and ...
FINALLY! Decomplexified adfchkerr.c by a great extent! Lots of redundant stuff has
Made printBAMInfo() more general and bigger in order not
to clog up the fairly comprehensive
core routine.chkErr() too much.
_NDOS suffix for even more NDOS disks (still too many NDOS disks were misreported
'_OK' in
the logs, which makes no sense since this condition is indeterminable when NDOS!)

2009-10-31 0.2.0alpha5 New:

- Added
LEVIATHAN and SEPULTURA viruses to boot block detection.
- Fixed
STUPID (!) crash caused by plain adf image at size < 901120.
with ZIPPED adf underdumps!)

- Since
deep block T_DATA (0x08) scanning is still unsatisfying to me (if one of the
is not met,
block is deemed BLKTYPE_UNKNOWN), I've now rewritten the routines which handle
of data blocks (e. g. bad seq number, BUT valid header key etc.)
is much more refined now.
TOSEC set brought up a handful of new disk images with this type
of errors
(previously undetected)

2009-11-01 0.2.1 FINAL R E L E A S E D v0.2.1 (final) to the public.

2009-12-03 0.2.2 That was sort of infuriating!

Accidentally left in a superfluous free() from an old
debug session, which was perfectly
cloaked by the complex Win XP/Vista/7 architecture, but
turned out to bail out with a
General Protection Fault on my Windows 2000 installation!!
This update might also fix a rare possible heap corruption
on XP/7 (if it occurs at all)
after 10,000 files or more. Glad this is settled now!
Some minor command-line output fixes were applied too.

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